12,605 research outputs found

    A Cross-Version Approach for Harmonic Analysis of Music Recordings

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    The automated extraction of chord labels from audio recordings is a central task in music information retrieval. Here, the chord labeling is typically performed on a specific audio version of a piece of music, produced under certain recording conditions, played on specific instruments and characterized by individual styles of the musicians. As a consequence, the obtained chord labeling results are strongly influenced by version-dependent characteristics. In this chapter, we show that analyzing the harmonic properties of several audio versions synchronously stabilizes the chord labeling result in the sense that inconsistencies indicate version-dependent characteristics, whereas consistencies across several versions indicate harmonically stable passages in the piece of music. In particular, we show that consistently labeled passages often correspond to correctly labeled passages. Our experiments show that the cross-version labeling procedure significantly increases the precision of the result while keeping the recall at a relatively high level. Furthermore, we introduce a powerful visualization which reveals the harmonically stable passages on a musical time axis specified in bars. Finally, we demonstrate how this visualization facilitates a better understanding of classification errors and may be used by music experts as a helpful tool for exploring harmonic structures

    Multiple-F0 estimation of piano sounds exploiting spectral structure and temporal evolution

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    This paper proposes a system for multiple fundamental frequency estimation of piano sounds using pitch candidate selection rules which employ spectral structure and temporal evolution. As a time-frequency representation, the Resonator Time-Frequency Image of the input signal is employed, a noise suppression model is used, and a spectral whitening procedure is performed. In addition, a spectral flux-based onset detector is employed in order to select the steady-state region of the produced sound. In the multiple-F0 estimation stage, tuning and inharmonicity parameters are extracted and a pitch salience function is proposed. Pitch presence tests are performed utilizing information from the spectral structure of pitch candidates, aiming to suppress errors occurring at multiples and sub-multiples of the true pitches. A novel feature for the estimation of harmonically related pitches is proposed, based on the common amplitude modulation assumption. Experiments are performed on the MAPS database using 8784 piano samples of classical, jazz, and random chords with polyphony levels between 1 and 6. The proposed system is computationally inexpensive, being able to perform multiple-F0 estimation experiments in realtime. Experimental results indicate that the proposed system outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for the aforementioned task in a statistically significant manner. Index Terms: multiple-F0 estimation, resonator timefrequency image, common amplitude modulatio

    Eliciting Domain Knowledge Using Conceptual Metaphors: A Case Study from Music Interaction

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    Interaction design for domains that involve complex abstractions can prove challenging. This problem is particularly acute in domains where the intricate nature of domain-specific knowledge can be difficult for even the most experienced expert to conceptualise or articulate. One promising solution to the problem of representing complex domain abstractions involves the use of conceptual metaphors. Previous applications of conceptual metaphors to abstract domains have yielded encouraging results. However, the design of appropriate methods for eliciting conceptual metaphors for the purposes of informing interaction design remains an open question. In this paper, we report on a series of studies carried out to elicit conceptual metaphors from domain experts, using music as a case study, reflecting on the benefits and drawbacks of each approach

    Automatic transcription of Turkish makam music

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    In this paper we propose an automatic system for transcribing/nmakam music of Turkey. We document the specific/ntraits of this music that deviate from properties that/nwere targeted by transcription tools so far and we compile/na dataset of makam recordings along with aligned microtonal/nground-truth. An existing multi-pitch detection algorithm/nis adapted for transcribing music in 20 cent resolution,/nand the final transcription is centered around the/ntonic frequency of the recording. Evaluation metrics for/ntranscribing microtonal music are utilized and results show/nthat transcription of Turkish makam music in e.g. an interactive/ntranscription software is feasible using the current/nstate-of-the-art.This work is partly supported by the European/nResearch Council under the European Union’s Seventh/nFramework Program, as part of the CompMusic project/n(ERC grant agreement 267583)
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