150 research outputs found

    Overcoming challenges in the classification of deep geothermal potential

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    The geothermal community lacks a universal definition of deep geothermal systems. A minimum depth of 400 m is often assumed, with a further sub-classification into middle-deep geothermal systems for reservoirs found between 400 and 1000 m. Yet, the simplistic use of a depth cut-off is insufficient to uniquely determine the type of resource and its associated potential. Different definitions and criteria have been proposed in the past to frame deep geothermal systems. However, although they have valid assumptions, these frameworks lack systematic integration of correlated factors. To further complicate matters, new definitions such as hot dry rock (HDR), enhanced or engineered geothermal systems (EGSs) or deep heat mining have been introduced over the years. A clear and transparent approach is needed to estimate the potential of deep geothermal systems and be capable of distinguishing between resources of a different nature. In order to overcome the ambiguity associated with some past definitions such as EGS, this paper proposes the return to a more rigorous petrothermal versus hydrothermal classification. This would be superimposed with numerical criteria for the following: depth and temperature; predominance of conduction, convection or advection; formation type; rock properties; heat source type; requirement for formation stimulation and corresponding efficiency; requirement to provide the carrier fluid; well productivity (or injectivity); production (or circulation) flow rate; and heat recharge mode. Using the results from data mining of past and present deep geothermal projects worldwide, a classification of the same, according to the aforementioned criteria is proposed

    Fouille de données de santé

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    Dans le domaine de la santé, les techniques d’analyse de données sont de plus en plus populaires et se révèlent même indispensables pour gérer les gros volumes de données produits pour un patient et par le patient. Deux thématiques seront abordées dans cette présentation d'HDR.La première porte sur la définition, la formalisation, l’implémentation et la validation de méthodes d’analyse permettant de décrire le contenu de bases de données médicales. Je me suis particulièrement intéressée aux données séquentielles. J’ai fait évoluer la classique notion de motif séquentiel pour y intégrer des composantes contextuelles, spatiales et sur l’ordre partiel des éléments composant les motifs. Ces nouvelles informations enrichissent la sémantique initiale de ces motifs.La seconde thématique se focalise sur l’analyse des productions et des interactions des patients au travers des médias sociaux. J’ai principalement travaillé sur des méthodes permettant d’analyser les productions narratives des patients selon leurs temporalités, leurs thématiques, les sentiments associés ou encore le rôle et la réputation du locuteur s’étant exprimé dans les messages

    Global application, performance and risk analysis of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)

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    Aufgrund des jahreszeitlichen Versatzes zwischen Wärmeangebot und -nachfrage herrscht im Bereich der gemäßigten Klimazone weniger ein Energie- als ein Speicherproblem. Die saisonale Speicherung von Wärme und Kälte in Grundwasserkörpern, auch genannt Aquiferspeicherung (ATES), zeichnet sich im Vergleich zu anderen Speichertechnologien durch geringe Speicherkosten und hohe Speicherkapazitäten aus. Deshalb ist die Technologie in den vergangenen Jahren verstärkt in den Fokus gerückt. Allerdings gibt es nur sehr wenige Informationen über die weltweite Verbreitung sowie die Art der Nutzung von ATES. Folglich ist der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Marktbarrieren auf eine weltweite Kommerzialisierung der Technologie noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel der ersten Studie ist es deshalb, einen Überblick über die historische Entwicklung sowie die weltweite ATES Nutzung zu geben. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche werden unterschiedliche Konzepte und Nutzungsformen zusammengefasst und diskutiert. Mit einer 50-jährigen Entwicklungsgeschichte befinden sich derzeit weltweit mehr als 2.800 ATES Systeme im Einsatz. Über 99% aller ATES sind Niedrigtemperaturspeicher (LT-ATES) mit einer Speichertemperatur von < 25°C. 85% aller Aquiferspeicher befinden sich in den Niederlanden, weitere 10% in Schweden, Belgien und Dänemark. Diese Unterschiede in der globalen Aquiferspeicherentwicklung lassen sich weniger durch Untergrund-spezifische Faktoren, als vielmehr durch sozioökonomische und legislative Marktbarrieren erklären. In Studie 2 wird basierend auf den Monitoringdaten von 73 niederländischen Anlagen die technischen Leistungsdaten und energetische Effizienz von LT-ATES untersucht sowie Optimierungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert. Mit einer durchschnittlichen Entnahmetemperatur von 10 °C im Sommer und rund 15 °C imWinter ist die Differenz zwischen Entnahme- und Einspeisetemperatur (DT) mit 3-4 K deutlich geringer als ursprünglich geplant. Dies ist weniger auf Speicherverluste im Untergrund, als auf eine ineffiziente Beladung des Speichers durch die gebäudeseitige Heizungs- und Klimatisierungsanlage zurückzuführen. Zudem wird im Durschnitt nur 50% des Untergrundes genutzt, der jeweils von der Genehmigungsbehörde für die geothermische Nutzung freigegeben wurde. Eine exakte Analyse des erwarteten Energieverbrauchs sowie ein effizientes Zusammenspiel zwischen ATES und Gebäude sind deshalb entscheidend um eine nachhaltige Nutzung von LT-ATES weltweit zu gewährleisten. Im Gegensatz zu LT-ATES birgt die Speicherung von Temperaturen über 40-50 °C (HT-ATES) deutliche höhere Risiken. In Studie 3 werden deshalb potentielle Risken von HT-ATES Projekten basierend auf den Erfahrungen vergangener Projekte identifiziert und von Geothermieexperten analysiert. Eine online Umfrage unter 38 internationalen Experten hat gezeigt, das technische Risiken weniger kritisch eingeschätzt werden als insbesondere rechtliche, soziale oder organisatorische Risiken. Dies bestätigen die Erfahrungen aus vergangenen HT-ATES Projekten, wo hohe Wiedergewinnungsraten erzielt, und die technische Machbarkeit erfolgreich demonstriert werden konnte. Schwerwiegende Probleme waren dagegen häufig auf schwankende oder sinkende Energiebedarfe oder einen Verlust der Wärmequelle zurückzuführen. Bei einer zu erwarteten Laufzeit von über 30 Jahren, ist es deshalb entscheidend, ganzheitliche Energiekonzepte zu entwickeln, die sowohl sich verändernde Randbedingungen im Bereich der Wärmequelle, als auch Wärmesenke berücksichtigen. Ein projekt-spezifisches Risikomanagement ist deshalb essenziell und sollte auch in der Forschung stärker Berücksichtigung finden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Aquiferspeicherung ein hohes Potenzial hat, bedeutende Energiemärkte zu erschließen. Sowohl im Bereich LT ATES als auch HT-ATES bedarf es allerdings weitere Forschung, um eine flächendeckende Kommerzialisierung voranzutreiben: Im Niedrigtemperaturbereich sollten zukünftige Studien darauf abzielen, die Betriebseffizienz weiter zu optimieren. Dies betrifft (1) die Interaktion zwischen Untergrund und Gebäude sowie (2) ein urbanes Untergrundmanagement, wo durch die Schaffung von Synergien benachbarter Untergrundnutzer der verfügbare Raum noch nachhaltiger genutzt werden soll. Für HT-ATES sind weitere Forschungsarbeiten erforderlich um die betriebliche Stabilität zu erhöhen. Die Forschung sollte sich daher nicht nur auf die Gestaltung des Untergrundes konzentrieren, sondern auch auf die Entwicklung von ganzheitlichen Energiekonzepten. Dies sollte auch die Identifizierung potentieller Wärmequellen und -senken sowie die Berücksichtigung langfristiger politischer, technischer und gesetzlicher Änderungen während einer ATES-Lebensdauer von 30 Jahren umfassen

    18ème Atelier "Raisonnement à Partir de Cas" RàPC 2010

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    National audienceLe raisonnement à partir de cas (RàPC) est un paradigme de résolution de problèmes s'appuyant sur la réutilisation d'expériences passées pour résoudre de nouveaux problèmes. Les applications du RàPC sont nombreuses et la recherche est particuli'erement active en France et dans le monde. Les rencontres annuelles de la communauté fran¸caise ont été organisées depuis 1992 par le groupe français de recherche en RàPC, sous la forme d'ateliers d'un à deux jours, permettant de présenter et de discuter les travaux, théoriques ou appliqués, à différents stades d'avancement. Cette année 2010, le 18ème atelier RàPC est organisé à Strasbourg, en amont des assises du GDR I3 (" Information, Interaction, Intelligence "). À cette occasion, l'atelier RàPC partage une demi-journée avec les rencontres du thème IAF " Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale " du GDR I3. Le programme complet est ainsi constitué de neuf présentations, huit soumises à l'atelier RàPC et une soumise aux journées IAF. Ces présentations sont réparties en quatre sessions : une première session porte sur des applications du RàPC à l'espace et aux déplacements ; une deuxième session (en deux temps) regroupe différents travaux sur l'adaptation ; les deux autres sessions sont consacrées pour l'une à la réutilisation d'expériences et à la remémoration, et pour l'autre à la comparaison du RàPC à d'autres méthodes appuyées sur l'expérience

    Métaconnaissances et recherches en EIAH

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    SIXIÈME ATELIER : Représentation et raisonnement sur le temps et l'espace (RTE 2011)

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    Actes de l'atelier RTE 2011, Plate-forme AFIA, ChambéryNational audienceLa représentation du temps et de l'espace ainsi que les modèles de raisonnements associés sont des thèmes largement étudiés en informatique, d'une manière générale, et en intelligence artificielle, en particulier. Ces thèmes sont de plus en plus importants dans de nombreux domaines de notre société, en particulier là où est disponible une très grande quantité d'informations et de services évoluant au cours du temps ou dans l'espace. Les techniques temporelles et/ou spatiales sont, par exemple, importantes dans : la gestion des grandes quantités de données, l'analyse et la fouille de ces données, la simulation et l'analyse de l'évolution temporelle de processus, l'évaluation de la sécurité et la sûreté, la gestion dynamique des connaissances, la gestion de l'espace, la prévention des risques naturels, la modélisation des systèmes dynamiques et complexes, etc. Elles offrent une alternative ou un complément aux méthodes statistiques et mathématiques de modélisation de l'espace et du temps

    Terrorism and counter-terrorism: impact of ambiguous and disputed definitions on fundamental human rights

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    The role of terrorism in political discourse changed dramatically over the last fifty years, moving from ambiguity to the forefront of public policy and security concern. After the 9/11 attacks, terrorism has earned the news headlines, and has become a global security priority. Governments and the international community have enhanced measures to counter international and transnational terrorism, although there is no universally accepted definition of the term. The lack of an undisputed and legally binding definition of terrorism leaves significant room for free interpretation by policymakers. Governments are given what is essentially a carte blanche to develop programs and counter-terrorism initiatives that may lead, or have already led, to the development of policy that infringes on fundamental human rights. This thesis investigates the connection between terrorism and fundamental human rights. The question that guided this dissertation is the potential consequence of arbitrary and politicallydriven definitions of terrorism over counter-terrorism policy and fundamental human rights. The thesis moves from a historical framing of the concept of terrorism that changes with time. There are many definitions of the term, and there is no common definition with legal value. The current debate on terrorism is linked almost exclusively with non-state actors, which implies that state and terrorism have no linkage, even if there are evidences of these ties. The thesis scrutinizes the instrumentalization of terrorism, starting from an analysis of the concept based on three pillars: historical, theoretical-conceptual and legal (in the light of international law and human rights law). Then an empirical analysis based on these tools through the use of political and legal mechanisms to obtain a political output was conducted. To answer the starting question, the research moved from a historical-documentary analysis, then took into consideration the literature, and focused on how the states use the justification of the fight against international terrorism to restrict fundamental human rights. After the theoretical-conceptual and legal analysis, the research focuses on the legal aspects of the War on Terror and security policies. Large part of the empyrical research is dedicated to scrutinize the case of Turkey after the 2016 coup d'état attempt, to review some rulings of the European Courts, and to examine some prominent 'terrorist' organizations. While this topic presents a serious challenge, it does open much room for possible explorations of new fields of research without necessitating a fixed point of departure – or arrival. The thesis ends suggesting some future research directions.O papel do terrorismo no discurso político mudou drasticamente nos últimos cinquenta anos, passando da ambiguidade para a linha de frente da política pública e das preocupações de segurança. Após os ataques de 11 de setembro, o terrorismo ganhou as manchetes dos jornais e se tornou uma prioridade de segurança global. Os governos e a comunidade internacional aumentaram as medidas para combater o terrorismo internacional e transnacional, embora não haja uma definição universalmente aceita do termo. A falta de uma definição indiscutível e juridicamente vinculativa de terrorismo deixa espaço significativo para a livre interpretação dos decisores políticos. Os governos recebem basicamente o que é uma 'carta branca' para desenvolver programas e iniciativas de combate ao terrorismo que possam levar, ou já conduziram, ao desenvolvimento de políticas que infrinjam os direitos humanos fundamentais. A tese investiga a conexão entre o terrorismo e os direitos humanos fundamentais. A questão que orientou esta dissertação é a conseqüência potencial de definições arbitrárias e politicamente dirigidas do terrorismo sobre a política antiterrorista e os direitos humanos fundamentais. A tese se move a partir de um enquadramento histórico do conceito de terrorismo que muda com o tempo. Existem muitas definições do termo e não há uma com valor legal. O atual debate sobre o terrorismo está ligado quase exclusivamente a atores não estatais, o que implica que o Estado e o terrorismo não têm vínculo, mesmo que haja evidências desta ligação. A tese examina a instrumentalização do terrorismo, a partir de uma análise do conceito baseada em três pilares: histórico, teórico-conceitual e jurídico (à luz do direito internacional e do direito internacional humanitário). Em seguida, è realizada uma análise empírica baseada nessas ferramentas por meio do uso de mecanismos políticos e legais para obter um resultado político. Para responder à questão inicial, a pesquisa partiu de uma análise histórico-documental, depois levou em consideração a literatura e enfocou como os estados usam a justificação da luta contra o terrorismo internacional para restringir os direitos humanos fundamentais. Após a análise teórico-conceitual e jurídica, a pesquisa enfoca os aspectos legais da Guerra ao Terrorismo e das políticas de segurança. Grande parte da pesquisa empírica é dedicada a investigar o caso da Turquia após a tentativa de golpe de Estado de 2016, a rever algumas decisões dos tribunais europeus, e a examinar algumas proeminentes organizações 'terroristas'. Embora este tópico represente um desafio sério, abre muito espaço para possíveis explorações de novos campos de pesquisa sem precisar de um ponto de partida fixo - ou de chegada. A tese termina sugerindo algumas direções futuras de investigação

    Due diligence in cyberspace: guidelines for international and European cyber policy and cybersecurity policy

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    Global cyberspace is undergoing fundamental change. There are now frequent references to a "fragmentation of the Internet", but many European and international working groups are also increasingly aware that "a free, open and at the same time secure Internet" is a global public good. However, the political rules adopted for International and European cyber policies and cybersecurity policies will always lag behind technological developments. It is the more important, therefore, to subject these rules to the over-arching norm of due diligence in cyberspace, and to do so on the national, European and international levels. This generates three requirements for Germany's future strategic orientation in cyberspace: European cooperation: integrating national policies into the European framework; inclusiveness: giving different interest groups broad and publicly accessible representation in formulating policies; civilian response: prioritising the civilian component over the military component, particularly in times of peace. However, Germany's major partners are confused as to what goals precisely it is pursuing in cyberspace. It is therefore advisable for Berlin to improve its coordination and communication of responsibilities at the national and EU levels, be it on issues of Internet Governance, the fight against cybercrime, or cyberdefence. (author's abstract

    고성능 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터 및 유기 발광 트랜지스터를 위한 단계적 기능층 공정 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2014. 8. 이신두.최근 유기 재료 및 유기 소자의 전기적 성능과 그에 대한 물리적 이해가 발전함에 따라 대면적의 유연성 전자 공학, 저가격 인쇄 전자, 광전자공학 등을 포함하는 유기 전자 공학의 시대가 도래하고 있다. 유기 반도체 물질은 본질적으로 합성이 용이하며 다양한 공정이 가능하기 때문에 넓은 범위의 방법을 통해 기능성 물질을 제조하고 유기 전자 소자를 제작할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 대표적인 유기 전자 소자 중 하나인 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터는 플렉서블 디스플레이(flexible display), 전파 인식 태그, 센서 등과 같은 실제 응용 기술의 핵심 요소가 될 것으로 여겨지고 있다. 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터와 관련된 많은 쟁점 중, 여러 가지 용액 공정 방법은 저온에서 공정이 가능할 뿐만 아니라 롤투롤(roll- to-roll) 공정이나 잉크젯 프린팅(inkjet printing) 등의 인쇄 공정처럼 간단하다는 점에서, 유연성을 지닌 대면적의 저가격 유기 전자 소자의 제작 방법으로 각광받고 있다. 용액 공정은 기본적으로 고체 표면 상에서 액체가 퍼지고 마르는 과정을 수반하기 때문에, 고체/액체 사이의 계면 조절 및 액체의 열역학적 거동에 대한 이해가 반드시 필요하다. 한편, 복잡한 전자공학, 광전자공학적 시스템(system)을 구현하기 위해 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터의 기능적인 측면이 강조되고 있다. 예를 들어, 트랜지스터의 전기적 스위칭(switching) 성질과 발광 소자로서의 특성을 동시에 지니고 있는 유기 발광 트랜지스터는 향후 차세대 디스플레이 기술로서 큰 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 이러한 유기 발광 트랜지스터는 양자효율이나 개구율 측면에서 유기 발광 다이오드를 넘어서는 장점을 보이지만, 전형적인 소자 구조에서는 본질적인 선발광 특성으로 인해 일부 응용 기술로만 적용될 수 있다는 한계가 있다. 본 논문은 고성능 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터 및 유기 발광 트랜지스터를 개발하기 위한 기능층의 단계적 공정 기술들을 제시하며, 용액 공정 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터 및 준면발광 유기 발광 트랜지스터에 초점을 맞춰서 크게 두 부분으로 나뉘어진다. 우선, 용액 공정 유기 전계 효과 트랜지스터에 장벽 모양의 패턴이 형성된 유전체 구조를 도입하여 누설전류를 줄이고 다층 구조의 자동 정렬을 유도하는 기술을 제안한다. 소수성의 불소계 고분자로 이루어진 이 유전체 구조는 게이트 전극으로부터 발생하는 수직 방향의 전하 흐름을 효과적으로 차단함과 동시에 선택적 젖음 현상과 기하학적 구조물을 통해 활성층 패턴을 자동으로 형성하는 역할을 한다. 다음으로, 용액 공정 유기 반도체의 분자 정렬을 유도하고 결과적으로 전하 이동도를 향상시킬 수 있는 두 가지 기술을 도입한다. 용액 공정 유기 반도체 물질의 분자 정렬은 용액이 퍼지고 마르는 과정에 영향을 받기 때문에, 이 과정을 제어함으로써 용액 공정 기반의 유기 전자 소자의 전기적 특성을 조절할 수 있다. 온도구배를 통한 비등방적 용매 증발 방식을 적용하거나 잉크젯 프린팅으로 형성된 단방향의 표면 구조를 갖는 고분자 절연막을 이용한 방식을 도입하여 용액 공정 시 용매가 퍼지고 마르는 과정을 조절한다. 두 번째로, 그물 형태의 네트워크(network) 전극을 개발하여 준면발광 특성을 갖는 수직 유기 발광 트랜지스터를 구현한다. 네트워크 소스(source) 전극 내의 폐쇄된 공간 구조로 인해, 전하 이동 및 그에 따른 전하 재결합은 네트워크 경계에서 각각 공간의 중심 방향으로 확대된다. 이는 면발광의 공간적 분포는 전하 재결합의 특성 길이에 대한 네트워크 전극 내의 공간의 상대적인 크기에 의존한다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 전하 재결합을 통해 발광이 일어나는 영역을 거시적인 수준에서 관찰하기 위한 광학적 방법을 새롭게 개발한다. 요약하면, 여러 가지 기능층 사이에 일어나는 계면 현상의 관점에서 고성능 유기 전자 및 광전자소자의 개발을 위한 기능층의 단계적 공정 및 새로운 소자 구조를 연구한다. 본 논문에서 제시된 연구는 용액 공정 유기 전자 소자의 계면에서 형성되는 다양한 유기 물질의 조직을 제어하고 다층구조에서의 계면을 조절하며 유기 전자 소자의 기본 구성 요소를 집적하는 데 있어 중요한 길을 제시할 것으로 기대된다.Recent progress in the electrical performance and physical understanding of both organic materials and devices has led to the advent of a new era of organic electronics including flexible and large-area electronics, low-cost printed electronics, and optoelectronics. The intrinsic advantages of organic semiconductors such as the flexibility in design and the versatile processing capability provide a broad range of strategies for manipulating functional materials and fabricating advanced organic electronic devices. As one of the representative of them, organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are expected to serve as key elements for practical applications in flexible displays, radio-frequency identification tags, and sensors. Among the numerous issues regarding the OFETs, different types of solution-processes applicable for flexible, large-area, and low-cost organic electronics have been extensively investigated owing to the capability of low temperature processing and the simplicity in fabrication by versatile printing methods, for example, roll-to-roll processing, and inkjet printing. Since the solution-process basically involves spreading and drying of a liquid on a solid surface, key ingredients are the engineering of the solid/liquid interfaces and the understanding of the thermodynamic behavior of the liquid state. Another issue is on the functionality of the OFET for sophisticated electronic and optoelectronic systems. For example, organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs) possess the light-emitting capability together with the electrical switching property of the transistors so that they have great potential for use as future displays. Despite such advantages as the electroluminescence quantum efficiency and the aperture ratio beyond organic light-emitting diodes, however, typical OLETs suffer from the intrinsic line emission characteristics which allow only limited applications. This thesis primarily aims to demonstrate functional layer-by-layer engineering approaches to the development of advanced OFETs and OLETs, and deals with two major categories, one of which concerns the solution-processed OFETs and the other vertical OLETs (VOLETs) showing the quasi-surface emission. Firstly, a solution-processed OFET with low leakage current and self-pattern registration is demonstrated using a patterned dielectric barrier (PDB). The PDB of a hydrophobic fluoro-polymer enables to effectively reduce the vertical charge flow generated from the gate electrode and to spontaneously define an active channel pattern by means of the selective wettability together with the geometrical confinement. Next, two viable methods of inducing the molecular order of solution-processed organic semiconductors and the resultant mobility enhancement are described. Since the molecular ordering of an organic semiconductor strongly depends on the spreading and drying processes, the dynamic control of the two processes plays a critical role in the electrical performance of a solution-processed organic device. A temperature gradient-assisted anisotropic solvent drying method and a new approach to the unidirectional topography of an inkjet-printed polymer insulator are developed to control the spreading and drying processes of the solution. Secondly, the VOLET with a network electrode of closed topology for quasi-surface emission is developed. Due to the closed topology in the network of the source electrode, the charge transport and the resultant carrier recombination are substantially extended from individual network boundaries toward the corresponding aperture centers in the source electrode. The spatial distribution of the surface emission depends primarily on the relative scale of the aperture in the network electrode to the characteristic length for the charge carrier recombination. For characterizing the apparent carrier recombination zone for light emission on a macroscopic level, an optical methodology is newly introduced. In summary, the functional layer-by-layer engineering and novel device architectures are investigated toward the development of advanced organic electronics and optoelectronics within the framework of the interfacial phenomena involved in different types of functional layers. The work presented in thesis is expected to provide a primary route to the control of the structural organization of diverse organic molecules in solution at the interfaces, the delicate interfacial modification of multi-layers, and the integration of basic building blocks of organic electronics.Abstract i Contents v List of Figures viii List of Tables xvi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Organic Electronics 1 1.2. Organic Field-Effect Transistors 3 1.3. Organic Light-Emitting Transistors 5 1.4. Outline of Thesis 7 Chapter 2. Theoretical Background 9 2.1. Organic Semiconductors 9 2.2. Interfaces in Organic Electronics 11 2.3. Solution-process for Organic Electronics 14 2.3.1. Physical mechanism of wetting phenomena 15 2.3.2. Inkjet printing technique 17 2.4. Operation of Organic Field-Effect Transistors 20 2.5. Principles of Vertical Organic Light-Emitting Transistors 22 Chapter 3. Leakage Reduction of Solution-processed Organic Field-Effect Transistors 25 3.1. Introduction 25 3.2. Patterned Dielectric Barrier 28 3.2.1. Physical origins of leakage current 28 3.2.2. Fabrication process 29 3.3. Leakage Current Reduction 32 3.4. Electrical characteristics 37 3.5. Summary 39 Chapter 4. Mobility Enhancement of Solution-Processed Organic Field-Effect Transistors 40 4.1. Introduction 40 4.2. Molecular Order by Anisotropic Solvent Drying 43 4.2.1. Thermo-gradient-assisted solvent evaporation 43 4.2.2. Molecular features 46 4.2.3. Electrical characteristics 49 4.3. Topography-Guided Solvent Spreading and Drying 53 4.3.1. Unidirectional topography of inkjet-printed polymer dielectric 53 4.3.2. Analysis of molecular alignment 58 4.3.3. Electrical characteristics 60 4.4. Summary 65 Chapter 5. Quasi-Surface Emissive Organic Light-Emitting Transistors 66 5.1. Introduction 66 5.2. Vertical Structure with Network Source Electrode 68 5.2.1. Structure and fabrication 68 5.2.2. Network source electrode 71 5.3. Quasi-Surface Light Emission 73 5.4. Control of Luminance by Gate Voltage 75 5.5. Summary 79 Chapter 6. Concluding Remarks 80 Appendix (acronyms) 83 Bibliography 85 Publications 95 Abstract (Korean) 105Docto

    Annual Report 2013 / Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7664)

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    The contributions collected in this report provide a representative overview of the scientific outcome of INE research activities in 2013. The structure of the report follows widely the organization of the institute according to research topics: basic research towards understanding geochemical reactions of radionuclides on a molecular scale and applied studies on radionuclide retention in multi-barrier system under real repository conditions