422 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Informasi oleh Badan Publik Pemerintah Paska Reformasi Birokrasi

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    Reformasi birokrasi lahir sebagai wujud dari keinginan berbagai pihak untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang bersih dan transparan atau good governance. Konsekuensi dari hal tersebut adalah perlunya keterbukaan dalam memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Karena publik atau masyarakat mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan informasi dan hak tersebut dijamin oleh Undang-Undang. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut maka diperlukan pengelolaan informasi agar mudah diakses oleh publik atau masyarakat. Dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, Badan Publik bisa membangun sebuah sistem informasi berbasis TIK, namun hingga saat ini belum semua Badan Publik melaksanakannya. Keterbatasan infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia di bidang TIK menjadi kendalanya

    Persiapan Bandung TV dalam Siaran Digital

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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui upaya televisi lokal melaksanakan digitalisasi media pada siaran televisi lokal Bandung TV. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap Pimpinan Redaksi Bandung TV dan pihak terkait lainnya sebagai data primer, dan studi literatur sebagai data sekunder. Temuan awal menunjukkan dampak positif televisi digital di era konvergensi, bagi televisi lokal Bandung TV, yang bersinergi dengan jaringan Bali TV, Sriwijaya TV, Yogyakarta TV, dan televisi lokal lainnya di Indonesia dapat meningkatkan sinergitas jaringan dan efisiensi biaya produksi. Dengan keterbatasan jangkauan siaran, perlu memaksimalkan fungsi proksimitas dalam meraih pasar lokal dan juga pasar global

    Graph-based Modelling of Concurrent Sequential Patterns

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    Structural relation patterns have been introduced recently to extend the search for complex patterns often hidden behind large sequences of data. This has motivated a novel approach to sequential patterns post-processing and a corresponding data mining method was proposed for Concurrent Sequential Patterns (ConSP). This article refines the approach in the context of ConSP modelling, where a companion graph-based model is devised as an extension of previous work. Two new modelling methods are presented here together with a construction algorithm, to complete the transformation of concurrent sequential patterns to a ConSP-Graph representation. Customer orders data is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of ConSP mining while synthetic sample data highlights the strength of the modelling technique, illuminating the theories developed

    Frequent Pattern mining with closeness Considerations: Current State of the art

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    Due to rising importance in frequent pattern mining in the field of data mining research, tremendous progress has been observed in fields ranging from frequent itemset mining in transaction databases to numerous research frontiers. An elaborative note on current condition in frequent pattern mining and potential research directions is discussed in this article. It2019;s a strong belief that with considerably increasing research in frequent pattern mining in data analysis, it will provide a strong foundation for data mining methodologies and its applications which might prove a milestone in data mining applications in mere future

    Media, Perempuan, dan Kemandirian

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    Fungsi media massa bagi masyarakat bukanlah memberikan informasi, dan hiburan semata, namun juga mendidik dan memberikan pembelajaran bagi para pembaca atau audiensnya. Konten pemberitaan yang memunculkan sosok perempuan mandiri dan berkarya akan memberikan pencerahan dan sumber inspirasi bagi para perempuan sehingga menjadi bahan pembelajaran bagi para perempuan untuk berdaya dan mandiri. Banyak faktor yang dapat dipelajari dari sebuah pemberitaan tentang profil perempuan yang berkarya; di antaranya adalah tujuan berkarir, latar belakang mengapa terjun pada bidangnya, pandangan tentang perempuan ideal dan USAha-USAha yang harus dilakukan untuk terus berkembang dan berdaya. Audiens yang dapat menyerap berita seperti ini akan dapat terilhami untuk menggali potensi dirinya sehingga dapat tampil menjadi perempuan yang tidak hanya berguna bagi dirinya tapi menjadi inspirator bagi pihak lain

    Probabilistic Structural Health Monitoring of the Orbiter Wing Leading Edge

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    A structural health monitoring (SHM) system can contribute to the risk management of a structure operating under hazardous conditions. An example is the Wing Leading Edge Impact Detection System (WLEIDS) that monitors the debris hazards to the Space Shuttle Orbiter s Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC) panels. Since Return-to-Flight (RTF) after the Columbia accident, WLEIDS was developed and subsequently deployed on board the Orbiter to detect ascent and on-orbit debris impacts, so as to support the assessment of wing leading edge structural integrity prior to Orbiter re-entry. As SHM is inherently an inverse problem, the analyses involved, including those performed for WLEIDS, tend to be associated with significant uncertainty. The use of probabilistic approaches to handle the uncertainty has resulted in the successful implementation of many development and application milestones

    SemGrAM - Integrating semantic graphs into association rule mining

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    To date, most association rule mining algorithms have assumed that the domains of items are either discrete or, in a limited number of cases, hierarchical, categorical or linear. This constrains the search for interesting rules to those that satisfy the specified quality metrics as independent values or as higher level concepts of those values. However, in many cases the determination of a single hierarchy is not practicable and, for many datasets, an item’s value may be taken from a domain that is more conveniently structured as a graph with weights indicating semantic (or conceptual) distance. Research in the development of algorithms that generate disjunctive association rules has allowed the production of rules such as Radios V TVs -> Cables. In many cases there is little semantic relationship between the disjunctive terms and arguably less readable rules such as Radios V Tuesday -> Cables can result. This paper describes two association rule mining algorithms, SemGrAMG and SemGrAMP, that accommodate conceptual distance information contained in a semantic graph. The SemGrAM algorithms permit the discovery of rules that include an association between sets of cognate groups of item values. The paper discusses the algorithms, the design decisions made during their development and some experimental results.Sydney, NS

    OLEMAR: An Online Environment for Mining Association Rules in Multidimensional Data

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    Data warehouses and OLAP (online analytical processing) provide tools to explore and navigate through data cubes in order to extract interesting information under different perspectives and levels of granularity. Nevertheless, OLAP techniques do not allow the identification of relationships, groupings, or exceptions that could hold in a data cube. To that end, we propose to enrich OLAP techniques with data mining facilities to benefit from the capabilities they offer. In this chapter, we propose an online environment for mining association rules in data cubes. Our environment called OLEMAR (online environment for mining association rules), is designed to extract associations from multidimensional data. It allows the extraction of inter-dimensional association rules from data cubes according to a sum-based aggregate measure, a more general indicator than aggregate values provided by the traditional COUNT measure. In our approach, OLAP users are able to drive a mining process guided by a meta-rule, which meets their analysis objectives. In addition, the environment is based on a formalization, which exploits aggregate measures to revisit the definition of the support and the confidence of discovered rules. This formalization also helps evaluate the interestingness of association rules according to two additional quality measures: lift and loevinger. Furthermore, in order to focus on the discovered associations and validate them, we provide a visual representation based on the graphic semiology principles. Such a representation consists in a graphic encoding of frequent patterns and association rules in the same multidimensional space as the one associated with the mined data cube. We have developed our approach as a component in a general online analysis platform called Miningcubes according to an Apriori-like algorithm, which helps extract inter-dimensional association rules directly from materialized multidimensional structures of data. In order to illustrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of our proposal, we analyze a real-life case study about breast cancer data and conduct performance experimentation of the mining process

    Perempuan dan Media Sosial sebagai Pilihan Komunikasi Terkini

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    Perempuan adalah makhluk bebas yang dapat menentukan keputusan dalam hidupnya. Salah satu keputusan yang bebas dipilih adalah dalam hal berkomunikasi. Kenyataan dalam masyarakat perkotaan yang dituntut untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sekaligus menjaga keberlangsungan komunikasi yang baik dengan sekelilingnya menjadikan kaum perempuan harus pandai menjaga keduanya agar berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Jarak dan waktu yang telah tersita oleh mobilitas yang tinggi adalah salah satu alasan kaum perempuan untuk memilih media sosial seperti twitter untuk menjalin komunikasi dengan pasangannya. Hal ini tetap menjadi bagian yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh mereka para pengguna media sosial terutama perempuan untuk memberikan informasi pribadi maupun memberikan argumen dalam sebuah topik. Media sosial memang memberi fasilitas untuk terhubung dengan orang yang diinginkan namun tetap memiliki sifat sebagai sebuah media yang diakses oleh banyak orang sehingga aturannya harus diketahui oleh penggunanya demi kelancaran dalam komunikasi
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