13,594 research outputs found

    Experimental implementation of bit commitment in the noisy-storage model

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    Fundamental primitives such as bit commitment and oblivious transfer serve as building blocks for many other two-party protocols. Hence, the secure implementation of such primitives are important in modern cryptography. In this work, we present a bit commitment protocol which is secure as long as the attacker's quantum memory device is imperfect. The latter assumption is known as the noisy-storage model. We experimentally executed this protocol by performing measurements on polarization-entangled photon pairs. Our work includes a full security analysis, accounting for all experimental error rates and finite size effects. This demonstrates the feasibility of two-party protocols in this model using real-world quantum devices. Finally, we provide a general analysis of our bit commitment protocol for a range of experimental parameters.Comment: 21 pages (7 main text +14 appendix), 6+3 figures. New version changed author's name from Huei Ying Nelly Ng to Nelly Huei Ying Ng, for consistency with other publication

    Multilayer optimisation for day-ahead energy planning in microgrids

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    In the search for low carbon, reliable and affordable ways to provide electricity, an increased attention is going to the microgrid, a small-scale power system that uses a combination of energy generation and storage devices to serve local customers. The most promising feature of the microgrid is its flexibility to act as a standalone source of electricity for remote communities, and to be connected to the main power system, selling and purchasing power as required. Additionally, a microgrid can be considered as a coordinated system approach for incorporating intermittent renewable sources of energy. Microgrid customers can have power from their batteries or distributed generators, they can buy it from the utility grid, or they can reduce their consumption.When designing a new optimal planning tool for a microgrid, a major challenge (and opportunity) is to decide on what units to operate in order to meet the demand. The question is what mix will provide the performance needed at the lowest cost, or with the lowest possible emissions. Unfortunately, both objectives are often contradictory. Generally, low costs mean high emissions, and vice versa. A microgrid system operator may care more about achieving lower costs rather than lower emissions. Given the preferences, the operator needs to decide how to configure and operate the microgrid while satisfying all technical requirements, such as voltage stability and power balance. In order to control and manage the microgrid units in real-time while fully exploiting the benefit of long-term prediction, an off-line optimisation approach imposes itself to devise the online microgrid management. In this PhD thesis, an efficient multilayer control approach is developed which obtains a day-ahead unit commitment method to provide an economically and environmentally viable unit commitment (UC) that is physically feasible in terms of voltage violations. With the multilayer control approach, the future operational states of the controllable units within the microgrid are determined ahead of time. The proposed concept follows the idea of a day-ahead coordination including the unit commitment problem (scheduling layer), an off-line power flow calculation (executive layer) and a security check with feedback control (adjustment layer). Since the complete multilayer control concept works on a day-ahead time scale, the model can be considered as an off-line optimisation approach. The power reference set points provided by the multilayer control approach can, in turn, be used for an online microgrid implementation to achieve real-time system state updates

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems

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    Artificial intelligence tools, which are fast, robust and adaptive can overcome the drawbacks of traditional solutions for several power systems problems. In this work, applications of AI techniques have been studied for solving two important problems in power systems. The first problem is static security evaluation (SSE). The objective of SSE is to identify the contingencies in planning and operations of power systems. Numerical conventional solutions are time-consuming, computationally expensive, and are not suitable for online applications. SSE may be considered as a binary-classification, multi-classification or regression problem. In this work, multi-support vector machine is combined with several evolutionary computation algorithms, including particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution, Ant colony optimization for the continuous domain, and harmony search techniques to solve the SSE. Moreover, support vector regression is combined with modified PSO with a proposed modification on the inertia weight in order to solve the SSE. Also, the correct accuracy of classification, the speed of training, and the final cost of using power equipment heavily depend on the selected input features. In this dissertation, multi-object PSO has been used to solve this problem. Furthermore, a multi-classifier voting scheme is proposed to get the final test output. The classifiers participating in the voting scheme include multi-SVM with different types of kernels and random forests with an adaptive number of trees. In short, the development and performance of different machine learning tools combined with evolutionary computation techniques have been studied to solve the online SSE. The performance of the proposed techniques is tested on several benchmark systems, namely the IEEE 9-bus, 14-bus, 39-bus, 57-bus, 118-bus, and 300-bus power systems. The second problem is the non-convex, nonlinear, and non-differentiable economic dispatch (ED) problem. The purpose of solving the ED is to improve the cost-effectiveness of power generation. To solve ED with multi-fuel options, prohibited operating zones, valve point effect, and transmission line losses, genetic algorithm (GA) variant-based methods, such as breeder GA, fast navigating GA, twin removal GA, kite GA, and United GA are used. The IEEE systems with 6-units, 10-units, and 15-units are used to study the efficiency of the algorithms

    Combining Optimization and Machine Learning for the Formation of Collectives

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    This thesis considers the problem of forming collectives of agents for real-world applications aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., shared mobility and cooperative learning). Such problems require fast approaches that can produce solutions of high quality for hundreds of agents. With this goal in mind, existing solutions for the formation of collectives focus on enhancing the optimization approach by exploiting the characteristics of a domain. However, the resulting approaches rely on specific domain knowledge and are not transferable to other collective formation problems. Therefore, approaches that can be applied to various problems need to be studied in order to obtain general approaches that do not require prior knowledge of the domain. Along these lines, this thesis proposes a general approach for the formation of collectives based on a novel combination of machine learning and an \emph{Integer Linear Program}. More precisely, a machine learning component is trained to generate a set of promising collectives that are likely to be part of a solution. Then, such collectives and their corresponding utility values are introduced into an \emph{Integer Linear Program} which finds a solution to the collective formation problem. In that way, the machine learning component learns the structure shared by ``good'' collectives in a particular domain, making the whole approach valid for various applications. In addition, the empirical analysis conducted on two real-world domains (i.e., ridesharing and team formation) shows that the proposed approach provides solutions of comparable quality to state-of-the-art approaches specific to each domain. Finally, this thesis also shows that the proposed approach can be extended to problems that combine the formation of collectives with other optimization objectives. Thus, this thesis proposes an extension of the collective formation approach for assigning pickup and delivery locations to robots in a warehouse environment. The experimental evaluation shows that, although it is possible to use the collective formation approach for that purpose, several improvements are required to compete with state-of-the-art approaches. Overall, this thesis aims to demonstrate that machine learning can be successfully intertwined with classical optimization approaches for the formation of collectives by learning the structure of a domain, reducing the need for ad-hoc algorithms devised for a specific application

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems

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    Artificial intelligence tools, which are fast, robust and adaptive can overcome the drawbacks of traditional solutions for several power systems problems. In this work, applications of AI techniques have been studied for solving two important problems in power systems. The first problem is static security evaluation (SSE). The objective of SSE is to identify the contingencies in planning and operations of power systems. Numerical conventional solutions are time-consuming, computationally expensive, and are not suitable for online applications. SSE may be considered as a binary-classification, multi-classification or regression problem. In this work, multi-support vector machine is combined with several evolutionary computation algorithms, including particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution, Ant colony optimization for the continuous domain, and harmony search techniques to solve the SSE. Moreover, support vector regression is combined with modified PSO with a proposed modification on the inertia weight in order to solve the SSE. Also, the correct accuracy of classification, the speed of training, and the final cost of using power equipment heavily depend on the selected input features. In this dissertation, multi-object PSO has been used to solve this problem. Furthermore, a multi-classifier voting scheme is proposed to get the final test output. The classifiers participating in the voting scheme include multi-SVM with different types of kernels and random forests with an adaptive number of trees. In short, the development and performance of different machine learning tools combined with evolutionary computation techniques have been studied to solve the online SSE. The performance of the proposed techniques is tested on several benchmark systems, namely the IEEE 9-bus, 14-bus, 39-bus, 57-bus, 118-bus, and 300-bus power systems. The second problem is the non-convex, nonlinear, and non-differentiable economic dispatch (ED) problem. The purpose of solving the ED is to improve the cost-effectiveness of power generation. To solve ED with multi-fuel options, prohibited operating zones, valve point effect, and transmission line losses, genetic algorithm (GA) variant-based methods, such as breeder GA, fast navigating GA, twin removal GA, kite GA, and United GA are used. The IEEE systems with 6-units, 10-units, and 15-units are used to study the efficiency of the algorithms