61,407 research outputs found

    Trust and Reputation Management: a Probabilistic Approach

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    Software architectures of large-scale systems are perceptibly shifting towards employing open and distributed computing. Web services emerged as autonomous and self-contained business applications that are published, found, and used over the web. These web services thus exist in an environment in which they interact among each other to achieve their goals. Two challenging tasks that govern the agents interactions have gained the attention of a large research community; web service selection and composition. The explosion of the number of published web services contributed to the growth of large pools of similarly functional services. While this is vital for a competitive and healthy marketplace, it complicates the aforementioned tasks. Service consumers resort to non-functional characteristics of available service providers to decide which service to interact with. Therefore, to optimize both tasks and maximize the gain of all involved agents, it is essential to build the capability of modeling and predicting the quality of these agents. In this thesis, we propose various trust and reputation models based on probabilistic approaches to address the web service selection and composition problems. These approaches consider the trustworthiness of a web service to be strongly tied to the outcomes of various quality of service metrics such as response time, throughput, and reliability. We represent these outcomes by a multinomial distribution whose parameters are learned using Bayesian inference which, given a likelihood function and a prior probability, derives the posterior probability. Since the likelihood, in this case, is a multinomial, a commonly used prior is the Dirichlet distribution. We propose, to overcome several limitations of the Dirichlet, by applying two alternative priors such as the generalized Dirichlet, and Beta-Liouville. Using these distributions, the learned parameters represent the probabilities of a web service to belong to each of the considered quality classes. These probabilities are consequently used to compute the trustworthiness of the evaluated web services and thus assisting consumers in the service selection process. Furthermore, after exploring the correlations among various quality metrics using real data sets, we introduce a hybrid trust model that captures these correlations using both Dirichlet and generalized Dirichlet distributions. Given their covariance structures, the former performs better when modeling negative correlations while the latter yields better modeling of positive correlations. To handle composite services, we propose various trust approaches using Bayesian networks and mixture models of three different distributions; the multinomial Dirichlet, the multinomial generalized Dirichlet, and the multinomial Beta-Liouville. Specifically, we employ a Bayesian network classifier with a Beta- Liouville prior to enable the classification of the QoS of composite services given the QoS of its constituents. In addition, we extend the previous models to function in online settings. Therefore, we present a generalized-Dirichlet power steady model that predicts compositional time series. We similarly extend the Bayesian networks model by using the Voting EM algorithm. This extension enables the estimation of the networks parameters after each interaction with a composite web service. Furthermore, we propose an algorithm to estimate the reputation of web services. We extend this algorithm by leveraging the capabilities of various clustering and outlier detection techniques to deal with malicious feedback and various strategic behavior commonly performed by web services. Alternatively, we suggest two data fusion methods for reputation feedback aggregation, namely, the covariance intersection and ellipsoidal intersection. These methods handle the dependency between the information that propagates through networks of interacting agents. They also avoid over confident estimates caused by redundant information. Finally, we present a reputation model for agent-based web services grouped into communities of homogeneous functionalities. We exploit various clustering and anomaly detection techniques to analyze and identify the quality trends provided by each service. This model enables the master of each community to allocate the requests it receives to the web service that best fulfill the quality requirements of the service consumers. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches using both simulated and real data

    Digital Ecosystems: Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures

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    We view Digital Ecosystems to be the digital counterparts of biological ecosystems. Here, we are concerned with the creation of these Digital Ecosystems, exploiting the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems to evolve high-level software applications. Therefore, we created the Digital Ecosystem, a novel optimisation technique inspired by biological ecosystems, where the optimisation works at two levels: a first optimisation, migration of agents which are distributed in a decentralised peer-to-peer network, operating continuously in time; this process feeds a second optimisation based on evolutionary computing that operates locally on single peers and is aimed at finding solutions to satisfy locally relevant constraints. The Digital Ecosystem was then measured experimentally through simulations, with measures originating from theoretical ecology, evaluating its likeness to biological ecosystems. This included its responsiveness to requests for applications from the user base, as a measure of the ecological succession (ecosystem maturity). Overall, we have advanced the understanding of Digital Ecosystems, creating Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures where the word ecosystem is more than just a metaphor.Comment: 39 pages, 26 figures, journa

    Biology of Applied Digital Ecosystems

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    A primary motivation for our research in Digital Ecosystems is the desire to exploit the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems. Ecosystems are thought to be robust, scalable architectures that can automatically solve complex, dynamic problems. However, the biological processes that contribute to these properties have not been made explicit in Digital Ecosystems research. Here, we discuss how biological properties contribute to the self-organising features of biological ecosystems, including population dynamics, evolution, a complex dynamic environment, and spatial distributions for generating local interactions. The potential for exploiting these properties in artificial systems is then considered. We suggest that several key features of biological ecosystems have not been fully explored in existing digital ecosystems, and discuss how mimicking these features may assist in developing robust, scalable self-organising architectures. An example architecture, the Digital Ecosystem, is considered in detail. The Digital Ecosystem is then measured experimentally through simulations, with measures originating from theoretical ecology, to confirm its likeness to a biological ecosystem. Including the responsiveness to requests for applications from the user base, as a measure of the 'ecological succession' (development).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure, conferenc

    Supporting End-User Development through a New Composition Model: An Empirical Study

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    End-user development (EUD) is much hyped, and its impact has outstripped even the most optimistic forecasts. Even so, the vision of end users programming their own solutions has not yet materialized. This will continue to be so unless we in both industry and the research community set ourselves the ambitious challenge of devising end to end an end-user application development model for developing a new age of EUD tools. We have embarked on this venture, and this paper presents the main insights and outcomes of our research and development efforts as part of a number of successful EU research projects. Our proposal not only aims to reshape software engineering to meet the needs of EUD but also to refashion its components as solution building blocks instead of programs and software developments. This way, end users will really be empowered to build solutions based on artefacts akin to their expertise and understanding of ideal solution

    Design of an autonomous software platform for future symbiotic service management

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    Nowadays, public as well as private communication infrastructures are all contending for the same limited amount of bandwidth. To optimally share network resources, symbiotic networks have been proposed, which cross logical and physical boundaries to improve the reliability, scalability, and energy efficiency of the network as a whole as well as its constituents. This paper focuses on software services in such symbiotic networks. We propose a platform for the intelligent composition of services provided by symbiotically connected parties, resulting in novel cooperation opportunities. The platform harvests Semantic Web technology to describe services in a highly expressive manner, and constructs service compositions using SeCoA, our tunable best-first search algorithm. The resulting compositions are then enacted via CaPI, a reconfigurable middleware infrastructure. By means of an illustrative scenario, we provide further insight into the platform's functioning

    Grid service discovery with rough sets

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    Copyright [2008] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.The computational grid is evolving as a service-oriented computing infrastructure that facilitates resource sharing and large-scale problem solving over the Internet. Service discovery becomes an issue of vital importance in utilising grid facilities. This paper presents ROSSE, a Rough sets based search engine for grid service discovery. Building on Rough sets theory, ROSSE is novel in its capability to deal with uncertainty of properties when matching services. In this way, ROSSE can discover the services that are most relevant to a service query from a functional point of view. Since functionally matched services may have distinct non-functional properties related to Quality of Service (QoS), ROSSE introduces a QoS model to further filter matched services with their QoS values to maximise user satisfaction in service discovery. ROSSE is evaluated in terms of its accuracy and efficiency in discovery of computing services

    QoS-Aware Middleware for Web Services Composition

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    The paradigmatic shift from a Web of manual interactions to a Web of programmatic interactions driven by Web services is creating unprecedented opportunities for the formation of online Business-to-Business (B2B) collaborations. In particular, the creation of value-added services by composition of existing ones is gaining a significant momentum. Since many available Web services provide overlapping or identical functionality, albeit with different Quality of Service (QoS), a choice needs to be made to determine which services are to participate in a given composite service. This paper presents a middleware platform which addresses the issue of selecting Web services for the purpose of their composition in a way that maximizes user satisfaction expressed as utility functions over QoS attributes, while satisfying the constraints set by the user and by the structure of the composite service. Two selection approaches are described and compared: one based on local (task-level) selection of services and the other based on global allocation of tasks to services using integer programming