83,008 research outputs found

    Modeling and Testing of Aspect-Oriented Systems

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    Aspect-Oriented programming modularizes crosscutting concerns into Aspects, which are automatically weaved to the specified points of a program. Although Aspect-Oriented programming improves program maintainability and the encapsulation of crosscutting concerns, it also breaks some traditional programming rules due to the weaving mechanism. Therefore, a new software testing approach has to be developed to rigorously test Aspect-Oriented programs. In this thesis, we introduce the concept of Aspect modeling and Aspect testing and then proceed to our investigation of a model-based incremental approach for testing Aspect-Oriented programs. First, a state machine model in UML is created for each Aspect and each base class, which is the class to be weaved with the aspect. Then each individual aspect or base class is tested using the test cases generated from state machine models. A combined state machine model is established by weaving the aspect model into the base class model. Finally, we perform a test on the woven program using test cases generated from the combined state machine model. Because the number of scenarios for weaving aspects and base classes could be very large, it may require a huge number of test cases to effectively test the program. To speed up the process, we propose a prioritizing strategy for selecting test cases in order to find errors sooner since different test cases have different capacity for tracking errors. We demonstrate that the test cases generated from the state machine model have to satisfy the adequacy of the transition coverage, the round-trip coverage, and the state coverage in the state machine model. Furthermore, the prioritizing strategy is developed based on the number of changes brought by weaving of an aspect and its base classes. The test case including more changes will have a higher priority. The effectiveness of the investigated strategy is evaluated through the case study and the mutation testing. The result of case study shows that the model-based incremental approach integrated with prioritizing test case selection provides an effective tool for testing large-scale Aspect-Oriented systems.  M.S

    Keep Your Nice Friends Close, but Your Rich Friends Closer -- Computation Offloading Using NFC

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    The increasing complexity of smartphone applications and services necessitate high battery consumption but the growth of smartphones' battery capacity is not keeping pace with these increasing power demands. To overcome this problem, researchers gave birth to the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) research area. In this paper we advance on previous ideas, by proposing and implementing the first known Near Field Communication (NFC)-based computation offloading framework. This research is motivated by the advantages of NFC's short distance communication, with its better security, and its low battery consumption. We design a new NFC communication protocol that overcomes the limitations of the default protocol; removing the need for constant user interaction, the one-way communication restraint, and the limit on low data size transfer. We present experimental results of the energy consumption and the time duration of two computationally intensive representative applications: (i) RSA key generation and encryption, and (ii) gaming/puzzles. We show that when the helper device is more powerful than the device offloading the computations, the execution time of the tasks is reduced. Finally, we show that devices that offload application parts considerably reduce their energy consumption due to the low-power NFC interface and the benefits of offloading.Comment: 9 pages, 4 tables, 13 figure

    MDCC: Multi-Data Center Consistency

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    Replicating data across multiple data centers not only allows moving the data closer to the user and, thus, reduces latency for applications, but also increases the availability in the event of a data center failure. Therefore, it is not surprising that companies like Google, Yahoo, and Netflix already replicate user data across geographically different regions. However, replication across data centers is expensive. Inter-data center network delays are in the hundreds of milliseconds and vary significantly. Synchronous wide-area replication is therefore considered to be unfeasible with strong consistency and current solutions either settle for asynchronous replication which implies the risk of losing data in the event of failures, restrict consistency to small partitions, or give up consistency entirely. With MDCC (Multi-Data Center Consistency), we describe the first optimistic commit protocol, that does not require a master or partitioning, and is strongly consistent at a cost similar to eventually consistent protocols. MDCC can commit transactions in a single round-trip across data centers in the normal operational case. We further propose a new programming model which empowers the application developer to handle longer and unpredictable latencies caused by inter-data center communication. Our evaluation using the TPC-W benchmark with MDCC deployed across 5 geographically diverse data centers shows that MDCC is able to achieve throughput and latency similar to eventually consistent quorum protocols and that MDCC is able to sustain a data center outage without a significant impact on response times while guaranteeing strong consistency

    A Model-Driven approach for functional test case generation

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    Test phase is one of the most critical phases in software engineering life cycle to assure the final system quality. In this context, functional system test cases verify that the system under test fulfills its functional specification. Thus, these test cases are frequently designed from the different scenarios and alternatives depicted in functional requirements. The objective of this paper is to introduce a systematic process based on the Model-Driven paradigm to automate the generation of functional test cases from functional requirements. For this aim, a set of metamodels and transformations and also a specific language domain to use them is presented. The paper finishes stating learned lessons from the trenches as well as relevant future work and conclusions that draw new research lines in the test cases generation context.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    Fusion energy for space missions in the 21st century: Executive summary

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    Future space missions were hypothesized and analyzed, and the energy source of their accomplishment investigated. The missions included manned Mars, scientific outposts to and robotic sample return missions from the outer planets and asteroids, as well as fly-by and rendezvous missions with the Oort Cloud and the nearest star, Alpha Centauri. Space system parametric requirements and operational features were established. The energy means for accomplishing missions where delta v requirements range from 90 km/sec to 30,000 km/sec (High Energy Space Mission) were investigated. The need to develop a power space of this magnitude is a key issue to address if the U.S. civil space program is to continue to advance as mandated by the National Space Policy. Potential energy options which could provide the propulsion and electrical power system and operational requirements were reviewed and evaluated. Fusion energy was considered to be the preferred option and was analyzed in depth. Candidate fusion fuels were evaluated based upon the energy output and neutron flux. Additionally, fusion energy can offer significant safety, environmental, economic, and operational advantages. Reactors exhibiting a highly efficient use of magnetic fields for space use while at the same time offering efficient coupling to an exhaust propellant or to a direct energy convertor for efficient electrical production were examined. Near term approaches were identified. A strategy that will produce fusion powered vehicles as part of the space transportation infrastructure was developed. Space program resources must be directed toward this issue as a matter of the top policy priority

    Feasibility Study of RFID Technology for Construction Load Tracking

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    INE/AUTC 10.0

    XRound : A reversible template language and its application in model-based security analysis

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    Successful analysis of the models used in Model-Driven Development requires the ability to synthesise the results of analysis and automatically integrate these results with the models themselves. This paper presents a reversible template language called XRound which supports round-trip transformations between models and the logic used to encode system properties. A template processor that supports the language is described, and the use of the template language is illustrated by its application in an analysis workbench, designed to support analysis of security properties of UML and MOF-based models. As a result of using reversible templates, it is possible to seamlessly and automatically integrate the results of a security analysis with a model. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved