225 research outputs found

    Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Tenth Users' Conference

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    Conference proceedings are represented in graphic visual-aid form. Presentation and panel discussion topics include user experiences with C++ and Ada; the design and interaction of the user interface; the history and goals of TAE; commercialization and testing of TAE Plus; Computer-Human Interaction Models (CHIMES); data driven objects; item-to-item connections and object dependencies; and integration with other software. There follows a list of conference attendees

    Scientific and Technical Publishing at Goddard Space Flight Center in Fiscal Year 1994

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    This publication is a compilation of scientific and technical material that was researched, written, prepared, and disseminated by the Center's scientists and engineers during FY94. It is presented in numerical order of the GSFC author's sponsoring technical directorate; i.e., Code 300 is the Office of Flight Assurance, Code 400 is the Flight Projects Directorate, Code 500 is the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate, Code 600 is the Space Sciences Directorate, Code 700 is the Engineering Directorate, Code 800 is the Suborbital Projects and Operations Directorate, and Code 900 is the Earth Sciences Directorate. The publication database contains publication or presentation title, author(s), document type, sponsor, and organizational code. This is the second annual compilation for the Center

    Structuring fault-tolerant object-oriented systems using inheritance and delegation

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    PhD ThesisMany entities in the real world that a software system has to interact with, e.g., for controlling or monitoring purposes, exhibit different behaviour phases in their lifetime, in particular depending on whether or not they are functioning correctly. That is, these entities exhibit not only a normal behaviour phase but also one or more abnormal behaviour phases associated with the various faults which occur in the environment. These faults are referred to as environmental faults. In the object-oriented software, real-world entities are modeled as objects. In a classbased object-oriented language, such as C++, all objects of a given class must follow the same external behaviour, i.e., they have the same interface and associated implementation. However this requires that each object permanently belong to a particular class, imposing constraints on the mutability of the behaviour for an individual object. This thesis proposes solutions to the problem of finding means whereby objects representing real-world entities which exhibit various behaviour phases can make corresponding changes in their own behaviour in a clear and explicit way, rather than through status-checking code which is normally embedded in the implementation of various methods. Our proposed solution is (i) to define a hierarchy of different subclasses related to an object which corresponds to an external entity, each subclass implementing a different behaviour phase that the external entity can exhibit, and (ii) to arrange that each object forward the execution of its operations to the currently appropriate instance of this hierarchy of subclasses. We thus propose an object-oriented approach for the provision of environmental fault tolerance, which encapsulates the abnormal behaviour of "faulty" entities as objects (instances of the above mentioned subclasses). These abnormal behaviour variants are defined statically, and runtime access to them is implemented through a delegation mechanism which depends on the current phase of behaviour. Thus specific reconfiguration changes at the level of objects can be easily incorporated to a software system for tolerating environmental faults

    Scalable XQuery type matching

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    XML Schema awareness has been an integral part of the XQuery language since its early design stages. Matching XML data against XML types is the main operation that backs up XQuery type expressions, such as typeswitch, instance of, or certain XPath operators. This interaction is particularly vital in data-centric XQuery applications, where data come with detailed type information from an XML Schema document. So far there has been little work on the optimization of those operations. This work presents an efficient implementation of the runtime aspects of XML Schema support. We propose type ranks as a novel and uniform way to implement all facets of type matching in the W3C XQuery Recommendation. As a concise encoding of the type hierarchy defined by an XML Schema document, type ranks minimize the cost of checking the runtime type of XQuery singleton items. By aggregating type ranks, we leverage the grouping capabilities of modern DBMS implementations to efficiently execute type matching on XQuery sequences. In addition, we improve the complexity bounds incurring with typeswitch expressions over existing approaches. Experiments on an off-the-shelf database system demonstrate the potential of our approach

    Memory Subsystems for Security, Consistency, and Scalability

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    In response to the continuous demand for the ability to process ever larger datasets, as well as discoveries in next-generation memory technologies, researchers have been vigorously studying memory-driven computing architectures that shall allow data-intensive applications to access enormous amounts of pooled non-volatile memory. As applications continue to interact with increasing amounts of components and datasets, existing systems struggle to eÿciently enforce the principle of least privilege for security. While non-volatile memory can retain data even after a power loss and allow for large main memory capacity, programmers have to bear the burdens of maintaining the consistency of program memory for fault tolerance as well as handling huge datasets with traditional yet expensive memory management interfaces for scalability. Today’s computer systems have become too sophisticated for existing memory subsystems to handle many design requirements. In this dissertation, we introduce three memory subsystems to address challenges in terms of security, consistency, and scalability. Specifcally, we propose SMVs to provide threads with fne-grained control over access privileges for a partially shared address space for security, NVthreads to allow programmers to easily leverage nonvolatile memory with automatic persistence for consistency, and PetaMem to enable memory-centric applications to freely access memory beyond the traditional process boundary with support for memory isolation and crash recovery for security, consistency, and scalability

    Software engineering processes for self-adaptive systems

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    In this paper, we discuss how for self-adaptive systems some activities that traditionally occur at development-time are moved to run-time. Responsibilities for these activities shift from software engineers to the system itself, causing the traditional boundary between development-time and run-time to blur. As a consequence, we argue how the traditional software engineering process needs to be reconceptualized to distinguish both development-time and run-time activities, and to support designers in taking decisions on how to properly engineer such systems. Furthermore, we identify a number of challenges related to this required reconceptualization, and we propose initial ideas based on process modeling. We use the Software and Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model (SPEM) to specify which activities are meant to be performed off-line and on-line, and also the dependencies between them. The proposed models should capture information about the costs and benefits of shifting activities to run-time, since such models should support software engineers in their decisions when they are engineering self-adaptive systems
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