22 research outputs found

    A Combinatorial Proof of Kneser'sConjecture*

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    Kneser's conjecture, first proved by Lovász in 1978, states that the graph with all k-element subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n} as vertices and with edges connecting disjoint sets has chromatic number n−2k+2. We derive this result from Tucker's combinatorial lemma on labeling the vertices of special triangulations of the octahedral ball. By specializing a proof of Tucker's lemma, we obtain self-contained purely combinatorial proof of Kneser's conjectur

    Uniform hypergraphs

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    Box complexes and Kronecker double coverings (New topics of transformation groups)

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    Vertex-crtical subgraphs of Kneser-graphs

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    A generalization of Gale's lemma

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    In this work, we present a generalization of Gale's lemma. Using this generalization, we introduce two combinatorial sharp lower bounds for conid(B0(G))+1{\rm conid}({\rm B}_0(G))+1 and conid(B(G))+2{\rm conid}({\rm B}(G))+2, two famous topological lower bounds for the chromatic number of a graph GG

    Some Ramsey- and anti-Ramsey-type results in combinatorial number theory and geometry

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    A szerzƑ nem járult hozzá nyilatkozatában a dolgozat nyilvánosságra hozásához

    Packing and covering in combinatorics

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    Homology of Hom Complexes

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    The h The hom complex Hom(G,K) is the order complex of the poset composed of the graph multihomomorphisms from G to K. We use homology to provide conditions under which the hom complex is not contractible and derive a lower bound on the rank of its homology groups.om complex Hom(G,K) is the order complex of the poset composed of the graph multihomomorphisms from G to K. We use homology to provide conditions under which the hom complex is not contractible and derive a lower bound on the rank of its homology groups