250 research outputs found

    Determinants of customer satisfaction with service encounter

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    Susreti s uslugom predstavljaju osnovicu korisnikove percepcije usluge u smislu kvalitete, vrijednosti i zadovoljstva. U radu se istražuju sastavnice susreta s uslugom koje imaju utjecaja na zadovoljstvo korisnika. Između više čimbenika koji određuju zadovoljstvo korisnika uslugom, veliki značaj ima kvaliteta usluge koja je vezana uz njezina obilježja. No, izravan uvid u razloge koji susret s uslugom čine zadovoljavajućim ili nezadovoljavajućim daje tehnika ključnih (presudnih) događaja, gdje se uzroci ne/zadovoljstva prije svega razlikuju ovisno o tome radi li se o interpersonalnom kontaktu ili kontaktu s tehnologijama. Za korisnikovo ne/zadovoljstvo presudna je pojavnost usluge koja uključuje ljude, proces i fizičku pojavnost. Njihov se utjecaj ne može promatrati zasebno nego u međudjelovanju tijekom pružanja usluge, a najsnažnije utječu pri susretu s uslugom licem u lice koji ima obilježja kazališne metafore. Unatoč mogućem visokom zadovoljstvu korisnika nakon obnavljanja usluge, poduzeća prije svega trebaju težiti izvrsnom izvršenju susreta s uslugom od prvog puta.Service encounters are the focal point of a customer’s perception of a service in terms of its quality, value and customer satisfaction. The paper researches the influence of the components of a service encounter on customer satisfaction. Among several factors that determine customer satisfaction the quality of service, which is related to the characteristics of service, plays an important role. However, a direct insight into the reasons that make a service encounter satisfactory or unsatisfactory is provided by the critical incident technique, where causes of dis/satisfaction differ primarily depending on whether they derive from interpersonal contact or from contact with technology. The evidence of service, which includes people, process and the physical evidence, plays a critical role in a customer’s dis/satisfaction. The influence of these elements cannot be observed separately; it must be observed in their interaction during the delivery of service and their strongest effect is achieved during face-to-face service encounters that have the characteristics of a theatre metaphor. Even though a high level of satisfaction may be achieved after the recovery of a service, enterprises should aim to conduct excellent service encounters right from the start

    Papers; 2001-09-18; Trustee Board Meeting

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    The Importance of Perceived Service Value in Retail Banking Services

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    Svrha – U različitim granama djelatnosti percipirana vrijednost usluga istaknuta je kao značajan medijator između percipirane kvalitete usluga te zadovoljstva i odanosti korisnika. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada na primjeru usluga u bankarskome sektoru testirati konceptualni model percipirane vrijednosti usluga i njegovih utjecajnih faktora, kao što su percipirana cijena i percipirana kvaliteta usluga, te posljedica, zadovoljstvo i odanost korisnika. Metodološki pristup – Za potrebe empirijskog istraživanja razvijen je mjerni instrument te testirana njegova valjanost i pouzdanost. Korišteni mjerni instrument provjeren je kroz eksplorativnu faktorsku analizu, konfirmatornu faktorsku analizu te strukturalno modeliranje. Strukturalni model s pet reflektivnih konstrukata analiziran je kako bi se testirale direktne i indirektne veze među konstruktima. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati potvrđuju medijacijsku ulogu percipirane vrijednosti u odnosu percipirane cijene i percipirane kvalitete te zadovoljstva i odanosti korisnika kod usluga u bankarskome sektoru. Ograničenja – Kako su rezultati istraživanja direktno relevantni isključivo korisnicima bankarskih usluga i marketinškim menedžerima u bankama, treba se uzeti s oprezom generalizacija rezultata na druge usluge osim bankarskih. Doprinos – Ovaj rad zasniva se na postojećim spoznajama te ih nadograđuje direktnim i indirektnim efektima među istraživanim konceptima. On naglašava važnost percipirane vrijednosti usluga u postizanju zadovoljnih i odanih korisnika u bankarskim uslugama.Purpose – In many industries, perceived service value is found to be a significant mediator between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, this paper aims to test a conceptual model of perceived service value with its antecedents, such as perceived price and perceived service quality, and consequences, customer satisfaction and loyalty, in the retail banking industry. Design/Methodology/Approach – For the empirical study, a measurement instrument was developed and tested for validity and reliability. Measures were assessed with exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). A structural model with five reflective constructs was evaluated to test direct and indirect relationships among constructs. Findings and implications – Results confirm a mediating role of perceived value in relationships between perceived price, perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the case of retail banking services. Limitations – Because the results are directly relevant only to customers and marketing managers of retail banking services, generalizations of the findings beyond the immediate population observed should be made with caution. Originality – This paper extends existing knowledge with both direct and indirect effects among researched concepts, and shows the importance of perceived service value in achieving satisfied and loyal customers in retail banking services

    Performance analysis of cloud-based cve communication architecture in comparison with the traditional client server, p2p and hybrid models

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    Gital et al. (2014) proposed a cloud based communication architecture for improving efficiency of collaborative virtual environment (CVE) systems in terms of Scalability and Consistency requirements. This paper evaluates the performance of the proposed CVE architecture. The metrics use for the evaluation is response time. We compare the cloud-based architecture to the traditional client server and peer-2–peer (P2P) architecture. The comparison was implemented in the CVE systems. The comparative simulation analysis of the results suggested that the CVE architecture based on cloud computing can significantly improve the performance of the CVE system

    Triaxiality and shape coexistence in Germanium isotopes

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    The ground-state deformations of the Ge isotopes are investigated in the framework of Gogny-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) and Skyrme Hartree-Fock plus pairing in the BCS approximation. Five different Skyrme parametrizations are used to explore the influence of different effective masses and spin-orbit models. There is generally good agreement for binding energies and deformations (total quadrupole moment, triaxiality) with experimental data where available (i.e., in the valley of stability). All calculations agree in predicting a strong tendency for triaxial shapes in the Ge isotopes with only a few exceptions due to neutron (sub-)shell closures. The frequent occurrence of energetically very close shape isomers indicates that the underlying deformation energy landscape is very soft. The general triaxial softness of the Ge isotopes is demonstrated in the fully triaxial potential energy surface. The differences between the forces play an increasing role with increasing neutron number. This concerns particularly the influence of the spin-orbit model, which has a visible effect on the trend of binding energies towards the drip line. Different effective mass plays an important role in predicting the quadrupole and triaxial deformations. The pairing strength only weakly affects binding energies and total quadrupole deformations, but considerably influences triaxiality.Comment: 9 page

    The Importance of Perceived Service Value in Retail Banking Services

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    Svrha – U različitim granama djelatnosti percipirana vrijednost usluga istaknuta je kao značajan medijator između percipirane kvalitete usluga te zadovoljstva i odanosti korisnika. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada na primjeru usluga u bankarskome sektoru testirati konceptualni model percipirane vrijednosti usluga i njegovih utjecajnih faktora, kao što su percipirana cijena i percipirana kvaliteta usluga, te posljedica, zadovoljstvo i odanost korisnika. Metodološki pristup – Za potrebe empirijskog istraživanja razvijen je mjerni instrument te testirana njegova valjanost i pouzdanost. Korišteni mjerni instrument provjeren je kroz eksplorativnu faktorsku analizu, konfirmatornu faktorsku analizu te strukturalno modeliranje. Strukturalni model s pet reflektivnih konstrukata analiziran je kako bi se testirale direktne i indirektne veze među konstruktima. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati potvrđuju medijacijsku ulogu percipirane vrijednosti u odnosu percipirane cijene i percipirane kvalitete te zadovoljstva i odanosti korisnika kod usluga u bankarskome sektoru. Ograničenja – Kako su rezultati istraživanja direktno relevantni isključivo korisnicima bankarskih usluga i marketinškim menedžerima u bankama, treba se uzeti s oprezom generalizacija rezultata na druge usluge osim bankarskih. Doprinos – Ovaj rad zasniva se na postojećim spoznajama te ih nadograđuje direktnim i indirektnim efektima među istraživanim konceptima. On naglašava važnost percipirane vrijednosti usluga u postizanju zadovoljnih i odanih korisnika u bankarskim uslugama.Purpose – In many industries, perceived service value is found to be a significant mediator between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, this paper aims to test a conceptual model of perceived service value with its antecedents, such as perceived price and perceived service quality, and consequences, customer satisfaction and loyalty, in the retail banking industry. Design/Methodology/Approach – For the empirical study, a measurement instrument was developed and tested for validity and reliability. Measures were assessed with exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). A structural model with five reflective constructs was evaluated to test direct and indirect relationships among constructs. Findings and implications – Results confirm a mediating role of perceived value in relationships between perceived price, perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the case of retail banking services. Limitations – Because the results are directly relevant only to customers and marketing managers of retail banking services, generalizations of the findings beyond the immediate population observed should be made with caution. Originality – This paper extends existing knowledge with both direct and indirect effects among researched concepts, and shows the importance of perceived service value in achieving satisfied and loyal customers in retail banking services

    Значення та роль світової торгівлі послугами в сучасній економіці

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    У статті досліджено розвиток світового ринку послуг, його структуру, динаміку зростання та важливість для економічного розвитку країн. Автором надано класифікацію послуг згідно з різними міжнародними установами, розглянуто особливості послуг та їх відмінності від товарів.В статье исследовано развитие мирового рынка услуг, его структура, динамика роста и важность для экономического развития стран. Автором предоставлена классификация услуг согласно различным международным организaциям, рассмотрены особенности услуг и их отличие от товаров.The development of world service market, its structure, growth dynamic and its importance for the countries’ development are analyzed in the article. The classification of services according to the different international organization is produced. The particular qualities of services and their difference from goods are examined

    До проблеми методики розрахунку вартості години вільного часу

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    Розглядаються існуючі методики визначення вартості вільного часу населення і його впливу на зміну об'ємів реалізації підприємства. Представлена альтернативна аналітична модель розрахунку вартості години вільного часу.Existent methodologies of determination of cost of notice time of population and his influence are examined on the change of volumes of realization of enterprise. The alternative analytical model of calculation of cost of notice time is presente