31 research outputs found

    DC-SIMD: dynamic communication for SIMD processors

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    SIMD (single instruction multiple data)-type processors have been found very efficient in image processing applications, because their repetitive structure is able to exploit the huge amount of data-level parallelism in pixel-type operations, operating at a relatively low energy consumption rate. However, current SIMD architectures lack support for dynamic communication between processing elements, which is needed to efficiently map a set of non-linear algorithms. An architecture for dynamic communication support has been proposed, but this architecture needs large amounts of buffering to function properly. In this paper, three architectures supporting dynamic communication without the need of large amounts of buffering are presented, requiring 98% less buffer space. Cycle-true communication architecture simulators have been developed to accurately predict the performance of the different architectures. Simulations with several test algorithms have shown a performance improvement of up to 5x compared to a locally connected SIMD-processor. Also, detailed area models have been developed, estimating the three proposed architectures to have an area overhead of 30-70% compared to a locally connected SIMD architecture (like the IMAP). When memory is taken into account as well, the overhead is estimated to be 13-28%

    DC-SIMD : Dynamic communication for SIMD processors

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    Patch-Based Experiments with Object Classification in Video Surveillance

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    We present a patch-based algorithm for the purpose of object classification in video surveillance. Within detected regions-of-interest (ROIs) of moving objects in the scene, a feature vector is calculated based on template matching of a large set of image patches. Instead of matching direct image pixels, we use Gabor-filtered versions of the input image at several scales. This approach has been adopted from recent experiments in generic object-recognition tasks. We present results for a new typical video surveillance dataset containing over 9,000 object images. Furthermore, we compare our system performance with another existing smaller surveillance dataset. We have found that with 50 training samples or higher, our detection rate is on the average above 95%. Because of the inherent scalability of the algorithm, an embedded system implementation is well within reach

    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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    Algorithms for Image Analysis in Traffic Surveillance Systems

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    Import 23/07/2015The presence of various surveillance systems in many areas of the modern society is indisputable and the most perceptible are the video surveillance systems. This thesis mainly describes novel algorithm for vision-based estimation of the parking lot occupancy and the closely related topics of pre-processing of images captured under harsh conditions. The developed algorithms have their practical application in the parking guidance systems which are still more popular. One part of this work also tries to contribute to the specific area of computer graphics denoted as direct volume rendering (DVR).Přítomnost nejrůznějších dohledových systémů v mnoha oblastech soudobé společnosti je nesporná a systémy pro monitorování dopravy jsou těmi nejviditelnějšími. Hlavní část této práce se věnuje popisu nového algoritmu pro detekci obsazenosti parkovacích míst pomocí analýzy obrazu získaného z kamerového systému. Práce se také zabývá tématy úzce souvisejícími s předzpracováním obrazu získaného za ztížených podmínek. Vyvinuté algoritmy mají své praktické uplatnění zejména v oblasti pomocných parkovacích systémů, které se stávají čím dál tím více populárními. Jedna část této práce se snaží přispět do oblasti počítačové grafiky označované jako přímá vizualizace objemových dat.Prezenční460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar Signal Processing for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating Shallow Water

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    The goal of the research was to develop best practices for image signal processing method for InSAS systems for bathymetric height determination. Improvements over existing techniques comes from the fusion of Chirp-Scaling a phase preserving beamforming techniques to form a SAS image, an interferometric Vernier method to unwrap the phase; and confirming the direction of arrival with the MUltiple SIgnal Channel (MUSIC) estimation technique. The fusion of Chirp-Scaling, Vernier, and MUSIC lead to the stability in the bathymetric height measurement, and improvements in resolution. This method is computationally faster, and used less memory then existing techniques

    Improving GPU performance : reducing memory conflicts and latency

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    Plant recognition, detection, and counting with deep learning

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    In agricultural and farm management, plant recognition, plant detection, and plant counting systems are crucial. We can apply these tasks to several applications, for example, plant disease detection, weed detection, fruit harvest system, and plant species identification. Plants can be identified by looking at their most discriminating parts, such as a leaf, fruit, flower, bark, and the overall plant, by considering attributes as shape, size, or color. However, the identification of plant species from field observation can be complicated, time-consuming, and requires specialized expertise. Computer vision and machine-learning techniques have become ubiquitous and are invaluable to overcome problems with plant recognition in research. Although these techniques have been of great help, image-based plant recognition is still a challenge. There are several obstacles, such as considerable species diversity, intra-class dissimilarity, inter-class similarity, and blurred resource images. Recently, the emerging of deep learning has brought substantial advances in image classification. Deep learning architectures can learn from images and notably increase their predictive accuracy. This thesis provides various techniques, including data augmentation and classification schemes, to improve plant recognition, plant detection, and plant counting system

    Improving GPU performance : reducing memory conflicts and latency

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    Outcome predictors for Gamma Knife radiosurgery on vestibular schwannoma

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