12 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Covering/Packing Integer Programs

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    Given matrices A and B and vectors a, b, c and d, all with non-negative entries, we consider the problem of computing min {c.x: x in Z^n_+, Ax > a, Bx < b, x < d}. We give a bicriteria-approximation algorithm that, given epsilon in (0, 1], finds a solution of cost O(ln(m)/epsilon^2) times optimal, meeting the covering constraints (Ax > a) and multiplicity constraints (x < d), and satisfying Bx < (1 + epsilon)b + beta, where beta is the vector of row sums beta_i = sum_j B_ij. Here m denotes the number of rows of A. This gives an O(ln m)-approximation algorithm for CIP -- minimum-cost covering integer programs with multiplicity constraints, i.e., the special case when there are no packing constraints Bx < b. The previous best approximation ratio has been O(ln(max_j sum_i A_ij)) since 1982. CIP contains the set cover problem as a special case, so O(ln m)-approximation is the best possible unless P=NP.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (2001). To appear in Journal of Computer and System Science

    Asymptotically Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Coflow Scheduling

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    Many modern datacenter applications involve large-scale computations composed of multiple data flows that need to be completed over a shared set of distributed resources. Such a computation completes when all of its flows complete. A useful abstraction for modeling such scenarios is a {\em coflow}, which is a collection of flows (e.g., tasks, packets, data transmissions) that all share the same performance goal. In this paper, we present the first approximation algorithms for scheduling coflows over general network topologies with the objective of minimizing total weighted completion time. We consider two different models for coflows based on the nature of individual flows: circuits, and packets. We design constant-factor polynomial-time approximation algorithms for scheduling packet-based coflows with or without given flow paths, and circuit-based coflows with given flow paths. Furthermore, we give an O(logn/loglogn)O(\log n/\log \log n)-approximation polynomial time algorithm for scheduling circuit-based coflows where flow paths are not given (here nn is the number of network edges). We obtain our results by developing a general framework for coflow schedules, based on interval-indexed linear programs, which may extend to other coflow models and objective functions and may also yield improved approximation bounds for specific network scenarios. We also present an experimental evaluation of our approach for circuit-based coflows that show a performance improvement of at least 22% on average over competing heuristics.Comment: Fixed minor typo

    Packet Forwarding Algorithms in a Line Network

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    Abstract. We initiate a competitive analysis of packet forwarding poli-cies for maximum and average flow in a line network. We show that the policies Earliest Arrival and Furthest-To-Go are scalable, but not con-stant competitive, for maximum flow. We show that there is no constant competitive algorithm for average flow.

    Hop-Constrained Oblivious Routing

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    We prove the existence of an oblivious routing scheme that is poly(logn)\mathrm{poly}(\log n)-competitive in terms of (congestion+dilation)(congestion + dilation), thus resolving a well-known question in oblivious routing. Concretely, consider an undirected network and a set of packets each with its own source and destination. The objective is to choose a path for each packet, from its source to its destination, so as to minimize (congestion+dilation)(congestion + dilation), defined as follows: The dilation is the maximum path hop-length, and the congestion is the maximum number of paths that include any single edge. The routing scheme obliviously and randomly selects a path for each packet independent of (the existence of) the other packets. Despite this obliviousness, the selected paths have (congestion+dilation)(congestion + dilation) within a poly(logn)\mathrm{poly}(\log n) factor of the best possible value. More precisely, for any integer hop-bound hh, this oblivious routing scheme selects paths of length at most hpoly(logn)h \cdot \mathrm{poly}(\log n) and is poly(logn)\mathrm{poly}(\log n)-competitive in terms of congestioncongestion in comparison to the best possible congestioncongestion achievable via paths of length at most hh hops. These paths can be sampled in polynomial time. This result can be viewed as an analogue of the celebrated oblivious routing results of R\"{a}cke [FOCS 2002, STOC 2008], which are O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive in terms of congestioncongestion, but are not competitive in terms of dilationdilation

    A constant-factor approximation algorithm for packet routing and balancing local vs. global criteria

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    SIAM Journal on Computing3062051-2068SMJC