185 research outputs found

    Forearm Muscle Activity During the Handgrip Test in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    We recruited 102 breast cancer survivors at a secondary care in Malaga. Included breast cancer survivors showed a good upper limb functionality but a reduced forearm muscle activity. Forearm muscle activity showed a poor significant correlation with the cancer-related fatigue . Handgrip strength also showed a poor correlation with the upper limb functionality. Both outcomes tended to lower values with higher levels of cancer-related fatigue. Introduction/Background: Breast cancer survivors (BCS) frequently show upper limb dysfunctions. The forearm muscle activity measured by surface electromyography (sEMG) in this population has not been studied. This study aimed to describe forearm muscle activity in BCS, as well as to assess its possible relationship with other variables related to upper limb functionality and cancer-related fatigue (CRF). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out including 102 BCS as volunteers at a secondary care in Malaga, Spain. BCS were included if they were aged between 32 and 70 years old, without evidence of cancer recurrence at the time of recruitment. The forearm muscle activity (microvolts, μV) was assessed by sEMG during the handgrip test. The handgrip strength was assessed by dynamometry (kg), the upper limb functionality (%) was measured by the upper limb functional index (ULFI) question- naire and the CRF was also assessed by revised Piper Fatigue Scale (0-10 points). Results: BCS reported reduced forearm muscle activity (287.88 μV) and reduced handgrip strength (21.31 Kg), a good upper limb functionality (68.85%), and a moderate cancer-related fatigue (4.74). Forearm muscle activity showed a poor significant correlation (r = –0.223, P = .038) with the CRF. Handgrip strength showed a poor correlation with the upper limb functionality (r = 0.387, P < .001) and age (r=-0.200, P = .047)...Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga /CBU

    d-Pinitol promotes tau dephosphorylation through a cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulation mechanism: A new potential approach for tauopathies?

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    Background and Purpose Recent evidence links brain insulin resistance with neurodegenerative diseases, where hyperphosphorylated tau protein contributes to neuronal cell death. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate if d-pinitol inositol, which acts as an insulin sensitizer, affects the phosphorylation status of tau protein. Experimental Approach We studied the pharmacological effect of d-pinitol on insulin signalling and tau phosphorylation in the hippocampus of Wistar and Zucker rats. To this end, we evaluated by western blotting the Akt pathway and its downstream proteins as being one of the main insulin-mediator pathways. Also, we explored the functional status of additional kinases phosphorylating tau, including PKA, ERK1/2, AMPK and CDK5. We utilized the 3xTg mouse model as a control for tauopathy, since it carries tau mutations that promote phosphorylation and aggregation. Key Results Surprisingly, we discovered that oral d-pinitol treatment lowered tau phosphorylation significantly, but not through the expected kinase GSK-3 regulation. An extensive search for additional kinases phosphorylating tau revealed that this effect was mediated through a mechanism dependent on the reduction of the activity of the CDK5, affecting both its p35 and p25 subunits. This effect disappeared in leptin-deficient Zucker rats, uncovering that the association of leptin deficiency, obesity, dyslipidaemia and hyperinsulinaemia abrogates d-pinitol actions on tau phosphorylation. The 3xTg mice confirmed d-pinitol effectiveness in a genetic AD-tauopathy.Medina-Vera, D., Navarro, J. A., Rivera, P., Rosell-Valle, C., Gutiérrez-Adán, A., Sanjuan, C., López-Gambero, A. J., Tovar, R., Suárez, J., Pavón, F. J., Baixeras, E., Decara, J., & Rodríguez de Fonseca, F. (2022). d-Pinitol promotes tau dephosphorylation through a cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulation mechanism: A new potential approach for tauopathies? British Journal of Pharmacology, 179( 19), 4655– 4672. https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.1590

    Analysis of Barriers and Opportunities for Reclaimed Wastewater Use for Agriculture in Europe

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    This paper presents an analysis of the perception regarding reclaimed wastewater reuse in agriculture conducted in the European Union regions. The analysis is based upon a SWOT framework and applies a cluster analysis to reduce the dimension of the responses enabling an assessment of the different perceptions of water reuse. More than one hundred key actors identified among the regions participated in the evaluation of the relevance of aspects identified. The results indicate some groups of countries according to natural conditions (water scarcity) and the strategic role of agriculture as a key factor to determine agent’s perceptions and attitudes. The results indicate that the forthcoming EU regulation of water reuse should focus in the problems of the perceived high cost of reclaimed water for farmers and the sanitary risk perception for irrigated crops by consumers as the critical points for fostering the use of reclaimed water in agriculture and the need for regional implementation of the global regulatory framework

    Realistic deployment of hybrid wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee and LoRa for search and rescue applications

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    Search and Rescue operations in emergency response to natural or human catastrophes have the main objective of locating and rescuing potential victims as fast as possible, thus quick response and accurate actions are mandatory. While standard communications may be affected, a Wireless Sensor Network can be deployed to support the rescue team. This kind of network allows data acquisition close to events and enables persistence over time, among other advantages. However, enhancements must be made to improve the adaptation to this kind of scenario. This work presents two Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks, based on ZigBee and LoRa, developed to address some of the challenges that Search and Rescue operations pose to the use of Wireless Sensor Networks, and tested in realistic scenarios in cooperation with first responders. Likewise, several software developments that increase the performance of the networks are described. Finally, the conclusions presented, and the lessons learnt are supported by a high amount of data, gathered in realistic exercises in cooperation with civilian and military first responders.Spanish Project RTI2018-093421-B-I0

    Malacofauna del Banco Chella y alrededores (Mediterráneo occidental)

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    Molluscs of Chella Bank and its surroundings were studied from 21 samples collected with a van Veen grab in the depth range 95-729 m. A total of 299 taxa were identified (77 live-taken), thus increasing by more than 95% the species of molluscs reported in the recently declared site of community importance “Sur de Almería-Seco de los Olivos”. Two of the species are new records to Spanish waters and one to the Alboran Sea. The high species richness observed could be related to the location, the hydrological characteristics and the topographical heterogeneity of the area within the Alboran Sea. Four significant groups of samples were discriminated through multivariate analysis of quantitative data of live-taken molluscs: (I) bathyal muddy bottoms with buried rhodoliths; (II) bathyal muddy bottoms with coral rubble; (III) bathyal hemipelagic muddy bottoms and (IV) bathyal sandy bottoms. Molluscs were more diverse on coral framework bottoms than on sedimentary bottoms around Chella Bank. Most of the live-taken species are widely distributed along the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, and a few are strictly Mediterranean. The most striking feature was the occurrence of two species with planktotrophic larval development for which Chella Bank is the sole recorded locality in the Mediterranean (Episcomitra angelesae&nbsp;and&nbsp;Mitrella templadoi) and which elsewhere extremely rare (Mathilda&nbsp;spp.).Se estudiaron los moluscos del banco Chella y sus fondos adyacentes a partir de veintiuna muestras cogidas con draga Van Veen entre 95 y 729 m de profundidad. Un total de 299 taxones fueron identificados (77 vivos), incrementando en un 95% el total de moluscos citados en el reciente Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria “Sur de Almería-Seco de los Olivos”. Dos especies son nuevas citas para aguas españolas y una para el mar de Alborán. La elevada riqueza específica puede estar relacionada con la localización, las características hidrológicas y la heterogeneidad topográfica de esta zona situada dentro del mar de Alborán. Mediante análisis multivariantes usando datos cuantitativos de la taxocenosis se han diferenciado cuatro grupos de muestras: (I) fangos del batiales con rodolitos enterrados, (II) fangos batiales con restos de corales, (III) fangos hemipelágicos batiales, y (IV) arenas batiales. La mayor diversidad se encontró en los fondos con restos de corales, a diferencia de los fondos sedimentarios situados alrededor del banco Chella. La mayoría de las especies vivas están ampliamente distribuidas por el Atlántico y el Mediterráneo, y muy pocas son estrictamente mediterráneas. Cabe destacar la ocurrencia de algunas especies con desarrollo planctotrófico (Episcomitra angelesae,&nbsp;Mitrella templadoi) en el banco Chella como única localidad registrada en el Mediterráneo o especies extremadamente raras en otros lugares (Mathilda&nbsp;spp.)

    d-Pinitol promotes tau dephosphorylation through a cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulation mechanism: A new potential approach for tauopathies?

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    18 Pág. Departamento de Reproducción animal.Recent evidence links brain insulin resistance with neurodegenerative diseases, where hyperphosphorylated tau protein contributes to neuronal cell death. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate if d-pinitol inositol, which acts as an insulin sensitizer, affects the phosphorylation status of tau protein.This research was funded by the European Regional Development Funds-European Union (ERDF-EU), FATZHEIMER project (EU-LAC HEALTH 2020, 16/T010131), “Una manera de hacer Europa”; Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (RTC-2016-4983-1); ERDF-EU-Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Proyectos de investigación en salud (PI19/01577); Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía, Proyecto de Investigación en Salud (PI-0139-2018); Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía, Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (P18-TP-5194); Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, Ministerio de Salud, Gobierno de España (PND2020/048). D.M-V. (FI20/00227) holds a “PFIS” predoctoral contract from the National System of Health, ERDF-EU-Instituto de Salud Carlos III. A.J.L.-G. (IFI18/00042) holds an “iPFIS” predoctoral contract from the National System of Health, ERDF-EU-ISCIII. P.R. (CP19/00068), F.J.P. (CPII19/00022) and J.D. (CP21/00021) hold a “Miguel Servet” research contract from the National System of Health, ISCIII co-funded by European Social Fund, “Investing in your future,” Gobierno de España.Peer reviewe

    Separator fluid volume requirements in multi-infusion settings

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    INTRODUCTION. Intravenous (IV) therapy is a widely used method for the administration of medication in hospitals worldwide. ICU and surgical patients in particular often require multiple IV catheters due to incompatibility of certain drugs and the high complexity of medical therapy. This increases discomfort by painful invasive procedures, the risk of infections and costs of medication and disposable considerably. When different drugs are administered through the same lumen, it is common ICU practice to flush with a neutral fluid between the administration of two incompatible drugs in order to optimally use infusion lumens. An important constraint for delivering multiple incompatible drugs is the volume of separator fluid that is sufficient to safely separate them. OBJECTIVES. In this pilot study we investigated whether the choice of separator fluid, solvent, or administration rate affects the separator volume required in a typical ICU infusion setting. METHODS. A standard ICU IV line (2m, 2ml, 1mm internal diameter) was filled with methylene blue (40 mg/l) solution and flushed using an infusion pump with separator fluid. Independent variables were solvent for methylene blue (NaCl 0.9% vs. glucose 5%), separator fluid (NaCl 0.9% vs. glucose 5%), and administration rate (50, 100, or 200 ml/h). Samples were collected using a fraction collector until <2% of the original drug concentration remained and were analyzed using spectrophotometry. RESULTS. We did not find a significant effect of administration rate on separator fluid volume. However, NaCl/G5% (solvent/separator fluid) required significantly less separator fluid than NaCl/NaCl (3.6 ± 0.1 ml vs. 3.9 ± 0.1 ml, p <0.05). Also, G5%/G5% required significantly less separator fluid than NaCl/NaCl (3.6 ± 0.1 ml vs. 3.9 ± 0.1 ml, p <0.05). The significant decrease in required flushing volume might be due to differences in the viscosity of the solutions. However, mean differences were small and were most likely caused by human interactions with the fluid collection setup. The average required flushing volume is 3.7 ml. CONCLUSIONS. The choice of separator fluid, solvent or administration rate had no impact on the required flushing volume in the experiment. Future research should take IV line length, diameter, volume and also drug solution volumes into account in order to provide a full account of variables affecting the required separator fluid volume

    Diradicals shaped by double pi-conjugation: contribution from molecular spectroscopy.

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    En general, se ha encontrado que la deslocalización de los electrones π en las moléculas más pequeñas tiene lugar en los anillos de benceno, mientras que para los oligómeros de mayor longitud, debido a la configuración capa abierto de su estado electrónico fundamental, dicha deslocalización se produce preferentemente a través de los bordes tipo “silla” de la molécula. Esta deslocalización da lugar a un comportamiento tipo poliacetilénico para los oligorilenos que presentan un elevado carácter dirradical. La secuencia de π-conjugación lineal a través los bordes tipo “silla” establece la conexión entre los dos centros radicalarios que explica la configuración singlete del estado fundamental de estos sistemas, es decir, permite la activación del mecanismo de doble polarización de espín. El estudio de estas familias permite el establecimiento de una serie de pautas generales acerca del comportamiento de los electrones π en un sistema dirradical linealmente conjugado, de forma que en los capítulos siguientes se evaluará su alteración con la presencia de secuencias π-conjugadas alternativas.La presente tesis doctoral está enfocada al estudio de las estructuras electrónica y molecular de sistemas orgánicos que presentan varias secuencias de conjugación de los electrones π, así como de sus propiedades ópticas y electrónicas y su uso potencial en dispositivos electrónicos orgánicos. Para conseguir este propósito, las estructuras electrónicas y moleculares de siete sistemas diferentes han sido caracterizadas mediante espectroscopía de absorción electrónica UV-Vis-NIR y espectroscopías vibracionales Raman e IR. En todos los casos, los resultados obtenidos se han apoyado en cálculos químico-cuánticos, además de emplearse técnicas alternativas cuando ha sido posible (como resonancia paramagnética electrónica, conductancia de moléculas individuales o absorción de estados excitados). La investigación de estos sistemas orgánicos se ha realizado atendiendo a los diferentes modos de conjugación de los electrones π que presentan. El estudio de cada uno de estos modos ha sido abordado desde estructuras iniciales aromáticas y quinoides capaces de experimentar una transformación hacia sistemas de capa abierta, es decir, dirradicales. En la Sección A se ha realizado la caracterización de dos series de ciclopentaoligorrilenos linealmente monoconjugados, una de ellas de carácter aromático (CP-nR) y la segunda, quinoide (nR-2N). El hecho de que ambas familias presenten una transformación de capa cerrada a capa abierta en estado neutro al aumentar el tamaño del oligómero ha permitido realizar una descripción completa del comportamiento de la densidad de electrones π en una secuencia de conjugación lineal, tanto de carácter aromático como quinoide

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2015-2016

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    This report is a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues

    An epidemiological and Gis-based analysis of mortality in selected rare diseases

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    Las enfermedades raras (ER) son aquellas que no superan los 5 casos por cada 10000 habitantes en la Unión Europea. Los registros nacionales de fallecimientos de base poblacional, junto con las herramientas que ofrecen los Sistemas de Información Geográfica permiten analizar la mortalidad atribuida a las ER tanto en su dimensión espacial como temporal. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo general incrementar el conocimiento de la mortalidad debida a ER en España desde una perspectiva geográfica y epidemiológica, trabajando con las enfermedades de Huntington (EH), granulomatosis con poliangeitis (GPA) y enfermedades de las neuronas motoras (ENM). Los objetivos específicos fueron: (1) Identificar las problemáticas actuales en la elección de la unidad geográfica para trabajar con ER, proporcionando recomendaciones para escoger el nivel de agregación más adecuado; (2) Evaluar las tendencias temporales de la mortalidad debida a ER a lo largo de tres décadas; (3) Identificar patrones geográficos de mortalidad debida a ER para observar su variación entre las diferentes unidades geográficas y; (4) Describir las emisiones de metales pesados a ríos y explorar las asociaciones con la mortalidad atribuida a ENM. Se trabajó con la estadística de defunciones proporcionada por el INE, seleccionando aquellos fallecimientos atribuidos a las tres enfermedades estudiadas entre 1984 y 2016. Se analizó la idoneidad de cada uno de los tres niveles de agregación disponibles mediantes comparaciones estadísticas y cartográficas. Se calcularon indicadores de mortalidad como la tasa ajustada por edad, razón de mortalidad estandarizada (RME) y RME suavizada. También se comparó la mortalidad atribuida a ENM de zonas expuestas y no expuestas mediante una regresión de Poisson. El problema de la unidad de área modificable se presenta relevante trabajando con ER, siendo la comarca el nivel de agregación más óptimo para el cálculo epidemiológico y representaciones cartográficas de enfermedades de baja prevalencia. En la evolución temporal de la mortalidad se observó un incremento anual en EH del 3,44%. Para GPA se observó un incremento del 20,60% anual hasta 1992 y posteriormente un descenso del 1,91%. En el análisis geográfico de la mortalidad, las tres enfermedades mostraron variabilidad a lo largo del territorio español. En cuanto a la asociación de fallecimientos por ENM y la presencia de metales pesados, la mortalidad fue un 18,4% mayor en los municipios expuestos. Esta tesis doctoral ha enriquecido el conocimiento de la variabilidad temporal y espacial de la mortalidad atribuida a ER añadiendo un enfoque geográfico. Los resultados ofrecen una información muy valiosa para la planificación sanitaria y ofrecen pistas para futuras investigaciones que puedan ahondar en el descubrimiento de las causas que provocan las ER