175 research outputs found

    TOPSIS for mobile based group and personal decision support system

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    Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is an algorithm that can be used for alternative design in a decision support system (DSS). TOPSIS provides recommendation so that users can get information that support their decision, for example a tourist wants to visit a tourist destination in Malang, then TOPSIS provides recommendations of tourist destinations in the form of ranking recommendation, with the highest rank is the most recommended recommendation. TOPSIS-based Mobile Decision Support System (DSS) has relatively low algorithm complexity. However, there are some cases that require development from personal DSS to group DSS, for example tourists rarely come alone, in which case most of them invite friends or family. For users who are more than 1 person, the TOPSIS algorithm can be combined with the BORDA algorithm. This study explains about the implementation & testing of TOPSIS and TOPSIS-BORDA as algorithms for personal and group DSS in mobile-based tourism recommendation system in Malang. Correlation testing was conducted to test the effectiveness of TOPSIS in mobile-based recommendation system. In previous study, correlation testing for personal DSS showed that there was a relationship between the recommendation and user choice, with correlation value of 0.770769231. In this study, correlation testing for group DSS showed there is a positive correlation of 0.88 between the recommendations of the group produced by TOPSIS-BORDA and personal recommendations for each user produced by TOPSIS

    Application of Multi Criteria Decision Making tools in Selection of Concrete Mix

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    304-309Now a day decision making plays a major role in deciding the execution of any task. Two key tools are available to serve the purpose of decision-making. These include AHP as well as TOPSIS, both falls under Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) tools. These techniques are now also brought in the field of civil engineering. MCDM techniques are used in various applications of civil engineering. This paper presents comparison of AHP and TOPSIS for making final decisions for the best concrete mix with fibres of steel and basalt available with different proportions. The comparison is made on the tests of split tensile strength, compressive strength and flexure results. Results of the experiment are used to validate results of AHP and TOPSIS. Optimum hybrid mixes for mechanical properties is M-S0.5-B0 at 28 days

    Application of Multi Criteria Decision Making tools in Selection of Concrete Mix

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    Nowadays decision making plays a major role in deciding the execution of any task. For this purpose, two widely known key tools are available to us. These include AHP as well as TOPSIS, both falls under MCDM tools. These techniques are now also brought in the field of civil engineering. Both techniques are used to analyze the results with the help of comparative data studies related to different concrete mixes. The study includes the analysis of results of compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexure strength and then validate the results obtained with AHP and TOPSIS techniques. These techniques will help in identification of best to worst concrete mix

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Rekomendasi Tempat Rental Motor di Kota Malang dengan Metode AHP TOPSIS Berbasis Location Based Services.

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    Hanya sedikit warga asli Kota Malang yang tahu tempat rental motor di Kota Malang. Padahal seperti yang sudah diketahui, Kota Malang termasuk kota pariwisata yang selalu ramai dikunjungi. Ditambah lagi masing-masing orang memiliki kriteria yang berbeda-beda dalam memilih tempat rental motor. Dengan fasilitas yang seadanya membuat pengguna mengalami kesulitan dalam memilih tempat rental motor di Kota Malang yang sesuai dengan keinginan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dibutuhkan sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) untuk mendukung dan mempermudah pengguna dalam memilih lokasi rental motor. Metode SPK tersebut harus memiliki kompleksitas waktu yang rendah. Aplikasi android rekomendasi tempat rental motor di kota malang dengan metode AHP TOPSIS berbasis location based services adalah aplikasi yang memberikan rekomendasi tempat rental motor di kota Malang yang sesuai dengan bobot kepentingan kriteria yang dimasukkan oleh pengguna. Kriteria ini mencakup harga sewa motor 125cc per hari, lokasi tempat rental motor, popularitas dan rating tempat rental motor. Hasil dari pengujian penelitian ini mengatakan bahwa nilai usability mencapai nilai 82.82%, dimana nilai ini termasuk dalam kualifikasi baik, kemudian hasil pengujian fungsional bernilai 100%, lalu pengujian kesesuaian juga menyatakan bahwa aplikasi ini memiliki nilai hasil pengujian 90%

    Implementasi Layanan Aplikasi Bergerak Untuk Informasi Wisata Provinsi Papua Barat

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    Provinsi Papua Barat memiliki beragam tempat pariwisata. Namun, sebagian masyarakat Indonesia yang berkunjung ke Papua Barat hanya mengenal Raja Ampat sebagai tempat wisata. Padahal masih banyak tempat yang belum dikenal secara luas untuk menjadi tujuan wisata. Selain itu, belum adanya aplikasi yang berbasis Android yang dapat mendukung dalam promosi pariwisata di Papua Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun aplikasi bergerak agar dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana melakukan promosi wisata. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada penduduk untuk mengakses informasi tentang lokasi wisata di Provinsi Papua Barat secara tepat dan mudah. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Design Science Research (DSR) merupakan model yang bisa difungsikan sebagai solusi untuk membangun dan mengevaluasi jejak digital secara waktu nyata, melibatkan variabel yang mempertimbangkan desain, utilitas desain dan menentukan karakter variabel yang dievaluasi. Aplikasi yang dibangun berbasis Android dengan memanfaatkan layanan cloud PaaS serta layanan google maps dalam mempermudah mencari lokasi wisata. Evaluasi akhir yang lakukan dilihat dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden untuk tingkat kepuasan pemanfaatan aplikasi yang dibangun. Hasil menyatakan 36,9%  responden sangat setuju, 51,6% menyatakan setuju, 10,3% menyatakan cukup dan 1,2% menyatakan kurang. Sehingga diketahui mayoritas responden setuju apabila aplikasi ini dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk promosi dan mencari informasi pariwisata di Provinsi Papua Barat Abstract Papua Barat Province has various tourist attractions. However, even Indonesians who visited Papua Barat only know Raja Ampat as a tourist destination. The fact is, there are still many places that are unknown to the general public. Beside that, there is no Android-based application that can support tourism promotion in Papua Barat. This research aims to design and build a mobile application to promote tourism. This research contributes to the population by providing precise and easy access to information about tourist sites in Papua Barat Province. This research used The Design Science Research (DSR) model which is a model that can function as a solution for building and evaluating digital trace in real-time, involves variables that consider the design, utility design and determine the character of the variables evaluated. The application is Android-based, utilizing the PaaS cloud service as well as the Google maps service for making it easier to find tourist sites. The final evaluation is seen from the results of the questionnaires distributed to respondents to find out their level of satisfaction of the application. The results show that 36.9% of respondents strongly agreed, 51.6% agreed, 10.3% said fair, and 1.2% said less. So it is known that the majority of respondents agreed that this application can be used as a tool for promoting and searching for tourism information in Papua Barat Province

    Prioritizing Offshore Vendor Selection Criteria for the North American Geospatial Industry

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    The U.S. market for geospatial services totaled US $2.2 billion in 2010, representing 50% of the global market. Data-processing firms subcontract labor-intensive portions of data services to offshore providers in South and East Asia and Eastern Europe. In general, half of all offshore contracts fail within the first 5 years because one or more parties consider the relationship unsuccessful. Despite the high failure rates, no study has examined the offshore vendor selection process in the geospatial industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the list of key offshore vendor selection criteria and the efficacy of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for ranking the criteria that North American geospatial companies consider in the offshore vendor selection process. After the selection of the initial list of factors from the literature and their validation in a pilot study, a final survey instrument was developed and administered to 15 subject matter experts (SMEs) in North America. The SMEs expressed their preferences for one criterion over another by pairwise comparisons, which served as input to the AHP procedure. The results showed that the quality of deliverables was the top ranked (out of 26) factors, instead of the price, which ranked third. Similarly, SMEs considered social and environmental consciousness on the vendor side as irrelevant. More importantly, the findings indicated that the structured AHP process provides a useful and effective methodology whose application may considerably improve the quality of the overall vendor selection process. Last, improved and stabilized business relationships leading to predictable budgets might catalyze social change, supporting stable employment. Consumers could benefit from derivative improvements in product quality and pricing

    Improving residential housing project purchase by using integrated multi-attribute decision making and sentiment analysis technique

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    The residential house purchase decision making is highly complex due to reasons such as conflicting criteria which is hard to model, infrequent type of decisions, uncertain and irreversible decision outcomes, high investment, and long-term financial burden. Unlike many other types of purchasing, housing purchase decision-making is riskier and sometimes even ‘traumatic’. It is often associated with feeling of regret and the possibility of loss among homebuyers. Typically, the Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) models are used to systematically assist and structure residential housing project selection decision making. However, the MADM models impose deficiencies in the evaluation process due to insufficient knowledge of homebuyers, ignorance of public opinions and limited sources of information. Furthermore, the application of MADM models requires homebuyer to rely on their evaluation experience which potentially led to an imprecise decision. Hence, this study developed an improved model by integrating MADM and three approaches of Sentiment Analysis to capture and rank criteria from public opinions through online reviews. Properties online forums and google reviews were selected to extract public opinions through online reviews. Three high-rise residential projects located in Malaysia were used as case projects for demonstrating the model development and validation of the proposed framework. Three Sentiment Analysis approach were considered; Lexicon, Machine Learning and hybrid. Based on the ranking established by the models, it shows that location, facility, and house attributes are the most important criteria in residential housing purchase decision making. In addition, classification using a hybrid MADM Sentiment Analysis approach outperforms the Lexicon approach with better accuracy. The developed model can assist homebuyer in making decision for the current practice. Moreover, it can be generalised to other related multi-criteria applications with the use of online public opinions as reference

    Recommendations for Tourism Sites Using the Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Method and Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Case Study in Yogyakarta)

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    Tourism is one of the activities carried out for recreation or leisure in a place with a variety of purposes and objectives. In Indonesia, many cities provide attractive tourism places, and one of them is the city of Yogyakarta. Because it has interesting and diverse tourism places, Yogyakarta is in great demand by local and foreign tourists. Thus to be able to maximize the visits of tourists who come to Yogyakarta, we need a system that is able to provide information on tourist attractions to tourists precisely in accordance with what the tourists want. The proposed system uses the Fuzzy Logic method and Floyd Warshall Algorithm which are combined, so as to obtain results in the form of recommendations for tourist attractions based on the costs of tourists, the length of time and distance needed to reach the tourist attraction