13 research outputs found

    Security and accuracy of fingerprint-based biometrics: A review

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    Biometric systems are increasingly replacing traditional password- and token-based authentication systems. Security and recognition accuracy are the two most important aspects to consider in designing a biometric system. In this paper, a comprehensive review is presented to shed light on the latest developments in the study of fingerprint-based biometrics covering these two aspects with a view to improving system security and recognition accuracy. Based on a thorough analysis and discussion, limitations of existing research work are outlined and suggestions for future work are provided. It is shown in the paper that researchers continue to face challenges in tackling the two most critical attacks to biometric systems, namely, attacks to the user interface and template databases. How to design proper countermeasures to thwart these attacks, thereby providing strong security and yet at the same time maintaining high recognition accuracy, is a hot research topic currently, as well as in the foreseeable future. Moreover, recognition accuracy under non-ideal conditions is more likely to be unsatisfactory and thus needs particular attention in biometric system design. Related challenges and current research trends are also outlined in this paper

    Security and accuracy of fingerprint-based biometrics: A review

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    Biometric systems are increasingly replacing traditional password- and token-based authentication systems. Security and recognition accuracy are the two most important aspects to consider in designing a biometric system. In this paper, a comprehensive review is presented to shed light on the latest developments in the study of fingerprint-based biometrics covering these two aspects with a view to improving system security and recognition accuracy. Based on a thorough analysis and discussion, limitations of existing research work are outlined and suggestions for future work are provided. It is shown in the paper that researchers continue to face challenges in tackling the two most critical attacks to biometric systems, namely, attacks to the user interface and template databases. How to design proper countermeasures to thwart these attacks, thereby providing strong security and yet at the same time maintaining high recognition accuracy, is a hot research topic currently, as well as in the foreseeable future. Moreover, recognition accuracy under non-ideal conditions is more likely to be unsatisfactory and thus needs particular attention in biometric system design. Related challenges and current research trends are also outlined in this paper

    A practical evaluation on RSA and ECC-based cipher suites for IoT high-security energy-efficient Fog and mist computing devices

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    [Abstract] The latest Internet of Things (IoT) edge-centric architectures allow for unburdening higher layers from part of their computational and data processing requirements. In the specific case of fog computing systems, they reduce greatly the requirements of cloud-centric systems by processing in fog gateways part of the data generated by end devices, thus providing services that were previously offered by a remote cloud. Thanks to recent advances in System-on-Chip (SoC) energy efficiency, it is currently possible to create IoT end devices with enough computational power to process the data generated by their sensors and actuators while providing complex services, which in recent years derived into the development of the mist computing paradigm. To allow mist computing nodes to provide the previously mentioned benefits and guarantee the same level of security as in other architectures, end-to-end standard security mechanisms need to be implemented. In this paper, a high-security energy-efficient fog and mist computing architecture and a testbed are presented and evaluated. The testbed makes use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cipher suites (that comply with the yet to come TLS 1.3 standard requirements), which are evaluated and compared in terms of energy consumption and data throughput for a fog gateway and two mist end devices. The obtained results allow a conclusion that ECC outperforms RSA in both energy consumption and data throughput for all the tested security levels. Moreover, the importance of selecting a proper ECC curve is demonstrated, showing that, for the tested devices, some curves present worse energy consumption and data throughput than other curves that provide a higher security level. As a result, this article not only presents a novel mist computing testbed, but also provides guidelines for future researchers to find out efficient and secure implementations for advanced IoT devices.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED341D R2016/012Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n de Espa帽a; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n de Espa帽a; TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n de Espa帽a; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-

    Home Automation and RFID-Based Internet of Things Security: Challenges and Issues

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    Internet of Things (IoT) protection refers to the software field related to securing the Internet of Things and associated linked devices and systems. The IoT is a system of interconnected computers, sensors, actuators, or people on the World Wide Web (WWW). All these different devices have a unique identity in the IoT and must convey data across the network automatically. If computers are not adequately secured, allowing them to connect to the Internet exposes them to a range of serious vulnerabilities. Because the consequences of IoT failures are severe, it is necessary to observe and analyze security issues related to IoT. The prime goal of IoT security is to protect personal safety, while also guaranteeing and ensuring accessibility. In the context of IoT technology, the present study conducts a systematic literature review that analyzes the security problems associated with commercial and educational applications of home automation and details the technical possibilities of IoT with respect to the network layer. In this systematic review, we discuss how current contexts result in the inability of designers of IoT devices to enhance their cyber-security initiatives. Typically, application developers are responsible for training themselves to understand recent security advancements. As a result, active participation on the ridge scale with passive improvement can be achieved. A comparative analysis of the literature was conducted. The main objective of this research is to provide an overview of current IoT security research in home automation, particularly those using authentication methods in different devices, and related technologies in radio frequency identification (RFID) on network layers. IoT security issues are addressed, and various security problems in each layer are analyzed. We describe cross-layer heterogeneous integration as a domain of IoT and demonstrate how it can provide some promising solutions.Qatar University High Impact Grant (QUHI-CBE-21/22-1)

    Pangea: An MLOps Tool for Automatically Generating Infrastructure and Deploying Analytic Pipelines in Edge, Fog and Cloud Layers

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    Development and operations (DevOps), artificial intelligence (AI), big data and edge鈥揻og鈥揷loud are disruptive technologies that may produce a radical transformation of the industry. Nevertheless, there are still major challenges to efficiently applying them in order to optimise productivity. Some of them are addressed in this article, concretely, with respect to the adequate management of information technology (IT) infrastructures for automated analysis processes in critical fields such as the mining industry. In this area, this paper presents a tool called Pangea aimed at automatically generating suitable execution environments for deploying analytic pipelines. These pipelines are decomposed into various steps to execute each one in the most suitable environment (edge, fog, cloud or on-premise) minimising latency and optimising the use of both hardware and software resources. Pangea is focused in three distinct objectives: (1) generating the required infrastructure if it does not previously exist; (2) provisioning it with the necessary requirements to run the pipelines (i.e., configuring each host operative system and software, install dependencies and download the code to execute); and (3) deploying the pipelines. In order to facilitate the use of the architecture, a representational state transfer application programming interface (REST API) is defined to interact with it. Therefore, in turn, a web client is proposed. Finally, it is worth noting that in addition to the production mode, a local development environment can be generated for testing and benchmarking purposes.This research has been funded in the context of the IlluMINEation project, from the European Union鈥檚 Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 869379

    Implementing Efficient and Multi-Hop Image Acquisition In Remote Monitoring IoT systems using LoRa Technology

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    Remote sensing or monitoring through the deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is considered an economical and convenient manner in which to collect information without cumbersome human intervention. Unfortunately, due to challenging deployment conditions, such as large geographic area, and lack of electricity and network infrastructure, designing such wireless sensor networks for large-scale farms or forests is difficult and expensive. Many WSN-appropriate wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and 6LoWPAN, have been widely adopted in remote sensing. The performance of these technologies, however, is not sufficient for use across large areas. Generally, as the geographical scope expands, more devices need to be employed to expand network coverage, so the number and cost of devices in wireless sensor networks will increase dramatically. Besides, this type of deployment usually not only has a high probability of failure and high transmission costs, but also imposes additional overhead on system management and maintenance. LoRa is an emerging physical layer standard for long range wireless communication. By utilizing chirp spread spectrum modulation, LoRa features a long communication range and broad signal coverage. At the same time, LoRa also has low power consumption. Thus, LoRa outperforms similar technologies in terms of hardware cost, power consumption and radio coverage. It is also considered to be one of the promising solutions for the future of the Internet of Things (IoT). As the research and development of LoRa are still in its early stages, it lacks sufficient support for multi-packet transport and complex deployment topologies. Therefore, LoRa is not able to further expand its network coverage and efficiently support big data transfers like other conventional technologies. Besides, due to the smaller payload and data rate in LoRa physical design, it is more challenging to implement these features in LoRa. These shortcomings limit the potential for LoRa to be used in more productive application scenarios. This thesis addresses the problem of multi-packet and multi-hop transmission using LoRa by proposing two novel protocols, namely Multi-Packet LoRa (MPLR) and Multi-Hop LoRa (MHLR). LoRa's ability to transmit large messages is first evaluated in this thesis, and then the protocols are well designed and implemented to enrich LoRa's possibilities in image transmission applications and multi-hop topologies. MPLR introduces a reliable transport mechanism for multi-packet sensory data, making its network not limited to the transmission of small sensor data only. In collaboration with a data channel reservation technique, MPLR is able to greatly mitigate data collisions caused by the increased transmission time in laboratory experiments. MHLR realizes efficient routing in LoRa multi-hop transmission by utilizing the power of machine learning. The results of both indoor and outdoor experiments show that the machine learning based routing is effective in wireless sensor networks


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    Limitations of bus-based interconnections related to scalability, latency, bandwidth, and power consumption for supporting the related huge number of on-chip resources result in a communication bottleneck. These challenges can be efficiently addressed with the implementation of a network-on-chip (NoC) system. This book gives a detailed analysis of various on-chip communication architectures and covers different areas of NoCs such as potentials, architecture, technical challenges, optimization, design explorations, and research directions. In addition, it discusses current and future trends that could make an impactful and meaningful contribution to the research and design of on-chip communications and NoC systems

    Resistance to Cybersecurity Attacks in a Novel Network for Autonomous Vehicles

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    The increased interest in autonomous vehicles has led to the development of novel networking protocols in VANETS. In such a widespread safety critical application, security is paramount to the implementation of the networks. We view new autonomous vehicle edge networks as oppor-tunistic networks that bridge the gap between fully distributed vehicular networks based on short range vehicle to vehicle communication and cellular based infrastructure for centralized solutions. Experiments are conducted using opportunistic networking protocols to provide data to autono-mous trams and buses in a smart city. Attacking vehicles enter the city aiming to disrupt the net-work to cause harm to the general public. In the experiments the number of vehicles and the at-tack length is altered to investigate the impact on the network and vehicles. Considering different measures of success as well as computation expense, measurements are taken from all nodes in the network across different lengths of attack. The data gathered from each node allows explora-tion into how different attacks impact metrics including the delivery probability of a message, the time taken to deliver and the computation expense to each node. The novel multidimensional analysis including geospatial elements provides evidence that the state-of-the-art MaxProp algo-rithm outperforms the benchmark as well as other, more complex routing protocols in most of the categories. Upon the introduction of attacking nodes however, PRoPHET provides the most relia-ble delivery probability while under attack. Two different attack methods (black and grey holes) are used to disrupt the flow of messages throughout the network and the more basic protocols show they are less consistent. In some metrics, the PRoPHET algorithm performs better while un-der attack due to the benefit of reduced network traffic

    New Secure IoT Architectures, Communication Protocols and User Interaction Technologies for Home Automation, Industrial and Smart Environments

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnolox铆as da Informaci贸n e das Comunicaci贸ns en Redes M贸biles. 5029V01Tese por compendio de publicaci贸ns[Abstract] The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a communication network where heterogeneous physical devices such as vehicles, homes, urban infrastructures or industrial machinery are interconnected and share data. For these communications to be successful, it is necessary to integrate and embed electronic devices that allow for obtaining environmental information (sensors), for performing physical actuations (actuators) as well as for sending and receiving data (network interfaces). This integration of embedded systems poses several challenges. It is needed for these devices to present very low power consumption. In many cases IoT nodes are powered by batteries or constrained power supplies. Moreover, the great amount of devices needed in an IoT network makes power e ciency one of the major concerns of these deployments, due to the cost and environmental impact of the energy consumption. This need for low energy consumption is demanded by resource constrained devices, con icting with the second major concern of IoT: security and data privacy. There are critical urban and industrial systems, such as tra c management, water supply, maritime control, railway control or high risk industrial manufacturing systems such as oil re neries that will obtain great bene ts from IoT deployments, for which non-authorized access can posse severe risks for public safety. On the other hand, both these public systems and the ones deployed on private environments (homes, working places, malls) present a risk for the privacy and security of their users. These IoT deployments need advanced security mechanisms, both to prevent access to the devices and to protect the data exchanged by them. As a consequence, it is needed to improve two main aspects: energy e ciency of IoT devices and the use of lightweight security mechanisms that can be implemented by these resource constrained devices but at the same time guarantee a fair degree of security. The huge amount of data transmitted by this type of networks also presents another challenge. There are big data systems capable of processing large amounts of data, but with IoT the granularity and dispersion of the generated information presents a new scenario very di erent from the one existing nowadays. Forecasts anticipate that there will be a growth from the 15 billion installed devices in 2015 to more than 75 billion devices in 2025. Moreover, there will be much more services exploiting the data produced by these networks, meaning the resulting tra c will be even higher. The information must not only be processed in real time, but data mining processes will have to be performed to historical data. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis is to analyze each one of the previously described challenges and to provide solutions that allow for an adequate adoption of IoT in Industrial, domestic and, in general, any scenario that can obtain any bene t from the interconnection and exibility that IoT brings.[Resumen] La internet de las cosas (IoT o Internet of Things) representa una red de intercomunicaciones en la que participan dispositivos f铆sicos de toda 铆ndole, como veh铆culos, viviendas, electrodom茅sticos, infraestructuras urbanas o maquinaria y dispositivos industriales. Para que esta comunicaci贸n se pueda llevar a cabo es necesario integrar elementos electr onicos que permitan obtener informaci on del entorno (sensores), realizar acciones f sicas (actuadores) y enviar y recibir la informaci on necesaria (interfaces de comunicaciones de red). La integraci贸n y uso de estos sistemas electr贸nicos embebidos supone varios retos. Es necesario que dichos dispositivos presenten un consumo reducido. En muchos casos deber铆an ser alimentados por bater铆as o fuentes de alimentaci贸n limitadas. Adem谩s, la gran cantidad de dispositivos que involucra la IoT hace necesario que la e ciencia energ茅tica de los mismos sea una de las principales preocupaciones, por el coste e implicaciones medioambientales que supone el consumo de electricidad de los mismos. Esta necesidad de limitar el consumo provoca que dichos dispositivos tengan unas prestaciones muy limitadas, lo que entra en conflicto con la segunda mayor preocupaci贸n de la IoT: la seguridad y privacidad de los datos. Por un lado existen sistemas cr铆ticos urbanos e industriales, como puede ser la regulaci贸n del tr谩fi co, el control del suministro de agua, el control mar铆timo, el control ferroviario o los sistemas de producci贸n industrial de alto riesgo, como refi ner铆as, que son claros candidatos a benefi ciarse de la IoT, pero cuyo acceso no autorizado supone graves problemas de seguridad ciudadana. Por otro lado, tanto estos sistemas de naturaleza publica, como los que se desplieguen en entornos privados (viviendas, entornos de trabajo o centros comerciales, entre otros) suponen un riesgo para la privacidad y tambi茅n para la seguridad de los usuarios. Todo esto hace que sean necesarios mecanismos de seguridad avanzados, tanto de acceso a los dispositivos como de protecci贸n de los datos que estos intercambian. En consecuencia, es necesario avanzar en dos aspectos principales: la e ciencia energ茅tica de los dispositivos y el uso de mecanismos de seguridad e ficientes, tanto computacional como energ茅ticamente, que permitan la implantaci贸n de la IoT sin comprometer la seguridad y la privacidad de los usuarios. Por otro lado, la ingente cantidad de informaci贸n que estos sistemas puede llegar a producir presenta otros dos retos que deben ser afrontados. En primer lugar, el tratamiento y an谩lisis de datos toma una nueva dimensi贸n. Existen sistemas de big data capaces de procesar cantidades enormes de informaci贸n, pero con la internet de las cosas la granularidad y dispersi贸n de los datos plantean un escenario muy distinto al actual. La previsi贸n es pasar de de dispositivos instalados en 2015 a m谩s de en 2025. Adem谩s existir谩n multitud de servicios que har谩n un uso intensivo de estos dispositivos y de los datos que estos intercambian, por lo que el volumen de tr谩fico ser谩 todav铆a mayor. Asimismo, la informaci贸n debe ser procesada tanto en tiempo real como a posteriori sobre hist贸ricos, lo que permite obtener informaci贸n estad铆stica muy relevante en diferentes entornos. El principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es analizar cada uno de estos retos (e ciencia energ茅tica, seguridad, procesamiento de datos e interacci贸n con el usuario) y plantear soluciones que permitan una correcta adopci贸n de la internet de las cosas en 谩mbitos industriales, dom茅sticos y en general en cualquier escenario que se pueda bene ciar de la interconexi贸n y flexibilidad de acceso que proporciona el IoT.[Resumo] O internet das cousas (IoT ou Internet of Things) representa unha rede de intercomunicaci 贸ns na que participan dispositivos f铆sicos moi diversos, coma veh铆culos, vivendas, electrodom茅sticos, infraestruturas urbanas ou maquinaria e dispositivos industriais. Para que estas comunicaci贸ns se poidan levar a cabo 茅 necesario integrar elementos electr贸nicos que permitan obter informaci贸n da contorna (sensores), realizar acci贸ns f铆sicas (actuadores) e enviar e recibir a informaci贸n necesaria (interfaces de comunicaci贸ns de rede). A integraci贸n e uso destes sistemas electr贸nicos integrados sup贸n varios retos. En primeiro lugar, 茅 necesario que estes dispositivos te帽an un consumo reducido. En moitos casos deber铆an ser alimentados por bater铆as ou fontes de alimentaci贸n limitadas. Ademais, a gran cantidade de dispositivos que se empregan na IoT fai necesario que a e ciencia enerx茅tica dos mesmos sexa unha das principais preocupaci贸ns, polo custo e implicaci贸ns medioambientais que sup贸n o consumo de electricidade dos mesmos. Esta necesidade de limitar o consumo provoca que estes dispositivos te帽an unhas prestaci贸ns moi limitadas, o que entra en con ito coa segunda maior preocupaci贸n da IoT: a seguridade e privacidade dos datos. Por un lado existen sistemas cr铆ticos urbanos e industriais, como pode ser a regulaci贸n do tr谩fi co, o control de augas, o control mar铆timo, o control ferroviario ou os sistemas de produci贸n industrial de alto risco, como refiner铆as, que son claros candidatos a obter benefi cios da IoT, pero cuxo acceso non autorizado sup贸n graves problemas de seguridade cidad谩. Por outra parte tanto estes sistemas de natureza p煤blica como os que se despreguen en contornas privadas (vivendas, contornas de traballo ou centros comerciais entre outros) supo帽en un risco para a privacidade e tam茅n para a seguridade dos usuarios. Todo isto fai que sexan necesarios mecanismos de seguridade avanzados, tanto de acceso aos dispositivos como de protecci贸n dos datos que estes intercambian. En consecuencia, 茅 necesario avanzar en dous aspectos principais: a e ciencia enerx茅tica dos dispositivos e o uso de mecanismos de seguridade re cientes, tanto computacional como enerx茅ticamente, que permitan o despregue da IoT sen comprometer a seguridade e a privacidade dos usuarios. Por outro lado, a inxente cantidade de informaci贸n que estes sistemas poden chegar a xerar presenta outros retos que deben ser tratados. O tratamento e a an谩lise de datos toma unha nova dimensi贸n. Existen sistemas de big data capaces de procesar cantidades enormes de informaci贸n, pero coa internet das cousas a granularidade e dispersi贸n dos datos sup贸n un escenario moi distinto ao actual. A previsi贸n e pasar de de dispositivos instalados no ano 2015 a m ais de de dispositivos no ano 2025. Ademais existir铆an multitude de servizos que far铆an un uso intensivo destes dispositivos e dos datos que intercambian, polo que o volume de tr谩fico ser铆a a铆nda maior. Do mesmo xeito a informaci贸n debe ser procesada tanto en tempo real como posteriormente sobre hist贸ricos, o que permite obter informaci贸n estat铆stica moi relevante en diferentes contornas. O principal obxectivo da presente tese doutoral 茅 analizar cada un destes retos (e ciencia enerx茅tica, seguridade, procesamento de datos e interacci贸n co usuario) e propor soluci贸ns que permitan unha correcta adopci贸n da internet das cousas en 谩mbitos industriais, dom茅sticos e en xeral en todo aquel escenario que se poda bene ciar da interconexi贸n e flexibilidade de acceso que proporciona a IoT