13,059 research outputs found

    Parkanon tutkimusasema 1961-1970

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    Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen Parkanon tutkimusasema 1961-1970 - retkeilyopas

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    Forráskiadások a magyar képzőművészet és műkritika történetének feldolgozásához =

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    A források felkutatása és feldolgozása nyomán 4 forrásokat közreadó kötet jelent meg: Fülep Lajos levelezése VI. 1951-1960. 406 lap. Budapest, 2004 Fülep Lajos levelezése VII. 1961-1970. 730 lap. Budapest, 2007 Kállai Ernő összegyűjtött írások 6. Magyar nyelvű cikkek, tanulmányok. 1938-1944. Ernst Kállai: Gesammelte Werke 5. Schriften in deutschen Sprache 1931-1937. Az összegyűjtött forrásanyag alapján három tanulmány készült: Mednyánszky László, Rippl-Rónai József, és a Műhely Művészeti Egyesület tevékenységéről További forrásközlő kötetek kiadásra történő előkészítése folyamatban van: Fülep Lajos, Lyka Károly, Kállai Ernő egybegyűjtött írásai, a Nyolcak sajtóvisszhangja. | Four volumes containing source materials have been completed: The correspondence of Lajos Fülep, vols. VI and VII, (Fülep Lajos levelezése VI. 1951-1960. Budapest, 2004. p. 406 Fülep Lajos levelezése VII. 1961-1970. Budapest, 2007. p.730) Collected writings of Ernő Kállai, vols. 5 and 6. (Kállai Ernő: Összegyűjtött írások 6. (Hungarian writings) 1938-1944. Ernst Kállai: Gesammelte Werke 5. Schriften in deutschen Sprache 1931-1937. The preparation of further volumes for publication is in progress: Collected witings by Lajos Fülep, Ernő Kállai and Károly Lyka, and in addition the press review of the ?Nyolcak? (Eight)

    Crisis or adaptation reconsidered: a comparison of East and West German fertility patterns in the first six years after the ´Wende´

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    Similar to other Eastern European countries, East Germany experienced a rapid decline in period fertility rates after the fall of communism. This decline has been discussed along the lines of a ´crisis´ and a ´adaptation´ to western demographic patterns. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we discuss the factors which foster and hamper a convergence of fertility behavior in East and West Germany. Secondly, we use data from the German micro-census to analyze the fertility patterns of the cohorts born 1961-1970. Major results from our empirical analysis are that East Germans who are still childless at unification are more rapid to have their first child in the subsequent years than comparable West Germans. However, regarding second parity births, the pattern reverses. Here, East Germans display a lower transition rate than their counterparts in the West.Germany, fertility


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    Objetivo: Analisar e refletir sobre a importância da formação em cuidados paliativos na graduação em enfermagem e apresentar as competências essenciais que os estudantes devem adquirir nessa área. Métodos: Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura narrativa observacional para analisar os desafios enfrentados na integração dos cuidados paliativos no currículo de enfermagem e refletir sobre as competências fundamentais que os estudantes devem desenvolver. Considerações finais: A formação adequada em cuidados paliativos durante a graduação em enfermagem é crucial para preparar os profissionais de saúde para oferecer cuidados de qualidade no fim da vida. Isso envolve o desenvolvimento de competências que abrangem desde a promoção dos cuidados paliativos até a prestação de cuidados adequados e compassivos aos pacientes e suas famílias. A inclusão obrigatória de conteúdos de cuidados paliativos no currículo, juntamente com estágios práticos, promoverá uma formação mais completa e capacitará os estudantes de enfermagem a lidar de forma eficaz com as complexidades e desafios desse contexto


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    The aim of this paper is to characterise changes in frequency of occurrence of anomalous yearly sums of atmospheric precipitation in the Lublin region in the period 1951–2000. In the second half of the 20th century negative precipitation anomaly occurred in a larger number of stations than the positive anomaly. Particularly strong anomalies were observed in two decades (1951–1960 and 1981–1990). However, during two following decades (1961–1970 and 1971–1980) the positive anomaly occurred in more stations.

    Trwałość pierwszych związków w kohortach urodzeniowych 1951-1960 oraz 1961-1970

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    A family, as the basic social unit has been a subject to statisticians’ and demographists’ research for many years. Recently, the marriage institution has changed not only regarding the age at which people marry and the number of children they have but also in terms of its stability. At the same time, alternative forms of family appeared, mostly cohabitations. Such a variety complicates analysis of functioning and stability of a family. It becomes even more complicated regarding the fact that cohabitation often precedes marriage thus it needs to be decided whether it should be analyzed independently or rather in relation to the marriage that comes next. However, increasing divorce rate as well as cohabitations which are more common lead to the question on the stability of marriages and informal relationships as well as other changes observed recently in this area. The main objective of the study is to analyze and compare the stability of first relationships for women from birth cohorts 1951–1960 and 1961–1970. Cohort analysis makes it possible to present the changes in marital stability that have been observed for women from demographic decline cohort (1961–1970) as compared to women from demographic bulge cohort (1951–1960). Analyzed data comes from the questionnaire D (Fertility in Poland) of the National Population and Housing Census 2002

    Лесоводственная эффективность лесовозобновления в Свердловской области

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    Анализируются ведомственные и полевые материалы по лесоводственной эффективности мер содействия естественному возобновлению и искусственному возобновлению в рамках лесохозяйственного районирования и генетической типологии Б. П. Колесникова, приводятся данные по объемам работ за 1961—1970 гг. и доли площадей с лесовозобновительными мероприятиями, переведенной в категорию лесопокрытой. Отмечается, что в Свердловской области в последнее время эффективность лесовозобновления возросла, однако она остается еще низкой. На основании приведенного материала даются рекомендации по соотношению естественного и искусственного лесовозобновления по 8 лесохозяйственным районам. В целом по области естественным путем, включая меры содействия, должна возобновляться 80% общей площади вырубок, искусственным — 20