450 research outputs found

    3D-reconstruction of human jaw from a single image : integration between statistical shape from shading and shape from shading.

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    Object modeling is a fundamental problem in engineering, involving talents from computer-aided design, computational geometry, computer vision and advanced manufacturing. The process of object modeling takes three stages: sensing, representation, and analysis. Various sensors may be used to capture information about objects; optical cam- eras and laser scanners are common with rigid objects, while X-ray, CT and MRI are common with biological organs. These sensors may provide a direct or indirect inference about the object, requiring a geometric representation in the computer that is suitable for subsequent usage. Geometric representations that are compact, i.e., capture the main features of the objects with minimal number of data points or vertices, fall into the domain of computational geometry. Once a compact object representation is in the computer, various analysis steps can be conducted, including recognition, coding, transmission, etc. The subject matter of this thesis is object reconstruction from a sequence of optical images. An approach to estimate the depth of the visible portion of the human teeth from intraoral cameras has been developed, extending the classical shape from shading (SFS) solution to non-Lambertian surfaces with known object illumination characteristics. To augment the visible portion, and in order to have the entire jaw reconstructed without the use of CT or MRI or even X-rays, additional information will be added to database of human jaws. This database has been constructed from an adult population with variations in teeth size, degradation and alignments. The database contains both shape and albedo information for the population. Using this database, a novel statistical shape from shading (SSFS) approach has been created. To obtain accurate result from shape from shading and statistical shape from shading, final step will be integrated two approaches (SFS,SSFS) by using Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP). Keywords: computer vision, shading, 3D shape reconstruction, shape from shading, statistical, shape from shading, Iterative Closest Point

    A shape analysis approach to prediction of bone stiffness using FEXI

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    The preferred method of assessing the risk of an osteoporosis related fracture is currently a measure of bone mineral density (BMD) by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). However, other factors contribute to the overall risk of fracture, including anatomical geometry and the spatial distribution of bone. Finite element analysis can be performed in both two and three dimensions, and predicts the deformation or induced stress when a load is applied to a structure (such as a bone) of defined material composition and shape. The simulation of a mechanical compression test provides a measure of whole bone stiffness (N mm−1). A simulation system was developed to study the sensitivity of BMD, 3D and 2D finite element analysis to variations in geometric parameters of a virtual proximal femur model. This study demonstrated that 3D FE and 2D FE (FEXI) were significantly more sensitive to the anatomical shape and composition of the proximal femur than conventional BMD. The simulation approach helped to analyse and understand how variations in geometric parameters affect the stiffness and hence strength of a bone susceptible to osteoporotic fracture. Originally, the FEXI technique modelled the femur as a thin plate model of an assumed constant depth for finite element analysis (FEA). A better prediction of tissue depth across the bone, based on its geometry, was required to provide a more accurate model for FEA. A shape template was developed for the proximal femur to provide this information for the 3D FE analysis. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to procure and analyse shape information from a set of CT scans of excised human femora. Generalized Procrustes Analysis and Thin Plate Splines were employed to analyse the data and generate a shape template for the proximal femur. 2D Offset and Depth maps generated from the training set data were then combined to model the three-dimensional shape of the bone. The template was used to predict the three-dimensional bone shape from a 2D image of the proximal femur procured through a DXA scan. The error in the predicted 3D shape was measured as the difference in predicted and actual depths at each pixel. The mean error in predicted depths was found to be 1.7mm compared to an average bone depth of 34mm. 3D FEXI analysis on the predicted 3D bone along with 2D FEXI for a stance loading condition and BMD measurement were performed based on 2D radiographic projections of the CT scans and compared to bone stiffness results obtained from finite element analysis of the original 3D CT scans. 3D FEXI provided a significantly higher correlation (R2 = 0.85) with conventional CT derived 3D finite element analysis than achieved with both BMD (R2 = 0.52) and 2D FEXI (R2 = 0.44)

    3D tooth surface reconstruction

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    Modeling of Craniofacial Anatomy, Variation, and Growth

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    Craniofacial growth and development in modern humans and Neanderthals

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    This thesis assesses craniofacial growth, development and the dynamics of developmental interactions among cranial regions in modern humans and Neanderthals. To these ends, virtual segmentation, landmarking and Geometric Morphometrics (GM) are applied to an ontogenetic series of the whole crania of 68 H. sapiens and 12 H. neanderthalensis. First, the ontogenetic shape and form changes in the cranial vault, base and face are explored, and the locations and magnitudes of these changes are discussed. Secondly, allometric scaling is tested for differences among different age classes in the three regions of the cranium. In addition, the degree of covariation among these and how it changes over time is investigated.The study then focuses on interactions among facial regions. First, similar analyses as those used in the study of the cranium are applied to compare growth, development and covariation among parts of the face in different age classes. Additionally, a sample of 227 modern humans from 0 to 6 years of age is analysed using path analysis, to investigate the cascade of interactions and relative contributions of soft tissue and skeletal elements to the overall growth and development of the face. Last, the facial morphology of H. sapiens is compared to that of H. neanderthalensis and their ontogenetic trajectories are tested for divergence. Novel method registration-free colour maps are used to visualise regional changes during growth and development and to compare the morphologies of the two species. Covariation among facial elements is also compared to assess potential differences in developmental interactions. In modern humans, the results show that allometry and covariation change significantly among age classes and between cranial regions during ontogeny and that covariation is stronger in younger subadults than in older subadults and adults. Among modern humans, significantly divergent trajectories are observed between age classes during ontogeny in all three cranial regions. In the modern human face, allometric scaling also differs among age stages in each region. Interestingly, covariation among facial regions becomes progressively non-significant with time, with the exception of those including the nose and maxilla. Path analysis in modern humans shows a large contribution of the proxy used for nasal septum to the overall facial development. Soft tissues contribute only locally to the development of some skeletal elements of the face. Major aspects of the differences between adult modern humans and Neanderthals are already present in the youngest individuals. However, additional differences arise through differences in the degree of change in facial size and significantly divergent allometric trajectories. Analyses of covariation among Neanderthal facial regions suffer from small sample size but, where significant, suggest that the interactions among cranial components are similar to those in modern humans, with some differences

    Digital reconstruction of the Ceprano calvarium (Italy), and implications for its interpretation

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    The Ceprano calvarium was discovered in fragments on March 1994 near the town of Ceprano in southern Latium (Italy), embedded in Middle Pleistocene layers. After reconstruction, its morphological features suggests that the specimen belongs to an archaic variant of H. heidelbergensis, representing a proxy for the last common ancestor of the diverging clades that respectively led to H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens. Unfortunately, the calvarium was taphonomically damaged. The postero-lateral vault, in particular, appears deformed and this postmortem damage may have infuenced previous interpretations. Specifcally, there is a depression on the fragmented left parietal, while the right cranial wall is warped and angulated. This deformation afected the shape of the occipital squama, producing an inclination of the transverse occipital torus. In this paper, after X-ray microtomography (μCT) of both the calvarium and several additional fragments, we analyze consistency and pattern of the taphonomic deformation that afected the specimen, before the computer-assisted retrodeformation has been performed; this has also provided the opportunity to reappraise early attempts at restoration. As a result, we ofer a revised interpretation for the Ceprano calvarium’s original shape, now free from the previous uncertainties, along with insight for its complex depositional and taphonomic history

    Surface-bounded growth modeling applied to human mandibles

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    From a set of longitudinal three-dimensional scans of the same anatomical structure, we have accurately modeled the temporal shape and size changes using a linear shape model. On a total of 31 computed tomography scans of the mandible from six patients, 14851 semilandmarks are found automatically using shape features and a new algorithm called geometry-constrained diffusion. The semilandmarks are mapped into Procrustes space. Principal component analysis extracts a one-dimensional subspace, which is used to construct a linear growth model. The worst case mean modeling error in a cross validation study is 3.7 mm

    Geometric morphometrics and finite elements analysis : Assessing the functional implications of differences in craniofacial form in the hominin fossil record

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    The study of morphological variation in the hominin fossil record has been transformed in recent years by the advent of high resolution 3D imaging combined with improved geometric morphometric (GM) toolkits. In parallel, increasing numbers of studies have applied finite elements analysis (FEA) to the study of skeletal mechanics in fossil and extant hominoid material. While FEA studies of fossils are becoming ever more popular they are constrained by the difficulties of reconstruction and by the uncertainty that inevitably attaches to the estimation of forces and material properties. Adding to these modelling difficulties it is still unclear how FEA analyses should best deal with species variation.Comparative studies of skeletal form and function can be further advanced by applying tools from the GM toolkit to the inputs and outputs of FEA studies. First they facilitate virtual reconstruction of damaged material and can be used to rapidly create 3D models of skeletal structures. Second, GM methods allow variation to be accounted for in FEA by warping models to represent mean and extreme forms of interest. Third, GM methods can be applied to compare FEA outputs - the ways in which skeletal elements deform when loaded. Model comparisons are hampered by differences in material properties, forces and size among models but how deformations from FEA are impacted by these parameters is increasingly well understood, allowing them to be taken into account in comparing FEA outputs.In this paper we review recent advances in the application of GM in relation to FEA studies of craniofacial form in hominins, providing examples from our recent work and a critical appraisal of the state of the art

    Haptics-based Modeling and Simulation of Micro-Implants Surgery

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