149 research outputs found

    Recovery Time Considerations in Real-Time Systems Employing Software Fault Tolerance

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    Safety-critical real-time systems like modern automobiles with advanced driving-assist features must employ redundancy for crucial software tasks to tolerate permanent crash faults. This redundancy can be achieved by using techniques like active replication or the primary-backup approach. In such systems, the recovery time which is the amount of time it takes for a redundant task to take over execution on the failure of a primary task becomes a very important design parameter. The recovery time for a given task depends on various factors like task allocation, primary and redundant task priorities, system load and the scheduling policy. Each task can also have a different recovery time requirement (RTR). For example, in automobiles with automated driving features, safety-critical tasks like perception and steering control have strict RTRs, whereas such requirements are more relaxed in the case of tasks like heating control and mission planning. In this paper, we analyze the recovery time for software tasks in a real-time system employing Rate-Monotonic Scheduling (RMS). We derive bounds on the recovery times for different redundant task options and propose techniques to determine the redundant-task type for a task to satisfy its RTR. We also address the fault-tolerant task allocation problem, with the additional constraint of satisfying the RTR of each task in the system. Given that the problem of assigning tasks to processors is a well-known NP-hard bin-packing problem we propose computationally-efficient heuristics to find a feasible allocation of tasks and their redundant copies. We also apply the simulated annealing method to the fault-tolerant task allocation problem with RTR constraints and compare against our heuristics

    Adaptive Resource Management for Uncertain Execution Platforms

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, the components that make up the system grow more uncertain in their properties. For example, current developments in CPU design focuses on optimizing for average performance rather than better worst case performance. This, combined with presence of 3rd party software components with unknown properties, makes resource management using prior knowledge less and less feasible. This thesis presents results on how to model software components so that resource allocation decisions can be made on-line. Both the single and multiple resource case is considered as well as extending the models to include resource constraints based on hardware dynam- ics. Techniques for estimating component parameters on-line are presented. Also presented is an algorithm for computing an optimal allocation based on a set of convex utility functions. The algorithm is designed to be computationally efficient and to use simple mathematical expres- sions that are suitable for fixed point arithmetics. An implementation of the algorithm and results from experiments is presented, showing that an adaptive strategy using both estimation and optimization can outperform a static approach in cases where uncertainty is high

    Pervasive Data Access in Wireless and Mobile Computing Environments

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    The rapid advance of wireless and portable computing technology has brought a lot of research interests and momentum to the area of mobile computing. One of the research focus is on pervasive data access. with wireless connections, users can access information at any place at any time. However, various constraints such as limited client capability, limited bandwidth, weak connectivity, and client mobility impose many challenging technical issues. In the past years, tremendous research efforts have been put forth to address the issues related to pervasive data access. A number of interesting research results were reported in the literature. This survey paper reviews important works in two important dimensions of pervasive data access: data broadcast and client caching. In addition, data access techniques aiming at various application requirements (such as time, location, semantics and reliability) are covered

    Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Energy- Constrained Real-Time Systems

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    The problem of reducing energy consumption is dominating the design of several real-time systems. The Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) technique, provided by most microprocessors, allow to balance computational speed versus energy consumption. We present some novel energy-aware scheduling algorithms that allow to expoit this technique while meeting real-time constraints. In particular, we present the GRUB-PA algorithm which, unlike most existing algorithms, allows to reduce energy consumption on real-time systems consisting of any kind of task. We also present a working implementation of the algorithm on Linux

    Transport mechanism for wireless micro sensor network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless ad hoc network that consists of very large number of tiny sensor nodes communicating with each other with limited power and memory constrain. WSN demands real-time routing which requires messages to be delivered within their end-to-end deadlines (packet lifetime). This report proposes a novel real-time with load distribution (RTLD) routing protocol that provides real time data transfer and efficient distributed energy usage in WSN. The RTLD routing protocol ensures high packet throughput with minimized packet overhead and prolongs the lifetime of WSN. The routing depends on optimal forwarding (OF) decision that takes into account of the link quality, packet delay time and the remaining power of next hop sensor nodes. RTLD routing protocol possesses built-in security measure. The random selection of next hop node using location aided routing and multi-path forwarding contributes to built-in security measure. RTLD routing protocol in WSN has been successfully studied and verified through simulation and real test bed implementation. The performance of RTLD routing in WSN has been compared with the baseline real-time routing protocol. The simulation results show that RTLD experiences less than 150 ms packet delay to forward a packet through 10 hops. It increases the delivery ratio up to 7 % and decreases power consumption down to 15% in unicast forwarding when compared to the baseline routing protocol. However, multi-path forwarding in RTLD increases the delivery ratio up to 20%. In addition, RTLD routing spreads out and balances the forwarding load among sensor nodes towards the destination and thus prolongs the lifetime of WSN by 16% compared to the baseline protocol. The real test bed experiences only slight differences of about 7.5% lower delivery ratio compared to the simulation. The test bed confirms that RTLD routing protocol can be used in many WSN applications including disasters fighting, forest fire detection and volcanic eruption detection

    Patterns for Providing Real-Time Guarantees in DOC Middleware - Doctoral Dissertation, May 2002

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    The advent of open and widely adopted standards such as Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) [47] has simplified and standardized the development of distributed applications. For applications with real-time constraints, including avionics, manufacturing, and defense systems, these standards are evolving to include Quality-of-Service (QoS) specifications. Operating systems such as Real-time Linux [60] have responded with interfaces and algorithms to guarantee real-time response; similarly, languages such as Real-time Java [59] include mechanisms for specifying real-time properties for threads. However, the middleware upon which large distributed applications are based has not yet addressed end-to-end guarantees of QoS specifications. Unless this challenge can be met, developers must resort to ad hoc solutions that may not scale or migrate well among different platforms. This thesis provides two contributions to the study of real-time Distributed Object Computing (DOC) middleware. First, it identifies potential bottlenecks and problems with respect to guaranteeing real-time performance in contemporary middleware. Experimental results illustrate how these problems lead to incorrect real-time behavior in contemporary middleware platforms. Second, this thesis presents designs and techniques for providing real-time QoS guarantees in DOC middleware in the context of TAO [6], an open-source and widely adopted implementation of real-time CORBA. Architectural solutions presented here are coupled with empirical evaluations of end-to-end real-time behavior. Analysis of the problems, forces, solutions, and consequences are presented in terms of patterns and frame-works, so that solutions obtained for TAO can be appropriately applied to other real-time systems

    Interaction-aware analysis and optimization of real-time application and operating system

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    Mechanical and electronic automation was a key component of the technological advances in the last two hundred years. With the use of special-purpose machines, manual labor was replaced by mechanical motion, leaving workers with the operation of these machines, before also this task was conquered by embedded control systems. With the advances of general-purpose computing, the development of these control systems shifted more and more from a problem-specific one to a one-size-fits-all mentality as the trade-off between per-instance overheads and development costs was in favor of flexible and reusable implementations. However, with a scaling factor of thousands, if not millions, of deployed devices, overheads and inefficiencies accumulate; calling for a higher degree of specialization. For the area real-time operating systems (RTOSs), which form the base layer for many of these computerized control systems, we deploy way more flexibility than what is actually required for the applications that run on top of it. Since only the solution, but not the problem, became less specific to the control problem at hand, we have the chance to cut away inefficiencies, improve on system-analyses results, and optimize the resource consumption. However, such a tailoring will only be favorable if it can be performed without much developer interaction and in an automated fashion. Here, real-time systems are a good starting point, since we already have to have a large degree of static knowledge in order to guarantee their timeliness. Until now, this static nature is not exploited to its full extent and optimization potentials are left unused. The requirements of a system, with regard to the RTOS, manifest in the interactions between the application and the kernel. Threads request resources from the RTOS, which in return determines and enforces a scheduling order that will ensure the timely completion of all necessary computations. Since the RTOS runs only in the exception, its reaction to requests from the application (or from the environment) is its defining feature. In this thesis, I will grasp these interactions, and thereby the required RTOS semantic, in a control-flow-sensitive fashion. Extracted automatically, this knowledge about the reciprocal influence allows me to fit the implementation of a system closer to its actual requirements. The result is a system that is not only in its usage a special-purpose system, but also in its implementation and in its provided guarantees. In the development of my approach, it became clear that the focus on these interactions is not only highly fruitful for the optimization of a system, but also for its end-to-end analysis. Therefore, this thesis does not only provide methods to reduce the kernel-execution overhead and a system's memory consumption, but it also includes methods to calculate tighter response-time bounds and to give guarantees about the correct behavior of the kernel. All these contributions are enabled by my proposed interaction-aware methodology that takes the whole system, RTOS and application, into account. With this thesis, I show that a control-flow-sensitive whole-system view on the interactions is feasible and highly rewarding. With this approach, we can overcome many inefficiencies that arise from analyses that have an isolating focus on individual system components. Furthermore, the interaction-aware methods keep close to the actual implementation, and therefore are able to consider the behavioral patterns of the finally deployed real-time computing system

    On hard real-time scheduling of cyclo-static dataflow and its application in system-level design

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of designing hard real-time streaming systems running a set of parallel streaming programs in an automated way such that the programs provably meet their timing requirements. A scheduling framework is proposed with which it is analytically proven that any streaming program, modeled as an acyclic Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) graph, can be executed as a set of real-time periodic tasks. The proposed framework computes the parameters of the periodic tasks corresponding to the graph actors and the minimum buffer sizes of the communication channels such that a valid periodic schedule is guaranteed to exist. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling framework, a system-level design flow that incorporates the scheduling framework is proposed. This proposed design flow accepts, as input, algorithmic sequential specifications of streaming programs, and then applies a set of systematic and automated steps that produce, as output, the final system implementation, which provably meets the timing requirements of the programs. The final system implementation consists of the parallelized versions of the input streaming programs together with the hardware needed to run them. The proposed scheduling framework and design flow are evaluated through a set of experiments. These experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling framework and design flow.Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi