203 research outputs found

    A Conflict-Free Replicated JSON Datatype

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    Many applications model their data in a general-purpose storage format such as JSON. This data structure is modified by the application as a result of user input. Such modifications are well understood if performed sequentially on a single copy of the data, but if the data is replicated and modified concurrently on multiple devices, it is unclear what the semantics should be. In this paper we present an algorithm and formal semantics for a JSON data structure that automatically resolves concurrent modifications such that no updates are lost, and such that all replicas converge towards the same state (a conflict-free replicated datatype or CRDT). It supports arbitrarily nested list and map types, which can be modified by insertion, deletion and assignment. The algorithm performs all merging client-side and does not depend on ordering guarantees from the network, making it suitable for deployment on mobile devices with poor network connectivity, in peer-to-peer networks, and in messaging systems with end-to-end encryption.This research was supported by a grant from The Boeing Company

    FabricCRDT: A Conflict-Free Replicated Datatypes Approach to Permissioned Blockchains

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    With the increased adaption of blockchain technologies, permissioned blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric provide a robust ecosystem for developing production-grade decentralized applications. However, the additional latency between executing and committing transactions, due to Fabric's three-phase transaction lifecycle of Execute-Order-Validate (EOV), is a potential scalability bottleneck. The added latency increases the probability of concurrent updates on the same keys by different transactions, leading to transaction failures caused by Fabric's concurrency control mechanism. The transaction failures increase the application development complexity and decrease Fabric's throughput. Conflict-free Replicated Datatypes (CRDTs) provide a solution for merging and resolving conflicts in the presence of concurrent updates. In this work, we introduce FabricCRDT, an approach for integrating CRDTs to Fabric. Our evaluations show that in general, FabricCRDT offers higher throughput of successful transactions than Fabric, while successfully committing and merging all conflicting transactions without any failures.Comment: In Proceedings of the 20th International Middleware Conference (Middleware '19). ACM 201

    Data management techniques

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    Today, it is projected that data storage and management is becoming one of the key challenges in order to achieve ultrascale computing for several reasons. First, data is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years and this progression will imply that disruptive technologies will be needed to store large amounts of data and more importantly to access it in a timely manner. Second, the improvement of computing elements and their scalability are shifting application execution from CPU bound to I/O bound. This creates additional challenges for significantly improving the access to data to keep with computation time and thus avoid high-performance computing (HPC) from being underutilized due to large periods of I/O activity. Third, the two initially separate worlds of HPC that mainly consisted on one hand of simulations that are CPU bound and on the other hand of analytics that mainly perform huge data scans to discover information and are I/O bound are blurring. Now, simulations and analytics need to work cooperatively and share the same I/O infrastructure

    CScript : a distributed programming language for building mixed-consistency applications

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    Current programming models only provide abstractions for sharing data under a homogeneous consistency model. It is, however, not uncommon for a distributed application to provide strong consistency for one part of the shared data and eventual consistency for another part. Because mixing consistency models is not supported by current programming models, writing such applications is extremely difficult. In this paper we propose CScript, a distributed object-oriented programming language with built-in support for data replication. At its core are consistent and available replicated objects. CScript regulates the interactions between these objects to avoid subtle inconsistencies that arise when mixing consistency models. Our evaluation compares a collaborative text editor built atop CScript with a state-of-the-art implementation. The results show that our approach is flexible and more memory efficient

    Designing a Planetary-Scale IMAP Service with Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

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    Modern geo-replicated software serving millions of users across the globe faces the consequences of the CAP dilemma, i.e., the inevitable conflicts that arise when multiple nodes accept writes on shared state. The underlying problem is commonly known as fault-tolerant multi-leader replica- tion; actively researched in the distributed systems and database communities. As a more recent theoretical framework, Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) propose a solution to this problem by offering a set of always converging primitives. However, modeling non-trivial system state with CRDT primitives is a challenging and error-prone task. In this work, we propose a solution for a geo-replicated online service with fault-tolerant multi-leader replication based on CRDTs. We chose IMAP as use case due to its prevalence and simplicity. Therefore, we modeled an IMAP-CRDT and verified its correctness with the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. In order to bridge the gap between theory and practice, we implemented an open-source proto- type pluto and an IMAP benchmark for write-intensive workloads. We evaluated our prototype against the standard IMAP server Dovecot on a multi-continent public cloud. The results ex- pose the limitations of Dovecot with respect to response time performance and replication lag. Our prototype was able to leverage its conceptual advantages and outperformed Dovecot. We find that our approach is promising when facing the multitude of potential concurrency bugs in development of systems at planetary scale

    Breakdown film script using parsing algorithm

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    Breakdown script is a breakdown of the scenario into parts that describe each detail of the scene for shooting. The scenario is broken down into more detailed parts using the parsing algorithm. The film script used is a script in Bahasa Indonesia. The process starts from the film script file/scenario in FBX format uploaded to the website then is solved using a parsing algorithm into film elements such as cast members, extras, props, costumes, makeup, vehicles, stunts, special effects, music and sound. The results of this breakdown into sheets according to film elements. The purpose of this research is to produce breakdown sheets from film scripts according to film elements. The parsing algorithm test results showed the correct results of 12 scenes out of 19 scenes

    Shelfaware: Accelerating Collaborative Awareness with Shelf CRDT

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    Collaboration has become a key feature of modern software, allowing teams to work together effectively in real-time while in different locations. In order for a user to communicate their intention to several distributed peers, computing devices must exchange high-frequency updates with transient metadata like mouse position, text range highlights, and temporary comments. Current peer-to-peer awareness solutions have high time and space complexity due to the ever-expanding logs that each client must maintain in order to ensure robust collaboration in eventually consistent environments. This paper proposes an awareness Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type (CRDT) library that provides the tooling to support an eventually consistent, decentralized, and robust multi-user collaborative environment. Our library is tuned for rapid iterative updates that communicate fine-grained user actions across a network of collaborators. Our approach holds memory constant for subsequent writes to an existing key on a shared resource and completely prunes stale data from shared documents. These features allow us to keep the CRDT\u27s memory footprint small, making it a feasible solution for memory constrained applications. Results show that our CRDT implementation is comparable to or exceeds the performance of similar data structures in high-frequency read/write scenarios
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