40 research outputs found

    Joint segmentation of color and depth data based on splitting and merging driven by surface fitting

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    This paper proposes a segmentation scheme based on the joint usage of color and depth data together with a 3D surface estimation scheme. Firstly a set of multi-dimensional vectors is built from color, geometry and surface orientation information. Normalized cuts spectral clustering is then applied in order to recursively segment the scene in two parts thus obtaining an over-segmentation. This procedure is followed by a recursive merging stage where close segments belonging to the same object are joined together. At each step of both procedures a NURBS model is fitted on the computed segments and the accuracy of the fitting is used as a measure of the plausibility that a segment represents a single surface or object. By comparing the accuracy to the one at the previous step, it is possible to determine if each splitting or merging operation leads to a better scene representation and consequently whether to perform it or not. Experimental results show how the proposed method provides an accurate and reliable segmentation

    Probabilistic ToF and Stereo Data Fusion Based on Mixed Pixel Measurement Models

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    This paper proposes a method for fusing data acquired by a ToF camera and a stereo pair based on a model for depth measurement by ToF cameras which accounts also for depth discontinuity artifacts due to the mixed pixel effect. Such model is exploited within both a ML and a MAP-MRF frameworks for ToF and stereo data fusion. The proposed MAP-MRF framework is characterized by site-dependent range values, a rather important feature since it can be used both to improve the accuracy and to decrease the computational complexity of standard MAP-MRF approaches. This paper, in order to optimize the site dependent global cost function characteristic of the proposed MAP-MRF approach, also introduces an extension to Loopy Belief Propagation which can be used in other contexts. Experimental data validate the proposed ToF measurements model and the effectiveness of the proposed fusion techniques

    Reliable fusion of ToF and stereo depth driven by confidence measures

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    In this paper we propose a framework for the fusion of depth data produced by a Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera and stereo vision system. Initially, depth data acquired by the ToF camera are upsampled by an ad-hoc algorithm based on image segmentation and bilateral filtering. In parallel a dense disparity map is obtained using the Semi- Global Matching stereo algorithm. Reliable confidence measures are extracted for both the ToF and stereo depth data. In particular, ToF confidence also accounts for the mixed-pixel effect and the stereo confidence accounts for the relationship between the pointwise matching costs and the cost obtained by the semi-global optimization. Finally, the two depth maps are synergically fused by enforcing the local consistency of depth data accounting for the confidence of the two data sources at each location. Experimental results clearly show that the proposed method produces accurate high resolution depth maps and outperforms the compared fusion algorithms

    Joint segmentation of color and depth data based on splitting and merging driven by surface fitting

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    This paper proposes a segmentation scheme based on the joint usage of color and depth data together with a 3D surface estimation scheme. Firstly a set of multi-dimensional vectors is built from color, geometry and surface orientation information. Normalized cuts spectral clustering is then applied in order to recursively segment the scene in two parts thus obtaining an over-segmentation. This procedure is followed by a recursive merging stage where close segments belonging to the same object are joined together. At each step of both procedures a NURBS model is fitted on the computed segments and the accuracy of the fitting is used as a measure of the plausibility that a segment represents a single surface or object. By comparing the accuracy to the one at the previous step, it is possible to determine if each splitting or merging operation leads to a better scene representation and consequently whether to perform it or not. Experimental results show how the proposed method provides an accurate and reliable segmentation

    Multiple description video coding for stereoscopic 3D

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    In this paper, we propose an MDC schemes for stereoscopic 3D video. In the literature, MDC has previously been applied in 2D video but not so much in 3D video. The proposed algorithm enhances the error resilience of the 3D video using the combination of even and odd frame based MDC while retaining good temporal prediction efficiency for video over error-prone networks. Improvements are made to the original even and odd frame MDC scheme by adding a controllable amount of side information to improve frame interpolation at the decoder. The side information is also sent according to the video sequence motion for further improvement. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated in error free and error prone environments especially for wireless channels. Simulation results show improved performance using the proposed MDC at high error rates compared to the single description coding (SDC) and the original even and odd frame MDC

    Surface Registration at 10Hz Based on Landmark-Graphs: Benefits for a Scalable Remote Viewing System

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    Real-time surface registration is a key technology for the development of future remote viewing systems. An architecture for a video distribution system supporting multiple users, with individual viewpoint selection, is suggested. The approach would provide a transmission bandwidth independent of the number of users, for scalability. The proposed architecture uses a method of surface registration based on landmark-graphs. Results from 141 test trials on synthetic scenes indicate that a mean absolute positioning accuracy under 1% of the sensor field of view is possible. The mean rate for registration was 10Hz, with a standard deviation under 10%. Tests were benchmarked on a 900MHz PC. The sensor images were 200x200 pixels and contained both range and color imagery

    Stereo and ToF Data Fusion by Learning from Synthetic Data

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    Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors and stereo vision systems are both capable of acquiring depth information but they have complementary characteristics and issues. A more accurate representation of the scene geometry can be obtained by fusing the two depth sources. In this paper we present a novel framework for data fusion where the contribution of the two depth sources is controlled by confidence measures that are jointly estimated using a Convolutional Neural Network. The two depth sources are fused enforcing the local consistency of depth data, taking into account the estimated confidence information. The deep network is trained using a synthetic dataset and we show how the classifier is able to generalize to different data, obtaining reliable estimations not only on synthetic data but also on real world scenes. Experimental results show that the proposed approach increases the accuracy of the depth estimation on both synthetic and real data and that it is able to outperform state-of-the-art methods

    Active Stereo Vision for 3D Profile Measurement

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    Une méthode pour le prétraitement et le calcul de matrices de crosstalk pour des images couleur issues d'une caméra tri-CCD

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    - Ce travail s'inscrit comme outil dans le cadre de la reconstruction 3D à l'aide d'une projection de lumière structurée couplée à une caméra 3CCD. Le principe est simple : il faut disposer une caméra 3CCD et un vidéo-projecteur comme un système de stéréovision classique, devant la scène à étudier. L'utilisation d'une lumière structurée lève beaucoup d'ambiguïtés par rapport à un système de stéréovision à deux caméras. Par contre, l'utilisation de la couleur pour coder la projection réduit le champ d'action du système aux objets blancs ou pâles. Pour pouvoir déterminer la couleur en même temps que la reconstruction 3D de l'objet, il faut avoir des images couleurs parfaitement nettoyées. Nous allons donc décrire une méthode de prétraitements des images couleurs issues de la caméra 3CCD utilisée. Les images ainsi traitées peuvent être utilisées dans le modèle couleur que nous suivrons pour remonter aux informations de couleur de l'éclairage structuré pour lever les ambiguïtés de mise en correspondance, ainsi qu 'à la couleur de la scène aux points considérés

    A comparison of hole-filling methods in 3D

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    This paper presents a review of the most relevant current techniques that deal with hole-filling in 3D models. Contrary to earlier reports, which approach mesh repairing in a sparse and global manner, the objective of this review is twofold. First, a specific and comprehensive review of hole-filling techniques (as a relevant part in the field of mesh repairing) is carried out. We present a brief summary of each technique with attention paid to its algorithmic essence, main contributions and limitations. Second, a solid comparison between 34 methods is established. To do this, we define 19 possible meaningful features and properties that can be found in a generic hole-filling process. Then, we use these features to assess the virtues and deficiencies of the method and to build comparative tables. The purpose of this review is to make a comparative hole-filling state-of-the-art available to researchers, showing pros and cons in a common framework.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: Proyecto DPI2013-43344-R (I+D+i) • Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha: Proyecto PEII-2014-017-PpeerReviewe