17 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Spatial Modulation and QOSTBC for MIMO Systems

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    YesMultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems require simplified architectures that can maximize design parameters without sacrificing system performance. Such architectures may be used in a transmitter or a receiver. The most recent example with possible low cost architecture in the transmitter is spatial modulation (SM). In this study, we evaluate the SM and quasi-orthogonal space time block codes (QOSTBC) schemes for MIMO systems over a Rayleigh fading channel. QOSTBC enables STBC to be used in a four antenna design, for example. Standard QO-STBC techniques are limited in performance due to self-interference terms; here a QOSTBC scheme that eliminates these terms in its decoding matrix is explored. In addition, while most QOSTBC studies mainly explore performance improvements with different code structures, here we have implemented receiver diversity using maximal ratio combining (MRC). Results show that QOSTBC delivers better performance, at spectral efficiency comparable with SM

    Multi-Service Group Key Management for High Speed Wireless Mobile Multicast Networks

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    YesRecently there is a high demand from the Internet Service Providers to transmit multimedia services over high speed wireless networks. These networks are characterized by high mobility receivers which perform frequent handoffs across homogenous and heterogeneous access networks while maintaining seamless connectivity to the multimedia services. In order to ensure secure delivery of multimedia services to legitimate group members, the conventional cluster based group key management (GKM) schemes for securing group communication over wireless mobile multicast networks have been proposed. However, they lack efficiency in rekeying the group key in the presence of high mobility users which concurrently subscribe to multiple multicast services that co-exist in the same network. This paper proposes an efficient multi-service group key management scheme (SMGKM) suitable for high mobility users which perform frequent handoffs while participating seamlessly in multiple multicast services. The users are expected to drop subscriptions after multiple cluster visits hence inducing huge key management overhead due to rekeying the previously visited cluster keys. The already proposed multi-service SMGKM system with completely decentralised authentication and key management functions is adopted to meet the demands for high mobility environment with the same level of security. Through comparisons with existing GKM schemes and simulations, SMGKM shows resource economy in terms of reduced communication and less storage overheads in a high speed environment with multiple visits

    Cross-Layer Admission Control to Enhance the Support of Real-Time Applications in WSN

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    A review of the role of sensors in mobile context-aware recommendation systems

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    Recommendation systems are specialized in offering suggestions about specific items of different types (e.g., books, movies, restaurants, and hotels) that could be interesting for the user. They have attracted considerable research attention due to their benefits and also their commercial interest. Particularly, in recent years, the concept of context-aware recommendation system has appeared to emphasize the importance of considering the context of the situations in which the user is involved in order to provide more accurate recommendations. The detection of the context requires the use of sensors of different types, which measure different context variables. Despite the relevant role played by sensors in the development of context-aware recommendation systems, sensors and recommendation approaches are two fields usually studied independently. In this paper, we provide a survey on the use of sensors for recommendation systems. Our contribution can be seen from a double perspective. On the one hand, we overview existing techniques used to detect context factors that could be relevant for recommendation. On the other hand, we illustrate the interest of sensors by considering different recommendation use cases and scenarios

    Platform for quality of experience evaluation in real time applications over LTE networks

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    Dissertação apresentado à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas InterativosAtualmente existem vário simuladores para várias tecnologias de redes sem fios (LTE, UMTS, Wi-Fi ...). Quase todos eles simulam valores para diferentes utilizadores como por exemplo de taxas de transferência (Mbit/s), a potência recebida, a SNR, entre outros valores, dependendo do tipo de simulação. A maioria dos resultados apresentados pelos simuladores correspondem apenas a números, como valores de taxa de transferência ou BER. Então, é difícil entender o impacto desses valores numa comunicação real. Pretende-se com este projeto dar a utilizador por exemplo 2 Mbits/s de taxa de transferência (uplink/downlink), um valor BER de 1x10−6 ou uma potência recebida em torno 1NW obtidos num cenário de simulação e em tempo real e para um cenário real o utilizador experienciar as condições de comunicação e interatividade com as mesmas aplicações utilizadas na realidade. O desenvolvimento da plataforma proposta neste projeto tem como objetivo verificar e avaliar em tempo real a QoS e a QoE obtida para um utilizador simulado naquele momento e para o cenário simulado. Isso permite que os utilizadores experienciem a interatividade com aplicações para diferentes cenários de simulação. Esta plataforma tem como objetivo converter os valores numéricos obtidos apenas por ferramentas de simulação, para uma experiência em tempo real para um determinado cenário simulado. Inicialmente, a rede pretendida a simular é LTE, mas outros protocolos e tipos de rede poderão ser utilizados e testados nesta plataforma, desde que sejam baseados no protocolo IP, tal como o LTE.Abstract: There are many simulators for various wireless technologies (LTE, UMTS, WI-FI …). Almost all of them have different values for users as bitrate, received power, SNR, among other values depending on the simulation type. Most of the simulators results are just numbers like bitrate or BER values. So is difficult to understand the impact of those values in a real communication. It is intended with this project to give a user for instance 2Mbits/s bitrate, a BER value of 1x10−6 or a received power around 1NW in a simulation scenario and he could in real time and real scenario experience the communication conditions and interactivity with applications. The development of the platform proposed in this project aims to verify in real time the QoS and QoE which simulated user experiences in that moment on the simulated scenario. This allows users to experience the interactivity with applications for different simulation scenarios. This platform aims to convert the values merely numerical, obtained by simulation tools, to a real-time experience for the scenario simulated. Initially the target network is LTE, but other network protocols will be allowed to use ant test, since that they are IP based protocols like LTE

    Leveraging opportunistic crowd-sensing to achieve situation-awareness: A platform for gathering eyewitness reports from social media users in the aftermath of emergencies.

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    Our project aims to create, implement and deploy a platform based on a decision support system for gathering eyewitness reports to improve the situation-awareness in the aftermath of an emergency, focusing in particular on earthquakes. While doing so, we would like to find out if an approach combining opportunistic and participatory sensing methods is possible. Our system, in fact, focuses on detecting eyewitnesses with an opportunistic approach and then aims to transform these potential eyewitnesses into volunteers willing to share information. The platform retrieves earthquake notifications from an official channel and, immediately after, exploits the messages shared on Twitter for a fixed time-slot. In doing so, we collect messages posted by potential eyewitnesses. Data mining and natural language processing techniques are performed in order to select meaningful and comprehensive sets of tweets. We then concentrate on the filtered tweets in order to try to engage with their authors and enhance situation awareness. Information retrieved by our system can be extremely useful to all the government agencies interested in mitigating the impact of earthquakes, as well as news agencies looking for new information to publish

    Data Science and Knowledge Discovery

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    Data Science (DS) is gaining significant importance in the decision process due to a mix of various areas, including Computer Science, Machine Learning, Math and Statistics, domain/business knowledge, software development, and traditional research. In the business field, DS's application allows using scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data to support the decision process. After collecting the data, it is crucial to discover the knowledge. In this step, Knowledge Discovery (KD) tasks are used to create knowledge from structured and unstructured sources (e.g., text, data, and images). The output needs to be in a readable and interpretable format. It must represent knowledge in a manner that facilitates inferencing. KD is applied in several areas, such as education, health, accounting, energy, and public administration. This book includes fourteen excellent articles which discuss this trending topic and present innovative solutions to show the importance of Data Science and Knowledge Discovery to researchers, managers, industry, society, and other communities. The chapters address several topics like Data mining, Deep Learning, Data Visualization and Analytics, Semantic data, Geospatial and Spatio-Temporal Data, Data Augmentation and Text Mining