52 research outputs found

    State space c-reductions for concurrent systems in rewriting logic

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    We present c-reductions, a state space reduction technique. The rough idea is to exploit some equivalence relation on states (possibly capturing system regularities) that preserves behavioral properties, and explore the induced quotient system. This is done by means of a canonizer function, which maps each state into a (non necessarily unique) canonical representative of its equivalence class. The approach exploits the expressiveness of rewriting logic and its realization in Maude to enjoy several advantages over similar approaches: exibility and simplicity in the definition of the reductions (supporting not only traditional symmetry reductions, but also name reuse and name abstraction); reasoning support for checking and proving correctness of the reductions; and automatization of the reduction infrastructure via Maude's meta-programming features. The approach has been validated over a set of representative case studies, exhibiting comparable results with respect to other tools

    Proving Ground Confluence of Equational Specifications Modulo Axioms

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    Terminating functional programs should be deterministic, i.e., should evaluate to a unique result, regardless of the evaluation order. For equational functional programs such determinism is exactly captured by the ground confluence property. For terminating equations this is equivalent to ground local confluence, which follows from local confluence. Checking local confluence by computing critical pairs is the standard way to check ground confluence. The problem is that some perfectly reasonable equational programs are not locally confluent and it can be very hard or even impossible to make them so by adding more equations. We propose a three-step strategy to prove that an equational program as is is ground confluent: First: apply the strategy proposed in [8] to use non-joinable critical pairs as completion hints to either achieve local confluence or reduce the number of critical pairs. Second: use the inductive inference system proposed in this paper to prove the remaining critical pairs ground joinable. Third: to show ground confluence of the original specification, prove also ground joinable the equations added. These methods apply to order-sorted and possibly conditional equational programs modulo axioms such as, e.g., Maude functional modules.This work has been partially supported by NRL under contract number N00173-17-1-G002.Ope

    Two Decades of Maude

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    This paper is a tribute to José Meseguer, from the rest of us in the Maude team, reviewing the past, the present, and the future of the language and system with which we have been working for around two decades under his leadership. After reviewing the origins and the language's main features, we present the latest additions to the language and some features currently under development. This paper is not an introduction to Maude, and some familiarity with it and with rewriting logic are indeed assumed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Statistical Model Checking of e-Motions Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

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    Domain experts may use novel tools that allow them to de- sign and model their systems in a notation very close to the domain problem. However, the use of tools for the statistical analysis of stochas- tic systems requires software engineers to carefully specify such systems in low level and specific languages. In this work we line up both sce- narios, specific domain modeling and statistical analysis. Specifically, we have extended the e-Motions system, a framework to develop real-time domain-specific languages where the behavior is specified in a natural way by in-place transformation rules, to support the statistical analysis of systems defined using it. We discuss how restricted e-Motions sys- tems are used to produce Maude corresponding specifications, using a model transformation from e-Motions to Maude, which comply with the restrictions of the VeStA tool, and which can therefore be used to per- form statistical analysis on the stochastic systems thus generated. We illustrate our approach with a very simple messaging distributed system.Universidad de Málaga Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Research Project TIN2014-52034-R an

    Static correction of Maude programs with assertions

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    [Otros] In this paper, we present a novel transformation method for Maude programs featuring both automatic program diagnosis and correction. The input of our method is a reference specification of the program behavior that is given in the form of assertions together with an overly general program whose execution might violate the assertions. Our correction technique translates into a refined program in which every computation is also a computation in that satisfies the assertions of . The technique is first formalized for topmost rewrite theories, and then we generalize it to larger classes of rewrite theories that support nested structured configurations. Our technique copes with infinite space states and does not require the knowledge of any failing run. We report experiments that assess the effectiveness of assertion-driven correction.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under grant TIN2015-69175-C4-1-R, and by Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2015/013 and PROMETEO/2019/098Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Ballis, D.; Sapiña-Sanchis, J. (2019). Static correction of Maude programs with assertions. Journal of Systems and Software. 153:64-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2019.03.061S648515

    Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms

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    Built-in equality and inequality predicates based on comparison of canonical forms in algebraic specifications are frequently used because they are handy and efficient. However, their use places algebraic specifications with initial algebra semantics beyond the pale of theorem proving tools based, for example, on explicit or inductionless induction techniques, and of other formal tools for checking key properties such as confluence, termination, and sufficient completeness. Such specifications would instead be amenable to formal analysis if an equationally-defined equality predicate enriching the algebraic data types were to be added to them. Furthermore, having an equationally-defined equality predicate is very useful in its own right, particularly in inductive theorem proving. Is it possible to effectively define a theory transformation epsilon bar right arrow epsilon(similar to) that extends an algebraic specification epsilon to a specification epsilon(similar to) having an equationally-defined equality predicate? This paper answers this question in the affirmative for a broad class of order-sorted conditional specifications epsilon that are sort-decreasing, ground confluent, and operationally terminating modulo axioms B and have a subsignature of constructors. The axioms B can consist of associativity, or commutativity, or associativity-commutativity axioms, so that the constructors are free modulo B. We prove that the transformation epsilon bar right arrow epsilon(similar to) preserves all the just-mentioned properties of epsilon. The transformation has been automated in Maude using reflection and is used as a component in many Maude formal tools. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been supported in part by NSF Grants CCF 09-05584 and CNS 13-19109, the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MINECO under Grants TIN 2010-21062-C02 and TIN 2013-45732-C4-1-P, and by the Generalitat Valenciana, ref. PROMETEO/2011/052. Raul Gutierrez is also partially supported by a Juan de la Cierva Fellowship from the Spanish MINECO, ref. JCI-2012-13528.Gutiérrez Gil, R.; Meseguer, J.; Rocha, C. (2015). Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms. Science of Computer Programming. 99:235-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2014.07.003S2352619

    A Rewriting Logic Semantics for ATL

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    As the complexity of model transformation (MT) grows, the need to rely on formal semantics of MT languages becomes a critical issue. Formal semantics provide precise speci cations of the expected behavior of transformations, allowing users to understand them and to use them properly, and MT tool builders to develop correct MT engines, compilers, etc. In addition, formal semantics allow modelers to reason about the MTs and to prove their correctness, something specially important in case of large and complex MTs (with, e.g., hundreds or thousands of rules) for which manual debugging is no longer possible. In this paper we give a formal semantics of the ATL 3.0 model transformation language using rewriting logic and Maude, which allows addressing these issues. Such formalization provides additional bene ts, such as enabling the simulation of the speci cations or giving access to the Maude toolkit to reason about them

    Rewriting Logic Techniques for Program Analysis and Optimization

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    Esta tesis propone una metodología de análisis dinámico que mejora el diagnóstico de programas erróneos escritos en el lenguaje Maude. La idea clave es combinar técnicas de verificación de aserciones en tiempo de ejecución con la fragmentación dinámica de trazas de ejecución para detectar automáticamente errores en tiempo de ejecución, al tiempo que se reduce el tamaño y la complejidad de las trazas a analizar. En el caso de violarse una aserción, se infiere automáticamente el criterio de fragmentación, lo que facilita al usuario identificar rápidamente la fuente del error. En primer lugar, la tesis formaliza una técnica destinada a detectar automáticamente eventuales desviaciones del comportamiento deseado del programa (síntomas de error). Esta técnica soporta dos tipos de aserciones definidas por el usuario: aserciones funcionales (que restringen llamadas a funciones deterministas) y aserciones de sistema (que especifican los invariantes de estado del sistema). La técnica de verificación dinámica propuesta es demostrablemente correcta en el sentido de que todos los errores señalados definitivamente delatan la violación de las aserciones. Tras eventuales violaciones de aserciones, se generan automáticamente trazas fragmentadas (es decir, trazas simplificadas pero igualmente precisas) que ayudan a identificar la causa del error. Además, la técnica también sugiere una posible reparación para las reglas implicadas en la generación de los estados erróneos. La metodología propuesta se basa en (i) una notación lógica para especificar las aserciones que se imponen a la ejecución; (ii) una técnica de verificación aplicable en tiempo de ejecución que comprueba dinámicamente las aserciones; y (iii) un mecanismo basado en la generalización (ecuacional) menos general que automáticamente obtiene criterios precisos para fragmentar trazas de ejecución a partir de aserciones falsificadas. Por último, se presenta una implementación de la técnica propuesta en la herramienta de análisis dinámico basado en aserciones ABETS, que muestra cómo es posible combinar el trazado de las propiedades asertadas del programa para obtener un algoritmo preciso de análisis de trazas que resulta útil para el diagnóstico y la depuración de programas.This thesis proposes a dynamic analysis methodology for improving the diagnosis of erroneous Maude programs. The key idea is to combine runtime assertion checking and dynamic trace slicing for automatically catching errors at runtime while reducing the size and complexity of the erroneous traces to be analyzed (i.e., those leading to states that fail to satisfy the assertions). In the event of an assertion violation, the slicing criterion is automatically inferred, which facilitates the user to rapidly pinpoint the source of the error. First, a technique is formalized that aims at automatically detecting anomalous deviations of the intended program behavior (error symptoms) by using assertions that are checked at runtime. This technique supports two types of user-defined assertions: functional assertions (which constrain deterministic function calls) and system assertions (which specify system state invariants). The proposed dynamic checking is provably sound in the sense that all errors flagged definitely signal a violation of the specifications. Then, upon eventual assertion violations, accurate trace slices (i.e., simplified yet precise execution traces) are generated automatically, which help identify the cause of the error. Moreover, the technique also suggests a possible repair for the rules involved in the generation of the erroneous states. The proposed methodology is based on (i) a logical notation for specifying assertions that are imposed on execution runs; (ii) a runtime checking technique that dynamically tests the assertions; and (iii) a mechanism based on (equational) least general generalization that automatically derives accurate criteria for slicing from falsified assertions. Finally, an implementation of the proposed technique is presented in the assertion-based, dynamic analyzer ABETS, which shows how the forward and backward tracking of asserted program properties leads to a thorough trace analysis algorithm that can be used for program diagnosis and debugging.Esta tesi proposa una metodologia d'anàlisi dinàmica que millora el diagnòstic de programes erronis escrits en el llenguatge Maude. La idea clau és combinar tècniques de verificació d'assercions en temps d'execució amb la fragmentació dinàmica de traces d'execució per a detectar automàticament errors en temps d'execució, alhora que es reduïx la grandària i la complexitat de les traces a analitzar. En el cas de violar-se una asserció, s'inferix automàticament el criteri de fragmentació, la qual cosa facilita a l'usuari identificar ràpidament la font de l'error. En primer lloc, la tesi formalitza una tècnica destinada a detectar automàticament eventuals desviacions del comportament desitjat del programa (símptomes d'error). Esta tècnica suporta dos tipus d'assercions definides per l'usuari: assercions funcionals (que restringixen crides a funcions deterministes) i assercions de sistema (que especifiquen els invariants d'estat del sistema). La tècnica de verificació dinàmica proposta és demostrablement correcta en el sentit que tots els errors assenyalats definitivament delaten la violació de les assercions. Davant eventuals violacions d'assercions, es generen automàticament traces fragmentades (és a dir, traces simplificades però igualment precises) que ajuden a identificar la causa de l'error. A més, la tècnica també suggerix una possible reparació de les regles implicades en la generació dels estats erronis. La metodologia proposada es basa en (i) una notació lògica per a especificar les assercions que s'imposen a l'execució; (ii) una tècnica de verificació aplicable en temps d'execució que comprova dinàmicament les assercions; i (iii) un mecanisme basat en la generalització (ecuacional) menys general que automàticament obté criteris precisos per a fragmentar traces d'execució a partir d'assercions falsificades. Finalment, es presenta una implementació de la tècnica proposta en la ferramenta d'anàlisi dinàmica basat en assercions ABETS, que mostra com és possible combinar el traçat cap avant i cap arrere de les propietats assertades del programa per a obtindre un algoritme precís d'anàlisi de traces que resulta útil per al diagnòstic i la depuració de programes.Sapiña Sanchis, J. (2017). Rewriting Logic Techniques for Program Analysis and Optimization [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94044TESI