10 research outputs found

    A DRAM/SRAM memory scheme for fast packet buffers

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    We address the design of high-speed packet buffers for Internet routers. We use a general DRAM/SRAM architecture for which previous proposals can be seen as particular cases. For this architecture, large SRAMs are needed to sustain high line rates and a large number of interfaces. A novel algorithm for DRAM bank allocation is presented that reduces the SRAM size requirements of previously proposed schemes by almost an order of magnitude, without having memory fragmentation problems. A technological evaluation shows that our design can support thousands of queues for line rates up to 160 Gbps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Performance Improvement in Packet Buffers for High Bandwidth Routers

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    High-speed routers rely on well-designed packet buffers that support multiple queues, provide large capacity and short response times. Some researchers suggested combined SRAM/DRAM hierarchical buffer architectures to meet these challenges. However, these architectures suffer from either large SRAM requirement or high time-complexity in the memory management. In this paper, we present scalable, efficient, and novel distributed packet buffer architecture. Two fundamental issues need to be addressed to make this architecture feasible: 1) how to minimize the overhead of an individual packet buffer; and 2) how to design scalable packet buffers using independent buffer subsystems. We address these issues by first designing an efficient compact buffer that reduces the SRAM size requirement by (k - 1)/k. Then, we introduce a feasible way of coordinating multiple subsystems with a load-balancing algorithm that maximizes the overall system performance. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that our load-balancing algorithm and the distributed packet buffer architecture can easily scale to meet the buffering needs of high bandwidth links and satisfy the requirements of scale and support for multiple queues

    A Congestion Control Framework Based on In-Network Resource Pooling

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    Congestion control has traditionally relied on monitoring packet-level performance (e.g. latency, loss) through feedback signals propagating end-to-end together with various queue management practices (e.g. carefully setting various parameters, such as router buffer thresholds) in order to regulate traffic flow. Due to its end-to-end nature, this approach is known to transfer data according to the path's slowest link, requiring several RTTs to transmit even a few tens of KB during slow start. In this paper, we take a radically different approach to control congestion, which obviates end-to-end performance monitoring and careful setting of network parameters. The resulting In-Network Resource Pooling Protocol (INRPP) extends the resource pooling principle to exploit in-network resources such as router storage and unused bandwidth along alternative sub-paths. In INRPP, content caches or large (possibly bloated) router buffers are used as a place of temporary custody for incoming data packets in a store and forward manner. Data senders push data in the network and when it hits the bottleneck link, in-network caches at every hop store data in excess of the link capacity; nodes progressively move/send data (from one cache to the next) towards the destination. At the same time alternative sub-paths are exploited to move data faster towards the destination. We demonstrate through extensive simulations that INRPP is TCP friendly, and improves flow completion time and fairness by as much as 50% compared to RCP, MPTCP and TCP, under realistic network condition

    A Congestion Control Framework Based on In-Network Resource Pooling

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    Congestion control has traditionally relied on monitoring packet-level performance (e.g. latency, loss) through feedback signals propagating end-to-end together with various queue management practices (e.g. carefully setting various parameters, such as router buffer thresholds) in order to regulate traffic flow. Due to its end-to-end nature, this approach is known to transfer data according to the path's slowest link, requiring several RTTs to transmit even a few tens of KB during slow start. In this paper, we take a radically different approach to control congestion, which obviates end-to-end performance monitoring and careful setting of network parameters. The resulting In-Network Resource Pooling Protocol (INRPP) extends the resource pooling principle to exploit in-network resources such as router storage and unused bandwidth along alternative sub-paths. In INRPP, content caches or large (possibly bloated) router buffers are used as a place of temporary custody for incoming data packets in a store and forward manner. Data senders push data in the network and when it hits the bottleneck link, in-network caches at every hop store data in excess of the link capacity; nodes progressively move/send data (from one cache to the next) towards the destination. At the same time alternative sub-paths are exploited to move data faster towards the destination. We demonstrate through extensive simulations that INRPP is TCP friendly, and improves flow completion time and fairness by as much as 50% compared to RCP, MPTCP and TCP, under realistic network conditions

    A DRAM/SRAM memory scheme for fast packet buffers

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    A DRAM/SRAM memory scheme for fast packet buffers

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    We address the design of high-speed packet buffers for Internet routers. We use a general DRAM/SRAM architecture for which previous proposals can be seen as particular cases. For this architecture, large SRAMs are needed to sustain high line rates and a large number of interfaces. A novel algorithm for DRAM bank allocation is presented that reduces the SRAM size requirements of previously proposed schemes by almost an order of magnitude, without having memory fragmentation problems. A technological evaluation shows that our design can support thousands of queues for line rates up to 160 Gbps.Peer Reviewe

    Towards Terabit Carrier Ethernet and Energy Efficient Optical Transport Networks

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    Towards Coordinated, Network-Wide Traffic Monitoring for Early Detection of DDoS Flooding Attacks

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    DDoS flooding attacks are one of the biggest concerns for security professionals and they are typically explicit attempts to disrupt legitimate users' access to services. Developing a comprehensive defense mechanism against such attacks requires a comprehensive understanding of the problem and the techniques that have been used thus far in preventing, detecting, and responding to various such attacks. In this thesis, we dig into the problem of DDoS flooding attacks from four directions: (1) We study the origin of these attacks, their variations, and various existing defense mechanisms against them. Our literature review gives insight into a list of key required features for the next generation of DDoS flooding defense mechanisms. The most important requirement on this list is to see more distributed DDoS flooding defense mechanisms in near future, (2) In such systems, the success in detecting DDoS flooding attacks earlier and in a distributed fashion is highly dependent on the quality and quantity of the traffic flows that are covered by the employed traffic monitoring mechanisms. This motivates us to study and understand the challenges of existing traffic monitoring mechanisms, (3) We propose a novel distributed, coordinated, network-wide traffic monitoring (DiCoTraM) approach that addresses the key challenges of current traffic monitoring mechanisms. DiCoTraM enhances flow coverage to enable effective, early detection of DDoS flooding attacks. We compare and evaluate the performance of DiCoTraM with various other traffic monitoring mechanisms in terms of their total flow coverage and DDoS flooding attack flow coverage, and (4) We evaluate the effectiveness of DiCoTraM with cSamp, an existing traffic monitoring mechanism that outperforms most of other traffic monitoring mechanisms, with regards to supporting early detection of DDoS flooding attacks (i.e., at the intermediate network) by employing two existing DDoS flooding detection mechanisms over them. We then compare the effectiveness of DiCoTraM with that of cSamp by comparing the detection rates and false positive rates achieved when the selected detection mechanisms are employed over DiCoTraM and cSamp. The results show that DiCoTraM outperforms other traffic monitoring mechanisms in terms of DDoS flooding attack flow coverage

    Packet switch architecture for efficient unicast and multicast traffic switching

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    У дисертацији је предложена једноставна архитектура свича као и алгоритми за ефикасно распоређивање и комутацију уникаст и мултикаст саобраћаја, што је од великог значаја за савремене телекомуникационе мреже у којима количина саобраћаја константно расте. Први дио доприноса ове дисертације чини приједлог рјешења свича за ефикасно управљање уникаст саобраћајем. Ово рјешење је развијено комбинујући најбоље особине постојећих рјешења, при том избјегавајући одређене њихове недостатке. Циљ је да се омогући што брже прослијеђивање пакета уз прихватљив ниво хардверске комплексности. Свич који је развијен у овој дисертацији представља комбинацију свичева са баферима на улазу и свичева који користе Биркхоф-фон Нојман принцип детерминистичког конфигурисања комутационог модула па се не захтијева прорачун конфигурација комутатора. При томе, за разлику од већине рјешења која користе Биркхоф-фон Нојман принцип конфигурисања, у предложеном рјешењу могуће је користити само један физички комутациони модул који би обављао функције оба логичка комутациона модула. Да би се гарантовало да није дошло до поремећаја редослиједа пакета, предложен је и једноставан алгоритам за одабир пакета за слање. Такође, дат је и приједлог унапријеђења подршке за фер сервис првобитно предложеног рјешења за комутацију уникаст саобраћаја. У другом дијелу дисертације, пажња је посвећена унапријеђењу предложеног рјешења за ефикасно управљање и мултикаст саобраћајем. Потреба за овим се јавила као посљедица развоја нових сервиса (нпр. IPTV, онлајн игре итд.) који генеришу такав тип саобраћаја. Како је удио мултикаст саобраћаја у мрежи постао незанемарљив, перформансе свичева који су развијени примарно за уникаст саобраћај значајно опадају. Рјешење које је предложено у првом дијелу дисертације је унапријеђено додавањем модула који служи за управљање мултикаст саобраћајем. Овдје је идеја да се оптерећење са улазног порта који прима мултикаст пакете распореди на више портова који треба да приме те пакете. Овако је на релативно једноставан начин омогућено ефикасно управљање мултикаст саобраћајем. У оквиру дисертације су урађене софтверске симулације које су показале да ова рјешења постижу врло добре перформансе у односу на постојећа. Такође, урађена је и хардверска имплементација предложеног основног уникаст рјешења која је показала релативно скромне захтјеве у погледу хардверских ресурса.The dissertation proposes a simple switch architecture as well as algorithms for efficient scheduling and switching of unicast and multicast traffic, which is of great importance for modern telecommunication networks because their traffic load is constantly and rapidly increasing. The first part of the dissertation’s contributions comprises a proposed switch which efficiently manages unicast traffic. The proposed switch is developed by using the best characteristics of the existing solutions while avoiding some of their drawbacks. The aim is to enable fast packet forwarding while achieving an acceptable level of hardware complexity. The proposed solution combines architecture with buffers at input ports and Birkhoff-von Neumann architecture based on deterministic switch module configurations. Hence, calculation of switch module configurations is not needed. Also, folded architecture is possible, which means that only one physical switching module is used for both switching stages of Birkhoff-von Neumann architecture. A simple algorithm for packet scheduling has been developed in order to avoid packet out-of-sequence problems. Finally, fair service support improvement is introduced for the originally proposed switch solution. The second part of the dissertation is devoted to the enhancement of the proposed unicast switch for efficient management of multicast traffic. The need for multicast support has emerged as a consequence of the development and introduction of new services (such as IPTV, online gaming, etc.) that generate multicast traffic. As the amount of multicast traffic is not negligible anymore, the performance of packet switches that were primarily developed for the unicast traffic is significantly degraded. The solution proposed in the first part of the diseration is enhanced with the module used for multicast traffic management. Here, the idea is that the multicast load at some input port is distributed over ports that are also destination for the multicast packets. This approach enables relatively simple but efficient management of multicast traffic. In this dissertation, software simulations were conducted, which confirmed that proposed solutions achieve very good performances compared to existing solutons. Furthermore, hardware implementation of the proposed basic unicast switch solution shows modest requirements in terms of needed hardware resources