117 research outputs found

    Impact of denial of service solutions on network quality of service

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    The Internet has become a universal communication network tool. It has evolved from a platform that supports best-effort traffic to one that now carries different traffic types including those involving continuous media with quality of service (QoS) requirements. As more services are delivered over the Internet, we face increasing risk to their availability given that malicious attacks on those Internet services continue to increase. Several networks have witnessed denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks over the past few years which have disrupted QoS of network services, thereby violating the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the client and the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Hence DoS or DDoS attacks are major threats to network QoS. In this paper we survey techniques and solutions that have been deployed to thwart DoS and DDoS attacks and we evaluate them in terms of their impact on network QoS for Internet services. We also present vulnerabilities that can be exploited for QoS protocols and also affect QoS if exploited. In addition, we also highlight challenges that still need to be addressed to achieve end-to-end QoS with recently proposed DoS/DDoS solutions

    Implementing Virtual Privat Network in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises

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    Nowadays enterprises rely heavily on computer systems for storing and processing vital information, IT plays a major role in their businesses therefore all these systems must be safe and reliable. Computer networks are a major part of all these technologies; they provide the essential link between them, connecting them into one unified information network. However, the main requirement in all this is to implement a proper security system that will keep all these information secure and protect the privacy. Small or medium-sized enterprises need to have their branches interconnected with a rapid, reliable, cost-effective access to their resources. The ability to reach important company resources enables the employees to be more flexible and productive, especially when they have the flexibility to access those resources from remote offices, home, or when traveling. This level of connectivity is a core component of IT strategy in today’s business world and is critical for staying ahead of the competition. Virtual Private Networks (VPN), present businesses a solution to this need. A VPN allows an enterprise to build a secure communication network by leveraging the public Internet as a low-cost transportation mechanism. This increasing use of VPN is one of the key growth drivers for the increased deployment of firewalls

    Performance evaluation of HIP-based network security solutions

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    Abstract. Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is a networking technology that systematically separates the identifier and locator roles of IP addresses and introduces a Host Identity (HI) name space based on a public key security infrastructure. This modification offers a series of benefits such as mobility, multi-homing, end-to-end security, signaling, control/data plane separation, firewall security, e.t.c. Although HIP has not yet been sufficiently applied in mainstream communication networks, industry experts foresee its potential as an integral part of next generation networks. HIP can be used in various HIP-aware applications as well as in traditional IP-address-based applications and networking technologies, taking middle boxes into account. One of such applications is in Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), VPLS is a widely used method of providing Ethernet-based Virtual Private Network that supports the connection of geographically separated sites into a single bridged domain over an IP/MPLS network. The popularity of VPLS among commercial and defense organizations underscores the need for robust security features to protect both data and control information. After investigating the different approaches to HIP, a real world testbed is implemented. Two experiment scenarios were evaluated, one is performed on two open source Linux-based HIP implementations (HIPL and OpenHIP) and the other on two sets of enterprise equipment from two different companies (Tempered Networks and Byres Security). To account for a heterogeneous mix of network types, the Open source HIP implementations were evaluated on different network environments, namely Local Area Network (LAN), Wireless LAN (WLAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN). Each scenario is tested and evaluated for performance in terms of throughput, latency, and jitter. The measurement results confirmed the assumption that no single solution is optimal in all considered aspects and scenarios. For instance, in the open source implementations, the performance penalty of security on TCP throughput for WLAN scenario is less in HIPL than in OpenHIP, while for WAN scenario the reverse is the case. A similar outcome is observed for the UDP throughput. However, on latency, HIPL showed lower latency for all three network test scenarios. For the legacy equipment experiment, the penalty of security on TCP throughput is about 19% compared with the non-secure scenario while latency is increased by about 87%. This work therefore provides viable information for researchers and decision makers on the optimal solution to securing their VPNs based on the application scenarios and the potential performance penalties that come with each approach.HIP-pohjaisten tietoliikenneverkkojen turvallisuusratkaisujen suorituskyvyn arviointi. Tiivistelmä. Koneen identiteettiprotokolla (HIP, Host Identity Protocol) on tietoliikenneverkkoteknologia, joka käyttää erillistä kerrosta kuljetusprotokollan ja Internet-protokollan (IP) välissä TCP/IP-protokollapinossa. HIP erottaa systemaattisesti IP-osoitteen verkko- ja laite-osat, sekä käyttää koneen identiteetti (HI) -osaa perustuen julkisen avainnuksen turvallisuusrakenteeseen. Tämän hyötyjä ovat esimerkiksi mobiliteetti, moniliittyminen, päästä päähän (end-to-end) turvallisuus, kontrolli-informaation ja datan erottelu, kohtaaminen, osoitteenmuutos sekä palomuurin turvallisuus. Teollisuudessa HIP-protokolla nähdään osana seuraavan sukupolven tietoliikenneverkkoja, vaikka se ei vielä olekaan yleistynyt laajaan kaupalliseen käyttöön. HIP–protokollaa voidaan käyttää paitsi erilaisissa HIP-tietoisissa, myös perinteisissä IP-osoitteeseen perustuvissa sovelluksissa ja verkkoteknologioissa. Eräs tällainen sovellus on virtuaalinen LAN-erillisverkko (VPLS), joka on laajasti käytössä oleva menetelmä Ethernet-pohjaisen, erillisten yksikköjen ja yhden sillan välistä yhteyttä tukevan, virtuaalisen erillisverkon luomiseen IP/MPLS-verkon yli. VPLS:n yleisyys sekä kaupallisissa- että puolustusorganisaatioissa korostaa vastustuskykyisten turvallisuusominaisuuksien tarpeellisuutta tiedon ja kontrolliinformaation suojauksessa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan aluksi HIP-protokollan erilaisia lähestymistapoja. Teoreettisen tarkastelun jälkeen käytännön testejä suoritetaan itse rakennetulla testipenkillä. Tarkasteltavat skenaariot ovat verrata Linux-pohjaisia avoimen lähdekoodin HIP-implementaatioita (HIPL ja OpenHIP) sekä verrata kahden eri valmistajan laitteita (Tempered Networks ja Byres Security). HIP-implementaatiot arvioidaan eri verkkoympäristöissä, jota ovat LAN, WLAN sekä WAN. Kaikki testatut tapaukset arvioidaan tiedonsiirtonopeuden, sen vaihtelun (jitter) sekä latenssin perusteella. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että sama ratkaisu ei ole optimaalinen kaikissa tarkastelluissa tapauksissa. Esimerkiksi WLAN-verkkoa käytettäessä turvallisuuden aiheuttama häviö tiedonsiirtonopeudessa on HIPL:n tapauksessa OpenHIP:iä pirnempi, kun taas WAN-verkon tapauksessa tilanne on toisinpäin. Samanlaista käyttäytymistä havaitaan myös UDP-tiedonsiirtonopeudessa. HIPL antaa kuitenkin pienimmän latenssin kaikissa testiskenaarioissa. Eri valmistajien laitteita vertailtaessa huomataan, että TCP-tiedonsiirtonopeus huononee 19 ja latenssi 87 prosenttia verrattuna tapaukseen, jossa turvallisuusratkaisua ei käytetä. Näin ollen tämän työn tuottama tärkeä tieto voi auttaa alan toimijoita optimaalisen verkkoturvallisuusratkaisun löytämisessä VPN-pohjaisiin sovelluksiin

    Whether using encryption in SCADA systems, the services performance requirements are still met in OT IT environment over an MPLS core network?

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    A Research Project Abstract submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for Master of Science in Engineering [Electrical]: Telecommunications at the University Of The Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 07 June 2016Utilities use Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems as their industrial control system. The architecture of these systems in the past was based on them being isolated from other networks. Now with recent ever changing requirements of capabilities from these systems there is a need to converge with information technology systems and with the need to have these industrial networks communicating on packet switched networks there are cyber security concerns that come up. This research project looks at the whether using encryption in an IP/MPLS core network for SCADA in an OT IT environment has an effect on the performance requirements. This was done through an experimental simulation with the results recorded. The research project also looks at the key literature study considerations. The key research question for the research project of this MSc 50/50 mini-thesis is “whether using encryption in SCADA systems, the services performance requirements are still met in OT/ IT environment over an MPLS core network”? The research project seeks to determine if SCADA performance requirements are met over an encrypted MPLS/IP core network in an OT/IT environment. The key focus area of the research project is only encryption in the whole cyber security value chain versus SCADA services performances. This means that the research project only focused on the encryption portion of the whole cyber security value chain and the scope did not focus on other aspects of the value chain. This suffices for an MSc 50/50 mini-thesis research project as a focus on the whole value chain would require a full MSc thesis. Thus the primary objective for the research project is to research and demonstrate that encryption is essential for secure SCADA communication over a MPLS/IP core network. As aforementioned encryption forms an essential part of the Cyber Security value chain which has to achieve the following objectives. Confidentiality: ensuring that the information source is really from that source. Integrity: ensuring that the information has not been altered in any way. Availability: ensuring that system is not comprised but that it is available. These objectives of encryption should be met with SCADA service performance requirements not violated which is the objective of the research project.M T 201

    Building mobile L2TP/IPsec tunnels

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    Wireless networks introduce a whole range of challenges to the traditional TCP/IP network, especially Virtual Private Network (VPN). Changing IP address is a difficult issue for VPNs in wireless networks because IP addresses are used as one of the identifiers of a VPN connection and the change of IP addresses will break the original connection. The current solution to this problem is to run VPN tunnels over Mobile IP (MIP). However, Mobile IP itself has significant problems in performance and security and that solution is inefficient due to double tunneling. This thesis proposes and implements a new and novel solution on simulators and real devices to solve the mobility problem in a VPN. The new solution adds mobility support to existing L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol/IP Security) tunnels. The new solution tunnels Layer 2 packets between VPN clients and a VPN server without using Mobile IP, without incurring tunnel-re-establishment at handoff, without losing packets during handoff, achieves better security than current mobility solutions for VPN, and supports fast handoff in IPv4 networks. Experimental results on a VMware simulation showed the handoff time for the VPN tunnel to be 0.08 seconds, much better than the current method which requires a new tunnel establishment at a cost of 1.56 seconds. Experimental results with a real network of computers showed the handoff time for the VPN tunnel to be 4.8 seconds. This delay was mainly caused by getting an IP address from DHCP servers via wireless access points (4.6 seconds). The time for VPN negotiation was only 0.2 seconds. The experimental result proves that the proposed mobility solution greatly reduces the VPN negotiation time but getting an IP address from DHCP servers is a large delay which obstructs the real world application. This problem can be solved by introducing fast DHCP or supplying an IP address from a new wireless access point with a strong signal while the current Internet connection is weak. Currently, there is little work on fast DHCP and this may open a range of new research opportunities

    IP-based virtual private networks and proportional quality of service differentiation

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    IP-based virtual private networks (VPNs) have the potential of delivering cost-effective, secure, and private network-like services. Having surveyed current enabling techniques, an overall picture of IP VPN implementations is presented. In order to provision the equivalent quality of service (QoS) of legacy connection-oriented layer 2 VPNs (e.g., Frame Relay and ATM), IP VPNs have to overcome the intrinsically best effort characteristics of the Internet. Subsequently, a hierarchical QoS guarantee framework for IP VPNs is proposed, stitching together development progresses from recent research and engineering work. To differentiate IP VPN QoS, the proportional QoS differentiation model, whose QoS specification granularity compromises that of IntServ and Diffserv, emerges as a potential solution. The investigation of its claimed capability of providing the predictable and controllable QoS differentiation is then conducted. With respect to the loss rate differentiation, the packet shortage phenomenon shown in two classical proportional loss rate (PLR) dropping schemes is studied. On the pursuit of a feasible solution, the potential of compromising the system resource, that is, the buffer, is ruled out; instead, an enhanced debt-aware mechanism is suggested to relieve the negative effects of packet shortage. Simulation results show that debt-aware partially curbs the biased loss rate ratios, and improves the queueing delay performance as well. With respect to the delay differentiation, the dynamic behavior of the average delay difference between successive classes is first analyzed, aiming to gain insights of system dynamics. Then, two classical delay differentiation mechanisms, that is,proportional average delay (PAD) and waiting time priority (WTP), are simulated and discussed. Based on observations on their differentiation performances over both short and long time periods, a combined delay differentiation (CDD) scheme is introduced. Simulations are utilized to validate this method. Both loss and delay differentiations are based on a series of differentiation parameters. Though previous work on the selection of delay differentiation parameters has been presented, that of loss differentiation parameters mostly relied on network operators\u27 experience. A quantitative guideline, based on the principles of queueing and optimization, is then proposed to compute loss differentiation parameters. Aside from analysis, the new approach is substantiated by numerical results

    Cloud Computing, Contractibility, and Network Architecture

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    The emergence of the cloud is heightening the demands on the network in terms of bandwidth, ubiquity, reliability, latency, and route control. Unfortunately, the current architecture was not designed to offer full support for all of these services or to permit money to flow through it. Instead of modifying or adding specific services, the architecture could redesigned to make Internet services contractible by making the relevant information associated with these services both observable and verifiable. Indeed, several on-going research programs are exploring such strategies, including the NSF’s NEBULA, eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA), ChoiceNet, and the IEEE’s Intercloud projects

    Optimization of BGP Convergence and Prefix Security in IP/MPLS Networks

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    Multi-Protocol Label Switching-based networks are the backbone of the operation of the Internet, that communicates through the use of the Border Gateway Protocol which connects distinct networks, referred to as Autonomous Systems, together. As the technology matures, so does the challenges caused by the extreme growth rate of the Internet. The amount of BGP prefixes required to facilitate such an increase in connectivity introduces multiple new critical issues, such as with the scalability and the security of the aforementioned Border Gateway Protocol. Illustration of an implementation of an IP/MPLS core transmission network is formed through the introduction of the four main pillars of an Autonomous System: Multi-Protocol Label Switching, Border Gateway Protocol, Open Shortest Path First and the Resource Reservation Protocol. The symbiosis of these technologies is used to introduce the practicalities of operating an IP/MPLS-based ISP network with traffic engineering and fault-resilience at heart. The first research objective of this thesis is to determine whether the deployment of a new BGP feature, which is referred to as BGP Prefix Independent Convergence (PIC), within AS16086 would be a worthwhile endeavour. This BGP extension aims to reduce the convergence delay of BGP Prefixes inside of an IP/MPLS Core Transmission Network, thus improving the networks resilience against faults. Simultaneously, the second research objective was to research the available mechanisms considering the protection of BGP Prefixes, such as with the implementation of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure and the Artemis BGP Monitor for proactive and reactive security of BGP prefixes within AS16086. The future prospective deployment of BGPsec is discussed to form an outlook to the future of IP/MPLS network design. As the trust-based nature of BGP as a protocol has become a distinct vulnerability, thus necessitating the use of various technologies to secure the communications between the Autonomous Systems that form the network to end all networks, the Internet

    Multi Protocol Label Switching: Quality of Service, Traffic Engineering application, and Virtual Private Network application

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    This thesis discusses the QoS feature, Traffic Engineering (TE) application, and Virtual Private Network (VPN) application of the Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol. This thesis concentrates on comparing MPLS with other prominent technologies such as Internet Protocol (IP), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), and Frame Relay (FR). MPLS combines the flexibility of Internet Protocol (IP) with the connection oriented approach of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) or Frame Relay (FR). Section 1 lists several advantages MPLS brings over other technologies. Section 2 covers architecture and a brief description of the key components of MPLS. The information provided in Section 2 builds a background to compare MPLS with the other technologies in the rest of the sections. Since it is anticipate that MPLS will be a main core network technology, MPLS is required to work with two currently available QoS architectures: Integrated Service (IntServ) architecture and Differentiated Service (DiffServ) architecture. Even though the MPLS does not introduce a new QoS architecture or enhance the existing QoS architectures, it works seamlessly with both QoS architectures and provides proper QoS support to the customer. Section 3 provides the details of how MPLS supports various functions of the IntServ and DiffServ architectures. TE helps Internet Service Provider (ISP) optimize the use of available resources, minimize the operational costs, and maximize the revenues. MPLS provides efficient TE functions which prove to be superior to IP and ATM/FR. Section 4 discusses how MPLS supports the TE functionality and what makes MPLS superior to other competitive technologies. ATM and FR are still required as a backbone technology in some areas where converting the backbone to IP or MPLS does not make sense or customer demands simply require ATM or FR. In this case, it is important for MPLS to work with ATM and FR. Section 5 highlights the interoperability issues and solutions for MPLS while working in conjunction with ATM and FR. In section 6, various VPN tunnel types are discussed and compared with the MPLS VPN tunnel type. The MPLS VPN tunnel type is concluded as an optimal tunnel approach because it provides security, multiplexing, and the other important features that are reburied by the VPN customer and the ISP. Various MPLS layer 2 and layer 3 VPN solutions are also briefly discussed. In section 7 I conclude with the details of an actual implementation of a layer 3 MPLS VPN solution that works in conjunction with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

    Secure and Efficient Routable Control Systems

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    This document provides the methods to secure routable control system communication in the electric sector. The approach of this document yields a long-term vision for a future of secure communication, while also providing near term steps and a roadmap. The requirements for the future secure control system environment were spelled out to provide a final target. Additionally a survey and evaluation of current protocols was used to determine if any existing technology could achieve this goal. In the end a four-step path was described that brought about increasing requirement completion and culminates in the realization of the long term vision