17 research outputs found

    Advanced modulation for optical communication systems

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    La demande toujours croissante pour la capacité du réseau conduit au développement de systèmes de communication optique pour couvrir les normes Terabit Ethernet récemment proposées. Les applications de courte distance nécessitent une solution peu coûteuse et peu complexe avec détection directe. Cependant, le coût de la détection cohérente diminue chaque jour et en fait un bon candidat pour les applications à courte distance futures afin d'accroître l'efficacité spectrale et d'utiliser des formats de modulation avancés. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des solutions pour les applications court-courrier actuelles et futures. Dans la première partie, nous nous concentrons sur des solutions pour les applications de courte distance. Le premier chapitre est la première démonstration de la transmission multi-tonalité discrète (DMT) à plus de 100 Gb/s en utilisant une photonique au silicium en bande O (SiP). Nous comparons expérimentalement le DMT avec la modulation d'amplitude d'impulsion (PAM) sur la bande O. Notre expérience montre qu'en augmentant la longueur des fibres de plus de 10 km, la PAM surpasse le DMT. Pour la bande C, nous utilisons un multi-ton discret à bande latérale unique (SSB-DMT) pour éviter l'effet d'évanouissement de la puissance induit par la dispersion chromatique. Nous étudions l'effet du bruit de phase, de la dispersion chromatique et de la sensibilité du récepteur pour optimiser le signal du DMT et extraire des équations théoriques pour calculer le taux d'erreur binaire (BER) du SSB-DMT. Ensuite, nous comparons la PAM sur bande O avec le SSB-DMT sur bande C et quantifions l'impact des limitations imposées par le matériel sur les deux formats de modulation. Notre étude fournit un outil analytique pour les applications de courte distance afin de sélectionner le format et le matériel de modulation appropriés en fonction de la portée requise, du débit binaire, etc. Dans la deuxième partie, le ciblage des futurs systèmes de détection cohérents justifié l'utilisation d'un format de modulation complexe avec détection cohérente. Nous utilisons un format de modulation avancé dans lequel nous avons combiné la propagation de transformée de Fourier discrète avec le DMT pour augmenter l'efficacité spectrale. Le format de modulation hybride a un rapport de puissance crête à moyenne inférieur (vis-à-vis du DMT) et une efficacité spectrale plus élevée (vis-à-vis de la QAM _a porteuse unique). Dans la première étape, nous comparons expérimentalement les performances des modulations hybrides, DMT standard et monoporteuse en utilisant un modulateur SiP IQ. Ensuite, nous développons une stratégie de contrôle pour le format de modulation hybride en échangeant la non-linéarité de la fonction de transfert du modulateur et le rapport signal / bruit optique. Le format de modulation hybride est ensuite optimisé pour avoir un débit maximum. En utilisant une simulation de Monte Carlo, nous comparons le format de modulation hybride optimisé avec le DMT standard pour différents débits binaires. Enfin, nous avons une comparaison de complexité entre hybride et DMT pour différentes longueurs de fibre.Ever increasing demand for network capacity is driving the development of optical communication systems to cover recently proposed Terabit Ethernet standards. Short haul applications need low cost and low complexity solutions with direct detection, as the cost of coherent detection comes down, it will become a good candidate for future short-haul applications to increase spectral efficiency and exploit advanced modulation formats. In this thesis, we investigate solutions for both current and future short-haul systems. In the first part, we focus on solutions for short haul applications. The first chapter is the first time demonstration of more than 100 Gb/s discrete multi-tone (DMT) transmission using an O-band silicon photonics (SiP). We experimentally compare DMT with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) on O-band. Our experiment shows that by increasing fiber length more than 10 km, PAM outperforms DMT. For C-band, we use single sideband discrete multi-tone (SSB-DMT) to avoid chromatic dispersion-induced power fading e_ect. We study the effect of phase noise, chromatic dispersion, and receiver sensitivity to optimize DMT signal and extract theoretical equations to calculate bit error rate (BER) of SSB-DMT. Next, we analytically compare PAM on O-band with SSB-DMT on C-band and quantify the impact of hardware-imposed limitations on both modulation formats. Our study provides an analytical tool for short haul applications to select appropriate modulation format and hardware based on required reach, bit rate, etc. In the second part we examine complex modulation formats that will be enabled in the future by low cost, integrated components for coherent detection.. We use an advanced modulation format in which we combined discrete Fourier transform spread with DMT to increase spectral efficiency. Hybrid modulation format has a lower peak to average power ratio (vis-a-vis DMT) and higher spectral efficiency (vis-a-vis single carrier QAM). In the first step, we experimentally compare the performance of the hybrid, standard DMT, and single carrier modulations using a SiP IQ modulator. Next, we develop a driving strategy for hybrid modulation format by trading off the modulator transfer function non-linearity and optical signal to noise ratio. Then hybrid modulation format is optimized to have maximum throughput. Using Monte Carlo simulation we compare optimized hybrid modulation format with standard DMT for different bit rates. Finally, we have a complexity comparison between hybrid and DMT for different fiber lengths to motivate same investigation for long-haul applications where, we should consider fiber non-linearity, attenuation, a polarization multiplexing

    Comparison of digital signal-signal beat interference compensation techniques in direct-detection subcarrier modulation systems

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    Single-polarization direct-detection transceivers may offer advantages compared to digital coherent technology for some metro, back-haul, access and inter-data center applications since they offer low-cost and complexity solutions. However, a direct-detection receiver introduces nonlinearity upon photo detection, since it is a square-law device, which results in signal distortion due to signal-signal beat interference (SSBI). Consequently, it is desirable to develop effective and low-cost SSBI compensation techniques to improve the performance of such transceivers. In this paper, we compare the performance of a number of recently proposed digital signal processing-based SSBI compensation schemes, including the use of single- and two-stage linearization filters, an iterative linearization filter and a SSBI estimation and cancellation technique. Their performance is assessed experimentally using a 7 × 25 Gb/s wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) single-sideband 16-QAM Nyquistsubcarrier modulation system operating at a net information spectral density of 2.3 (b/s)/Hz

    Cost-Effective Spectrally-Efficient Optical Transceiver Architectures for Metropolitan and Regional Links

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    The work presented herein explores cost-effective optical transceiver architectures for access, metropolitan and regional links. The primary requirement in such links is cost-effectiveness and secondly, spectral efficiency. The bandwidth/data demand is driven by data-intensive Internet applications, such as cloud-based services and video-on-demand, and is rapidly increasing in access and metro links. Therefore, cost-effective optical transceiver architectures offering high information spectral densities (ISDs > 1(b/s)/Hz) need to be implemented over metropolitan distances. Then, a key question for each link length and application is whether coherent- or direct (non-coherent) detection technology offers the best cost and performance trade-off. The performance and complexity limits of both technologies have been studied. Single polarization direct detection transceivers have been reviewed, focusing on their achievable ISDs and reach. It is concluded that subcarrier modulation (SCM) technique combined with single sideband (SSB) and high-order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signaling, enabled by digital signal processing (DSP) based optical transceivers, must be implemented in order to exceed an ISD of 1 (b/s)/Hz in direct-detection links. The complexity can be shifted from the optical to the electrical domain using such transceivers, and hence, the cost can be minimized. In this regard, a detailed performance comparison of two spectrally-efficient direct detection SCM techniques, namely Nyquist-SCM and OFDM, is presented by means of simulations. It is found out that Nyquist-SCM format offers the transmission distances more than double that of OFDM due to its higher resilience to signal-signal beating interference. Following this, dispersion-precompensated SSB 4- and 16-QAM Nyquist-SCM signal formats were experimentally demonstrated using in-phase and quadrature (IQ)-modulators at net optical ISDs of 1.2 and 2 (b/s)/Hz over 800 km and 323 km of standard single-mode fibre (SSMF), respectively. These demonstrations represent record net optical ISDs over such distances among the reported single polarization wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems. Furthermore, since the cost-effectiveness is crucial, the optical complexity of Nyquist-SCM transmitters can be significantly reduced by using low-cost modulators and high-linewidth lasers. A comprehensive theoretical study on SSB signal generation using IQ- and dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulators (DD-MZMs) was carried out to assess their performance for WDM direct detection links. This was followed by an experimental demonstration of WDM transmission over 242 km of SSMF with a net optical ISD of 1.5 (b/s)/Hz, the highest achieved ISD using a DD-MZM-based transmitter. Following the assessment of direct detection technology using various transmitter designs, cost-effective simplified coherent receiver architectures for access and metro networks have been investigated. The optical complexity of the conventional (polarization- and phase-diverse) coherent receiver is significantly simplified, i.e., consisting of a single 3 dB coupler and balanced photodetector, utilizing heterodyne reception and Alamouti polarization-time block coding. Although the achievable net optical ISD is halved compared to a conventional coherent receiver due to Alamouti coding, its receiver sensitivity provides significant gain over a direct detection receiver at M-ary QAM formats where M ≥16

    Simplified DSP-Based Signal-Signal Beat Interference Mitigation Technique for Direct Detection OFDM

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    Short- and medium-haul links in interdata center, access, and metro networks require cost-effective direct-detection wavelength-division multiplexing transceivers offering energy efficiency, high information spectral density (ISD), and dispersion tolerance. Single-sideband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (SSB-OFDM) with direct detection is a potential solution; however, it suffers a penalty from signal-signal beat interference (SSBI) caused by the square-law photodetection. In this paper, a novel DSP-based SSBI mitigation technique, with lower complexity than previously proposed methods, is proposed and assessed through numerical simulations for the first time. The performance improvement is quantified by simulations of 9 × 112 Gb/s 16-QAM SSB-OFDM signal with a net optical ISD of 2.1 (b/s)/Hz. The performance is shown to be similar to that of the more complex receiver-based iterative SSBI compensation technique. Simulations predict an 8.7 dB reduction in the required OSNR at the 7% overhead HD-FEC threshold, and increases up to 100% in maximum reach over uncompensated standard single-mode fibre using the proposed simplified SSBI compensation technique

    Digital Linearization of High Capacity and Spectrally Efficient Direct Detection Optical Transceivers

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    Metropolitan area networks are experiencing unprecedented traffic growth. The provision of information and entertainment supported by cloud services, broadband video and mobile technologies such as long-term evolution (LTE) and 5G are creating a rapidly increasing demand for bandwidth. Although wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) architectures have been introduced into metro transport networks to provide significant savings over single-channel systems, to cope with the ever-increasing traffic growth, it is urgently required to deploy higher data rates (100 Gb/s and beyond) for each WDM channel. In comparison to dual-polarization digital coherent transceivers, single-polarization and single photodiode-based direct-detection (DD) transceivers may be favourable for metropolitan, inter-data centre and access applications due to their use of a simple and low-cost optical hardware structure. Single sideband (SSB) quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) subcarrier modulation (SCM) is a promising signal format to achieve high information spectral density (ISD). However, due to the nonlinear effect termed signal-signal beat interference (SSBI) caused by the square-law detection, the performance of such SSB SCM DD systems is severely degraded. Therefore, it is essential to develop effective and low-complexity linearization techniques to eliminate the SSBI penalty and improve the performance of such transceivers. Extensive studies on SSB SCM DD transceivers employing a number of novel digital linearization techniques to support high capacity (≥ 100 Gb/s per channel) and spectrally-efficient (net ISD > 2 b/s/Hz) WDM transmission covering metropolitan reach scenarios (up to 240 km) are described in detail in this thesis. Digital modulation formats that can be used in DD links and the corresponding transceiver configurations are firstly reviewed, from which the SSB SCM signalling format is identified as the most promising format to achieve high data rates and ISDs. Following this, technical details of the digital linearization approaches (iterative SSBI cancellation, single-stage linearization filter and simplified non-iterative SSBI cancellation, two-stage linearization filter, Kramers-Kronig scheme) considered in the thesis are presented. Their compensation performance in a dispersion pre-compensated (Tx-EDC) 112 Gb/s per channel 35 GHz-spaced WDM SSB 16-QAM Nyquist-SCM DD system transmitting over up to 240 km standard single-mode fibre (SSMF) is assessed. Net ISDs of up to 3.18 b/s/Hz are achieved. Moreover, we also show that, with the use of effective digital linearization techniques, further simplification of the DD transceivers can be realized by moving electronic dispersion compensation from the transmitter to the receiver without sacrificing performance. The optical ISD limit of SSB SCM DD system finally explored through experiments with higher-order modulation formats combined with effective digital linearization techniques. 168 Gb/s per channel WDM 64-QAM signals were successfully transmitted over 80 km, achieving a record net optical ISD of 4.54 b/s/Hz. Finally, areas for further research are identified

    Evaluation of Real-Time 8 x 56.25 Gb/s (400G) PAM-4 for Inter-Data Center Application Over 80 km of SSMF at 1550 nm

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    Leveraging client optics based on intensity modulation and direct detection for point-to-point inter-data center interconnect applications is a cost and power efficient solution, but challenging in terms of optical signal-to-noise ratio requirements and chromatic dispersion tolerance. In this paper, real-time 8 x 28.125 GBd dense wavelength division multiplexing four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4) transmission over up to 80 km standard single mode fiber in the C-Band is demonstrated. Using a combination of optical dispersion compensation and electronic equalization, results below a bit error rate of 1e-6 are achieved and indicate sufficient margin to transmit over even longer distances, if an forward error correction (FEC) threshold of 3.8e-3 is assumed. Moreover, single channel 28.125 GBd PAM4 is evaluated against optical effects such as optical bandwidth limitations, chromatic dispersion tolerance, and optical amplified spontaneous emission noise

    Characterization and design of coherent optical OFDM transmission systems based on Hartley Transform

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    Nowadays, due to huge deployment of optical transport networks, a continuous increase towards higher data rates up to 100 Gb/s and beyond is observed. Furthermore, an evolution of the current optical networks is forecasted, acquiring new functionalities, e.g. elastic spectrum assignment for the optical signals. The target for these new challenges in transmission is to find techniques ready to deal with a growth of demand for bandwidth continuously asked by network operators, for whom the standard systems do not meet the new functionalities while higher rates are being set up. A solution for covering all of those needs is to adapt techniques capable to deal with such enormous data rates, and ensuring the same high efficiency for long distances and mitigate the optical impairments accumulated along the transmission path. Additionally, these transmission techniques are expected to provide some degree of flexibility, in order to enhance the network flexibility. A promising technology that can fully cope with those requires is the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM provides several advantages, namely high sensitivity and spectral efficiency, simple integration and possibility to fully recover a signal in phase, amplitude and polarization. These systems are composed by digital signal processing (DSP) blocks that easily process data and can equalize and compensate the main impairments, providing high tolerance for dispersion effects. However, CO-OFDM systems are not free from drawbacks. Their high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduce their tolerance to nonlinearities. Furthermore, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to any frequency shift and phase offset. Hence, a constant envelope optical OFDM (CE-OFDM) is proposed for significantly reducing the PAPR and solving high sensitivity to nonlinear impairments. It consists in a phase modulated discrete multi-tone signal, which is coherently detected at the receiver side. An alternative transform, the discrete Hartley transform, is proposed to speed up calculations in the DSP and eliminate the need to have a Hermitian symmetry. The optical CE-OFDM by its unique flexibility and rate scalability turns out as a great technology applicable to different configurations, ranging from access to core networks. In case of access solutions, several cases are investigated. First, the optical CE-OFDM is applied for radio access network signals delivery by means of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay in deployed access architecture. A decomposed radio access network is deployed over an existing standard passive optical network (PON), capable to avoid interference and cross talks with access signals between network clients. The system exhibited narrow channel spacing, while reducing losses fed into the access equipment path. Next, a full duplex 10 Gb/s bidirectional PON transmission over a single wavelength with RSOA based ONU is investigated. The key point of that system is the upstream transmission, which is achieved re-modulating the phase of a downstream intensity modulated signal after proper saturation. The reported sensitivity performances show a power budget matching the PON standards and an OSNR easy to reach on non-amplified PON. Next, a flexible metropolitan area network of up to 100km with traffic add/drop using WDM is investigated. There the narrowing effect of the optical filters is studied. Finally, an elastic upgrade of the existing Telefonica model of the Spanish national core network is proposed. For that, the transceiver architecture is proposed to be operated featuring polarization multiplexing. Respect to the existing fixed grid, the flexible approach (enabled by the CE-OFDM transceiver) results into reduced bandwidth occupancy and low OSNR requirement.Hoy en día, debido al gran despliegue de las redes de ópticas de transporte, se espera un aumento continuado hacia mayores velocidades de datos, hasta 100 Gb/s y más allá. Por otra parte, la evolución que se prevé para las redes ópticas actuales, incluye la adquisición de nuevas funcionalidades, por ejemplo, la asignación del espectro de forma elástica para las señales ópticas. Por tanto, el claro desafío en cuanto a las tecnologías de transmisión es encontrar técnicas preparadas para hacer frente a un crecimiento de la demanda de ancho de banda; demanda que continuamente se incrementa por parte de los operadores de red, para quienes los sistemas estándar no se acaban de ajustar a las nuevas funcionalidades que esperan para la red. Una solución para cubrir todas estas necesidades es la adaptación de técnicas capaces de hacer frente a estas velocidades de datos enormes, y garantizar el mismo nivel de eficiencia para las largas distancias y mitigar las deficiencias ópticas acumuladas a lo largo de la ruta de transmisión. Además, se espera que estas técnicas de transmisión puedan proporcionar cierto grado de flexibilidad, a fin de mejorar y hacer más eficiente la gestión de la red. Una tecnología prometedora que puede hacer frente a estos requisitos es lo que se llama multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales, combinado con la detección óptica coherente (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofrece varias ventajas, entre otras: alta sensibilidad y eficiencia espectral y, sobre todo, la posibilidad de recuperar por completo de una señal en fase, la amplitud y la polarización. Estos sistemas están compuestos por bloques de procesado de señales digitales (DSP) que permiten detectar los datos fácilmente así como también compensar las principales degradaciones, proporcionando alta tolerancia a los efectos de dispersión. Sin embargo, los sistemas CO-OFDM no están exentos de inconvenientes. Su alta relación de potencia de pico a potencia media (PAPR) reduce sensiblemente la tolerancia no linealidades. Por otra parte, los sistemas CO-OFDM son sensibles a cualquier cambio de frecuencia y desplazamiento de fase. Por tanto, se propone un sistema OFDM de envolvente constante (CE-OFDM) para reducir significativamente la PAPR y solucionar la alta sensibilidad a las degradaciones no lineales. Consiste en una señal OFDM modulada en fase, que se detecta coherentemente en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta de Hartley, se propone para acelerar los cálculos en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM por su flexibilidad y escalabilidad única, resulta una tecnología aplicable a diferentes escenarios, que van desde las redes de acceso hasta las redes troncales. En el caso de las soluciones de acceso, se investigan varios casos. En primer lugar, el CE-OFDM aplica para el desarrollo y soporte de datos de una red radio, reutilizando una red óptica de acceso ya desplegada. A continuación, se investiga la transmisión bidireccional dúplex a 10 Gb / s sobre una sola longitud de onda empleando un RSOA a las unidades de usuario. El punto clave de este sistema es la transmisión en sentido ascendente, que se consigue re-modulando la fase de una señal de intensidad modulada después de saturar de forma adecuada. A continuación, se estudia una red de área metropolitana flexible de hasta 100 km. Concretamente el efecto de concatenación de filtros ópticos es el objetivo de este estudio. Finalmente, se propone una actualización elástica del modelo de Telefónica I+D para la red troncal española. Por ello, se propone operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexación de polarización. Los resultados muestran que esta combinación reduce sensiblemente el empleo de ancho de banda esto como los requisitos de los enlaces transmisión, reduciendo también los costes tanto de desarrollo como de operación y mantenimiento de la red.Avui dia, a causa del gran desplegament de les xarxes de òptiques de transport, s'espera un augment continuat cap a majors velocitats de dades, fins a 100 Gb/s i més enllà. D'altra banda, l'evolució que es preveu per a les xarxes òptiques actuals, inclou l'adquisició de noves funcionalitats, per exemple, assignació de l'espectre de forma elàstica per als senyals òptics. Per tant, el clar desafiament pel que fa a les tecnologies de transmissió és trobar tècniques preparades per fer front a un creixement de la demanda d'ample de banda; demanda que contínuament es fa per part dels operadors de xarxa, per als qui els sistemes estàndard no s'acaben d'ajustar a les noves funcionalitats que esperen per a la xarxa. Una solució per a cobrir totes aquestes necessitats és l'adaptació de tècniques capaces de fer front a aquestes velocitats de dades enormes, i garantir el mateix nivell d'eficiència per a les llargues distàncies i mitigar les deficiències òptiques acumulades al llarg de la ruta de transmissió. A més, s'espera que aquestes tècniques de transmissió puguin proporcionar cert grau de flexibilitat, per tal de millorar i tornar més eficient la gestió de la xarxa. Una tecnologia prometedora que pot fer front a aquests requisits és el que s'anomena multiplexació per divisió de freqüències ortogonals, combinat amb la detecció òptica coherent (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofereix diversos avantatges, entre altres: alta sensibilitat i eficiència espectral i, sobretot, la possibilitat de recuperar per complet d'una senyal en fase, l'amplitud i la polarització. Aquests sistemes estan compostos per blocs de processament de senyals digitals (DSP) que permeten detectar les dades fàcilment així com també compensar les principals degradacions, proporcionant alta tolerància pels efectes de dispersió. No obstant això, els sistemes CO-OFDM no estan exempts d'inconvenients. La seva alta relació de potència de pic a potència mitjana (PAPR) redueix sensiblement la tolerància a no linealitats. D'altra banda, els sistemes de CO-OFDM són sensibles a qualsevol canvi de freqüència i desplaçament de fase. Per tant, es proposa un sistema OFDM d'envolvent constant (CE-OFDM) per a reduir significativament la PAPR i solucionar l'alta sensibilitat a les degradacions no lineals. Consisteix en un senyal OFDM modulat en fase, que es detecta coherentment en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta d'Hartley, es proposa accelerar els càlculs en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM per la seva flexibilitat i escalabilitat única, resulta una tecnologia aplicable a diferents escenaris, que van des de les xarxes d'accés fins a les xarxes troncals. En el cas de les solucions d'accés, s'investiguen diversos casos. En primer lloc, el CE-OFDM s'aplica per al desplegament i suport de dades d'una xarxa radio, reutilitzant una xarxa òptica d'accés ja desplegada. A continuació, s'investiga la transmissió bidireccional dúplex a 10 Gb/s sobre una sola longitud d'ona emprant un RSOA a les unitats d'usuari. El punt clau d'aquest sistema és la transmissió en sentit ascendent, que s'aconsegueix re-modulant la fase d'un senyal d'intensitat modulada després de saturar-la de forma adequada. A continuació, s'estudia una xarxa d'àrea metropolitana flexible de fins a 100 km. Concretament l'efecte de concatenació de filtres òptics és l'objectiu d'aquest estudi. Finalment, es proposa una actualització elàstica del model de Telefónica I+D per a la xarxa troncal espanyola. Per això, es proposa operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexació de polarització. Els resultats mostren que aquesta combinació redueix sensiblement l'ocupació d'ample de banda això com també els requisits dels enllaços transmissió, reduint també els costos tant de desplegament com d'operació i manteniment de la xarxa

    Single Sideband PAM-4 Optical Transmission: design and implementation

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    A transmissão através de IM/DD SSB PAM-4 têm-se demonstrado nos últimos anos como uma solução eficaz e low-cost para comunicação em curtas distâncias e altos débitos. O facto de o sistema ser IM/DD, isto é, funcionar com deteção direta através de um fotodíodo e uma fonte luminosa, permite evitar a complexidade excessiva de recetores coerentes. Por outro lado, a utilização de uma SSB permite obter o dobro da eficiência espectral da tradicional DSB e assim efetuar uma importante poupança em largura de banda. Nesta tese são estudados os sistemas IM/DD SSB PAM-4 e é implementado um sistema deste tipo, primeiro em simulação MATLAB Simulink e depois em laboratório.A transmissão através de IM/DD SSB PAM-4 têm-se demonstrado nos últimos anos como uma solução eficaz e low-cost para comunicação em curtas distâncias e altos débitos. O facto de o sistema ser IM/DD, isto é, funcionar com deteção direta através de um fotodíodo e uma fonte luminosa (neste caso um laser), permite evitar a complexidade excessiva de recetores coerentes. Por outro lado, a utilização de uma SSB permite obter o dobro da eficiência espectral da tradicional DSB e assim efetuar uma importante poupança em largura de banda. Nesta tese são estudados os sistemas IM/DD SSB PAM-4 e é implementado um sistema deste tipo. O sistema foi primeiro implementado em ambiente MATLAB Simulink, com o tratamento digital do sinal a ser potenciado pelos blocos representativos dos diversos filtros, igualizadores e outros operadores elétricos deste mesmo software. Por outro lado, os instrumentos ópticos como o MZM, a fibra e o fotodíodo foram simulados através de modelos desenvolvidos com base na literatura. Depois o transmissor foi implementado em laboratório através da utilização de um AWG para gerar a forma de onda PAM-4 requerida e um MZM para a geração do sinal SSB. Houve depois a receção em condições BTB através de um fotodíodo que permite a conversão do domínio ótico para digital para processamento offline através do recetor já desenvolvido em MATLAB Simulink. Este recetor permite recuperação parcial do sinal original, através de algoritmos de amplificação e normalização do sinal, igualização adaptativa, desmodulação e por fim contagem de erros. O desempenho do sistema é então avaliado para diversos débitos de dados para os dois casos, assim como a contribuição e importância de cada componente para este desempenho

    Next generation passive optical networks based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing techniques

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    In recent decades, the industry of communications has acquired huge significance, and nowadays constitutes an essential tool for the society information. Thus, the exponential growth in demand of broadband services and the increasing amount of information to be transmitted have spurred the evolution of the access network infrastructure to effectively meet the user needs in an effective way in terms of costs of both installation and maintenance. Passive optical networks (PON) are currently considered the most efficient and least costly alternative to deploy fiber to the home environment. In order to allow many users simultaneously coexist PONs based on time multiplexing (TDMA) have been developed. Looking ahead, however, it is expected that these techniques do not meet the requirements on access networks. In consequence, other multiple access techniques such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing Access (WDMA) or Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) are currently under study and development for use in the next generation of PONs. Particularly, in recent years OFDM has stood out among the scientific community to be considered a solution with great potential on future implementation of PONs. This is especially true due to the capacity of OFDM to work with multilevel modulations, its high tolerance to chromatic dispersion, and its high flexibility and granularity in terms of bandwidth management. Given the above, the aim of this Thesis is to study deeply the advantages and challenges of implementing the standard OFDM as an access network solution; likewise, it offers solutions to improve its performance. In order to evaluate the main structures and strategies for OFDM-based PON, a comparative analysis of all of them is performed firstly, highlighting their sensitivity levels, maximum range and number of users. A key aspect for network providers is the cost of operation, deployment and maintenance of networks. As a low-cost solution, this Thesis proposes a network model called Statistical-OFDMA-PON based on intensity modulation and direct detection. In addition, dynamic bandwidth management strategies are applied into this model getting an improvement in the power balance which in turn, allows to increase the maximum range and the scalability in number of users. One of the main OFDM problems is the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) which increases with the number of carriers. This thesis proposes a new algorithm based on folding the signal and transmitting auxiliary information in order to compensate the PAPR effect and thus increase the sensitivity of the optical system. On the other hand, OFDMA requires a large number of operations in the digital domain resulting in a high computational effort, which in turn results in an increased cost. For this reason, this Thesis presents a study on the optimization of the required resolution in the Digital-to-Analog / Analog-to-Digital Converters (DAC/ADCs) maintaining the transmission quality. The optimization of the computation time may make the OFDMA-based optical network more attractive for future PONs. Finally, another problem concerning the OFDM optical networks is their sensitivity to Phase Noise (PN). In this regard, this Thesis presents a study of the effect of the laser linewidth and its dependence on signal bandwidth. A mitigation technique based on pilot tones is implemented and the limiting values for the laser linewidth are found to be within the reach of present low-cost light sources.En estas últimas décadas, la industria de las comunicaciones ha adquirido gran importancia y hoy en día, constituye una herramienta imprescindible para el funcionamiento en la sociedad de la información. Así pues, el crecimiento exponencial en la demanda de servicios de banda ancha y la carga de información cada vez mayor que se necesita transmitir ha estimulado la evolución de las infraestructuras del tramo de acceso a la red para poder satisfacer las necesidades del usuario de forma efectiva en términos de costes de instalación y de mantenimiento. Las redes ópticas pasivas (Passive Optical Networks, PON) son actualmente consideradas la alternativa más eficiente y de menor coste para desplegar fibra hasta los hogares. Con el fin de permitir que muchos usuarios coexistan simultáneamente se han desarrollado PONs basadas en multiplexación en tiempo (Time Division Multiplexing Access, TDMA). De cara al futuro, sin embargo, se prevé que estas técnicas no permitan cubrir las exigencias sobre las redes de acceso. En consecuencia, otras técnicas de acceso múltiple al medio como el acceso múltiple por división de longitud de onda (Wavelength Division Multiplexing Access, WDMA) o el acceso múltiple por división de frecuencia ortogonal (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access, OFDMA) se encuentran actualmente en proceso de estudio y desarrollo para su uso en la futura generación de PONs. En concreto, en los últimos años OFDM se ha destacado entre la comunidad científica al considerarse una solución con gran potencial para su futura implantación en redes de acceso pasivas. Esto es especialmente cierto debido a la capacidad que el OFDM para trabajar con modulaciones multinivel, así como su alta tolerancia a la dispersión cromática y a la gran flexibilidad y granularidad que posibilita en términos de gestión del ancho de banda. Por todo lo anterior, el objetivo de esta Tesis es estudiar con profundidad las ventajas y los retos de aplicar el estándar OFDM como solución de red de acceso; del mismo modo, ofrece soluciones para mejorar su rendimiento. Con el objetivo de evaluar las principales estructuras basadas en OFDM-PON, en primer lugar se realiza un análisis comparativo de todas ellas destacando sus niveles de sensibilidad, máximo alcance y número de usuarios. Un aspecto fundamental para los proveedores de red es el coste de operación, despliegue y mantenimiento de las redes. Como solución de bajo coste, esta Tesis propone un modelo de red llamado Statistical-OFDMA-PON que se basa en modulación de intensidad y detección directa. Además, este modelo se completa con estrategias de gestión dinámica del ancho de banda de los usuarios que conforman la estructura de red propuesta consiguiendo una mejora en el balance de potencias que permite aumentar distancia y número de usuarios. Uno de los principales problemas del OFDM es el alto nivel de la relación de potencia de pico a potencia media (Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, PAPR) creciente con el número de portadoras. Esta Tesis propone un nuevo algoritmo basado en el pliegue de la señal y la transmisión de información auxiliar para compensar el efecto del PAPR aumentando así la sensibilidad del sistema óptico. Por otro lado, OFDMA requiere un número elevado de operaciones en el dominio digital resultando en un alto esfuerzo computacional que a su vez se traduce en un aumento del coste. Por esta razón, esta Tesis presenta un estudio sobre la optimización de la resolución requerida en los conversores analógicodigital (Digital-to-Analog/Analog-to-Digital Converters, DAC/ADCs) manteniendo la calidad de transmisión. La optimización del tiempo de cómputo requerido puede dotar de un mayor atractivo la solución de red óptica basada en OFDMA. Finalmente, otro de los problemas que presentan las redes ópticas OFDM es su sensibilidad frente al ruido de fase (Phase Noise, PN). En este aspecto, esta Tesis presenta un estudio del efecto del ancho de línea del láser y su dependencia con el ancho de banda de la señal. Técnicas de mitigación basadas en tonos piloto han sido implementadas y se han encontrado los valores limitantes del ancho de línea dentro del alcance de los láseres de bajo coste