581 research outputs found

    Congestion Management using Local Flexibility Markets: Recent Development and Challenges

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    Increasing amount of renewable based distributed generation at distribution systems, leads to an increased need for active distribution network management dealing with local network congestion and voltage issues. Development of local flexibility markets aims to provide a market-based solution to these issues. This paper presents a comprehensive review of proposed approaches towards markets exploiting the flexibilities from the demand-side. Efforts have been made on presenting a systematic overview of market design, including e.g. framework, participation, bidding and clearing mechanisms, of local flexibility market proposals developed in recent years. The implementation and regulatory issues and challenges are also discussed. The paper also presents the conceptual framework of the local flexibility service market which is currently being developed within UNITED-GRID project. This proposal aims to provide a holistic approach on local service markets, so that Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are provided with a market-based instrument to manage their networks efficiently

    Towards flexibility trading at TSO-DSO-customer levels : a review

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    The serious problem of climate change has led the energy sector to modify its generation resources from fuel-based power plants to environmentally friendly renewable resources. However, these green resources are highly intermittent due to weather dependency and they produce increased risks of stability issues in power systems. The deployment of different flexible resources can help the system to become more resilient and secure against uncertainties caused by renewables. Flexible resources can be located at different levels in power systems like, for example, at the transmission-level (TSO), distribution-level (DSO) and customer-level. Each of these levels may have different structures of flexibility trading as well. This paper conducts a comprehensive review from the recent research related to flexible resources at various system levels in smart grids and assesses the trading structures of these resources. Finally, it analyzes the application of a newly emerged ICT technology, blockchain, in the context of flexibility trading.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Towards Flexibility Trading at TSO-DSO-Customer Levels: A Review

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    The serious problem of climate change has led the energy sector to modify its generation resources from fuel-based power plants to environmentally friendly renewable resources. However, these green resources are highly intermittent due to weather dependency and they produce increased risks of stability issues in power systems. The deployment of different flexible resources can help the system to become more resilient and secure against uncertainties caused by renewables. Flexible resources can be located at different levels in power systems like, for example, at the transmission-level (TSO), distribution-level (DSO) and customer-level. Each of these levels may have different structures of flexibility trading as well. This paper conducts a comprehensive review from the recent research related to flexible resources at various system levels in smart grids and assesses the trading structures of these resources. Finally, it analyzes the application of a newly emerged ICT technology, blockchain, in the context of flexibility trading

    The Next-Generation Retail Electricity Market in the Context of Distributed Energy Resources: Vision and Integrating Framework

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    The increasing adoption of distributed energy resources (DERs) and smart grid technologies (SGTs) by end-user retail customers is changing significantly both technical and economic operations in the distribution grid. The next-generation retail electricity market will promote decentralization, efficiency, and competitiveness by accommodating existing and new agents through new business models and transactive approaches in an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). However, these changes will bring several technical challenges to be addressed in transmission and distribution systems. Considerable activities have been carried out worldwide to study the impacts of integrating DERs into the grid and in the wholesale electricity market. However, the big vision and framework of the next-generation retail market in the context of DERs is still unclear. This paper aims to present a brief review of the present retail electricity market, some recent developments, and a comprehensive vision of the next-generation retail electricity market by describing its expected characteristics, challenges, needs, and future research topics to be addressed. A framework of integrating retail and wholesale electricity markets is also presented and discussed. The proposed vision and framework particularly highlight the necessity of new business models and regulatory initiatives to establish decentralized markets for DERs at the retail level as well as advances in technology and infrastructure necessary to allow the widespread use of DERs in active and effective ways

    Opening of Ancillary Service Markets to Distributed Energy Resources: A Review

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    Electric power systems are moving toward more decentralized models, where energy generation is performed by small and distributed power plants, often from renewables. With the gradual phase out from fossil fuels, however, Distribution Energy Resources (DERs) are expected to take over in the provision of all regulation services required to operate the grid. To this purpose, the opening of national Ancillary Service Markets (ASMs) to DERs is considered an essential passage. In order to allow this transition to happen, current opportunities and barriers to market participation of DERs must be clearly identified. In this work, a comprehensive review is provided of the state-of-the-art of research on DER integration into ASMs. The topic at hand is analyzed from different perspectives. First, the current situation and main trends regarding the reformation processes of national ASMs are analyzed to get a clear picture of the evolutions expected and adjustment required in the future, according to the scientific community. Then, the focus is moved to the strategies to be adopted by aggregators for the effective control and coordination of DERs, exploring the challenges posed by the uncertainties affecting the problem. Coordination schemes between transmission and distribution system operators, and the implications on the grid infrastructure operation and planning, are also investigated. Finally, the review deepens the control capabilities required for DER technologies to perform the needed control actions

    Ushering in a New Dawn : Demand-Side Local Flexibility Platform Governance and Design in the Finnish Energy Markets

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    Energy ecosystems are under a significant transition. Local flexibility marketplaces (LFM) and platforms are argued to have significant potential in contributing to such a transition. The purpose of this study was to answer the following research question: how do market conditions and stakeholders shape emerging LFM platform governance choices? We approached this objective with an exploratory single-case study by conducting ten semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders in the Finnish energy ecosystem. The results of the content and pattern analyses revealed the key challenges to LFM implementation such as the current regulatory treatment of flexibility, high costs of gadget installations, and ensuring sufficient liquidity in the market. In addition, we also demonstrated that despite such barriers, the Finnish ecosystem is largely pragmatic about LFMs’ in its midst. All in all, we contributed to the non-technological streams of LFM literature by developing an exhaustive framework with four distinctive dimensions (i.e., ecosystem readiness, value-creation logic, platform architecture and governance, platform competitiveness) for LFM development, which helps academics, practitioners, and policy-makers to understand how novel platforms emerge and develop.© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Study and analysis of the use of flexibility in local electricity markets

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    In this work an introduction to Local Electricity Markets (LEM) was done and afterwards evolutionary algorithms (EAs) such as Differential Evolution (DE), HybridAdaptive Differential Evolution (HyDE), Hybrid-Adaptive Differential Evolution with Decay Function (HyDE-DF) and Vortex Search (VS) were applied to a market model in order to test its efficiency and scalability. Then, the market model was expanded adding a network model from the BISITE laboratory and again tests using the evolutionary algorithms were performed. In more detail, first a literature review is done about distributed generation, load flexibility, LEM and EAs. Then a cost optimization problem in Local Electricity Markets is analyzed considering fixed-term flexibility contracts between the distribution system operator (DSO) and aggregators. In this market structure, the DSO procures flexibility while aggregators of different types (e.g., conventional demand response or thermo-load aggregators) offer the service. Its then solved the proposed model using evolutionary algorithms based on the well-known differential evolution (DE). First, a parameter-tuning analysis is done to assess the impact of the DE parameters on the quality of solutions to the problem. Later, after finding the best set of parameters for the “tuned” DE strategies, we compare their performance with other self-adaptive parameter algorithms, namely the HyDE, HyDE-DF, and VS. Overall, the algorithms are able to find near-optimal solutions to the problem and can be considered an alternative solver for more complex instances of the model. After this a network model, from BISITE laboratory, is added to the problem and new analyses are performed using evolutionary algorithms along with MATPOWER power flow algorithms. Results show that evolutionary algorithms support from simple to complex problems, that is, it is a scalable algorithm, and with these results it is possible to perform analyses of the proposed market model.Neste trabalho foi feita uma introdução aos Mercados Locais de Eletricidade (MLE) e posteriormente foram aplicados algoritmos evolutivos (AEs) como Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive Differential Evolution (HyDE), Hybrid-Adaptive Differential Evolution with Decay Function (HyDE-DF) e Vortex Search (VS) a um modelo de mercado a fim de testar a sua eficiência e escalabilidade. O modelo de mercado foi expandido adicionando uma rede do laboratório BISITE e novamente foram realizados testes usando os algoritmos evolutivos. Em mais detalhe, no trabalho primeiro foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre geração distribuída, flexibilidade de carga, MLE e AEs. É analisado um problema de optimização de custos nos MLE, considerando contratos de flexibilidade a prazo fixo entre os agentes. O distribuidor adquire flexibilidade enquanto que os agregadores de diferentes tipos (por exemplo, os agregadores convencionais de resposta à procura ou de carga térmica) oferecem o serviço. Resolve-se depois o modelo proposto utilizando AEs baseados na conhecida DE. É feita uma análise de afinação de parâmetros para avaliar o impacto dos parâmetros DE na qualidade das soluções para o problema. Após encontrarmos o melhor conjunto de parâmetros para as estratégias DE "afinadas", comparamos o seu desempenho com outros algoritmos de parâmetros autoadaptáveis, nomeadamente o HyDE, HyDE-DF, e VS. Globalmente, os algoritmos são capazes de encontrar soluções quase óptimas para o problema e podem ser considerados um solucionador alternativo para instâncias mais complexas do modelo. Então um modelo de rede, do laboratório BISITE, é acrescentado ao problema e novas análises são realizadas utilizando algoritmos evolutivos juntamente com algoritmos de fluxo de potência MATPOWER. Os resultados mostram que os algoritmos evolutivos suportam desde problemas simples a complexos, ou seja, é um algoritmo escalável, e com estes resultados é possível realizar análises do modelo de mercado proposto