91 research outputs found

    Advanced Interfaces for HMI in Hand Gesture Recognition

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    The present thesis investigates techniques and technologies for high quality Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) in biomedical applications. Starting from a literature review and considering market SoA in this field, the thesis explores advanced sensor interfaces, wearable computing and machine learning techniques for embedded resource-constrained systems. The research starts from the design and implementation of a real-time control system for a multifinger hand prosthesis based on pattern recognition algorithms. This system is capable to control an artificial hand using a natural gesture interface, considering the challenges related to the trade-off between responsiveness, accuracy and light computation. Furthermore, the thesis addresses the challenges related to the design of a scalable and versatile system for gesture recognition with the integration of a novel sensor interface for wearable medical and consumer application

    A Hybrid-Powered Wireless System for Multiple Biopotential Monitoring

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    Chronic diseases are the top cause of human death in the United States and worldwide. A huge amount of healthcare costs is spent on chronic diseases every year. The high medical cost on these chronic diseases facilitates the transformation from in-hospital to out-of-hospital healthcare. The out-of-hospital scenarios require comfortability and mobility along with quality healthcare. Wearable electronics for well-being management provide good solutions for out-of-hospital healthcare. Long-term health monitoring is a practical and effective way in healthcare to prevent and diagnose chronic diseases. Wearable devices for long-term biopotential monitoring are impressive trends for out-of-hospital health monitoring. The biopotential signals in long-term monitoring provide essential information for various human physiological conditions and are usually used for chronic diseases diagnosis. This study aims to develop a hybrid-powered wireless wearable system for long-term monitoring of multiple biopotentials. For the biopotential monitoring, the non-contact electrodes are deployed in the wireless wearable system to provide high-level comfortability and flexibility for daily use. For providing the hybrid power, an alternative mechanism to harvest human motion energy, triboelectric energy harvesting, has been applied along with the battery to supply energy for long-term monitoring. For power management, an SSHI rectifying strategy associated with triboelectric energy harvester design has been proposed to provide a new perspective on designing TEHs by considering their capacitance concurrently. Multiple biopotentials, including ECG, EMG, and EEG, have been monitored to validate the performance of the wireless wearable system. With the investigations and studies in this project, the wearable system for biopotential monitoring will be more practical and can be applied in the real-life scenarios to increase the economic benefits for the health-related wearable devices

    Wearable and Implantable Wireless Sensor Network Solutions for Healthcare Monitoring

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies are considered one of the key research areas in computer science and the healthcare application industries for improving the quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to provide a snapshot of current developments and future direction of research on wearable and implantable body area network systems for continuous monitoring of patients. This paper explains the important role of body sensor networks in medicine to minimize the need for caregivers and help the chronically ill and elderly people live an independent life, besides providing people with quality care. The paper provides several examples of state of the art technology together with the design considerations like unobtrusiveness, scalability, energy efficiency, security and also provides a comprehensive analysis of the various benefits and drawbacks of these systems. Although offering significant benefits, the field of wearable and implantable body sensor networks still faces major challenges and open research problems which are investigated and covered, along with some proposed solutions, in this paper

    Wireless tools for neuromodulation

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    Epilepsy is a spectrum of diseases characterized by recurrent seizures. It is estimated that 50 million individuals worldwide are affected and 30% of cases are medically refractory or drug resistant. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) are the only FDA approved device based therapies. Neither therapy offers complete seizure freedom in a majority of users. Novel methodologies are needed to better understand mechanisms and chronic nature of epilepsy. Most tools for neuromodulation in rodents are tethered. The few wireless devices use batteries or are inductively powered. The tether restricts movement, limits behavioral tests, and increases the risk of infection. Batteries are large and heavy with a limited lifetime. Inductive powering suffers from rapid efficiency drops due to alignment mismatches and increased distances. Miniature wireless tools that offer behavioral freedom, data acquisition, and stimulation are needed. This dissertation presents a platform of electrical, optical and radiofrequency (RF) technologies for device based neuromodulation. The platform can be configured with features including: two channels differential recording, one channel electrical stimulation, and one channel optical stimulation. Typical device operation consumes less than 4 mW. The analog front end has a bandwidth of 0.7 Hz - 1 kHz and a gain of 60 dB, and the constant current driver provides biphasic electrical stimulation. For use with optogenetics, the deep brain optical stimulation module provides 27 mW/mm2 of blue light (473 nm) with 21.01 mA. Pairing of stimulating and recording technologies allows closed-loop operation. A wireless powering cage is designed using the resonantly coupled filter energy transfer (RCFET) methodology. RF energy is coupled through magnetic resonance. The cage has a PTE ranging from 1.8-6.28% for a volume of 11 x 11 x 11 in3. This is sufficient to chronically house subjects. The technologies are validated through various in vivo preparations. The tools are designed to study epilepsy, SUDEP, and urinary incontinence but can be configured for other studies. The broad application of these technologies can enable the scientific community to better study chronic diseases and closed-loop therapies

    High Performance 128-Channel Acquisition System for Electrophysiological Signals

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    The increased popularity of investigations and exploits in the fields of neurological rehabilitation, human emotion recognition, and other relevant brain-computer interfaces demand the need for flexible electrophysiology data acquisition systems. Such systems often require to be multi-modal and multi-channel capable of acquiring and processing several different types of physiological signals simultaneously in realtime. Developments of modular and scalable electrophysiological data acquisition systems for experimental research enhance understanding and progress in the field. To contribute to such an endeavor, we present an open-source hardware project called High-Channel Count Electrophysiology or HiCCE, targeting to produce an easily-adaptable, cost-effective, and affordable electrophysiological acquisition system as an alternative solution for mostly available commercial tools and the current state of the art in the field. In this paper, we describe the design and validation of the entire chain of the HiCCE-128 electrophysiological data acquisition system. The system comprises of 128 independent channels capable of acquiring signal at 31.25 kHz, with 16 effective bits per channel with a measured noise level of about 3 ÎĽV. The reliability and feasibility of the implemented system have been confirmed through a series of tests and real-world applications. The modular design methodology based on the FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) standard allows the connection of the HiCCE-128 board to programmable system-on-chip carrier devices through the high-speed FMC link. The implemented architecture enables end users to add various high-response electrophysiological signal processing techniques in the field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) part of the system on chip (SoC) device on each channel in parallel according to application specification

    Current efficient integrated architecture for common mode rejection sensitive neural recordings

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    In the last decade we have seen a significant growth of research and potential applications of electronic circuits that interact with the nervous system, in a wide range of applications, from basic neuroscience research to medical clinic, or from the entertainment industry to transport services. The real time acquisition and analysis of brain signals, either through wearable electroencephalography (EEG) or invasive or implantable recordings, in order to perform actions (brain machine interface) or to understand aspects of brain operation, has become scientifically and technologically feasible. This thesis aims to support neural recording applications with low noise, currentefficiency and high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) as main features of the recording system. One emblematic example of these applications in the neuroscience domain is the weakly electric fish neural activity recording, where the interference produced by the discharge of the fish electric organ is a key factor. Another example, from the implantable devices domain, is the nerve activity recorded with cuff electrodes, where the desired signal is interfered by electromyographic potentials generated by muscles near the cuff. In these cases, the amplitude of the interfering signals, which mainly appear in common mode, is several orders of magnitude higher than the amplitude of the signals of interest. Therefore, this thesis introduces a novel integrated neural preamplifier architecture targeting CMRR sensitive neural recording applications. The architecture is presented and analyzed in depth, deriving the preamplifier transfer function and the main design equations. We present a detailed analysis of a technique for blocking the input dc component and setting the high-pass frequency without using MOS pseudo-resistors. One of the main contributions of this work is the overall architecture coupled with an efficient and simple single-stage circuit for the preamplifier main transconductor. A fully-integrated neural preamplifier, which performs well in line with the state-ofthe-art of the field while providing enhanced CMRR performance, was fabricated in a 0.5 um CMOS process. Results from measurements show that the measured gain is 49.5 dB, bandwidth ranges from 13 Hz to 9.8 kHz, CMRR is very high (greater than 87 dB), and it is achieved jointly with a remarkable low noise (1.88 uVrms) and current-efficiency (NEF = noise efficiency factor = 2.1). A second version of the preamplifier with one external capacitor achieves a high-pass frequency of 0.1 Hz while keeping the performance of the fully-integrated version. In addition, we present in-vivo measurements made with the proposed architecture in a weakly electric fish (Gymnotus omarorum), showing the ability of the preamplifier to acquire neural signals from high amplitude common mode interference in an unshielded environment. This was the first in-vivo testing of a neural recording integrated circuit designed in Uruguay done in a local lab. Furthermore, signals recorded with our unshielded low-power battery-powered preamplifier perfectly match with those of a shielded commercially-available amplifier (ac-plugged, without power restrictions). To the best of our knowledge, the proposed preamplifier is the best option for applications that simultaneously need low noise, high CMRR and current-efficiency. Furthermore, in this thesis we applied the aforementioned architecture to bandpass biquad filters, specially but not only, to those with differential input. The new architecture provides a significant reduction in consumption (up to 30%) and/or makes it possible to block a higher level of dc at the input (up to the double, without using decoupling capacitors). Next, we applied the novel architecture to the design of the different stages of an integrated programmable analog front-end. Results from simulations shows that the gain is programmable between 57 dB and 99 dB, the low-pass frequency is programmable between 116 Hz and 5.2 kHz, the maximum power consumption is 11.2 uA and the maximum equivalent input-referred noise voltage is 1.87 uVrms. The comparison between our front-end and other works in the state-of-the-art shows that our front-end presents the best results in terms of CMRR and noise, has the greatest value of gain and equals the best NEF reported. Finally, some system-level topics were addressed during this thesis, including the design and implementation of three prototypes of end-to-end wireless biopotentials recording systems based on off-the-shelf components. Developing and applying circuits, systems and methods, for synchronized largescale monitoring of neural activity, sensory images, and behavior, would produce a dynamic picture of the brain function, which is essential for understanding the brain in action. In this context, we hope that the present thesis become our first step to further contribute to this area

    Man-Machine Interface System for Neuromuscular Training and Evaluation Based on EMG and MMG Signals

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    This paper presents the UVa-NTS (University of Valladolid Neuromuscular Training System), a multifunction and portable Neuromuscular Training System. The UVa-NTS is designed to analyze the voluntary control of severe neuromotor handicapped patients, their interactive response, and their adaptation to neuromuscular interface systems, such as neural prostheses or domotic applications. Thus, it is an excellent tool to evaluate the residual muscle capabilities in the handicapped. The UVa-NTS is composed of a custom signal conditioning front-end and a computer. The front-end electronics is described thoroughly as well as the overall features of the custom software implementation. The software system is composed of a set of graphical training tools and a processing core. The UVa-NTS works with two classes of neuromuscular signals: the classic myoelectric signals (MES) and, as a novelty, the myomechanic signals (MMS). In order to evaluate the performance of the processing core, a complete analysis has been done to classify its efficiency and to check that it fulfils with the real-time constraints. Tests were performed both with healthy and selected impaired subjects. The adaptation was achieved rapidly, applying a predefined protocol for the UVa-NTS set of training tools. Fine voluntary control was demonstrated to be reached with the myoelectric signals. And the UVa-NTS demonstrated to provide a satisfactory voluntary control when applying the myomechanic signals

    Algorithms and systems for home telemonitoring in biomedical applications

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    During the past decades, the interest of the healthcare community shifted from the simple treatment of the diseases towards the prevention and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. This approach is associated to a reduced cost for the Health Systems, having to face the constantly increased expenditures due to the reduced mortality for chronical diseases and to the progressive population ageing. Nevertheless, the high costs related to hospitalization of patients for monitoring procedures that could be better performed at home hamper the full implementation of this approach in a traditional way. Information and Communication Technology can provide a solution to implement a care model closer to the patient, crossing the physical boundaries of the hospitals and thus allowing to reach also those patients that, for a geographical or social condition, could not access the health services as other luckier subjects. This is the case of telemonitoring systems, whose aim is that of providing monitoring services for some health-related parameters at a distance, by means of custom-designed electronic devices. In this thesis, the specific issues associated to two telemonitoring applications are presented, along with the proposed solutions and the achieved results. The first telemonitoring application considered is the fetal electrocardiography. Non-invasive fetal electrocardiography is the recording of the fetal heart electrical activity using electrodes placed on the maternal abdomen. It can provide important diagnostic parameters, such as the beat-to-beat heart rate variability, whose recurring analysis would be useful in assessing and monitoring fetal health during pregnancy. Long term electrocardiographic monitoring is sustained by the absence of any collateral effects for both the mother and the fetus. This application has been tackled from several perspectives, mainly acquisition and processing. From the acquisition viewpoint a study on different skin treatments, disposable commercial electrodes and textile electrodes has been performed with the aim of improving the signal acquisition quality, while simplifying the measurement setup. From the processing viewpoint, different algorithms have been developed to allow extracting the fetal ECG heart rate, starting from an on-line ICA algorithm or exploiting a subtractive approach to work on recordings acquired with a reduced number of electrodes. The latter, took part to the international "Physionet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge" in 2013 entering into the top ten best-performing open-source algorithms. The improved version of this algorithm is also presented, which would mark the 5th and 4th position in the final ranking related to the fetal heart rate and fetal RR interval measurements performance, reserved to the open-source challenge entries, taking into account both official and unofficial entrants. The research in this field has been carried out in collaboration with the Pediatric Cardiology Unit of the Hospital G. Brotzu in Cagliari, for the acquisition of non-invasive fetal ECG signals from pregnant voluntary patients. The second telemonitoring application considered is the telerehabilitation of the hand. The execution of rehabilitation exercises has been proven to be effective in recovering hand functionality in a wide variety of invalidating diseases, but the lack of standardization and continuous medical control cause the patients neglecting this therapeutic procedures. Telemonitoring the rehabilitation sessions would allow the physician to closely follow the patients' progresses and compliance to the prescribed adapted exercises. This application leads to the development of a sensorized telerehabilitation system for the execution and objective monitoring of therapeutic exercises at the patients' home and of the telemedicine infrastructure that give the physician the opportunity to monitor patients' progresses through parameters summarizing the patients' performance. The proposed non-CE marked medical device, patent pending, underwent a clinical trial, reviewed and approved by the Italian Public Health Department, involving 20 patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and 20 with Systemic Sclerosis randomly assigned to the experimental or the control arm, enrolled for 12 weeks in a home rehabilitation program. The trial, carried out with the collaboration of the Rheumatology Department of the Policlinico Universitario of Cagliari, revealed promising results in terms of hand functionality recovering, highlighting greater improvements for the patients enrolled in the experimental arm, that use the proposed telerehabilitation system, with respect to those of the control arm, which perform similar rehabilitation exercises using common objects

    Adaptive extreme edge computing for wearable devices

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    Wearable devices are a fast-growing technology with impact on personal healthcare for both society and economy. Due to the widespread of sensors in pervasive and distributed networks, power consumption, processing speed, and system adaptation are vital in future smart wearable devices. The visioning and forecasting of how to bring computation to the edge in smart sensors have already begun, with an aspiration to provide adaptive extreme edge computing. Here, we provide a holistic view of hardware and theoretical solutions towards smart wearable devices that can provide guidance to research in this pervasive computing era. We propose various solutions for biologically plausible models for continual learning in neuromorphic computing technologies for wearable sensors. To envision this concept, we provide a systematic outline in which prospective low power and low latency scenarios of wearable sensors in neuromorphic platforms are expected. We successively describe vital potential landscapes of neuromorphic processors exploiting complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) and emerging memory technologies (e.g. memristive devices). Furthermore, we evaluate the requirements for edge computing within wearable devices in terms of footprint, power consumption, latency, and data size. We additionally investigate the challenges beyond neuromorphic computing hardware, algorithms and devices that could impede enhancement of adaptive edge computing in smart wearable devices
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