145 research outputs found

    Image Processing Applications in Real Life: 2D Fragmented Image and Document Reassembly and Frequency Division Multiplexed Imaging

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    In this era of modern technology, image processing is one the most studied disciplines of signal processing and its applications can be found in every aspect of our daily life. In this work three main applications for image processing has been studied. In chapter 1, frequency division multiplexed imaging (FDMI), a novel idea in the field of computational photography, has been introduced. Using FDMI, multiple images are captured simultaneously in a single shot and can later be extracted from the multiplexed image. This is achieved by spatially modulating the images so that they are placed at different locations in the Fourier domain. Finally, a Texas Instruments digital micromirror device (DMD) based implementation of FDMI is presented and results are shown. Chapter 2 discusses the problem of image reassembly which is to restore an image back to its original form from its pieces after it has been fragmented due to different destructive reasons. We propose an efficient algorithm for 2D image fragment reassembly problem based on solving a variation of Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem. Our processing pipeline has three steps. First, the boundary of each fragment is extracted automatically; second, a novel boundary matching is performed by solving LCS to identify the best possible adjacency relationship among image fragment pairs; finally, a multi-piece global alignment is used to filter out incorrect pairwise matches and compose the final image. We perform experiments on complicated image fragment datasets and compare our results with existing methods to show the improved efficiency and robustness of our method. The problem of reassembling a hand-torn or machine-shredded document back to its original form is another useful version of the image reassembly problem. Reassembling a shredded document is different from reassembling an ordinary image because the geometric shape of fragments do not carry a lot of valuable information if the document has been machine-shredded rather than hand-torn. On the other hand, matching words and context can be used as an additional tool to help improve the task of reassembly. In the final chapter, document reassembly problem has been addressed through solving a graph optimization problem

    On the effective deployment of current machine translation technology

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    Machine translation is a fundamental technology that is gaining more importance each day in our multilingual society. Companies and particulars are turning their attention to machine translation since it dramatically cuts down their expenses on translation and interpreting. However, the output of current machine translation systems is still far from the quality of translations generated by human experts. The overall goal of this thesis is to narrow down this quality gap by developing new methodologies and tools that improve the broader and more efficient deployment of machine translation technology. We start by proposing a new technique to improve the quality of the translations generated by fully-automatic machine translation systems. The key insight of our approach is that different translation systems, implementing different approaches and technologies, can exhibit different strengths and limitations. Therefore, a proper combination of the outputs of such different systems has the potential to produce translations of improved quality. We present minimum Bayes¿ risk system combination, an automatic approach that detects the best parts of the candidate translations and combines them to generate a consensus translation that is optimal with respect to a particular performance metric. We thoroughly describe the formalization of our approach as a weighted ensemble of probability distributions and provide efficient algorithms to obtain the optimal consensus translation according to the widespread BLEU score. Empirical results show that the proposed approach is indeed able to generate statistically better translations than the provided candidates. Compared to other state-of-the-art systems combination methods, our approach reports similar performance not requiring any additional data but the candidate translations. Then, we focus our attention on how to improve the utility of automatic translations for the end-user of the system. Since automatic translations are not perfect, a desirable feature of machine translation systems is the ability to predict at run-time the quality of the generated translations. Quality estimation is usually addressed as a regression problem where a quality score is predicted from a set of features that represents the translation. However, although the concept of translation quality is intuitively clear, there is no consensus on which are the features that actually account for it. As a consequence, quality estimation systems for machine translation have to utilize a large number of weak features to predict translation quality. This involves several learning problems related to feature collinearity and ambiguity, and due to the ¿curse¿ of dimensionality. We address these challenges by adopting a two-step training methodology. First, a dimensionality reduction method computes, from the original features, the reduced set of features that better explains translation quality. Then, a prediction model is built from this reduced set to finally predict the quality score. We study various reduction methods previously used in the literature and propose two new ones based on statistical multivariate analysis techniques. More specifically, the proposed dimensionality reduction methods are based on partial least squares regression. The results of a thorough experimentation show that the quality estimation systems estimated following the proposed two-step methodology obtain better prediction accuracy that systems estimated using all the original features. Moreover, one of the proposed dimensionality reduction methods obtained the best prediction accuracy with only a fraction of the original features. This feature reduction ratio is important because it implies a dramatic reduction of the operating times of the quality estimation system. An alternative use of current machine translation systems is to embed them within an interactive editing environment where the system and a human expert collaborate to generate error-free translations. This interactive machine translation approach have shown to reduce supervision effort of the user in comparison to the conventional decoupled post-edition approach. However, interactive machine translation considers the translation system as a passive agent in the interaction process. In other words, the system only suggests translations to the user, who then makes the necessary supervision decisions. As a result, the user is bound to exhaustively supervise every suggested translation. This passive approach ensures error-free translations but it also demands a large amount of supervision effort from the user. Finally, we study different techniques to improve the productivity of current interactive machine translation systems. Specifically, we focus on the development of alternative approaches where the system becomes an active agent in the interaction process. We propose two different active approaches. On the one hand, we describe an active interaction approach where the system informs the user about the reliability of the suggested translations. The hope is that this information may help the user to locate translation errors thus improving the overall translation productivity. We propose different scores to measure translation reliability at the word and sentence levels and study the influence of such information in the productivity of an interactive machine translation system. Empirical results show that the proposed active interaction protocol is able to achieve a large reduction in supervision effort while still generating translations of very high quality. On the other hand, we study an active learning framework for interactive machine translation. In this case, the system is not only able to inform the user of which suggested translations should be supervised, but it is also able to learn from the user-supervised translations to improve its future suggestions. We develop a value-of-information criterion to select which automatic translations undergo user supervision. However, given its high computational complexity, in practice we study different selection strategies that approximate this optimal criterion. Results of a large scale experimentation show that the proposed active learning framework is able to obtain better compromises between the quality of the generated translations and the human effort required to obtain them. Moreover, in comparison to a conventional interactive machine translation system, our proposal obtained translations of twice the quality with the same supervision effort.González Rubio, J. (2014). On the effective deployment of current machine translation technology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37888TESI

    Remote sensing image captioning with pre-trained transformer models

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    Remote sensing images, and the unique properties that characterize them, are attracting increased attention from computer vision researchers, largely due to their many possible applications. The area of computer vision for remote sensing has effectively seen many recent advances, e.g. in tasks such as object detection or scene classification. Recent work in the area has also addressed the task of generating a natural language description of a given remote sensing image, effectively combining techniques from both natural language processing and computer vision. Despite some previously published results, there nonetheless are still many limitations and possibilities for improvement. It remains challenging to generate text that is fluid and linguistically rich while maintaining semantic consistency and good discrimination ability about the objects and visual patterns that should be described. The previous proposals that have come closest to achieving the goals of remote sensing image captioning have used neural encoder-decoder architectures, often including specialized attention mechanisms to help the system in integrating the most relevant visual features while generating the textual descriptions. Taking previous work into consideration, this work proposes a new approach for remote sensing image captioning, using an encoder-decoder model based on the Transformer architecture, and where both the encoder and the decoder are based on components from a pre-existing model that was already trained with large amounts of data. Experiments were carried out using the three main datasets that exist for assessing remote sensing image captioning methods, respectively the Sydney-captions, the \acrshort{UCM}-captions, and the \acrshort{RSICD} datasets. The results show improvements over some previous proposals, although particularly on the larger \acrshort{RSICD} dataset they are still far from the current state-of-art methods. A careful analysis of the results also points to some limitations in the current evaluation methodology, mostly based on automated n-gram overlap metrics such as BLEU or ROUGE

    Preventing premature convergence and proving the optimality in evolutionary algorithms

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    http://ea2013.inria.fr//proceedings.pdfInternational audienceEvolutionary Algorithms (EA) usually carry out an efficient exploration of the search-space, but get often trapped in local minima and do not prove the optimality of the solution. Interval-based techniques, on the other hand, yield a numerical proof of optimality of the solution. However, they may fail to converge within a reasonable time due to their inability to quickly compute a good approximation of the global minimum and their exponential complexity. The contribution of this paper is a hybrid algorithm called Charibde in which a particular EA, Differential Evolution, cooperates with a Branch and Bound algorithm endowed with interval propagation techniques. It prevents premature convergence toward local optima and outperforms both deterministic and stochastic existing approaches. We demonstrate its efficiency on a benchmark of highly multimodal problems, for which we provide previously unknown global minima and certification of optimality

    A Machine Learning Enhanced Scheme for Intelligent Network Management

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    The versatile networking services bring about huge influence on daily living styles while the amount and diversity of services cause high complexity of network systems. The network scale and complexity grow with the increasing infrastructure apparatuses, networking function, networking slices, and underlying architecture evolution. The conventional way is manual administration to maintain the large and complex platform, which makes effective and insightful management troublesome. A feasible and promising scheme is to extract insightful information from largely produced network data. The goal of this thesis is to use learning-based algorithms inspired by machine learning communities to discover valuable knowledge from substantial network data, which directly promotes intelligent management and maintenance. In the thesis, the management and maintenance focus on two schemes: network anomalies detection and root causes localization; critical traffic resource control and optimization. Firstly, the abundant network data wrap up informative messages but its heterogeneity and perplexity make diagnosis challenging. For unstructured logs, abstract and formatted log templates are extracted to regulate log records. An in-depth analysis framework based on heterogeneous data is proposed in order to detect the occurrence of faults and anomalies. It employs representation learning methods to map unstructured data into numerical features, and fuses the extracted feature for network anomaly and fault detection. The representation learning makes use of word2vec-based embedding technologies for semantic expression. Next, the fault and anomaly detection solely unveils the occurrence of events while failing to figure out the root causes for useful administration so that the fault localization opens a gate to narrow down the source of systematic anomalies. The extracted features are formed as the anomaly degree coupled with an importance ranking method to highlight the locations of anomalies in network systems. Two types of ranking modes are instantiated by PageRank and operation errors for jointly highlighting latent issue of locations. Besides the fault and anomaly detection, network traffic engineering deals with network communication and computation resource to optimize data traffic transferring efficiency. Especially when network traffic are constrained with communication conditions, a pro-active path planning scheme is helpful for efficient traffic controlling actions. Then a learning-based traffic planning algorithm is proposed based on sequence-to-sequence model to discover hidden reasonable paths from abundant traffic history data over the Software Defined Network architecture. Finally, traffic engineering merely based on empirical data is likely to result in stale and sub-optimal solutions, even ending up with worse situations. A resilient mechanism is required to adapt network flows based on context into a dynamic environment. Thus, a reinforcement learning-based scheme is put forward for dynamic data forwarding considering network resource status, which explicitly presents a promising performance improvement. In the end, the proposed anomaly processing framework strengthens the analysis and diagnosis for network system administrators through synthesized fault detection and root cause localization. The learning-based traffic engineering stimulates networking flow management via experienced data and further shows a promising direction of flexible traffic adjustment for ever-changing environments

    Scalable processing of aggregate functions for data streams in resource-constrained environments

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    The fast evolution of data analytics platforms has resulted in an increasing demand for real-time data stream processing. From Internet of Things applications to the monitoring of telemetry generated in large datacenters, a common demand for currently emerging scenarios is the need to process vast amounts of data with low latencies, generally performing the analysis process as close to the data source as possible. Devices and sensors generate streams of data across a diversity of locations and protocols. That data usually reaches a central platform that is used to store and process the streams. Processing can be done in real time, with transformations and enrichment happening on-the-fly, but it can also happen after data is stored and organized in repositories. In the former case, stream processing technologies are required to operate on the data; in the latter batch analytics and queries are of common use. Stream processing platforms are required to be malleable and absorb spikes generated by fluctuations of data generation rates. Data is usually produced as time series that have to be aggregated using multiple operators, being sliding windows one of the most common abstractions used to process data in real-time. To satisfy the above-mentioned demands, efficient stream processing techniques that aggregate data with minimal computational cost need to be developed. However, data analytics might require to aggregate extensive windows of data. Approximate computing has been a central paradigm for decades in data analytics in order to improve the performance and reduce the needed resources, such as memory, computation time, bandwidth or energy. In exchange for these improvements, the aggregated results suffer from a level of inaccuracy that in some cases can be predicted and constrained. This doctoral thesis aims to demonstrate that it is possible to have constant-time and memory efficient aggregation functions with approximate computing mechanisms for constrained environments. In order to achieve this goal, the work has been structured in three research challenges. First we introduce a runtime to dynamically construct data stream processing topologies based on user-supplied code. These dynamic topologies are built on-the-fly using a data subscription model de¿ned by the applications that consume data. The subscription-based programing model enables multiple users to deploy their own data-processing services. On top of this runtime, we present the Amortized Monoid Tree Aggregator general sliding window aggregation framework, which seamlessly combines the following features: amortized O(1) time complexity and a worst-case of O(log n) between insertions; it provides both a window aggregation mechanism and a window slide policy that are user programmable; the enforcement of the window sliding policy exhibits amortized O(1) computational cost for single evictions and supports bulk evictions with cost O(log n); and it requires a local memory space of O(log n). The framework can compute aggregations over multiple data dimensions, and has been designed to support decoupling computation and data storage through the use of distributed Key-Value Stores to keep window elements and partial aggregations. Specially motivated by edge computing scenarios, we contribute Approximate and Amortized Monoid Tree Aggregator (A2MTA). It is, to our knowledge, the first general purpose sliding window programable framework that combines constant-time aggregations with error bounded approximate computing techniques. A2MTA uses statistical analysis of the stream data in order to perform inaccurate aggregations, providing a critical reduction of needed resources for massive stream data aggregation, and an improvement of performance.La ràpida evolució de les plataformes d'anàlisi de dades ha resultat en un increment de la demanda de processament de fluxos continus de dades en temps real. Des de la internet de les coses fins al monitoratge de telemetria generada en grans servidors, una demanda recurrent per escenaris emergents es la necessitat de processar grans quantitats de dades amb latències molt baixes, generalment fent el processat de les dades tant a prop dels origines com sigui possible. Les dades son generades com a fluxos continus per dispositius que utilitzen una varietat de localitzacions i protocols. Aquests processat de les dades s pot fer en temps real amb les transformacions efectuant-se al vol, i en aquest cas la utilització de plataformes de processat d'streams és necessària. Les plataformes de processat d'streams cal que absorbeixin pics de freqüència de dades. Les dades es generen com a series temporals que s'agreguen fent servir multiples operadors, on les finestres són l'abstracció més habitual. Per a satisfer les baixes latències i maleabilitat requerides, els operadors necesiten tenir un cost computacional mínim, inclús amb extenses finestres de dades per a agregar. La computació aproximada ha sigut durant decades un paradigma rellevant per l'anàlisi de dades on cal millorar el rendiment de diferents algorismes i reduir-ne el temps de computació, la memòria requerida, l'ample de banda o el consum energètic. A canvi d'aquestes millores, els resultats poden patir d'una falta d'exactitud que pot ser estimada i controlada. Aquesta tesi doctoral vol demostrar que es posible tenir funcions d'agregació pel processat d'streams que tinc un cost de temps constant, sigui eficient en termes de memoria i faci ús de computació aproximada. Per aconseguir aquests objectius, aquesta tesi està dividida en tres reptes. Primer presentem un entorn per a la construcció dinàmica de topologies de computació d'streams de dades utilitzant codi d'usuari. Aquestes topologies es construeixen fent servir un model de subscripció a streams, en el que les aplicación consumidores de dades amplien les topologies mentre s'estan executant. Aquest entorn permet multiples entitats ampliant una mateixa topologia. A sobre d'aquest entorn, presentem un framework de propòsit general per a l'agregació de finestres de dades anomenat AMTA (Amortized Monoid Tree Aggregator). Aquest framework combina: temps amortitzat constant per a totes les operacions, amb un cas pitjor logarítmic; programable tant en termes d'agregació com en termes d'expulsió d'elements de la finestra. L'expulsió massiva d'elements de la finestra es considera una operació atòmica, amb un cost amortitzat constant; i requereix espai en memoria local per a O(log n) elements de la finestra. Aquest framework pot computar agregacions sobre multiples dimensions de dades, i ha estat dissenyat per desacoplar la computació de les dades del seu desat, podent tenir els continguts de la finestra distribuits en diferents màquines. Motivats per la computació en l'edge (edge computing), hem contribuit A2MTA (Approximate and Amortized Monoid Tree Aggregator). Des de el nostre coneixement, es el primer framework de propòsit general per a la computació de finestres que combina un cost constant per a totes les seves operacions amb tècniques de computació aproximada amb control de l'error. A2MTA fa us d'anàlisis estadístics per a poder fer agregacions amb error limitat, reduint críticament els recursos necessaris per a la computació de grans quantitats de dades

    Complex question answering : minimizing the gaps and beyond

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    xi, 192 leaves : ill. ; 29 cmCurrent Question Answering (QA) systems have been significantly advanced in demonstrating finer abilities to answer simple factoid and list questions. Such questions are easier to process as they require small snippets of texts as the answers. However, there is a category of questions that represents a more complex information need, which cannot be satisfied easily by simply extracting a single entity or a single sentence. For example, the question: “How was Japan affected by the earthquake?” suggests that the inquirer is looking for information in the context of a wider perspective. We call these “complex questions” and focus on the task of answering them with the intention to minimize the existing gaps in the literature. The major limitation of the available search and QA systems is that they lack a way of measuring whether a user is satisfied with the information provided. This was our motivation to propose a reinforcement learning formulation to the complex question answering problem. Next, we presented an integer linear programming formulation where sentence compression models were applied for the query-focused multi-document summarization task in order to investigate if sentence compression improves the overall performance. Both compression and summarization were considered as global optimization problems. We also investigated the impact of syntactic and semantic information in a graph-based random walk method for answering complex questions. Decomposing a complex question into a series of simple questions and then reusing the techniques developed for answering simple questions is an effective means of answering complex questions. We proposed a supervised approach for automatically learning good decompositions of complex questions in this work. A complex question often asks about a topic of user’s interest. Therefore, the problem of complex question decomposition closely relates to the problem of topic to question generation. We addressed this challenge and proposed a topic to question generation approach to enhance the scope of our problem domain