23 research outputs found

    Adaptable Group-Oriented Signature

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    A new type of signature is presented in this paper, named adaptable group-oriented signature. In contrast with traditional group-oriented signature, the new one laid a strong emphasis on how to improve the signer¡¯s efficiency. In fact, this new type of group-oriented signature can be seen as a type of designated verifier signature. In contrast with the ordinary designated verifier signature, it does not designate one member but several members to independently verify the signature. The designated members, who can independently verify the signature, come into a group. This scheme can ensure the anonymity of the verifiers. This type of signature can be used in such system that the compute resource is limited, such as the broadcast protocols of the mobile telephone in the mobile networks

    Group-oriented ring signature

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    In this paper, we present an improved Rivest\u27s ring signature scheme. In our scheme, the size of the signature is only related to the ring members, and the signer needs no to publish amount of random numbers. On this basis, we propose a group-oriented ring signature. In this scheme, only the person who belongs to the designated group can verify the validity of the ring signature. The security of these two schemes can be proved by using Forking Lemmas

    A Communication Middleware for Ubiquitous Multimedia Adaptation Services

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    Ubiquitous services have gained increasing attention in the area of mobile communication aiming to allow service access anywhere, anytime and anyhow while keeping complexity to a minimum for both users and service providers. Ubiquitous environment features a wide range and an increasing number of access devices and network technologies. Context-aware content/service adaptation is deemed necessary to ensure best user experience. We developed an Adaptation Management Framework (AMF) Web Service which manages the complexity of dynamic and autonomous content adaptation and serves as an invisible enabler for ubiquitous service delivery. It remains challenging to manage the tasks involved in the communication between the AMF Web Service and the user's environment, typically represented by various types of intelligent agents. This work presents a middleware which manages those tasks and serves not only as a protocol gateway, but also as a message translator, a service broker, a complexity shield etc., between AMF Web Services and User Agents


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    An increasing range of services are now offered via online applications and e-commerce websites. However, problems with online services still occur at times, even for the best service providers due to the technical failures, informational failures, or lack of required website functionalities. Also, the widespread and increasing implementation of web services means that service failures are both more likely to occur, and more likely to have serious consequences. In this paper we first develop a digital service value chain framework based on existing service delivery models adapted for digital services. We then review current literature on service failure prevention, and provide a typology of technolo- gies and approaches that can be used to prevent failures of different types (functional, informational, system), that can occur at different stages in the web service delivery. This makes a contribution to theory by relating specific technologies and technological approaches to the point in the value chain framework where they will have the maximum impact. Our typology can also be used to guide the planning, justification and design of robust, reliable web services

    An attribute-based framework for secure communications in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    In this paper, we introduce an attribute-based framework to achieve secure communications in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), which enjoys several advantageous features. The proposed framework employs attribute-based signature (ABS) to achieve message authentication and integrity and protect vehicle privacy, which greatly mitigates the overhead caused by pseudonym/private key change or update in the existing solutions for VANETs based on symmetric key, asymmetric key, and identity-based cryptography and group signature. In addition, we extend a standard ABS scheme with traceability and revocation mechanisms and seamlessly integrate them into the proposed framework to support vehicle traceability and revocation by a trusted authority, and thus, the resulting scheme for vehicular communications does not suffer from the anonymity misuse issue, which has been a challenge for anonymous credential-based vehicular protocols. Finally, we implement the proposed ABS scheme using a rapid prototyping tool called Charm to evaluate its performance

    An Application of Context-sensitive Computing for Flexible Manufacturing System Optimization

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    Recent advancements in embedded systems, computing, networking, WS and SOA have opened the door for seamless integration of plant floor devices to higher enterprise level applications. Semantic web technologies, knowledge-based systems, context-sensitive computing and associated application development are widely explored in this regard. Ubiquitous and pervasive computing are the main domains of interest among many researchers so far. However, context-sensitive computing in manufacturing, particularly, relevant research and development in a production environment like FMS is relatively new and growing.Dynamic job (re)scheduling and dispatching are becoming an essential part of modern FMS controls. The foremost drive is to deal with the chaotic nature of the production environment while keeping plant performance indicators unaffected. Process plans in FMS need to consider several dynamic factors, like demand fluctuations, extreme product customizations and run time priority changes. To meet this plant level dynamism, complex control architectures are used to provide an automatic response to the unexpected events. These runtime responses deal with final moment change of the control parameters that eventually influences the key performance indicators (KPIs) like machine utilization rate and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). In response, plant controls are moving towards more decentralized and adaptive architectures, promoting integration of different support applications. The applications aim to optimize the plant operations in terms of autonomous decision making, adaptation to sudden failure, system (re) configuration and response to unexpected events for global factory optimization.The research work documented in this thesis presents the advantages of bridging the mentioned two domains of context-sensitive computing and FMS optimization, mainly to facilitate context management at factory floor for improved transparency and to better respond for real time optimization through context-based optimization support system.This manuscript presents a context-sensitive optimization approach for FMS, considering machine utilization rate and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) as the KPIs. Runtime contextual entities are used to monitor KPIs continuously to update an ontology-based context model, and subsequently convert it into business relevant information via context management. The delivered high level knowledge is further utilized by an optimization support system (OSS) to infer: optimal job (re) scheduling and dispatching, keeping a higher machine utilization rate at runtime. The proposed solution is presented as add-on functionality for FMS control, where a modular development of the overall approach provides the solution generic and extendable across other domains. The key components are functionally implemented to a practical FMS use-case within SOA and WS-based control architecture, resulting improvement of the machine utilization rate and the enhancement of the OEE at runtime

    An Application of Context-sensitive Computing for Flexible Manufacturing System Optimization

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    Recent advancements in embedded systems, computing, networking, WS and SOA have opened the door for seamless integration of plant floor devices to higher enterprise level applications. Semantic web technologies, knowledge-based systems, context-sensitive computing and associated application development are widely explored in this regard. Ubiquitous and pervasive computing are the main domains of interest among many researchers so far. However, context-sensitive computing in manufacturing, particularly, relevant research and development in a production environment like FMS is relatively new and growing.Dynamic job (re)scheduling and dispatching are becoming an essential part of modern FMS controls. The foremost drive is to deal with the chaotic nature of the production environment while keeping plant performance indicators unaffected. Process plans in FMS need to consider several dynamic factors, like demand fluctuations, extreme product customizations and run time priority changes. To meet this plant level dynamism, complex control architectures are used to provide an automatic response to the unexpected events. These runtime responses deal with final moment change of the control parameters that eventually influences the key performance indicators (KPIs) like machine utilization rate and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). In response, plant controls are moving towards more decentralized and adaptive architectures, promoting integration of different support applications. The applications aim to optimize the plant operations in terms of autonomous decision making, adaptation to sudden failure, system (re) configuration and response to unexpected events for global factory optimization.The research work documented in this thesis presents the advantages of bridging the mentioned two domains of context-sensitive computing and FMS optimization, mainly to facilitate context management at factory floor for improved transparency and to better respond for real time optimization through context-based optimization support system.This manuscript presents a context-sensitive optimization approach for FMS, considering machine utilization rate and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) as the KPIs. Runtime contextual entities are used to monitor KPIs continuously to update an ontology-based context model, and subsequently convert it into business relevant information via context management. The delivered high level knowledge is further utilized by an optimization support system (OSS) to infer: optimal job (re) scheduling and dispatching, keeping a higher machine utilization rate at runtime. The proposed solution is presented as add-on functionality for FMS control, where a modular development of the overall approach provides the solution generic and extendable across other domains. The key components are functionally implemented to a practical FMS use-case within SOA and WS-based control architecture, resulting improvement of the machine utilization rate and the enhancement of the OEE at runtime

    Model aware execution of composite web services

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    In the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) services are computational elements that are published, discovered, consumed and aggregated across platform and organizational borders. The most commonly used technology to achieve SOA are Web Services (WSs). This is due to standardization process (WSDL, SOAP, UDDI standards) and a wide range of available infrastructure and tools. A very interesting aspect of WSs is their composeability. WSs can be easily aggregated into complex workflows, called Composite Web Services (CWSs). These compositions of services enable further reuse and in this way new, even more complex, systems are built.Although there are many languages to specify or implement workflows, in the service-oriented systems BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) is widely accepted. With this language WSs are orchestrated and then executed with specialized engines (like ActiveBPEL). While being very popular, BPEL has certain limitations in monitoring and optimizing executions of CWSs. It is very hard with this language to adapt CWSs to changes in the performance of used WSs, and also to select the optimal way to execute a CWS. To overcome the limitations of BPEL, I present a model-aware approach to execute CWSs. To achieve the model awareness the Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) formalism is considered as the basis of the execution of CWSs. This is different than other works in using formal methods in CWSs, which are restricted to purposes like verification or checking of correctness. Here the formal and unambiguous notation of the CPN is used to model, analyze, execute and monitor CWSs. Furthermore this approach to execute CWSs, which is based on the CPN formalism, is implemented in the model-aware middleware. It is also demonstrated how the middleware improves the performance and reliability of CWSs

    Automated Realistic Test Input Generation and Cost Reduction in Service-centric System Testing

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    Service-centric System Testing (ScST) is more challenging than testing traditional software due to the complexity of service technologies and the limitations that are imposed by the SOA environment. One of the most important problems in ScST is the problem of realistic test data generation. Realistic test data is often generated manually or using an existing source, thus it is hard to automate and laborious to generate. One of the limitations that makes ScST challenging is the cost associated with invoking services during testing process. This thesis aims to provide solutions to the aforementioned problems, automated realistic input generation and cost reduction in ScST. To address automation in realistic test data generation, the concept of Service-centric Test Data Generation (ScTDG) is presented, in which existing services used as realistic data sources. ScTDG minimises the need for tester input and dependence on existing data sources by automatically generating service compositions that can generate the required test data. In experimental analysis, our approach achieved between 93% and 100% success rates in generating realistic data while state-of-the-art automated test data generation achieved only between 2% and 34%. The thesis addresses cost concerns at test data generation level by enabling data source selection in ScTDG. Source selection in ScTDG has many dimensions such as cost, reliability and availability. This thesis formulates this problem as an optimisation problem and presents a multi-objective characterisation of service selection in ScTDG, aiming to reduce the cost of test data generation. A cost-aware pareto optimal test suite minimisation approach addressing testing cost concerns during test execution is also presented. The approach adapts traditional multi-objective minimisation approaches to ScST domain by formulating ScST concerns, such as invocation cost and test case reliability. In experimental analysis, the approach achieved reductions between 69% and 98.6% in monetary cost of service invocations during testin

    Emerging Informatics

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    The book on emerging informatics brings together the new concepts and applications that will help define and outline problem solving methods and features in designing business and human systems. It covers international aspects of information systems design in which many relevant technologies are introduced for the welfare of human and business systems. This initiative can be viewed as an emergent area of informatics that helps better conceptualise and design new world-class solutions. The book provides four flexible sections that accommodate total of fourteen chapters. The section specifies learning contexts in emerging fields. Each chapter presents a clear basis through the problem conception and its applicable technological solutions. I hope this will help further exploration of knowledge in the informatics discipline