10 research outputs found

    Cyber-physical manufacturing systems: An architecture for sensor integration, production line simulation and cloud services

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    none9noThe pillars of Industry 4.0 require the integration of a modern smart factory, data storage in the Cloud, access to the Cloud for data analytics, and information sharing at the software level for simulation and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) capabilities. The resulting cyber-physical system (CPS) is often termed the cyber-physical manufacturing system, and it has become crucial to cope with this increased system complexity and to attain the desired performances. However, since a great number of old production systems are based on monolithic architectures with limited external communication ports and reduced local computational capabilities, it is difficult to ensure such production lines are compliant with the Industry 4.0 pillars. A wireless sensor network is one solution for the smart connection of a production line to a CPS elaborating data through cloud computing. The scope of this research work lies in developing a modular software architecture based on the open service gateway initiative framework, which is able to seamlessly integrate both hardware and software wireless sensors, send data into the Cloud for further data analysis and enable both HIL and cloud computing capabilities. The CPS architecture was initially tested using HIL tools before it was deployed within a real manufacturing line for data collection and analysis over a period of two months.openPrist Mariorosario; Monteriu' Andrea; Pallotta Emanuele; Cicconi Paolo; Freddi Alessandro; Giuggioloni Federico; Caizer Eduard; Verdini Carlo; Longhi SauroPrist, Mariorosario; Monteriu', Andrea; Pallotta, Emanuele; Cicconi, Paolo; Freddi, Alessandro; Giuggioloni, Federico; Caizer, Eduard; Verdini, Carlo; Longhi, Saur

    Internet of Things (IoT) and the Energy Sector

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    Integration of renewable energy and optimization of energy use are key enablers of sustainable energy transitions and mitigating climate change. Modern technologies such the Internet of Things (IoT) offer a wide number of applications in the energy sector, i.e, in energy supply, transmission and distribution, and demand. IoT can be employed for improving energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewable energy, and reducing environmental impacts of the energy use. This paper reviews the existing literature on the application of IoT in in energy systems, in general, and in the context of smart grids particularly. Furthermore, we discuss enabling technologies of IoT, including cloud computing and different platforms for data analysis. Furthermore, we review challenges of deploying IoT in the energy sector, including privacy and security, with some solutions to these challenges such as blockchain technology. This survey provides energy policy-makers, energy economists, and managers with an overview of the role of IoT in optimization of energy systems.Peer reviewe

    Internet of Things (IoT) and the Energy Sector

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    Integration of renewable energy and optimization of energy use are key enablers of sustainable energy transitions and mitigating climate change. Modern technologies such the Internet of Things (IoT) offer a wide number of applications in the energy sector, i.e, in energy supply, transmission and distribution, and demand. IoT can be employed for improving energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewable energy, and reducing environmental impacts of the energy use. This paper reviews the existing literature on the application of IoT in in energy systems, in general, and in the context of smart grids particularly. Furthermore, we discuss enabling technologies of IoT, including cloud computing and different platforms for data analysis. Furthermore, we review challenges of deploying IoT in the energy sector, including privacy and security, with some solutions to these challenges such as blockchain technology. This survey provides energy policy-makers, energy economists, and managers with an overview of the role of IoT in optimization of energy systems.Peer reviewe

    Information and communication technology: Studies under the digital era

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    This paper focuses on the effects of technological advancement in the relationships between value creation and firm performance. Specifically, this paper will explain how the concept of internet of things (IoT) can influence value co-creation and codestruction towards firm performance from the perspective of resource-based view (RBV) and service-dominant (S-D) logic. This paper is motivated to discuss on the mentioned relationships due to four reasons. Firstly, although value co-creation has always been associated with positive implications on consumers (Terblanche, 2014); there are also some possible negative implications related to them (Grönroos, 2012). The same observation could also be happened to firm performance. For instance, increasing consumer participation will reduce firm controls on the outcome of the process. This situation would be ended up co-destructing the value through the very same consumer-firm interactions that are used in value co-creation (Terblanche, 2014). Therefore, the possibility of value co-destruction should not be overlooked (Plé & Cáceres, 2010) as it may as well affect the firm performance (Alexander, 2012). Despite of that, the numbers of studies focusing on both value co-creation and co-destruction in a single topic is still relatively low. Since the concept of value co-destruction is still in blur (Plé & Cáceres, 2010), the interrelationships between value co-creation and co-destruction need to be further explored

    The impact of customer satisfaction on purchase intention in Malaysian takaful industry

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    To date the study of customer satisfaction and purchase intention have dominated the services literature. This study is aimed to investigate the impact of customer satisfaction on purchase intention among Takaful participants in Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire is distributed to eight Takaful companies in Malaysia as a study setting for this study. Out of the total 600 distributed questionnaires 390 were finally selected for data analyses. It is expected that findings from this study will contribute to the existing literature to both theoretical and managerial approaches in order to better understand the pattern of customer satisfaction and purchase intention in Takaful industry settings

    Sustainable Energy Systems: Efficiency and Optimization

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    This book explores how the concepts, methods and tools of systemic analyses have been utilised in various contexts, and at different levels, to improve the efficiency and optimisation of sustainable energy systems

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia

    Proposta de uma taxonomia de requisitos de privacidade baseada na LGPD e ISO/IEC 29100 : aplicação prática no Open Banking Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2022.Contexto: A preocupação com a privacidade de dados é algo que vem se destacando ao longo dos anos no mundo. No Brasil a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) [42] foi publicada em agosto de 2018 e entrou em vigor dois anos após a sua publicação. Porém, algumas dificuldades ainda são enfrentadas pelas equipes de desenvolvimento na adequação dos mecanismos tecnológicos por parte das organizações que ainda estão em processo inicial de conformidade à LGPD [56]. Objetivo: Este trabalho propõe uma taxonomia de requisitos de privacidade baseada na LGPD e na ISO/IEC 29100 com o objetivo de apoiar as equipes de desenvolvimento de software no alcance da conformidade com os princípios da LGPD. Método: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de literatura (RSL) para identificar as taxonomias de privacidade de dados existentes na literatura com o objetivo de apoiar a elaboração da taxonomia proposta neste trabalho e a sua aplicação no projeto do Open Banking Brasil (OPB). Esse projeto é adequado pois compartilha os dados dos seus clientes a partir de seu consentimento, que está fundamentado na LGPD, tornando-se um projeto interessante para avaliação da aderência à legislação. A aplicação prática da taxonomia proposta foi realizada no processo de solicitação de consentimento e nos termos e condições de três bancos brasileiros a partir da aplicação da taxonomia proposta através de um formulário. Resultado: A RSL identificou 10 estudos primários, mas nenhum deles propuseram uma taxonomia de requisitos de privacidade no contexto da LGPD. A taxonomia proposta gerou 129 requisitos, divididos em 10 categorias e 5 contextos. A aplicação prática da taxonomia resultou em um percentual satisfatório de aderência aos requisitos de privacidade. Conclusão: Portanto, a aplicação da taxonomia em um contexto real demonstrou que a taxonomia pode apoiar as equipes de desenvolvimento de software na busca pela adequação à LGPD dos requisitos de privacidade especificados pelas equipes de desenvolvimento.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Context: The concerning about data privacy has been highlighted over the years on the world. In Brazil the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) [42] was published in August 2018 and entered into force two years after its publication. However, some primor difficulties are still faced into the institution by the praticioners in the process of complying to LGPD [56] yet. Goal: This work proposes a taxonomy of privacy requirements based on LGPD and ISO/IEC 29100 in order to support software development teams in achieving compliance with LGPD principles. Method: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out to identify existing data privacy taxonomies in the literature in order to support the elaboration of the taxonomy proposed in this work and its application in the Open Banking Brazil project (OPB). This project is suitable as it shares its customers’ data based on their consent, which is based on LGPD, making it an interesting project to assess compliance with the legislation. The practical application of the proposed taxonomy was carried out in the consent request process and in the terms and conditions of three Brazilian banks from the application of the proposed taxonomy through a form. Result: The SLR identified 10 primary studies, but none of them proposed a taxonomy of privacy requirements in the context of LGPD. The proposed taxonomy generated 129 requirements, divided into 10 categories and 5 contexts. The practical application of the taxonomy resulted in a satisfactory percentage of adherence to privacy requirements. Conclusion: Therefore, the application of the taxonomy in a real context demonstrated that the taxonomy can support software development teams in the search for compliance with LGPD of the privacy requirements specified by the development teams

    Digitális transzformáció és üzletimodell-innováció: a feldolgozóiparban, az energia- és a pénzügyi szektorban = Digital transformation and business model innovation: in the manufacturing industry, energy- and financial sectors

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    Doktori kutatásom során a digitális transzformáció által nyújtott üzletimodell-innovációs lehetőségeket kívántam feltárni. A digitális technológiák napjainkban életünk valamennyi részén jelen vannak és a vállalatok is egyre intenzívebben építenek ezen megoldásokra értékajánlatuk megújítása során. Az új digitális technológiák szervezeti működésbe, üzleti modellbe való beépítése számos kihívást hordoz magában. Elmondható azonban, hogy a sikeres üzletimodell-innováció akár teljes megújulást és jelentős pozitív következményeket eredményezhet a piaci szereplők számára. Doktori disszertációmban három olyan stratégiailag kiemelt ágazatban vizsgálódtam és kívántam feltárni a digitális transzformáció által nyújtott üzletimodell-innovációs lehetőségeket, amelyek várhatóan jelentős átalakulások előtt állnak. A vizsgált területek a következőek: feldolgozóipar (Ipar 4.0), energiaszektor és pénzügyi szektor. Disszertációmat cikkalapú formában készítettem el, melynek vázát három már megjelent publikációm adta. Az első cikkben (Horváth és Szabó, 2019) az Ipar 4.0 témaköréhez kapcsolódóan a hazai feldolgozóiparban került feltárásra, hogy a vállalatok felsővezetői hogyan értelmezik az Ipar 4.0 fogalmát, mik tekinthetőek az új, digitális technológiák bevezetésének hajtó-és gátlótényezőiként és milyen szervezeti változásokkal számolhatunk az új technológiák bevezetése során. Emellett minden azonosított hajtó- és gátlótényező esetében elemzésre került a multinacionális vállalatokra és kis- és középvállalatokra gyakorolt hatásuk. A második publikáció (Horváth és Szabó, 2018) fókuszában az energiaszektor, azon belül is a megújuló energiaforrások és főként a napelemes megoldások álltak. A kapcsolódó kutatás során cél volt, hogy azonosításra kerüljenek azon tényezők, amelyek gátolhatják a megújuló energiaforrások elterjedését. Emellett górcső alá kerültek a világ szinten azonosítható napelemes üzleti modellek annak megállapítása érdekében, hogy az egyes üzleti modellek hogyan segíthetnek a felmerülő akadályok mérséklésében, kiküszöbölésében. A disszertációban található harmadik cikkben (Horváth, 2020) a pénzügyi szektor digitális transzformációjához kapcsolódóan feltártam, hogy a piac szereplői hogyan értelmezik a FinTech fogalmát, milyen hatással vannak az új típusú szereplők a hagyományos kereskedelmi bankokra, azok üzleti modelljére, valamint hogy milyen szabályozási és egyéb kihívások azonosíthatóak a pénzügyi szektor hazai szereplőinek digitális transzformációjához kapcsolódóan. Az elméleti háttér feldolgozása, valamint a három területen végzett kutatások alapján disszertációm legfontosabb eredményeinek a következőket tekintem: (1) A kapcsolódó szakirodalmak feldolgozása alapján az üzletimodell-innováció és a digitális transzformáció elméleti hátterének részletes bemutatása, a két terület összekapcsolása. (2) Ajánlások megfogalmazása stratégiailag kiemelt fontosságú szektorokban működő vállalatok számára, amelyek segíthetik őket digitalizációs stratégiai céljaik megvalósításában, az üzletimodell-innováció sikeres kivitelezésében, illetve összességében versenyképességük fenntartásában és növelésében. (3) Problémás területek és az egyes szektorokban a digitális transzformáció során kihívást jelentő tényezők azonosítása, amelyek iránymutatásként szolgálhatnak mind a szabályozók, mind pedig a vállalatok számára

    The International Conference on Industrial Engineeering and Business Management (ICIEBM)

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