49 research outputs found

    Six Steps Toward Improving Discoverability of Ph.D. Dissertations

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    This study proposes six steps that scientific institutions should undertake to increase the visibility and accessibility of their dissertations; these steps were implemented in the digital library of the University of Novi Sad. An analysis was conducted thereafter to evaluate the success, and it was found that the six steps and associated strategies were successful, with 400,000 downloads having been performed since the digital library was operational. Although this study presents six steps for improving electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) discoverability in the digital library at the University of Novi Sad, these steps can easily be customized and implemented for ETD digital libraries at any scientific institution

    Customization of digital library of PhD dissertations for citizens

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    PHD UNS is digital library of PhD dissertations defended at University of Novi Sad. A web page for basic and advanced search has been developed in order to improve discoverability of dissertations stored in the digital library. This paper presents customization of PHD UNS web search pages for citizens out of academy. The customization includes extension of available representation styles and implementation of automatic recommendations of PhD dissertations. Representation styles are extended with textual representation specially designed for non-academic citizens and visual representation based on word clouds. Automatic recommendations are based on collaborative approach built on PhD download history, i.e., performed on the basis of what other ‘similar’ users have found useful. The PHD UNS digital library logs information for each dissertation downloading. Besides basic information about downloaded dissertation, those logs also contain information about client machine which requested downloading. Those logs have been used in order to prove our customization really improve non-academic users’ experience

    From Idea to Functional ETD: Experiences from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia

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    This paper reviews different phases of introducing and usage of Electronic Theses and Dissertations – ETD at the University of Novi Sad with special emphasis on specific requirements, challenges and further directions of development and use of ETD systems at the University

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    Formalizing enrichment mechanisms for bibliographic ontologies in the Semantic Web

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    This paper presents an analysis of current limitations to the reuse of bibliographic data in the Semantic Web and a research proposal towards solutions to overcome them. The limitations identified derive from the insufficient convergence between existing bibliographic ontologies and the principles and techniques of linked open data (LOD); lack of a common conceptual framework for a diversity of standards often used together; reduced use of links to external vocabularies and absence of Semantic Web mechanisms to formalize relationships between vocabularies, as well as limitations of Semantic Web languages for the requirements of bibliographic data interoperability. A proposal is advanced to investigate the hypothesis of creating a reference model and specifying a superontology to overcome the misalignments found, as well as the use of SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language) to solve current limitations of RDF languages.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The current state and future perspectives of the research information infrastructure in Croatia

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing Croatian research information infrastructure and to outline a new model of the Croatian Current Research Information System (CroRIS), required for the systematical monitoring and evaluation of the research processes and output of the Croatian public research and higher education institutions, as well as for the increasing of their international visibility. Based on the results of the analysis of the existing research information infrastructure in Croatia, the general outline of the new CERIF-based CroRIS model is proposed. The analysis of the existing research information infrastructure showed that there are some functional parts which could be reused and/or used as a basis for the implementation of the proposed CroRIS model. The proposed model represents a concept which would allow a quality decision and science-policy making in Croatia

    A scientific-research activities information system

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    Један од основних постулата друштва знања је доступност знања. Научно-истраживачке институције су један од главних извора верификованих знања. Ова знања су доступна путем интерних информационих система научно-истраживачке делатности. Са друге стране библиотечки информациони системи садрже велику количину структуираног научног садржаја. Интеграција ових система може довести до тога да разноликост и количина доступног научног садржаја буду значајно повећани. Модел података информационог система описаног у овој дисертације је базиран на MARC 21 формату и компатибилан је са CERIF моделом података. Овакав модел података омогућује имплементираном информационом систему да може да размењује податке са другим системима и по CERIF стандарду и по библиотечком стандарду. Другим речима, овај систем је интероперабилан са другим CERIF компатибилним информационим системима научно-истраживачке делатности, али је исто тако и интероперабилан и са библиотечким системима. Такође, модел података система омогућује и вредновање научно-истраживачких резултата. За моделирање описаног система коришћен је UML 2.0. Систем је имплементиран у вишеслојној клијент-сервер архитектури у Јава окружењу.Jedan od osnovnih postulata društva znanja je dostupnost znanja. Naučno-istraživačke institucije su jedan od glavnih izvora verifikovanih znanja. Ova znanja su dostupna putem internih informacionih sistema naučno-istraživačke delatnosti. Sa druge strane bibliotečki informacioni sistemi sadrže veliku količinu struktuiranog naučnog sadržaja. Integracija ovih sistema može dovesti do toga da raznolikost i količina dostupnog naučnog sadržaja budu značajno povećani. Model podataka informacionog sistema opisanog u ovoj disertacije je baziran na MARC 21 formatu i kompatibilan je sa CERIF modelom podataka. Ovakav model podataka omogućuje implementiranom informacionom sistemu da može da razmenjuje podatke sa drugim sistemima i po CERIF standardu i po bibliotečkom standardu. Drugim rečima, ovaj sistem je interoperabilan sa drugim CERIF kompatibilnim informacionim sistemima naučno-istraživačke delatnosti, ali je isto tako i interoperabilan i sa bibliotečkim sistemima. Takođe, model podataka sistema omogućuje i vrednovanje naučno-istraživačkih rezultata. Za modeliranje opisanog sistema korišćen je UML 2.0. Sistem je implementiran u višeslojnoj klijent-server arhitekturi u Java okruženju.One of the fundamental postulates of the knowledge society is the availability of knowledge. Scientific-research institutions are a major source of verified knowledge. This knowledge is available through internal information systems of scientific-research activities. On the other hand library information systems contain a large amount of structured scientific content. Integration of these systems can lead to significant increase of variety and quantity of available scientific content.  Data model of the information system presented in this dissertation is based on the MARC 21 format and model is compliant with CERIF data model. This model enables that implemented system can exchange data with other systems in accordance with CERIF standard and librarian standards. It means this system is interoperable with other CERIF-compliant information systems and interoperable with librarian systems. Also, system data model enables evaluation of scientific-research results. The modelling of presented system was carried out using UML 2.0. The System was implemented in the multi-tiered client-server architecture on the Java platform

    Emerging Standards for Enhanced Publications and Repository Technology : Survey on Technology

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    Implementación de un sistema de gestión de la investigación para la especialidad de Ingeniería Informática de la PUCP

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    La investigación es una de las funciones más importantes de la PUCP, en la cual participan investigadores y alumnos. De estas investigaciones se obtienen distintos resultados como publicaciones, conferencias, tesis, entre otros. Para obtener información acerca de las investigaciones que han sido o están siendo realizadas en la PUCP, se puede hacer uso de algunas herramientas disponibles en la web. Sin embargo, se puede apreciar que la información disponible es escasa y se encuentra dispersa entre varias herramientas. Por estas razones, se propone el desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de la investigación para la sección de Ingeniería Informática que centralice y gestione la información sobre la investigación y genere reportes que los investigadores consideren necesarios. Este sistema permite el registro de información sobre todos los componentes que forman parte de una investigación en la sección. Con ello se puede consultar el tipo de investigación, paradigma usado o la etapa en la que se encuentra un proyecto, así como los participantes y los resultados del proyecto (como publicaciones y eventos). De la misma manera se puede obtener información sobre investigadores, grupos, proyectos, colaboración científica, financiamiento, líneas de investigación y resultados de un proyecto. A partir de esto, se permite el descubrimiento de información acerca de la investigación en la sección para obtener un panorama más claro sobre su estado. Por otro lado, los investigadores pueden requerir la elaboración manual de reportes solicitados tanto por la universidad como por entidades externas que otorguen financiamiento como FINCyT o FONDECYT. Esta tarea es simplificada con la generación de reportes a partir del sistema desarrollado. Gracias a esto, el usuario puede evaluar el estado de la investigación en cualquier periodo dado, tanto a nivel de la sección como a nivel de un grupo, persona o línea de investigación. Finalmente, para facilitar la migración de datos hacia el sistema, se incluyó un módulo de importación de datos en formato XML. Esto facilita la tarea de migrar la información almacenada en otros sistemas de la universidad o información histórica almacenada en otros medios.Tesi