117 research outputs found

    A Low-Power Capacitive Transimpedance D/A Converter

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    This thesis proposes a new low-power and low-area DAC for single-slope ADCs used in CMOS image sensors. With increase in resolution requirements for ADCs, conventional DAC architectures suffered the limitation of either large area or high power consumption with higher resolution scaling. Thus, the proposed capacitive transimpedance amplifier DAC (CTIA DAC) could solve this by offering the resolution requirement required without taking a hit on the area or power budget. The thesis has been structured in the following manner: The first chapter introduces image sensors in general and talks about progression through different image sensors and pixel architectures that have been used through the years. It also explains the operation of a CMOS image sensor from a paper published from Sony on high-speed image sensors. The second chapter presents the importance and role of DACs in CMOS image sensors and briefly explains a few commonly used DAC architectures in image sensors. It explains the advantages and disadvantages of present architectures and leads the discussion towards the development of the proposed DAC. The third chapter gives an overview of the CTIA DAC and explains the working of the different circuit blocks that are used to implement the proposed DAC. Chapter Four explains the design approach for the blocks explained in Chapter Three. It presents the critical design choices that were made for overall performance of the DAC. Results of individual blocks and the DAC as a whole are presented and compared against other recently published DAC papers. The final chapter summarizes some key results of the design and talks about the scope for future work and improvement

    MOSFET zero-temperature-coefficient (ZTC) effect modeling anda analysis for low thermal sensitivity analog applications

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    Continuing scaling of Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies brings more integration and consequently temperature variation has become more aggressive into a single die. Besides, depending on the application, room ambient temperature may also vary. Therefore, procedures to decrease thermal dependencies of eletronic circuit performances become an important issue to include in both digital and analog Integrated Circuits (IC) design flow. The main purpose of this thesis is to present a design methodology for a typical CMOS Analog design flow to make circuits as insensitivity as possible to temperature variation. MOSFET Zero Temperature Coefficient (ZTC) and Transconductance Zero Temperature Coefficient (GZTC) bias points are modeled to support it. These are used as reference to deliver a set of equations that explains to analog designers how temperature will change transistor operation and hence the analog circuit behavior. The special bias conditions are analyzed using a MOSFET model that is continuous from weak to strong inversion, and both are proven to occur always from moderate to strong inversion operation in any CMOS fabrication process. Some circuits are designed using proposed methodology: two new ZTC-based current references, two new ZTC-based voltage references and four classical Gm-C circuits biased at GZTC bias point (or defined here as GZTC-C filters). The first current reference is a Self-biased CMOS Current Reference (ZSBCR), which generates a current reference of 5 A. It is designed in an 180 nm process, operating with a supply voltage from 1.4V to 1.8 V and occupying around 0:010mm2 of silicon area. From circuit simulations the reference shows an effective temperature coefficient (TCeff ) of 15 ppm/oC from 45 to +85oC, and a fabrication process sensitivity of = = 4:5%, including average process and local mismatch. Simulated power supply sensitivity is estimated around 1%/V. The second proposed current reference is a Resistorless Self-Biased ZTC Switched Capacitor Current Reference (ZSCCR). It is also designed in an 180 nm process, resulting a reference current of 5.88 A under a supply voltage of 1.8 V, and occupying a silicon area around 0:010mm2. Results from circuit simulation show an TCeff of 60 ppm/oC from -45 to +85 oC and a power consumption of 63 W. The first proposed voltage reference is an EMI Resisting MOSFET-Only Voltage Reference (EMIVR), which generates a voltage reference of 395 mV. The circuit is designed in a 130 nm process, occupying around 0.0075 mm2 of silicon area while consuming just 10.3 W. Post-layout simulations present a TCeff of 146 ppm/oC, for a temperature range from 55 to +125oC. An EMI source of 4 dBm (1 Vpp amplitude) injected into the power supply of circuit, according to Direct Power Injection (DPI) specification results in a maximum DC Shift and Peak-to-Peak ripple of -1.7 % and 35.8m Vpp, respectively. The second proposed voltage reference is a 0.5V Schottky-based Voltage Reference (SBVR). It provides three voltage reference outputs, each one utilizing different threshold voltage MOSFETs (standard-VT , low-VT , and zero-VT ), all available in adopted 130 nm CMOS process. This design results in three different and very low reference voltages: 312, 237, and 51 mV, presenting a TCeff of 214, 372, and 953 ppm/oC in a temperature range from -55 to 125oC, respectively. It occupies around 0.014 mm2 of silicon area for a total power consumption of 5.9 W. Lastly, a few example Gm-C circuits are designed using GZTC technique: a single-ended resistor emulator, an impedance inverter, a first order and a second order filter. These circuits are simulated in a 130 nm CMOS commercial process, resulting improved thermal stability in the main performance parameters, in the range from 27 to 53 ppm/°C.A contínua miniaturização das tecnologias CMOS oferece maior capacidade de integração e, consequentemente, as variações de temperatura dentro de uma pastilha de silício têm se apresentado cada vez mais agressivas. Ademais, dependendo da aplicação, a temperatura ambiente a qual o CHIP está inserido pode variar. Dessa maneira, procedimentos para diminuir o impacto dessas variações no desempenho do circuito são imprescindíveis. Tais métodos devem ser incluídos em ambos fluxos de projeto CMOS, analógico e digital, de maneira que o desempenho do sistema se mantenha estável quando a temperatura oscilar. A ideia principal desta dissertação é propor uma metodologia de projeto CMOS analógico que possibilite circuitos com baixa dependência térmica. Como base fundamental desta metodologia, o efeito de coeficiente térmico nulo no ponto de polarização da corrente de dreno (ZTC) e da transcondutância (GZTC) do MOSFET são analisados e modelados. Tal modelamento é responsável por entregar ao projetista analógico um conjunto de equações que esclarecem como a temperatura influencia o comportamento do transistor e, portanto, o comportamento do circuito. Essas condições especiais de polarização são analisadas usando um modelo de MOSFET que é contínuo da inversão fraca para forte. Além disso, é mostrado que as duas condições ocorrem em inversão moderada para forte em qualquer processo CMOS. Algumas aplicações são projetadas usando a metodologia proposta: duas referências de corrente baseadas em ZTC, duas referências de tensão baseadas em ZTC, e quatro circuitos gm-C polarizados em GZTC. A primeira referência de corrente é uma Corrente de Referência CMOS Auto-Polarizada (ZSBCR), que gera uma referência de 5uA. Projetada em CMOS 180 nm, a referência opera com uma tensão de alimentação de 1.4 à 1.8 V, ocupando uma área em torno de 0:010mm2. Segundo as simulações, o circuito apresenta um coeficiente de temperatura efetivo (TCeff ) de 15 ppm/oC para -45 à +85 oC e uma sensibilidade à variação de processo de = = 4:5% incluindo efeitos de variabilidade dos tipos processo e descasamento local. A sensibilidade de linha encontrada nas simulações é de 1%=V . A segunda referência de corrente proposta é uma Corrente de Referência Sem Resistor Auto-Polarizada com Capacitor Chaveado (ZSCCR). O circuito é projetado também em 180 nm, resultando em uma corrente de referência de 5.88 A, para uma tensão de alimentação de 1.8 V, e ocupando uma área de 0:010mm2. Resultados de simulações mostram um TCeff de 60 ppm/oC para um intervalo de temperatura de -45 à +85 oC e um consumo de potência de 63 W. A primeira referência de tensão proposta é uma Referência de Tensão resistente à pertubações eletromagnéticas contendo apenas MOSFETs (EMIVR), a qual gera um valor de referência de 395 mV. O circuito é projetado no processo CMOS 130 nm, ocupando em torno de 0.0075 mm2 de área de silício, e consumindo apenas 10.3 W. Simulações pós-leiaute apresentam um TCeff de 146 ppm/oC, para um intervalo de temperatura de 55 à +125oC. Uma fonte EMI de 4 dBm (1 Vpp de amplitude) aplicada na alimentação do circuito, de acordo com o padrão Direct Power Injection (DPI), resulta em um máximo de desvio DC e ondulação Pico-à-Pico de -1.7 % e 35.8m Vpp, respectivamente. A segunda referência de tensão é uma Tensão de Referência baseada em diodo Schottky com 0.5V de alimentação (SBVR). Ela gera três saídas, cada uma utilizando MOSFETs com diferentes tensões de limiar (standard-VT , low-VT , e zero-VT ). Todos disponíveis no processo adotado CMOS 130 nm. Este projeto resulta em três diferentes voltages de referências: 312, 237, e 51 mV, apresentando um TCeff de 214, 372, e 953 ppm/oC no intervalo de temperatura de -55 à 125oC, respectivamente. O circuito ocupa em torno de 0.014 mm2, consumindo um total de 5.9 W. Por último, circuitos gm-C são projetados usando o conceito GZTC: um emulador de resistor, um inversor de impedância, um filtro de primeira ordem e um filtro de segunda ordem. Os circuitos também são simulados no processo CMOS 130 nm, resultando em uma melhora na estabilidade térmica dos seus principais parâmetros, indo de 27 à 53 ppm/°C

    Integrated Circuits for Programming Flash Memories in Portable Applications

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    Smart devices such as smart grids, smart home devices, etc. are infrastructure systems that connect the world around us more than before. These devices can communicate with each other and help us manage our environment. This concept is called the Internet of Things (IoT). Not many smart nodes exist that are both low-power and programmable. Floating-gate (FG) transistors could be used to create adaptive sensor nodes by providing programmable bias currents. FG transistors are mostly used in digital applications like Flash memories. However, FG transistors can be used in analog applications, too. Unfortunately, due to the expensive infrastructure required for programming these transistors, they have not been economical to be used in portable applications. In this work, we present low-power approaches to programming FG transistors which make them a good candidate to be employed in future wireless sensor nodes and portable systems. First, we focus on the design of low-power circuits which can be used in programming the FG transistors such as high-voltage charge pumps, low-drop-out regulators, and voltage reference cells. Then, to achieve the goal of reducing the power consumption in programmable sensor nodes and reducing the programming infrastructure, we present a method to program FG transistors using negative voltages. We also present charge-pump structures to generate the necessary negative voltages for programming in this new configuration

    Power Management Circuits for Front-End ASICs Employed in High Energy Physics Applications

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    The instrumentation of radiation detectors for high energy physics calls for the development of very low-noise application-specific integrated-circuits and demanding system-level design strategies, with a particular focus on the minimisation of inter-ference noise from power anagement circuitry. On the other hand, the aggressive pixelisation of sensors and associated front-end electronics, and the high radiation exposure at the innermost tracking and vertex detectors, requires radiation-aware design and radiation-tolerant deep sub-micron CMOS technologies. This thesis explores circuit design techniques towards radiation tolerant power management integrated circuits, targeting applications on particle detectors and monitoring of accelerator-based experiments, aerospace and nuclear applications. It addresses advantages and caveats of commonly used radiation-hard layout techniques, which often employ Enclosed Layout or H-shaped transistors, in respect to the use of linear transistors. Radiation tolerant designs for bandgap circuits are discussed, and two different topologies were explored. A low quiescent current bandgap for sub-1 V CMOS circuits is proposed, where the use of diode-connected MOSFETs in weak-inversion is explored in order to increase its radiation tolerance. An any-load stable LDO architecture is proposed, and three versions of the design using different layout techniques were implemented and characterised. In addition, a switched DC-DC Buck converter is also studied. For reasons concerning testability and silicon area, the controller of the Buck converter is on-chip, while the inductance and the power transistors are left on-board. A prototype test chip with power management IP blocks was fabricated, using a TSMC 65 nm CMOS technology. The chip features Linear, ELT and H-shape LDO designs, bandgap circuits and a Buck DC-DC converter. We discuss the design, layout and test results of the prototype. The specifications in terms of voltage range and output current capability are based on the requirements set for the integrated on-detector electronics of the new CGEM-IT tracker for the BESIII detector. The thesis discusses the fundamental aspects of the proposed on-detector electronics and provides an in-depth depiction of the front-end design for the readout ASIC

    A low-power native NMOS-based bandgap reference operating from −55°C to 125°C with Li-Ion battery compatibility

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    Summary The paper describes the implementation of a bandgap reference based on native-MOSFET transistors for low-power sensor node applications. The circuit can operate from −55°C to 125°C and with a supply voltage ranging from 1.5 to 4.2 V. Therefore, it is compatible with the temperature range of automotive and military-aerospace applications, and for direct Li-Ion battery attach. Moreover, the circuit can operate without any dedicated start-up circuit, thanks to its inherent single operating point. A mathematical model of the reference circuit is presented, allowing simple portability across technology nodes, with current consumption and silicon area as design parameters. Implemented in a 55-nm CMOS technology, the voltage reference achieves a measured average (maximum) temperature coefficient of 28 ppm/°C (43 ppm/°C) and a measured sample-to-sample variation within 57 mV, with a current consumption of 420 nA at 27°C

    Low-power switched capacitor voltage reference

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    Low-power analog design represents a developing technological trend as it emerges from a rather limited range of applications to a much wider arena affecting mainstream market segments. It especially affects portable electronics with respect to battery life, performance, and physical size. Meanwhile, low-power analog design enables technologies such as sensor networks and RFID. Research opportunities abound to exploit the potential of low power analog design, apply low-power to established fields, and explore new applications. The goal of this effort is to design a low-power reference circuit that delivers an accurate reference with very minimal power consumption. The circuit and device level low-power design techniques are suitable for a wide range of applications. To meet this goal, switched capacitor bandgap architecture was chosen. It is the most suitable for developing a systematic, and groundup, low-power design approach. In addition, the low-power analog cell library developed would facilitate building a more complex low-power system. A low-power switched capacitor bandgap was designed, fabricated, and fully tested. The bandgap generates a stable 0.6-V reference voltage, in both the discrete-time and continuous-time domain. The system was thoroughly tested and individual building blocks were characterized. The reference voltage is temperature stable, with less than a 100 ppm/°C drift, over a --60 dB power supply rejection, and below a 1 [Mu]A total supply current (excluding optional track-and-hold). Besides using it as a voltage reference, potential applications are also described using derivatives of this switched capacitor bandgap, specifically supply supervisory and on-chip thermal regulation

    Nanopower CMOS transponders for UHF and microwave RFID systems

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    At first, we present an analysis and a discussion of the design options and tradeoffs for a passive microwave transponder. We derive a set of criteria for the optimization of the voltage multiplier, the power matching network and the backscatter modulator in order to optimize the operating range. In order to match the strictly power requirements, the communication protocol between transponder and reader has been chosen in a convenient way, in order to make the architecture of the passive transponder very simple and then ultra-low-power. From the circuital point of view, the digital section has been implemented in subthreshold CMOS logic with very low supply voltage and clock frequency. We present different solutions to supply power to the transponder, in order to keep the power consumption in the deep sub-µW regime and to drastically reduce the huge sensitivity of the subthreshold logic to temperature and process variations. Moreover, a low-voltage and low-power EEPROM in a standard CMOS process has been implemented. Finally, we have presented the implementation of the entire passive transponder, operating in the UHF or microwave frequency range

    Design of a Programmable Passive SoC for Biomedical Applications Using RFID ISO 15693/NFC5 Interface

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    Low power, low cost inductively powered passive biotelemetry system involving fully customized RFID/NFC interface base SoC has gained popularity in the last decades. However, most of the SoCs developed are application specific and lacks either on-chip computational or sensor readout capability. In this paper, we present design details of a programmable passive SoC in compliance with ISO 15693/NFC5 standard for biomedical applications. The integrated system consists of a 32-bit microcontroller, a sensor readout circuit, a 12-bit SAR type ADC, 16 kB RAM, 16 kB ROM and other digital peripherals. The design is implemented in a 0.18 μ m CMOS technology and used a die area of 1.52 mm × 3.24 mm. The simulated maximum power consumption of the analog block is 592 μ W. The number of external components required by the SoC is limited to an external memory device, sensors, antenna and some passive components. The external memory device contains the application specific firmware. Based on the application, the firmware can be modified accordingly. The SoC design is suitable for medical implants to measure physiological parameters like temperature, pressure or ECG. As an application example, the authors have proposed a bioimplant to measure arterial blood pressure for patients suffering from Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

    A Low Power Low Supply MOS-Only Subthreshold Voltage Reference for Wide Temperature Range

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    A Sub-1V, MOS-only Voltage Reference Circuit (VRC) has been proposed with the utmost of transistors working as subthreshold region for low-supply and low-power applications. A supply-insensitive current is passed to Active Load Circuit (ALC) for supply and temperature independence at the output reference voltage. It has four current mirrors connected in a closed loop configuration to generate a supply-independent current which is passed through the ALC resulting supply and temperature insensitive output reference voltage. The ALC has a combination of two subthreshold NMOS transistors having different threshold voltages. The presented VRC is simulated using standard 90 nm CMOS model for 0.25-1 V supply voltage range. The simulation result gives minimum operating voltage required as 0.25 V for which all transistors work in their respective region of operation. For the supply range of 0.25-1 V, the obtained mean voltage reference is 100.4 mV with the line regulation of 0.186 mV/V. The temperature coefficient (TC) of 51ppm/°C is achieved for a wide temperature range of -50 to 135°C with the given minimal operating supply voltage. The power dissipation for minimal supply voltage at room temperature is 33 nW. The proposed VRC exhibits a high PSRR of -52.5 dB at 100Hz and -29 dB at 1 MHz

    A low power high power supply rejection ratio bandgap reference for portable applications

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-87).A multistage bandgap circuit with very high power supply rejection ratio was designed and simulated. The key features of this bandgap include multiple power modes, low power consumption and a novel resistor trimming strategy. This design was completed in deep submicron CMOS technology, and is especially suited for portable applications. The bandgap designed achieves over 90 dB of power supply rejection and less than 17 microvolts of noise without any external filtering. With an external filtering capacitor, this performance is significantly enhanced. In addition, the design includes an efficient voltage-to-current converter and a fast-charge circuit for charging the external capacitor.by Siddharth Sundar.M.Eng