1,501 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of sample-based maps for long-term SLAM

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    This paper presents a system for long-term SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) by mobile service robots and its experimental evaluation in a real dynamic environment. To deal with the stability-plasticity dilemma (the trade-off between adaptation to new patterns and preservation of old patterns), the environment is represented at multiple timescales simultaneously (5 in our experiments). A sample-based representation is proposed, where older memories fade at different rates depending on the timescale, and robust statistics are used to interpret the samples. The dynamics of this representation are analysed in a five week experiment, measuring the relative influence of short- and long-term memories over time, and further demonstrating the robustness of the approach

    A minimalistic approach to appearance-based visual SLAM

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    This paper presents a vision-based approach to SLAM in indoor / outdoor environments with minimalistic sensing and computational requirements. The approach is based on a graph representation of robot poses, using a relaxation algorithm to obtain a globally consistent map. Each link corresponds to a relative measurement of the spatial relation between the two nodes it connects. The links describe the likelihood distribution of the relative pose as a Gaussian distribution. To estimate the covariance matrix for links obtained from an omni-directional vision sensor, a novel method is introduced based on the relative similarity of neighbouring images. This new method does not require determining distances to image features using multiple view geometry, for example. Combined indoor and outdoor experiments demonstrate that the approach can handle qualitatively different environments (without modification of the parameters), that it can cope with violations of the ā€œflat floor assumptionā€ to some degree, and that it scales well with increasing size of the environment, producing topologically correct and geometrically accurate maps at low computational cost. Further experiments demonstrate that the approach is also suitable for combining multiple overlapping maps, e.g. for solving the multi-robot SLAM problem with unknown initial poses

    Conceptual spatial representations for indoor mobile robots

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    We present an approach for creating conceptual representations of human-made indoor environments using mobile robots. The concepts refer to spatial and functional properties of typical indoor environments. Following ļ¬ndings in cognitive psychology, our model is composed of layers representing maps at diļ¬€erent levels of abstraction. The complete system is integrated in a mobile robot endowed with laser and vision sensors for place and object recognition. The system also incorporates a linguistic framework that actively supports the map acquisition process, and which is used for situated dialogue. Finally, we discuss the capabilities of the integrated system

    Appearance-based localization for mobile robots using digital zoom and visual compass

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    This paper describes a localization system for mobile robots moving in dynamic indoor environments, which uses probabilistic integration of visual appearance and odometry information. The approach is based on a novel image matching algorithm for appearance-based place recognition that integrates digital zooming, to extend the area of application, and a visual compass. Ambiguous information used for recognizing places is resolved with multiple hypothesis tracking and a selection procedure inspired by Markov localization. This enables the system to deal with perceptual aliasing or absence of reliable sensor data. It has been implemented on a robot operating in an office scenario and the robustness of the approach demonstrated experimentally

    Using learned affordances for robotic behavior development

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    ā€œDevelopmental roboticsā€ proposes that, instead of trying to build a robot that shows intelligence once and for all, what one must do is to build robots that can develop. These robots should be equipped with behaviors that are simple but enough to bootstrap the system. Then, as the robot interacts with its environment, it should display increasingly complex behaviors. In this paper, we propose such a development scheme for a mobile robot. J.J. Gibsonā€™s concept of ā€œaffordancesā€ provides the basis of this development scheme, and we use a formalization of affordances to make the robot learn about the dynamics of its interactions with its environment. We show that an autonomous robot can start with pre-coded primitive behaviors, and as it executes its behaviors randomly in an environment, it can learn the affordance relations between the environment and its behaviors. We then present two ways of using these learned structures, in achieving more complex, intentional behaviors. In the first case, the robot still uses its pre-coded primitive behaviors only, but the sequencing of these primitive behaviors are such that new more complex behaviors emerge. In the second case, the robot makes a ā€œblendingā€ of its pre-coded primitive behaviors to create new behaviors that can be more effective in reaching its goal than any of the pre-coded behaviors

    A review of sensor technology and sensor fusion methods for map-based localization of service robot

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    Service robot is currently gaining traction, particularly in hospitality, geriatric care and healthcare industries. The navigation of service robots requires high adaptability, flexibility and reliability. Hence, map-based navigation is suitable for service robot because of the ease in updating changes in environment and the flexibility in determining a new optimal path. For map-based navigation to be robust, an accurate and precise localization method is necessary. Localization problem can be defined as recognizing the robotā€™s own position in a given environment and is a crucial step in any navigational process. Major difficulties of localization include dynamic changes of the real world, uncertainties and limited sensor information. This paper presents a comparative review of sensor technology and sensor fusion methods suitable for map-based localization, focusing on service robot applications
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