297 research outputs found

    Kansas standard of need and self-sufficiency study, 1999: final report.

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    Supported by a grant from the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services

    Is the solar spectrum latitude dependent? An investigation with SST/TRIPPEL

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    Context: In studies of the solar spectrum relative to spectra of solar twin stars, it has been found that the chemical composition of the Sun seems to depart systematically from those of the twins. One possible explanation is that the effect is due to the special aspect angle of the Sun when observed from Earth, as compared with the aspect angles of the twins. Thus, a latitude dependence of the solar spectrum, even with the heliocentric angle constant, could lead to effects of the type observed. Aim: We explore a possible variation in the strength of certain spectral lines, used in the comparisons between the composition of the Sun and the twins, at loci on the solar disk with different latitudes but at constant heliocentric angle. Methods: We use the TRIPPEL spectrograph at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma to record spectra in five spectral regions in order to compare different locations on the solar disk at a heliocentric angle of 45 deg. Equivalent widths and other parameters are measured for fifteen different lines representing nine atomic species. Results: The relative variations in equivalent widths at the equator and at solar latitude 45 deg are found to be less than 1.5 % for all spectral lines studied. Translated to elemental abundances as they would be measured from a terrestrial and a hypothetical pole-on observer, the difference is estimated to be within 0.005 dex in all cases. Conclusion: It is very unlikely that latitude effects could cause the reported abundance difference between the Sun and the solar twins. The accuracy obtainable in measurements of small differences in spectral line strengths between different solar disk positions is very high.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A longitudinal study on maternal depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of strict lockdown measures and social support

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    Objectives: This study examined the trajectory of perinatal depressive symptoms in Portuguese women during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of individual, relational, and contextual risk and protective factors. Methods: This 3-wave longitudinal study followed 290 pregnant women from the third trimester of pregnancy until 6-months postpartum. Women self-reported on depressive symptoms, psychological (anxiety, perceived stress, mindfulness), relational (perceived social support, dyadic adjustment, sexual wellbeing), and contextual (lockdown status) factors. Results: Women who were under strict lockdown presented significantly higher scores of depressive symptoms at baseline (by 1.38 EPDS points) than women who were not under strict lockdown measures. Mixed Growth Models showed that trajectories of depressive symptoms were explained by differences in women’s baseline depression. Differences in women’s depressive symptoms at baseline were mainly explained by higher anxiety and lower social support (22% and 24% for women under lockdown; 39% and 6% for women not on lockdown, respectively). Conclusion: Preventative interventions targeted at pregnant women should aim to reduce anxiety and enhance women’s social support to prevent depression in pregnancy and postpartum during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Современные тенденции развития клеточных технологий в лечении нейроретинопатий

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    Описаны наиболее важные направления научных исследований в области клеточной терапии. Показаны результаты, возможности и перспективы для лечения нейроретинопатий стволовыми клетками.Описано найважливіші напрями наукових досліджень у галузі клітинної терапії. Показано результати, можливості та перспективи для лікування нейроретинопатій стовбуровими клітинами.The most important directions of research in the field of cellular therapy are described. The results, capabilities, and prospects for treatment of neuroretinopathy with stem cells are shown

    Застосування еспа-ліпону в лікуванні діабетичних полінейропатій

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    Показано позитивний вплив препарату еспа-ліпон на неврологічну симптоматику та біохімічні показники на підставі порівняльного аналізу неврологічного статусу та стаю.' показників оксидантної та антиоксидантної систем крові у 23 пацієнтів з діабетичною полінейропатію до та після лікування

    Экспериментальная цепная реакция свиней, страдающих неврозом

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    экспериментальная реакция, цепная реакция, свиноводство, неврозы свине

    HelloLibrary 360 Tour Full-Text

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    Welcome to the first Oxford Brookes HelloLibrary Tour! This inaugural tour will take you through the highlights of different areas of the main library on Headington Campus. This document is an full-text accessible version of the 360 tour. To view the floor plans for the library: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/library/site-libraries/library-floor-plans

    СРК сочетающаяся с нейроциркуляторной дистонией: воспаление, клиническое течение, эффективность лечения

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    Проведено дослідження показників у хворих на СРК, що характеризують запалення й зв’язки їх з наявністю нейроциркуляторної дистонії. У хворих на СРК із наявністю супутньої НЦД має місце достовірне підвищення інтенсивності запалення, про що свідчать підвищені середні рівні СРБ та інтерлейкіну-8, а також питома вага осіб з більш високими їхніми концентраціями. Установлено достовірний взаємозв’язок величини індексу Кердо зі ступенем важкості СРК, інтенсивністю ряду клінічних і психологічних показників, а також рівнем СРБ, інтерлейкіну-8. Установлено достовірну кореляцію наявності НЦД із концентрацією С-реактивного білка, IL-8.The article represents a study of indicators of inflammation and their relation to the presence of neurocirculatory dystonia in patients with IBS. Patients with IBS and associated NCD have a definite increase of inflammation intensity, this is indicated by higher average levels of CRP and interleukin-8, as well as the proportion of persons with higher concentrations. A reliable value of the Kerdo index relationship with the gravity of the IBS, intensity of a number of clinical and psychological indicators, as well as the level of CRP, interleukin-8 has been found. Also, a definite correlation with the presence of NCD with concentration of Creactive protein, IL-8 has been established