343 research outputs found

    Optimization of image reconstruction method for SPECT studies performed using [99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC] octreotate in patients with neuroendocrine tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS)is a useful tool in the assessment of GEP-NET (gastroenteropancreaticneuroendocrine tumor) patients. The choiceof appropriate settings of image reconstruction parameters iscrucial in interpretation of these images. The aim of the studywas to investigate how the GEP NET lesion signal to noise ratio(TCS/TCB) depends on different reconstruction settings for Flash3D software (Siemens).METHODS: SRS results of 76 randomly selected patients withconfirmed GEP-NET were analyzed. For SPECT studies the datawere acquired using standard clinical settings 3–4 h after theinjection of 740 MBq 99mTc-[EDDA/HYNIC] octreotate. To obtainfinal images the OSEM 3D Flash reconstruction with differentsettings and FBP reconstruction were used. First, the TCS/TCBratio in voxels was analyzed for different combinations of thenumber of subsets and the number of iterations of the OSEM3D Flash reconstruction. Secondly, the same ratio was analyzed for different parameters of the Gaussian filter (with FWHM = 2–4times greater from the pixel size). Also the influence of scattercorrection on the TCS/TCB ratio was investigated.RESULTS: With increasing number of subsets and iterations, theincrease of TCS/TCB ratio was observed. With increasing settingsof Gauss [FWHM coefficient] filter, the decrease of TCS/TCB ratiowas reported. The use of scatter correction slightly decreasesthe values of this ratio.CONCLUSIONS: OSEM algorithm provides a meaningfullybetter reconstruction of the SRS SPECT study as compared tothe FBP technique. A high number of subsets improves imagequality (images are smoother). Increasing number of iterationsgives a better contrast and the shapes of lesions and organs aresharper. The choice of reconstruction parameters is a compromisebetween image qualitative appearance and its quantitativeaccuracy and should not be modified when comparing multiplestudies of the same patient

    Noise correlation in PET, CT, SPECT and PET/CT data evaluated using autocorrelation function: a phantom study on data, reconstructed using FBP and OSEM

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    BACKGROUND: Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Computed Tomography (CT), PET/CT and Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) are non-invasive imaging tools used for creating two dimensional (2D) cross section images of three dimensional (3D) objects. PET and SPECT have the potential of providing functional or biochemical information by measuring distribution and kinetics of radiolabelled molecules, whereas CT visualizes X-ray density in tissues in the body. PET/CT provides fused images representing both functional and anatomical information with better precision in localization than PET alone. Images generated by these types of techniques are generally noisy, thereby impairing the imaging potential and affecting the precision in quantitative values derived from the images. It is crucial to explore and understand the properties of noise in these imaging techniques. Here we used autocorrelation function (ACF) specifically to describe noise correlation and its non-isotropic behaviour in experimentally generated images of PET, CT, PET/CT and SPECT. METHODS: Experiments were performed using phantoms with different shapes. In PET and PET/CT studies, data were acquired in 2D acquisition mode and reconstructed by both analytical filter back projection (FBP) and iterative, ordered subsets expectation maximisation (OSEM) methods. In the PET/CT studies, different magnitudes of X-ray dose in the transmission were employed by using different mA settings for the X-ray tube. In the CT studies, data were acquired using different slice thickness with and without applied dose reduction function and the images were reconstructed by FBP. SPECT studies were performed in 2D, reconstructed using FBP and OSEM, using post 3D filtering. ACF images were generated from the primary images, and profiles across the ACF images were used to describe the noise correlation in different directions. The variance of noise across the images was visualised as images and with profiles across these images. RESULTS: The most important finding was that the pattern of noise correlation is rotation symmetric or isotropic, independent of object shape in PET and PET/CT images reconstructed using the iterative method. This is, however, not the case in FBP images when the shape of phantom is not circular. Also CT images reconstructed using FBP show the same non-isotropic pattern independent of slice thickness and utilization of care dose function. SPECT images show an isotropic correlation of the noise independent of object shape or applied reconstruction algorithm. Noise in PET/CT images was identical independent of the applied X-ray dose in the transmission part (CT), indicating that the noise from transmission with the applied doses does not propagate into the PET images showing that the noise from the emission part is dominant. The results indicate that in human studies it is possible to utilize a low dose in transmission part while maintaining the noise behaviour and the quality of the images. CONCLUSION: The combined effect of noise correlation for asymmetric objects and a varying noise variance across the image field significantly complicates the interpretation of the images when statistical methods are used, such as with statistical estimates of precision in average values, use of statistical parametric mapping methods and principal component analysis. Hence it is recommended that iterative reconstruction methods are used for such applications. However, it is possible to calculate the noise analytically in images reconstructed by FBP, while it is not possible to do the same calculation in images reconstructed by iterative methods. Therefore for performing statistical methods of analysis which depend on knowing the noise, FBP would be preferred

    Expectation maximization (EM) algorithms using polar symmetriesfor computed tomography(CT) image reconstruction

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    We suggest a symmetric-polar pixellation scheme which makes possible a reduction of the computational cost for expectation maximization (EM) iterative algorithms. The proposed symmetric-polar pixellation allows us to deal with 3D images as a whole problem without dividing the 3D problem into 2D slices approach. Performance evaluation of each approach in terms of stability and image quality is presented. Exhaustive comparisons between all approaches were conducted in a 2D based image reconstruction model. From these 2D approaches, that showing the best performances were finally implemented and evaluated in a 3D based image reconstruction model. Comparison to 3D images reconstructed with FBP is also presented. Although the algorithm is presented in the context of computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction, it can be applied to any other tomographic technique as well, due to the fact that the only requirement is a scanning geometry involving measurements of an object under different projection angles. Real data have been acquired with a small animal (CT) scanner to verify the proposed mathematical description of the CT system.This work was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I+D+I) under Grant, FIS2010-21216-CO2-01, Valencian Local Government under Grant Nos. PROMETEO 2008/114 and APOSTD/2010/012. The authors would like to thank Brennan Holt for checking and correcting the text.Rodríguez Álvarez, MJ.; Soriano Asensi, A.; Iborra Carreres, A.; Sánchez Martínez, F.; González Martínez, AJ.; Conde, P.; Hernández Hernández, L.... (2013). Expectation maximization (EM) algorithms using polar symmetriesfor computed tomography(CT) image reconstruction. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 43(8):1053-1061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.04.015S1053106143

    Quantification of dopaminergic neurotransmission SPECT studies with 123 l-labelled radioligands

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    Dopaminergic neurotransmission SPECT studies with 123I-labelled radioligands can help in the diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Parkinson¿s disease and schizophrenia. Nowadays, interpretation of SPECT images is based mainly on visual assessment by experienced observers. However, a quantitative evaluation of the images is recommended in current clinical guidelines. Quantitative information can help diagnose the disease at the early pre-clinical stages, follow its progression and assess the effects of treatment strategies. SPECT images are affected by a number of effects that are inherent in the image formation: attenuation and scattering of photons, system response and partial volume effect. These effects degrade the contrast and resolution of the images and, as a consequence, the real activity distribution of the radiotracer is distorted. Whilst the photon emission of 123I is dominated by a low-energy line of 159 keV, it also emits several high-energy lines. When 123I-labelled radioligands are used, a non-negligible fraction of high-energy photons undergoes backscattering in the detector and the gantry and reaches the detector within the energy window. In this work, a complete methodology for the compensation of all the degrading effects involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission SPECT imaging with 123I is presented. The proposed method uses Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the scattered photons detected in the projections. For this purpose, the SimSET Monte Carlo code was modified so as to adapt it to the more complex simulation of high-energy photons emitted by 123I. Once validated, the modified SimSET code was used to simulate 123I SPECT studies of an anthropomorphic striatal phantom using different imaging systems. The projections obtained showed that scatter is strongly dependent on the imaging system and comprises at least 40% of the detected photons. Applying the new methodology demonstrated that absolute quantification can be achieved when the method includes accurate compensations for all the degrading effects. When the method did not include correction for all degradations, calculated values depended on the imaging system, although a linear relationship was found between calculated and true values. It was also found that partial volume effect and scatter corrections play a major role in the recovery of nominal values. Despite the advantages of absolute quantification, the computational and methodological requirements needed severely limit the possibility of application in clinical routine. Thus, for the time being, absolute quantification is limited to academic studies and research trials. In a clinical context, reliable, simple and rapid methods are needed, thus, semi-quantitative methods are used. Diagnosis also requires the establishment of robust reference values for healthy controls. These values are usually derived from a large data pool obtained in multicentre clinical trials. The comparison between the semi-quantitative values obtained from a patient and the reference is only feasible if the quantitative values have been previously standardised, i.e. they are independent of the gamma camera, acquisition protocol, reconstruction parameters and quantification procedure applied. Thus, standardisation requires that the calculated values are compensated somehow for all the image-degrading phenomena. In this thesis dissertation, a methodology for the standardisation of the quantitative values extracted from dopaminergic neurotransmission SPECT studies with 123I is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. This methodology is based on the linear relationship found between calculated and true values for a group of studies corresponding to different subjects with non-negligible anatomical and tracer uptake differences. Reconstruction and quantification methods were found to have a high impact on the linearity of the relationship and on the accuracy of the standardised results

    Cardiac PET/CT with Rb-82: optimization of image acquisition and reconstruction parameters.

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    Our aim was to characterize the influence of time-of-flight (TOF) and point spread function (PSF) recovery corrections, as well as ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) reconstruction parameters, in (82)Rb PET/CT quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) and myocardial flow reserve (MFR). Rest and stress list-mode dynamic (82)Rb PET acquisition data from 10 patients without myocardial flow defects and 10 patients with myocardial blood flow defects were reconstructed retrospectively. OSEM reconstructions were performed with Gaussian filters of 4, 6, and 8 mm, different iterations, and subset numbers (2 × 24; 2 × 16; 3 × 16; 4 × 16). Rest and stress global, regional, and segmental MBF and MFR were computed from time activity curves with FlowQuant(©) software. Left ventricular segmentation using the 17-segment American Heart Association model was obtained. Whole left ventricle (LV) MBF at rest and stress were 0.97 ± 0.30 and 2.30 ± 1.00 mL/min/g, respectively, and MFR was 2.40 ± 1.13. Concordance was excellent and all reconstruction parameters had no significant impact on MBF, except for the exclusion of TOF which led to significantly decreased concordance in rest and stress MBF in patients with or without perfusion defects on a coronary artery basis and in MFR in patients with perfusion defects. Changes in reconstruction parameters in perfusion (82)Rb PET/CT studies influence quantitative MBF analysis. The inclusion of TOF information in the tomographic reconstructions had significant impact in MBF quantification

    Optimization, evaluation, and comparison of standard algorithms for image reconstruction with the VIP-PET

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    A novel positron emission tomography (PET) scanner design based on a room-temperature pixelated CdTe solid-state detector is being developed within the framework of the Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) Pathfinder project []. The simulation results show a great potential of the VIP to produce high-resolution images even in extremely challenging conditions such as the screening of a human head []. With unprecedented high channel density (450 channels/cm 3) image reconstruction is a challenge. Therefore optimization is needed to find the best algorithm in order to exploit correctly the promising detector potential. The following reconstruction algorithms are evaluated: 2-D Filtered Backprojection (FBP), Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization (OSEM), List-Mode OSEM (LM-OSEM), and the Origin Ensemble (OE) algorithm. The evaluation is based on the comparison of a true image phantom with a set of reconstructed images obtained by each algorithm. This is achieved by calculation of image quality merit parameters such as the bias, the variance and the mean square error (MSE). A systematic optimization of each algorithm is performed by varying the reconstruction parameters, such as the cutoff frequency of the noise filters and the number of iterations. The region of interest (ROI) analysis of the reconstructed phantom is also performed for each algorithm and the results are compared. Additionally, the performance of the image reconstruction methods is compared by calculating the modulation transfer function (MTF). The reconstruction time is also taken into account to choose the optimal algorithm. The analysis is based on GAMOS [] simulation including the expected CdTe and electronic specifics

    New reconstruction algorithm allows shortened acquisition time for myocardial perfusion SPECT

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    Purpose: Shortening scan time and/or reducing radiation dose at maintained image quality are the main issues of the current research in radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI). We aimed to validate a new iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithm for SPECT MPI allowing shortened acquisition time (HALF time) while maintaining image quality vs. standard full time acquisition (FULL time). Methods: In this study, 50 patients, referred for evaluation of known or suspected coronary artery disease by SPECT MPI using 99mTc-Tetrofosmin, underwent 1-day adenosine stress 300MBq/rest 900MBq protocol with standard (stress 15min/rest 15min FULL time) immediately followed by short emission scan (stress 9min/rest 7min HALF time) on a Ventri SPECT camera (GE Healthcare). FULL time scans were processed with IR, short scans were additionally processed with a recently developed software algorithm for HALF time emission scans. All reconstructions were subsequently analyzed using commercially available software (QPS/QGS, Cedars Medical Sinai) with/without X-ray based attenuation correction (AC). Uptake values (percent of maximum) were compared by regression and Bland-Altman (BA) analysis in a 20-segment model. Results: HALF scans yielded a 96% readout and 100% clinical diagnosis concordance compared to FULL. Correlation for uptake in each segment (n = 1,000) was r = 0.87at stress (p < 0.001) and r = 0.89 at rest (p < 0.001) with respective BA limits of agreement of −11% to 10% and −12% to 11%. After AC similar correlation (r = 0.82, rest; r = 0.80, stress, both p < 0.001) and BA limits were found (−12% to 10%; −13% to 12%). Conclusion: With the new IR algorithm, SPECT MPI can be acquired at half of the scan time without compromising image quality, resulting in an excellent agreement with FULL time scans regarding to uptake and clinical conclusio

    Development and assessment of estimate methods for internal dosimetry using PET/CT

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    The aim of this thesis was to assess and develop internal dose calculations methods in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures to patients undergone PET/CT explorations. Towards this objective, the accuracy and precision of different classical methods commonly used to estimate internal dosimetry were investigated. Biodistribution studies were used in order to compare these methods. The main study aspects included region-of-interest (ROI) delineation methods, reconstruction algorithms, scatter correction and radiopharmaceutical's biokinetic. Optimization of internal dosimetry in this thesis was completed with the development of a Monte Carlo (MC) technique for estimating the patient-specific PET/CT dosimetry. The development of a mathematical model using MC techniques allowed us to have a gold standard to which compare classical techniques and study the aspects discussed previously. It was observed that effective dose (ED) estimations were sensitive to whichever delineation ROI method was applied. Furthermore, it was perceived that the biokinetics of the radioligand also influences in the ED estimation. On the other hand, similar quantitative accuracy was found regarding image reconstruction (FBP and OSEM) and scatter correction methods studied (FSC and SSC). Analysis of the impact of inter- and intra-operator variability in dose estimations revealed higher reproducibility in 3D methods in comparison with 2D planar method. The last one, showed the highest interoperator variability, which implies an overestimation of the ED. In this dissertation, specific routines were developed to be applied with the MC code PENELOPE/penEasy to perform individualized internal dosimetry estimations. Voxel-level absorbed dose maps which include self- and cross-irradiation doses were generated from the morphological and functional patient images. Further parameters such as cumulative organ dose, maximum and minimum voxel organ values, volume of the organ and dose-volume histograms of interest were reported. The model implemented was applied to a theoretical study using simulated PET images of a voxelized Zubal phantom. The results were benchmarked with the ones obtained using the OLINDA/EXM software. The comparison was in good agreement for those organs were both phantoms considered (Zubal and the reference one in OLINDA/EXM) were close. Undoubtedly, the implementation of a patient-specific internal dosimetry method not only leads to an improvement in diagnostic examinations where the risk could be quantified, but also NM therapy could become more effective in terms that patients receiving an optimal care.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar i desenvolupar mètodes de càlcul de dosis interna en procediments de diagnòstic i terapèutics de medicina nuclear per a pacients sotmesos a exploracions PET / TC. Amb aquest objectiu, es va investigar l'exactitud i la precisió dels diferents mètodes clàssics utilitzats habitualment per estimar la dosimetria interna. Es van utilitzar estudis de biodistribució per comparar aquests mètodes. Els principals aspectes d'estudi incloïen mètodes de delimitació de la regió d'interès (ROI), algoritmes de reconstrucció, correcció de dispersió i biocinètiques de radiofàrmacs. L'optimització de la dosimetria interna en aquesta tesi es va completar amb el desenvolupament d'una tècnica de Monte Carlo (MC) per a estimar la dosimetria PET / TC específica del pacient. El desenvolupament d'un model matemàtic amb tècniques de MC ens va permetre tenir una referència amb la que comparar les tècniques clàssiques i estudiar els aspectes descrits anteriorment. Es va observar que les estimacions de la dosi efectiva (DE) eren sensibles a qualsevol mètode de delimitació de la ROI aplicada. A més a més, es va percebre que la biocinètica del radiolligand també influeix en l'estimació de la DE. D'altra banda, es va trobar una exactitud quantitativament similar pel que fa a la reconstrucció d'imatges (FBP i OSEM) i els mètodes de correcció de dispersió estudiats (FSC i SSC). L'anàlisi de l'impacte de la variabilitat entre operadors i intra-operadors en les estimacions de dosis va mostrar una major reproductibilitat en els mètodes 3D en comparació amb el mètode planar 2D. Aquest últim, va mostrar la màxima variabilitat entre operadors, la qual cosa implica una sobreestimació de la DE. En aquesta tesi, es van desenvolupar rutines específiques per aplicar-les amb el codi MC PENELOPE / penEasy per a realitzar estimacions de dosimetria interna individualitzades. Es van generar mapes de dosis absorbida a nivell de voxel que incloïen dosis d? autoirradiació i irradiació creuada a partir de les imatges morfològiques i funcionals del pacient. Es van reportar altres paràmetres d?interès com la dosi d'òrgan acumulada, els valors màxims i mínims de l'òrgan i del vòxel, el volum de l'òrgan i els histogrames de dosi-volum. El model implementat es va aplicar a un estudi teòric mitjançant imatges simulades de PET d'un maniquí de Zubal voxelitzat. Els resultats es van comparar amb els obtinguts mitjançant el programa OLINDA / EXM. Es va observar un bon acord per a aquells òrgans semblants entre el maniquí de Zubal i el maniquí de referència del software OLINDA/EXM. Sens dubte, la implementació d'un mètode de dosimetria interna específic per al pacient no només condueix a una millora en les exploracions de diagnòstic on es pot quantificar el risc d?irradiació, sinó que la teràpia amb medicina nuclear podria ser més eficaç en termes que els pacients rebin un tractament òptim.Postprint (published version