9 research outputs found

    Overlapped Text Partition Algorithm for Pattern Matching on Hypercube Networked Model

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    The web has been continuously growing and getting hourglass shape. The indexed web is measured to contain at least 30 billion pages. It is no surprise that searching data poses serious challenges in terms of quality and speed. Another important subtask of the pattern discovery process is sting matching, where in which the pattern occurrence is already known and we need determine how often and where it is occurs in given text. The target of current research challenges and identified the new trends i.e distributed environment where in which the given text file is divided into subparts and distributed to N no. of processors organized in hypercube networked fashion .To improve the search speed and reduce the time complexity we need to run the string matching algorithms in parallel distributed environment called as hypercube networked model using RMI method. we considered both KV-KMP and KV-boyer-moore string matching algorithms for pattern matching in large text data bases using three data sets and graph's drawn for different patterns

    Parallel String Matching

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    We explore the benefits of parallelizing 7 state-of-the-art string matching algorithms. Using SIMD and multi-threading techniques we achieve a significant performance improvement of up to 43.3x over reference implementations and a speedup of up to 16.7x over the string matching program grep. We evaluate our implementations on the smart-corpora and the full human genome data set. We show scalability over number of threads and impact of pattern length

    Efficient String Matching on Coded Texts

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    The so called "four Russians technique'' is often used to speed up algorithms by encoding several data items in a single memory cell. Given a sequence of n symbols over a constant size alphabet, one can encode the sequence into O(n / lambda) memory cells in O(log(lambda) ) time using n / log(lambda) processors. This paper presents an efficient CRCW-PRAM string-matching algorithm for coded texts that takes O(log log(m/lambda)) time making only O(n / lambda ) operations, an improvement by a factor of lambda = O(log n) on the number of operations used in previous algorithms. Using this string-matching algorithm one can test if a string is square-free and find all palindromes in a string in O(log log n) time using n / log log n processors

    Towards optimal packed string matching

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    a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Dedicated to Professor Gad M. Landau, on the occasion of his 60th birthday Keywords: String matching Word-RAM Packed strings In the packed string matching problem, it is assumed that each machine word can accommodate up to α characters, thus an n-character string occupies n/α memory words. The main word-size string-matching instruction wssm is available in contemporary commodity processors. The other word-size maximum-suffix instruction wslm is only required during the pattern pre-processing. Benchmarks show that our solution can be efficiently implemented, unlike some prior theoretical packed string matching work. (b) We also consider the complexity of the packed string matching problem in the classical word-RAM model in the absence of the specialized micro-level instructions wssm and wslm. We propose micro-level algorithms for the theoretically efficient emulation using parallel algorithms techniques to emulate wssm and using the Four-Russians technique to emulate wslm. Surprisingly, our bit-parallel emulation of wssm also leads to a new simplified parallel random access machine string-matching algorithm. As a byproduct to facilitate our results we develop a new algorithm for finding the leftmost (most significant) 1 bits in consecutive non-overlapping blocks of uniform size inside a word. This latter problem is not known to be reducible to finding the rightmost 1, which can be easily solved, since we do not know how to reverse the bits of a word in O (1) time