80 research outputs found

    On the Importance of Bandwidth Control Mechanisms for Scheduling on Large Scale Heterogeneous Platforms

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    International audienceWe study three scheduling problems (file redistribution, independent tasks scheduling and broadcasting) on large scale heterogeneous platforms under the Bounded Multi-port Model. In this model, each node is associated to an incoming and outgoing bandwidth and it can be involved in an arbitrary number of communications, provided that neither its incoming nor its outgoing bandwidths are exceeded. This model well corresponds to modern networking technologies, it can be used when programming at TCP level and is also implemented in modern message passing libraries such as MPICH2. We prove, using the three above mentioned scheduling problems, that this model is tractable and that even very simple distributed algorithms can achieve optimal performance, provided that we can enforce bandwidth sharing policies. Our goal is to assert the necessity of such QoS mechanisms, that are now available in the kernels of modern operating systems, to achieve optimal performance. We prove that implementations of optimal algorithms that do not enforce prescribed bandwidth sharing can fail by a large amount if TCP contention mechanisms only are used. More precisely, for each considered scheduling problem, we establish upper bounds on the performance loss than can be induced by TCP bandwidth sharing mechanisms, we prove that these upper bounds are tight by exhibiting instances achieving them and we provide a set of simulations using SimGRID to analyze the practical impact of bandwidth control mechanisms

    Improved upper bounds and lower bounds on broadcast function

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    Given a graph G=(V,E) and an originator vertex v, broadcasting is an information disseminating process of transmitting a message from vertex v to all vertices of graph G as quickly as possible. A graph G on n vertices is called broadcast graph if the broadcasting from any vertex in the graph can be accomplished in \lceil log n\rceil time. A broadcast graph with the minimum number of edges is called minimum broadcast graph. The number of edges in a minimum broadcast graph on n vertices is denoted by B(n). A long sequence of papers present different techniques to construct broadcast graphs and to obtain upper bounds on B(n). In this thesis, we study the compounding and the vertex addition broadcast graph constructions, which improve the upper bound on B(n). We also present the first nontrivial general lower bound on B(n)

    Optimal scheduling of peer-to-peer file dissemination

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks such as BitTorrent and Avalanche are increasingly used for disseminating potentially large files from a server to many end users via the Internet. The key idea is to divide the file into many equally-sized parts and then let users download each part (or, for network coding based systems such as Avalanche, linear combinations of the parts) either from the server or from another user who has already downloaded it. However, their performance evaluation has typically been limited to comparing one system relative to another and has typically been realized by means of simulation and measurements. By contrast, we provide an analytic performance analysis that is based on a new uplink-sharing version of the well-known broadcasting problem. Assuming equal upload capacities, we show that the minimal time to disseminate the file is the same as for the simultaneous send/receive version of the broadcasting problem. For general upload capacities, we provide a mixed integer linear program (MILP) solution and a complementary fluid limit solution. We thus provide alower bound which can be used as a performance benchmark for any P2P file dissemination system. We also investigate the performance of a decentralized strategy, providing evidence that the performance of necessarily decentralized P2P file dissemination systems should be close to this bound and, therefore, that it is useful in practic

    Orca: A Language for Parallel Programming of Distributed Systems

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    Orca is a language for implementing parallel applications on loosely coupled distributed systems. Unlike most languages for distributed programming, it allows processes on different machines to share data. Such data are encapsulated in data-objects, which are instances of user-defined abstract data types. The implementation of Orca takes care of the physical distribution of objects among the local memories of the processors. In particular, an implementation may replicate and/or migrate objects in order to decrease access times to objects and increase parallelism. This paper gives a detailed description of the Orca language design and motivates the design choices. Orca is intended for applications programmers rather than systems programmers. This is reflected in its design goals to provide a simple, easy to use language that is type-secure and provides clean semantics. The paper discusses three example parallel applications in Orca, one of which is described in detail. It also describes..

    Broadcasting in Harary Graphs

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    With the increasing popularity of interconnection networks, efficient information dissemination has become a popular research area. Broadcasting is one of the information dissemination primitives. Broadcasting in a graph is the process of transmitting a message from one vertex, the originator, to all other vertices of the graph. We follow the classical model for broadcasting. This thesis studies the Harary graph in depth. First, we find the diameter of Harary graph. We present an additive approximation algorithm for the broadcast problem in Harary graph. We also provide some properties for the graph like vertex transitivity, circulant graph and regularity. In the next part we introduce modified harary graph. We calculate the diameter and broadcast time for the graph. We will also provide 1-additive approximation algorithm to find the broadcast time in the modified harary graph

    Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Deployment on MANET: A Survey

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    There are many common characteristics between Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlay networks and Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET). Self-organization, decentralization, dynamicity and changing topology are the most shared features. Furthermore, when used together, the two approaches complement each other. P2P overlays provide data storage/retrieval functionality, and their routing information can complement that of MANET. MANET provides wireless connectivity between clients without depending on any pre-existing infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to survey current P2P over MANET systems. Specifically, this paper focuses on and investigates structured P2P over MANET. Overall, more than thirty distinct approaches have been classified into groups and introduced in tables providing a structured overview of the area. The survey addresses the identified approaches in terms of P2P systems, MANET underlay systems and the performance of the reviewed systems

    Broadcasting on Large Scale Heterogeneous Platforms with connectivity artifacts under the Bounded Multi-Port Model

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    International audienceWe consider the classical problem of broadcasting a large message at an optimal rate in a large scale distributed network. The main novelty of our approach is that we consider that the set of participating nodes can be split into two parts: "green" nodes that stay in the open-Internet and "red" nodes that lie behind firewalls or NATs. Two red nodes cannot communicate directly, but rather need to use a green node as a gateway for transmitting a message. In this context, we are interested in both maximizing the throughput (\ie the rate at which nodes receive the message) and minimizing the degree at the participating nodes, \ie the number of TCP connections they must handle simultaneously. We both consider cyclic and acyclic solutions for the flow graph. In the cyclic case, our main contributions are a closed form formula for the optimal cyclic throughput and the proof that the optimal solution may require arbitrarily large degrees. In the acyclic case, we prove that it is possible to achieve the optimal throughput with low degree. Then, we prove a worst case ratio between the optimal acyclic and cyclic throughput and show through simulations that this ratio is on average very close to 1, which makes acyclic solutions efficient both in terms of the throughput and the number of connections
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