19 research outputs found

    Contribution à la conception d'un système d'aide à la décision pour la gestion de situations de tension au sein des systèmes hospitaliers. Application à un service d'urgence.

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    The management of patient flow, especially the flow resulting from health (flu, heat waves and exceptional circumstances) is one of the most important problems to manage in the emergency department (ED). To handle the influx of patients, emergency departments require significant human and material resources, and a high degree of coordination between these resources. Under these conditions, the medical and the paramedical staffs are often confronted with strain situations which greatly complicate their task. The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to improving the management of situations of tension occurring in the emergency department by providing a decision support system, SAGEST. This DSS allows i) a proactive control of the ED: predicting at short and/or medium-term the occurrence of potential strain situations and proposing corrective actions to prevent the occurrence of these situations, ii) a reactive control in the case of no-detection of the strain situation occurrence. A functional architecture of the SAGEST system, based on the manager’s decision making process is proposed. Used methodologies and models embedded in the main functions and the knowledge base of the SAGEST system are described. Finally, experiments and results of different models of SAGEST system applied to the paediatric emergency department (PED) of the Regional University Hospital of Lille are presented and discussed.La prise en charge des flux des patients, en particulier les flux récurrents et consécutifs à des crises sanitaires (grippes, canicules, situations exceptionnelles) est l'un des problèmes les plus importants auquel les services des urgences (SU) doivent faire face. Pour gérer cet afflux de patients, les services des urgences nécessitent des ressources humaines et matérielles importantes, ainsi qu'un degré élevé de coordination entre ces ressources. Dans ces conditions, le personnel médical se voit confronté très fréquemment à des situations de tension qui compliquent très fortement sa tâche. L‘objet de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’amélioration de la gestion des situations de tension se produisant dans un service d’urgence en proposant un système d’aide à la décision, SAGEST (Système d’Aide à la décision pour la GEstion des Situations de Tensions), permettant i) le pilotage proactif du SU : prévision à court et/ou moyen terme de l'apparition de situations de tension et l'évolution du flux patients et la proposition d'actions de correction afin d'éviter l’occurrence de ces situations et ii) le pilotage réactif dans le cas où l'occurrence de la situation de tension n'a pas été détectée. Une architecture fonctionnelle du système SAGEST, s'appuyant sur le processus décisionnel du responsable du service d'urgence, est proposée. Les méthodologies et les modèles utilisés dans la construction des principales fonctions et de la base de connaissances sont décrits. Enfin, les résultats d’application des différents modèles du système SAGEST pour le service d’urgence pédiatrique (SUP) du centre hospitalier régional universitaire du Lille sont présentés et discutés

    Measurement of service innovation project success:A practical tool and theoretical implications

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    Is safety a value proposition?:The case of fire inspection

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    Advanced technologies for Piezoelectric Sensors in SHM systems: a review

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    The Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014 University of Brighton

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    Беларусь-Китай: контуры инновационно-технологического сотрудничества

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    В сборник включены материалы научно-практической конференции «Беларусь-Китай: контуры инновационно-технологического сотрудничества» по направлениям: передовые технологии в области медицины, инженерии поверхности, новых материалов, приборостроения, машиностроения, информационных технологий; механизмы и инструменты экономической интеграции Беларуси и Китая

    Libro de actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica

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    596 p.CASEIB2017 vuelve a ser el foro de referencia a nivel nacional para el intercambio científico de conocimiento, experiencias y promoción de la I D i en Ingeniería Biomédica. Un punto de encuentro de científicos, profesionales de la industria, ingenieros biomédicos y profesionales clínicos interesados en las últimas novedades en investigación, educación y aplicación industrial y clínica de la ingeniería biomédica. En la presente edición, más de 160 trabajos de alto nivel científico serán presentados en áreas relevantes de la ingeniería biomédica, tales como: procesado de señal e imagen, instrumentación biomédica, telemedicina, modelado de sistemas biomédicos, sistemas inteligentes y sensores, robótica, planificación y simulación quirúrgica, biofotónica y biomateriales. Cabe destacar las sesiones dedicadas a la competición por el Premio José María Ferrero Corral, y la sesión de competición de alumnos de Grado en Ingeniería biomédica, que persiguen fomentar la participación de jóvenes estudiantes e investigadores

    Understanding entrepreneurial resilience development within institutional constraints: a case of Ghana.

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    This thesis contributes towards understanding the dynamic phenomenon of entrepreneurship by exploring how entrepreneurs developed resilience within institutional constraints at the lived experience level. This is a qualitative research based on several assumptions of the phenomenological paradigm. The research describes the experiences of thirty-four participants - twenty-three practising entrepreneurs, and eleven Directors whose institutions support entrepreneurship, particularly the dimensions of the institutional profile, as well as how they developed resilience within institutional constraints. The study proposes that entrepreneurial resilience development is dynamic reflecting the context in which it arises. Institutions determine the rule of the game for entrepreneurs, in that entrepreneurs fit within the limitations provided by the institutional framework (North, 1990). The institutions shape opportunity fields for entrepreneurship, determine the ease and transaction cost of entrepreneurship, determine the stability and certainty of the environment, guide the strategic activities of entrepreneurs, confer legitimacy on entrepreneurs, (re)allocate entrepreneurship, and counter market failures for entrepreneurs. The experiences of the individuals indicate such constraint limits what the entrepreneurs are capable of doing. The research therefore focuses on how the entrepreneurs survived within such constraints, especially operating within underdeveloped institutions. In particular, the participants described how they were able to survive within such institutional constraints. The term 'resilience' can sometimes be trivialized to mean 'ego-resilience', which basically talks about certain characteristics that individuals' exhibit to show their resilience. Instead, apart from individuals exhibiting certain characteristics, there are several contextual activities that must be put in place to ensure survival or recovery within institutional constraints. These activities represent the resilience strategies that the entrepreneurs designed and implemented so as to survive institutional constraints - breakthrough, circumvent, destructive, and other strategies. The study concludes that entrepreneurial resilience strategy occupies a central role within three complex, interactive and interdependent processes - institutions, entrepreneurship, and resilience. Furthermore, entrepreneurship is engulfed in institutions, which act as the "determinant", "promoter", and "inhibitor" of entrepreneurial activities. Hence, entrepreneurs need to develop resilience through preventative, reactive or agility strategies, so as to be able to survive the institutional arrangements. The research therefore works towards a more integrated perspective of entrepreneurship development

    From social tagging to polyrepresentation: a study of expert annotating behavior of moving images

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThis thesis investigates “nichesourcing” (De Boer, Hildebrand, et al., 2012), an emergent initiative of cultural heritage crowdsoucing in which niches of experts are involved in the annotating tasks. This initiative is studied in relation to moving image annotation, and in the context of audiovisual heritage, more specifically, within the sector of film archives. The work presents a case study of film and media scholars to investigate the types of annotations and attribute descriptions that they could eventually contribute, as well as the information needs, and seeking and searching behaviors of this group, in order to determine what the role of the different types of annotations in supporting their expert tasks would be. The study is composed of three independent but interconnected studies using a mixed methodology and an interpretive approach. It uses concepts from the information behavior discipline, and the "Integrated Information Seeking and Retrieval Framework" (IS&R) (Ingwersen and Järvelin, 2005) as guidance for the investigation. The findings show that there are several types of annotations that moving image experts could contribute to a nichesourcing initiative, of which time-based tags are only one of the possibilities. The findings also indicate that for the different foci in film and media research, in-depth indexing at the content level is only needed for supporting a specific research focus, for supporting research in other domains, or for engaging broader audiences. The main implications at the level of information infrastructure are the requirement for more varied annotating support, more interoperability among existing metadata standards and frameworks, and the need for guidelines about crowdsoucing and nichesourcing implementation in the audiovisual heritage sector. This research presents contributions to the studies of social tagging applied to moving images, to the discipline of information behavior, by proposing new concepts related to the area of use behavior, and to the concept of “polyrepresentation” (Ingwersen, 1992, 1996) applied to the humanities domain.Esta tesis investiga la iniciativa del nichesourcing (De Boer, Hildebrand, et al., 2012), como una forma de crowdsoucing en sector del patrimonio cultural, en la cuál grupos de expertos participan en las tareas de anotación de las colecciones. El ámbito de aplicación es la anotación de las imágenes en movimiento en el contexto del patrimonio audiovisual, más específicamente, en el caso de los archivos fílmicos. El trabajo presenta un estudio de caso aplicado a un dominio específico de expertos en el ámbito audiovisual: los académicos de cine y medios. El análisis se centra en dos aspectos específicos del problema: los tipos de anotaciones y atributos en las descripciones que podrían obtenerse de este nicho de expertos; y en las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informacional de dicho grupo, con el fin de determinar cuál es el rol de los diferentes tipos de anotaciones en sus tareas de investigación. La tesis se compone de tres estudios independientes e interconectados; se usa una metodología mixta e interpretativa. El marco teórico se compone de conceptos del área de estudios de comportamiento informacional (“information behavior”) y del “Marco integrado de búsqueda y recuperación de la información” ("Integrated Information Seeking and Retrieval Framework" (IS&R)) propuesto por Ingwersen y Järvelin (2005), que sirven de guía para la investigación. Los hallazgos indican que existen diversas formas de anotación de la imagen en movimiento que podrían generarse a partir de las contribuciones de expertos, de las cuáles las etiquetas a nivel de plano son sólo una de las posibilidades. Igualmente, se identificaron diversos focos de investigación en el área académica de cine y medios. La indexación detallada de contenidos sólo es requerida por uno de esos grupos y por investigadores de otras disciplinas, o como forma de involucrar audiencias más amplias. Las implicaciones más relevantes, a nivel de la infraestructura informacional, se refieren a los requisitos de soporte a formas más variadas de anotación, el requisito de mayor interoperabilidad de los estándares y marcos de metadatos, y la necesidad de publicación de guías de buenas prácticas sobre de cómo implementar iniciativas de crowdsoucing o nichesourcing en el sector del patrimonio audiovisual. Este trabajo presenta aportes a la investigación sobre el etiquetado social aplicado a las imágenes en movimiento, a la disciplina de estudios del comportamiento informacional, a la que se proponen nuevos conceptos relacionados con el área de uso de la información, y al concepto de “poli-representación” (Ingwersen, 1992, 1996) en las disciplinas humanísticas.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Documentación: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno DigitalPresidente: Peter Emil Rerup Ingwersen.- Secretario: Antonio Hernández Pérez.- Vocal: Nils Phar