38 research outputs found

    Non-linear dynamics of Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable magnetized jets: three-dimensional effects

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    A numerical study of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in compressible magnetohydrodynamics is presented. The three-dimensional simulations consider shear flow in a cylindrical jet configuration, embedded in a uniform magnetic field directed along the jet axis. The growth of linear perturbations at specified poloidal and axial mode numbers demonstrate intricate non-linear coupling effects. The physical mechanims leading to induced secondary Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at higher mode numbers are identified. The initially weak magnetic field becomes locally dominant in the non-linear dynamics before and during saturation. Thereby, it controls the jet deformation and eventual breakup. The results are obtained using the Versatile Advection Code [G. Toth, Astrophys. Lett. Comm. 34, 245 (1996)], a software package designed to solve general systems of conservation laws. An independent calculation of the same Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable jet configuration using a three-dimensional pseudo-spectral code gives important insights into the coupling and excitation events of the various linear mode numbers.Comment: 10 (+7) pages, 6 figures, accepted for Phys. Plasmas 6, to appear 199

    Making distributed computing infrastructures interoperable and accessible for e-scientists at the level of computational workflows

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    As distributed computing infrastructures evolve, and as their take up by user communities is growing, the importance of making different types of infrastructures based on a heterogeneous set of middleware interoperable is becoming crucial. This PhD submission, based on twenty scientific publications, presents a unique solution to the challenge of the seamless interoperation of distributed computing infrastructures at the level of workflows. The submission investigates workflow level interoperation inside a particular workflow system (intra-workflow interoperation), and also between different workflow solutions (inter-workflow interoperation). In both cases the interoperation of workflow component execution and the feeding of data into these components workflow components are considered. The invented and developed framework enables the execution of legacy applications and grid jobs and services on multiple grid systems, the feeding of data from heterogeneous file and data storage solutions to these workflow components, and the embedding of non-native workflows to a hosting meta-workflow. Moreover, the solution provides a high level user interface that enables e-scientist end-users to conveniently access the interoperable grid solutions without requiring them to study or understand the technical details of the underlying infrastructure. The candidate has also developed an application porting methodology that enables the systematic porting of applications to interoperable and interconnected grid infrastructures, and facilitates the exploitation of the above technical framework

    Numerical simulations of stellar winds: polytropic models

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    We discuss steady-state transonic outflows obtained by direct numerical solution of the hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic equations. We make use of the Versatile Advection Code, a software package for solving systems of (hyperbolic) partial differential equations. We proceed stepwise from a spherically symmetric, isothermal, unmagnetized, non-rotating Parker wind to arrive at axisymmetric, polytropic, magnetized, rotating models. These represent 2D generalisations of the analytical 1D Weber-Davis wind solution, which we obtain in the process. Axisymmetric wind solutions containing both a `wind' and a `dead' zone are presented. Since we are solving for steady-state solutions, we efficiently exploit fully implicit time stepping. The method allows us to model thermally and/or magneto-centrifugally driven stellar outflows. We particularly emphasize the boundary conditions imposed at the stellar surface. For these axisymmetric, steady-state solutions, we can use the knowledge of the flux functions to verify the physical correctness of the numerical solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for Astron. Astrophys. 342, to appear 199

    Stellar winds, dead zones, and coronal mass ejections

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    Axisymmetric stellar wind solutions are presented, obtained by numerically solving the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. Stationary solutions are critically analysed using the knowledge of the flux functions. These flux functions enter in the general variational principle governing all axisymmetric stationary ideal MHD equilibria. The magnetized wind solutions for (differentially) rotating stars contain both a `wind' and a `dead' zone. We illustrate the influence of the magnetic field topology on the wind acceleration pattern, by varying the coronal field strength and the extent of the dead zone. This is evident from the resulting variations in the location and appearance of the critical curves where the wind speed equals the slow, Alfven, and fast speed. Larger dead zones cause effective, fairly isotropic acceleration to super-Alfvenic velocities as the polar, open field lines are forced to fan out rapidly with radial distance. A higher field strength moves the Alfven transition outwards. In the ecliptic, the wind outflow is clearly modulated by the extent of the dead zone. The combined effect of a fast stellar rotation and an equatorial `dead' zone in a bipolar field configuration can lead to efficient thermo-centrifugal equatorial winds. Such winds show both a strong poleward collimation and some equatorward streamline bending due to significant toroidal field pressure at mid-latitudes. We discuss how coronal mass ejections are then simulated on top of the transonic outflows.Comment: scheduled for Astrophys. J. 530 #2, Febr.20 2000 issue. 9 figures (as 6 jpeg and 8 eps files

    Object oriented finite element analysis: a distributed approach to mesh generation

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    The object-oriented finite element method (OOFEM) has attracted the attention of many researchers. Compared with the traditional finite element method, OOFEM software has the advantages of maintenance and reuse. Moreover, it is easier to expand the architecture to a distributed one. In this paper, we introduce a distributed architecture of a object-oriented finite element preprocessor. A comparison between the distributed system and the centralised system shows that the former, presented in the paper, greatly improves the performance of mesh generation. Other finite element analysis modules could be expanded according to this architecture. <br /

    A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems

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    Comunica莽茫o apresentada no International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2004), 1, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 15-18 June 2004.This paper proposes an automatic partition methodology oriented to develop data flow dominated embedded systems. The target architecture is CPU-based with reconfigurable devices on attached board(s), which closely matches the PSM meta-model applied to system modelling. A PSM flow graph was developed to represent the system during the partitioning process. The partitioning task applies known optimization algorithms - tabu search and cluster growth algorithms - which were enriched with new elements to reduce computation time and to achieve higher quality partition solutions. These include the closeness function that guides cluster growth algorithm, which dynamically adapts to the type of object and partition under analysis. The methodology was applied to two case studies, and some evaluation results are presented

    Growth and saturation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with parallel and anti-parallel magnetic fields

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    We investigate the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability occuring at the interface of a shear flow configuration in 2D compressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The linear growth and the subsequent non-linear saturation of the instability are studied numerically. We consider an initial magnetic field aligned with the shear flow, and analyze the differences between cases where the initial field is unidirectional everywhere (uniform case), and where the field changes sign at the interface (reversed case). We recover and extend known results for pure hydrodynamic and MHD cases with a discussion of the dependence of the non-linear saturation on the wavenumber, the sound Mach number, and the Alfvenic Mach number for the MHD case. A reversed field acts to destabilize the linear phase of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability compared to the pure hydrodynamic case, while a uniform field suppresses its growth. In resistive MHD, reconnection events almost instantly accelerate the buildup of a global plasma circulation. They play an important role throughout the further non-linear evolution as well, since the initial current sheet gets amplified by the vortex flow and can become unstable to tearing instabilities forming magnetic islands. As a result, the saturation behaviour and the overall evolution of the density and the magnetic field is markedly different for the uniform versus the reversed field case

    Space and time adaptation for parallel applications via data over-partitioning.

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    Adaptive resource allocation is a new feature to run parallel applications. It is used to obtain better space and time sharing according to current workload, to schedule around obstacles through reservation and to cope with lack of accurate predictability on heterogeneous resources. The implementation of resource adaptation is potentially very expensive if total remapping or partitioning from scratch has to be performed. The existing popular run-time systems include AMPI and Dome. AMPI, which uses huge numbers of threads in MPI process to implement resource adaptation, suffers from frequent thread switches and loss of cache locality; and Dome, an object-based migration environment, suffers from lack of general language supports. When resource adaptation occurs, load balancing techniques are used to allocate the workload fairly across processors, so that each processor takes roughly the same time to execute the processes assigned to it, and that every processor has the same workload to obtain the best performance and maximize resource utilization. This thesis proposes a novel approach---Adaptive Time/space sharing via Over-Partitioning (ATOP)---to implement resource adaptation with better performance in terms of time overhead. Total workload is represented by a data graph. ATOP performs over-partitioning on the graph to create a certain number of workload pieces, or partitions, while processing partitions per processor as one data collection in a single MPI process. Typically, the number of partitions is set equal to the number of processors potentially allocated. This approach is feasible for the applications using 2n processors. In the cases where our over-partitioning approach does not perform well, or non-fitting numbers of resources need to be chosen, ATOP still provides the alternative option to repartition from scratch. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .H36. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-03, page: 0876. Adviser: A. C. Sodan. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004