22 research outputs found

    A Design That Incorporates Adaptive Reservation into Mixed-Criticality Systems

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    Analysis-Runtime Co-design for Adaptive Mixed Criticality Scheduling

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    In this paper, we use the term “Analysis-Runtime Co-design” to describe the technique of modifying the runtime protocol of a scheduling scheme to closely match the analysis derived for it. Carefully designed modifications to the runtime protocol make the schedulability analysis for the scheme less pessimistic, while the schedulability guarantee afforded to any given application remains intact. Such modifications to the runtime protocol can result in significant benefits with respect to other important metrics. An enhanced runtime protocol is designed for the Adaptive Mixed-Criticality (AMC) scheduling scheme. This protocol retains the same analysis, while ensuring that in the event of high-criticality behavior, the system degrades less often and remains degraded for a shorter time, resulting in far fewer low-criticality jobs that either miss their deadlines or are not executed

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2013

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    Recent Advances in mmWave-Radar-Based Sensing, Its Applications, and Machine Learning Techniques: A Review

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    Human gesture detection, obstacle detection, collision avoidance, parking aids, automotive driving, medical, meteorological, industrial, agriculture, defense, space, and other relevant fields have all benefited from recent advancements in mmWave radar sensor technology. A mmWave radar has several advantages that set it apart from other types of sensors. A mmWave radar can operate in bright, dazzling, or no-light conditions. A mmWave radar has better antenna miniaturization than other traditional radars, and it has better range resolution. However, as more data sets have been made available, there has been a significant increase in the potential for incorporating radar data into different machine learning methods for various applications. This review focuses on key performance metrics in mmWave-radar-based sensing, detailed applications, and machine learning techniques used with mmWave radar for a variety of tasks. This article starts out with a discussion of the various working bands of mmWave radars, then moves on to various types of mmWave radars and their key specifications, mmWave radar data interpretation, vast applications in various domains, and, in the end, a discussion of machine learning algorithms applied with radar data for various applications. Our review serves as a practical reference for beginners developing mmWave-radar-based applications by utilizing machine learning techniques.publishedVersio

    Adaptive Mid-term and Short-term Scheduling of Mixed-criticality Systems

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    A mixed-criticality real-time system is a real-time system having multiple tasks classified according to their criticality. Research on mixed-criticality systems started to provide an effective and cost efficient a priori verification process for safety critical systems. The higher the criticality of a task within a system and the more the system should guarantee the required level of service for it. However, such model poses new challenges with respect to scheduling and fault tolerance within real-time systems. Currently, mixed-criticality scheduling protocols severely degrade lower criticality tasks in case of resource shortage to provide the required level of service for the most critical ones. The actual research challenge in this field is to devise robust scheduling protocols to minimise the impact on less critical tasks. This dissertation introduces two approaches, one short-term and the other medium-term, to appropriately allocate computing resources to tasks within mixed-criticality systems both on uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems. The short-term strategy consists of a protocol named Lazy Bailout Protocol (LBP) to schedule mixed-criticality task sets on single core architectures. Scheduling decisions are made about tasks that are active in the ready queue and that have to be dispatched to the CPU. LBP minimises the service degradation for lower criticality tasks by providing to them a background execution during the system idle time. After, I refined LBP with variants that aim to further increase the service level provided for lower criticality tasks. However, this is achieved at an increased cost of either system offline analysis or complexity at runtime. The second approach, named Adaptive Tolerance-based Mixed-criticality Protocol (ATMP), decides at runtime which task has to be allocated to the active cores according to the available resources. ATMP permits to optimise the overall system utility by tuning the system workload in case of shortage of computing capacity at runtime. Unlike the majority of current mixed-criticality approaches, ATMP allows to smoothly degrade also higher criticality tasks to keep allocated lower criticality ones

    Horizontally distributed inference of deep neural networks for AI-enabled IoT

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    Motivated by the pervasiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the current “smart everything” scenario, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the most recent research at the intersection of both domains, focusing on the design and development of specific mechanisms for enabling a collaborative inference across edge devices towards the in situ execution of highly complex state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs), despite the resource-constrained nature of such infrastructures. In particular, the review discusses the most salient approaches conceived along those lines, elaborating on the specificities of the partitioning schemes and the parallelism paradigms explored, providing an organized and schematic discussion of the underlying workflows and associated communication patterns, as well as the architectural aspects of the DNNs that have driven the design of such techniques, while also highlighting both the primary challenges encountered at the design and operational levels and the specific adjustments or enhancements explored in response to them.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. DPI2017-87494-RMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PDC2021-121644-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2022/03-GR

    Scheduling algorithms and timing analysis for hard real-time systems

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    Real-time systems are designed for applications in which response time is critical. As timing is a major property of such systems, proving timing correctness is of utter importance. To achieve this, a two-fold approach of timing analysis is traditionally involved: (i) worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis, which computes an upper bound on the execution time of a single job of a task running in isolation; and (ii) schedulability analysis using the WCET as the input, which determines whether multiple tasks are guaranteed to meet their deadlines. Formal models used for representing recurrent real-time tasks have traditionally been characterized by a collection of independent jobs that are released periodically. However, such a modeling may result in resource under-utilization in systems whose behaviors are not entirely periodic or independent. Examples are (i) multicore platforms where tasks share a communication fabric, like bus, for accesses to a shared memory beside processors; (ii) tasks with synchronization, where no two concurrent access to one shared resource are allowed to be in their critical section at the same time; and (iii) automotive systems, where tasks are linked to rotation (e.g., of the crankshaft, gears, or wheels). There, their activation rate is proportional to the angular velocity of a specific device. This dissertation presents multiple approaches towards designing scheduling algorithms and schedulability analysis for a variety of real-time systems with different characteristics. Specifically, we look at those design problems from the perspective of speedup factor — a metric that quantifies both the pessimism of the analysis and the non-optimality of the scheduling algorithm. The proposed solutions are shown promising by means of not only speedup factor but also extensive evaluations