37 research outputs found

    Nazi-Confiscated Art: Eliminating Legal Barriers to Returning Stolen Treasures

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    World War II ended over three-quarters of a century ago, but there still remain prisoners of war. Before and during the war, the Nazis confiscated approximately 650,000 works of art—an “art theft” orchestrated by Adolf Hitler to rid society of Jewish art and artists and to collect worthy works to build his own art capital. Seventy-five years later, looted Holocaust-era artworks are still either undiscovered or in the possession of museums across the globe without proper ownership attribution or payment to Holocaust survivors or their heirs. There are modern remedies, such as the 1998 Washington Conference on Holocaust Era Assets, the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery (HEAR) Act of 2016, the Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017, and the route of litigation, but victories, after prolonged and strenuous processes, are far and few between. The implementation of an adjudication panel and the global cooperation between the art community and the government are necessary steps down a long and winding path toward an effort to finally reach a semblance of justice

    The Siege of Calais During The Hundred Years War: An English Perspective, 1344-1347

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    This thesis explores the siege and capture of the port city of Calais in 1347 by King Edward III of England (1312-1377) during the Hundred Years War (1337-1453). The capture of Calais was the culminating event of King Edward III’s 1346-7 military campaign in Normandy and France. This victory provided the English military with a strategically strong foothold on the European continent to conduct future military and economic operations. This thesis blends the methodological approach of “old military history” from the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries with “new military history” beginning in the latter half of the twentieth century in an attempt to provide a more nuanced approach to understanding warfare. Therefore, this thesis is an attempt at understanding not only battle narratives and the effects of engagements from a purely military nature, but also the wide-ranging effects the campaign had on English society as a whole. This paper relies heavily on the usage of both chancery records maintained by England and various contemporary chronicler accounts of the period. The goal of this thesis is to prove King Edward III was a tactically and strategically brilliant commander who through the massing of armies and the mobilization of the English economy secured significant wartime victories. He was able to capture the port city of Calais despite fighting against a kingdom that was far wealthier and larger than his own. King Edward’s creative and adaptive strategic and tactical approaches to siege warfare demonstrated in this paper show the strength of the English military during this period

    No. 56

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    Evangelizing the ‘Gallery of the Future’: a Critical Analysis of the Google Art Project Narrative and its Political, Cultural and Technological Stakes

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    This thesis explores the digitization initiative Google Art Project and the ways in which the Project negotiates its place between rapidly developing Web technologies and the often-contradictory fine art tradition. Through the Project’s marketing and website design, Google constructs a narrative that emphasizes the democratization of culture, universal accessibility and a new progressive future for the art world while obscuring more complex political, social and cultural questions. Bringing together scholarship from various disciplines including library studies, digital studies, art history, and cultural studies this thesis highlights how the Project might open up a space to talk about art publics and the desire for openness in the art institution while also recognizing how GAP remains firmly planted within that institutional structure

    The Complex Dualisms Of Corporations And Democracy

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    These are perilous times for American democracy. Among the threats, many point to the power of corporations. This article examines that threat by considering a series of dualisms characterizing the relationship between corporations and democracy. This begins with a look at the anti- as well as the pro-democratic impacts of the earliest corporations and the paradoxes with respect to democracy created during the evolution of corporate law. The article then looks at internal corporate governance (so-called “corporate” or “shareholder democracy”) to show how, on the one hand, it contains features addressing some of the greatest current threats to American democracy, while, on the other hand, it operates as a fundamentally undemocratic vote buying system. This dualism in internal corporate governance, in turn, reflects a clash in the purpose for corporate or shareholder democracy: Is the purpose economic efficiency, or is it democratic legitimacy for those controlling the often-vast power of the corporation? Finally, this article addresses the dualism in the internal and external aspects of the relationship between corporations and democracy by situating the governance and impact of corporations within the broader democratic governance of society. Specifically, individuals in charge of corporations lack democratic consent and accountability for their decisions unless either internal corporate governance is consistent with democratic values; persons without a voice through internal corporate governance can avoid the impact of such decisions by not dealing with the corporation; or democratically elected federal, state, and local governments can intervene when externalities and market failures render refusal to deal unrealistic. This, in turn, suggests the need to limit excessive political influence by those in charge of corporations or to reform the anti-democratic aspects of internal corporate governance

    Medieval merchants and money: Essays in honour of James L. Bolton

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    This volume contains selected essays in celebration of the scholarship of the medieval historian Professor James L. Bolton. The essays address a number of different questions in medieval economic and social history, as the volume looks at the activities of merchants, their trade, legal interactions and identities, and on the importance of money and credit in the rural and urban economies. Other essays look more widely at patterns of immigration to London, trade and royal policy, and the role that merchants played in the Hundred Years War

    Sound and Documentary in Cardiff and Miller's 'Pandemonium'

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    From 2005 to 2007, Canadian artists Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller automated a live performance of simple robots striking furniture detritus and pipes in the cells of Eastern State Penitentiary, a Philadelphia prison that once specialized in isolation and silence. Oscillating between referential and abstract sounds, 'Pandemonium' suspended percipients between narrative and noise. So far scholars have investigated only the work's narrative aspects. This projects examines Cardiff and Miller's specific use of percussive sounds to position 'Pandemonium' in dialogue with noise music, sound art, and documentary-related practices in contemporary art. 'Pandemonium''s representational sounds coalesced into a curious kind of concrete documentary that triggered a sense of radical proximity between the percipient's body and the resonant environment of Eastern State Penitentiary. In doing so, it explored the potential for sensory relations and collectivity in a complex, contemporary world

    The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity. Volume 4: Picture That: Making a Show of the Jongleur

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    "This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the Madonna in the crypt; he is saved when the statue, delighted by his skill, miraculously comes to life. Jan Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late nineteenth-century Paris, before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The visual influence of the tale on Gothic revivalism and vice versa in America is carefully documented with lavish and inventive illustrations, and Ziolkowski concludes with an examination of the explosion of interest in The Juggler of Notre Dame in the twentieth century and its place in mass culture today. Volume 4 examines the famous Le jongleur de Notre Dame by the French composer Jules Massenet, which took Europe by storm after premiering in 1902 and then crossed the Atlantic to the impresario Oscar Hammerstein and the diva Mary Garden, who gave the opera new legs as a female juggler. Presented with great clarity and simplicity, Ziolkowski's work is accessible to the general reader, while its many new discoveries will be valuable to academics in such fields and disciplines as medieval studies, medievalism, philology, literary history, art history, folklore, performance studies, and reception studies.

    Similarités dans des Modèles BRep Paramétriques : Détection et Applications

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    Dans cette thèse, nous identifions et exploitons des similarités partielles dans des objets 3D pour répondre à des besoins courants du domaine de la Conception Assistée par Ordinateur (CAO). De nouvelles méthodes sont introduites, d'une part pour détecter les similarités partielles, d'autre part pour utiliser ces similarités dans des applications spécifiques telles que l'édition de forme, la compression et l'indexation d'objets 3D. Grâce au développement des applications de la modélisation géométrique, ces modèles sont de plus en plus nombreux et sont disponibles à travers plusieurs modalités. Pour augmenter la productivité dans la création de tels objets virtuels, la réutilisation et l'adaptation des modèles existants est un choix prioritaire. Cela exige donc des méthodes facilitant le stockage, la recherche et l'exploitation de ces modèles. Heureusement, les similarités dans des objets 3D est un phénomène fréquent. De nombreux objets sont composés de parties similaires à une rotation, à une translation ou à une symétrie près. De ce fait, la détection des similarités partielles dans ces modèles est capable de répondre aux problématiques courantes : la taille du stockage est réduite en conservant seulement une partie au lieu de toutes les parties répétées d'un modèle; l'indexation des modèles 3D requiert a priori l'orientation canonique des modèles. Or, la symétrie dans un objet 3D est toujours une référence d'orientation cohérente avec la perception humaine. Nous utilisons donc la symétrie partielle pour aligner ces modèles et ainsi renforcer la robustesse des méthodes d'indexation. Dans un premier temps, nous introduisons une approche similaire à la Transformée de Hough pour détecter des similarités partielles dans des modèles BRep-NURBS. Cette approche identifie non seulement les parties similaires mais aussi les transformations qui les lient. À travers la classification des isométries dans l'analyse des transformations, notre approche peut distinguer la nature de transformation liant des parties similaires d'un modèle, c'est-à-dire, les parties similaires à une rotation, à une translation ou à une symétrie près. Dans le deuxième temps, nous proposons deux applications héritées directement des résultats obtenus par la détection. Tout d'abord, pour la compression, un modèle se transforme en un graphe de similarités d'où les faces principales à conserver sont sélectionnées dans la structure compressée. Ensuite, pour l'orientation, le plan de la symétrie dominante et la projection orthographique d'un modèle autour de ce plan permettent de définir un repère canonique pour aligner ce modèle. ABSTRACT : In this thesis, we identify and exploit the partial similarities within 3D objects to answer the current needs of the Computer Aided Design field (CAD). Novel methods are introduced, on the one hand to detect the partial similarities, on the other hand to use these similarities for specific applications such as shape editing, compression and indexation of 3D objects. Because of the development of geometric modeling applications, 3D models are getting more numerous and available through many channels. To increase the productivity in creating such 3D virtual objects, the reuse and the adaptation of existing models becomes a prior choice. Thus, it requires methods easing the storage, the searching and the exploitation of these models. Fortunately, similarities within the 3D objects is a popular phenomenon. Many objects are composed of similar patches up to an approximated rotation, translation or symmetry. Hence, detecting the partial similarities within NURBSBRep models is able to solve the current issues : the storage size is reduced by coding a single patch instead of repeated patches of a model ; 3D model indexation requires a canonical orientation of these models. Furthermore, the symmetry within a 3D object is a good orientation reference, coherent with the human perception. Accordingly, we use the partial symmetries to align 3D models and so reinforce the robustness of indexation methods. In a first phase, we introduce an orginal approach similar to the Hough Transform to detect partial similarities within NURBS-BRep models. This approach identifies not only similar patches but also identifies the corresponding transformations that connect them. Additionally, through the classification of isometries in transformations analysis, our approach can distinguish the nature of transformations of similar patches of a model, that is, the patches similar up to an approximated rotation, translation or symmetry. This classification is advantageous for further applications : the similar patches of other transformation natures are considered in compressing ; the symmetric patches are used to normalize 3D models aim at a robust indexation. In the second phase, we propose two applications inherited directly from the obtained results of the detection. Firstly, for the compression, a model is transformed into a similarity graph where the principal faces to be coded are selected to form the compressed structure. Secondly, for the orientation, the plane of the dominant symmetry and the orthographic projection of a model around this plane generate a canonical frame to align this model

    Streaming of High-resolution Progressive Meshes Over The Internet

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