138 research outputs found

    Shuttle Ku-band and S-band communications implementations study

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    The interfaces between the Ku-band system and the TDRSS, between the S-band system and the TDRSS, GSTDN and SGLS networks, and between the S-band payload communication equipment and the other Orbiter avionic equipment were investigated. The principal activities reported are: (1) performance analysis of the payload narrowband bent-pipe through the Ku-band communication system; (2) performance evaluation of the TDRSS user constraints placed on the S-band and Ku-band communication systems; (3) assessment of the shuttle-unique S-band TDRSS ground station false lock susceptibility; (4) development of procedure to make S-band antenna measurements during orbital flight; (5) development of procedure to make RFI measurements during orbital flight to assess the performance degradation to the TDRSS S-band communication link; and (6) analysis of the payload interface integration problem areas

    Emergency vehicle alert system, phase 2

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    The EVAS provides warning for hearing-impaired motor vehicle drivers that an emergency vehicle is in the local vicinity. Direction and distance to the emergency vehicle are presented visually to the driver. This is accomplished by a special RF transmission/reception system. During this phase the receiver and transmitter from Phase 1 were updated and modified and a directional antenna developed. The system was then field tested with good results. Static and dynamic (moving vehicle) tests were made with the direction determined correctly 98 percent of the time

    Advanced modulation technology development for earth station demodulator applications

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    The purpose of this contract was to develop a high rate (200 Mbps), bandwidth efficient, modulation format using low cost hardware, in 1990's technology. The modulation format chosen is 16-ary continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK). The implementation of the modulation format uses a unique combination of a limiter/discriminator followed by an accumulator to determine transmitted phase. An important feature of the modulation scheme is the way coding is applied to efficiently gain back the performance lost by the close spacing of the phase points

    Low power/low voltage techniques for analog CMOS circuits

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    Diseño y desarrollo del sistema de comunicaciones inalámbrico de un enjambre de UAV`S colaborativos

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    [Resumen] La Inteligencia Colectiva, dentro del campo de la Inteligencia Computacional, aborda temas de estudio como el comportamiento de los agentes individuales dentro de un sistema global y la asociación de la información para la resolución conjunta de problemas complejos. Dentro de la línea de investigación de Inteligencia Computacional e Inteligencia Colectiva, el Grupo Integrado de Ingeniería (GII) ha propuesto como proyecto de estudio el abordar un análisis exhaustivo de las tecnologías IoT de comunicación existentes, con el fin de adoptar la más adecuada a los requerimientos e incorporarla a un modelo de enjambre de UAV’s colaborativos. Las características más valoradas a la hora de la adopción del sistema serán las inherentes a los UAV’s, como son el alcance o la eficiencia energética, además de obtener las mejores prestaciones a la hora de establecer el radioenlace, como obtener el máximo ancho de banda, optimización de latencias y ciclos de CPU y la mayor inmunidad posible frente a interferencias. Una vez elegido el sistema, se tratará de optimizar para su uso en UAV’s y se realizarán pruebas de vuelo en escenarios reales para obtener datos específicos sobre consumo energético, rendimiento y alcance máximo.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría industrial. Curso 2016/201

    Voyager capsule phase B. Volume IV - Entry science package. Part G - Subsystem/equipment descriptions Final report

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    Major equipment and subsystem descriptions of Voyager entry science package for Mar

    DCS: A global satellite environmental data collection system study

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    Cost analysis and technical feasibility data are presented on five medium orbiting and six geosynchronous satellite data collection systems with varying degrees of spacecraft and local user terminal complexity. Data are also provided on system approaches, user requirements, and user classes. Systems considered include orbiting ERTS and EOS type satellites and geosynchronous SmS and SEOS type data collectors

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 2: Experiment system description

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    A detailed technical description of the 30/20 GHz flight experiment system is presented. The overall communication system is described with performance analyses, communication operations, and experiment plans. Hardware descriptions of the payload are given with the tradeoff studies that led to the final design. The spacecraft bus which carries the payload is discussed and its interface with the launch vehicle system is described. Finally, the hardwares and the operations of the terrestrial segment are presented

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    Summary information on the final communication system design, communication payload, space vehicle, and development plan for the 30/20 GHz flight experiment will be installed on the LEASAT spacecraft which will be placed into orbit from the space shuttle cargo bay. The communication concept has two parts: a truck service and a customer premise service (CPS). The trucking system serves four spot beams which are interconnected in a satellite switched time division multiple access mode by an IF switch matrix. The CPS covers two large areas of the eastern United States with a pair of scanning beams

    Earth resources technology satellite spacecraft system design studies. Volume 2, book 1 - Subsystems studies Final report

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    Developing structure, payload, communication and data handling subsystems for ERT
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