179 research outputs found

    3D Visual Data-Driven Spatiotemporal Deformations for Non-Rigid Object Grasping Using Robot Hands

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    Sensing techniques are important for solving problems of uncertainty inherent to intelligent grasping tasks. The main goal here is to present a visual sensing system based on range imaging technology for robot manipulation of non-rigid objects. Our proposal provides a suitable visual perception system of complex grasping tasks to support a robot controller when other sensor systems, such as tactile and force, are not able to obtain useful data relevant to the grasping manipulation task. In particular, a new visual approach based on RGBD data was implemented to help a robot controller carry out intelligent manipulation tasks with flexible objects. The proposed method supervises the interaction between the grasped object and the robot hand in order to avoid poor contact between the fingertips and an object when there is neither force nor pressure data. This new approach is also used to measure changes to the shape of an object’s surfaces and so allows us to find deformations caused by inappropriate pressure being applied by the hand’s fingers. Test was carried out for grasping tasks involving several flexible household objects with a multi-fingered robot hand working in real time. Our approach generates pulses from the deformation detection method and sends an event message to the robot controller when surface deformation is detected. In comparison with other methods, the obtained results reveal that our visual pipeline does not use deformations models of objects and materials, as well as the approach works well both planar and 3D household objects in real time. In addition, our method does not depend on the pose of the robot hand because the location of the reference system is computed from a recognition process of a pattern located place at the robot forearm. The presented experiments demonstrate that the proposed method accomplishes a good monitoring of grasping task with several objects and different grasping configurations in indoor environments.The research leading to these result has received funding from the Spanish Government and European FEDER funds (DPI2015-68087R), the Valencia Regional Government (PROMETEO/2013/085) as well as the pre-doctoral grant BES-2013-062864

    Intelligent Haptic Perception for Physical Robot Interaction

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    Doctorado en Ingeniería mecatrónica. Fecha de entrega de la Tesis doctoral: 8 de enero de 2020. Fecha de lectura de Tesis doctoral: 30 de marzo 2020.The dream of having robots living among us is coming true thanks to the recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The gap that still exists between that dream and reality will be filled by scientific research, but manifold challenges are yet to be addressed. Handling the complexity and uncertainty of real-world scenarios is still the major challenge in robotics nowadays. In this respect, novel AI methods are giving the robots the capability to learn from experience and therefore to cope with real-life situations. Moreover, we live in a physical world in which physical interactions are both vital and natural. Thus, those robots that are being developed to live among humans must perform tasks that require physical interactions. Haptic perception, conceived as the idea of feeling and processing tactile and kinesthetic sensations, is essential for making this physical interaction possible. This research is inspired by the dream of having robots among us, and therefore, addresses the challenge of developing robots with haptic perception capabilities that can operate in real-world scenarios. This PhD thesis tackles the problems related to physical robot interaction by employing machine learning techniques. Three AI solutions are proposed for different physical robot interaction challenges: i) Grasping and manipulation of humans’ limbs; ii) Tactile object recognition; iii) Control of Variable-Stiffness-Link (VSL) manipulators. The ideas behind this research work have potential robotic applications such as search and rescue, healthcare or rehabilitation. This dissertation consists of a compendium of publications comprising as the main body a compilation of previously published scientific articles. The baseline of this research is composed of a total of five papers published in prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journals and international robotics conferences

    Data-driven robotic manipulation of cloth-like deformable objects : the present, challenges and future prospects

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    Manipulating cloth-like deformable objects (CDOs) is a long-standing problem in the robotics community. CDOs are flexible (non-rigid) objects that do not show a detectable level of compression strength while two points on the article are pushed towards each other and include objects such as ropes (1D), fabrics (2D) and bags (3D). In general, CDOs’ many degrees of freedom (DoF) introduce severe self-occlusion and complex state–action dynamics as significant obstacles to perception and manipulation systems. These challenges exacerbate existing issues of modern robotic control methods such as imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL). This review focuses on the application details of data-driven control methods on four major task families in this domain: cloth shaping, knot tying/untying, dressing and bag manipulation. Furthermore, we identify specific inductive biases in these four domains that present challenges for more general IL and RL algorithms.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Review of machine learning methods in soft robotics

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    Soft robots have been extensively researched due to their flexible, deformable, and adaptive characteristics. However, compared to rigid robots, soft robots have issues in modeling, calibration, and control in that the innate characteristics of the soft materials can cause complex behaviors due to non-linearity and hysteresis. To overcome these limitations, recent studies have applied various approaches based on machine learning. This paper presents existing machine learning techniques in the soft robotic fields and categorizes the implementation of machine learning approaches in different soft robotic applications, which include soft sensors, soft actuators, and applications such as soft wearable robots. An analysis of the trends of different machine learning approaches with respect to different types of soft robot applications is presented; in addition to the current limitations in the research field, followed by a summary of the existing machine learning methods for soft robots

    Habitat 3.0: A Co-Habitat for Humans, Avatars and Robots

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    We present Habitat 3.0: a simulation platform for studying collaborative human-robot tasks in home environments. Habitat 3.0 offers contributions across three dimensions: (1) Accurate humanoid simulation: addressing challenges in modeling complex deformable bodies and diversity in appearance and motion, all while ensuring high simulation speed. (2) Human-in-the-loop infrastructure: enabling real human interaction with simulated robots via mouse/keyboard or a VR interface, facilitating evaluation of robot policies with human input. (3) Collaborative tasks: studying two collaborative tasks, Social Navigation and Social Rearrangement. Social Navigation investigates a robot's ability to locate and follow humanoid avatars in unseen environments, whereas Social Rearrangement addresses collaboration between a humanoid and robot while rearranging a scene. These contributions allow us to study end-to-end learned and heuristic baselines for human-robot collaboration in-depth, as well as evaluate them with humans in the loop. Our experiments demonstrate that learned robot policies lead to efficient task completion when collaborating with unseen humanoid agents and human partners that might exhibit behaviors that the robot has not seen before. Additionally, we observe emergent behaviors during collaborative task execution, such as the robot yielding space when obstructing a humanoid agent, thereby allowing the effective completion of the task by the humanoid agent. Furthermore, our experiments using the human-in-the-loop tool demonstrate that our automated evaluation with humanoids can provide an indication of the relative ordering of different policies when evaluated with real human collaborators. Habitat 3.0 unlocks interesting new features in simulators for Embodied AI, and we hope it paves the way for a new frontier of embodied human-AI interaction capabilities.Comment: Project page: http://aihabitat.org/habitat

    Recent Advancements in Augmented Reality for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Robots are expanding from industrial applications to daily life, in areas such as medical robotics, rehabilitative robotics, social robotics, and mobile/aerial robotics systems. In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has been integrated into many robotic applications, including medical, industrial, human–robot interactions, and collaboration scenarios. In this work, AR for both medical and industrial robot applications is reviewed and summarized. For medical robot applications, we investigated the integration of AR in (1) preoperative and surgical task planning; (2) image-guided robotic surgery; (3) surgical training and simulation; and (4) telesurgery. AR for industrial scenarios is reviewed in (1) human–robot interactions and collaborations; (2) path planning and task allocation; (3) training and simulation; and (4) teleoperation control/assistance. In addition, the limitations and challenges are discussed. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for working in the field of AR and robotic research, offering insights into the recent state of the art and prospects for improvement

    Design of a 3D-printed soft robotic hand with distributed tactile sensing for multi-grasp object identification

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    Tactile object identification is essential in environments where vision is occluded or when intrinsic object properties such as weight or stiffness need to be discriminated between. The robotic approach to this task has traditionally been to use rigid-bodied robots equipped with complex control schemes to explore different objects. However, whilst varying degrees of success have been demonstrated, these approaches are limited in their generalisability due to the complexity of the control schemes required to facilitate safe interactions with diverse objects. In this regard, Soft Robotics has garnered increased attention in the past decade due to the ability to exploit Morphological Computation through the agent's body to simplify the task by conforming naturally to the geometry of objects being explored. This exists as a paradigm shift in the design of robots since Soft Robotics seeks to take inspiration from biological solutions and embody adaptability in order to interact with the environment rather than relying on centralised computation. In this thesis, we formulate, simplify, and solve an object identification task using Soft Robotic principles. We design an anthropomorphic hand that has human-like range of motion and compliance in the actuation and sensing. The range of motion is validated through the Feix GRASP taxonomy and the Kapandji Thumb Opposition test. The hand is monolithically fabricated using multi-material 3D printing to enable the exploitation of different material properties within the same body and limit variability between samples. The hand's compliance facilitates adaptable grasping of a wide range of objects and features integrated distributed tactile sensing. We emulate the human approach of integrating information from multiple contacts and grasps of objects to discriminate between them. Two bespoke neural networks are designed to extract patterns from both the tactile data and the relationships between grasps to facilitate high classification accuracy

    Soft Biomimetic Finger with Tactile Sensing and Sensory Feedback Capabilities

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    The compliant nature of soft fingers allows for safe and dexterous manipulation of objects by humans in an unstructured environment. A soft prosthetic finger design with tactile sensing capabilities for texture discrimination and subsequent sensory stimulation has the potential to create a more natural experience for an amputee. In this work, a pneumatically actuated soft biomimetic finger is integrated with a textile neuromorphic tactile sensor array for a texture discrimination task. The tactile sensor outputs were converted into neuromorphic spike trains, which emulate the firing pattern of biological mechanoreceptors. Spike-based features from each taxel compressed the information and were then used as inputs for the support vector machine (SVM) classifier to differentiate the textures. Our soft biomimetic finger with neuromorphic encoding was able to achieve an average overall classification accuracy of 99.57% over sixteen independent parameters when tested on thirteen standardized textured surfaces. The sixteen parameters were the combination of four angles of flexion of the soft finger and four speeds of palpation. To aid in the perception of more natural objects and their manipulation, subjects were provided with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to convey a subset of four textures with varied textural information. Three able-bodied subjects successfully distinguished two or three textures with the applied stimuli. This work paves the way for a more human-like prosthesis through a soft biomimetic finger with texture discrimination capabilities using neuromorphic techniques that provides sensory feedback; furthermore, texture feedback has the potential to enhance the user experience when interacting with their surroundings. Additionally, this work showed that an inexpensive, soft biomimetic finger combined with a flexible tactile sensor array can potentially help users perceive their environment better