79 research outputs found

    Side-information generation for temporally and spatially scalablewyner-ziv codecs

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    The distributed video coding paradigmenables video codecs to operate with reversed complexity, in which the complexity is shifted from the encoder toward the decoder. Its performance is heavily dependent on the quality of the side information generated by motio estimation at the decoder. We compare the rate-distortion performance of different side-information estimators, for both temporally and spatially scalableWyner-Ziv codecs. For the temporally scalable codec we compared an established method with a new algorithm that uses a linear-motion model to produce side-information. As a continuation of previous works, in this paper, we propose to use a super-resolution method to upsample the nonkey frame, for the spatial scalable codec, using the key frames as reference.We verify the performance of the spatial scalableWZcoding using the state-of-the-art video coding standard H.264/AVC

    GReEn: a tool for efficient compression of genome resequencing data

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    Research in the genomic sciences is confronted with the volume of sequencing and resequencing data increasing at a higher pace than that of data storage and communication resources, shifting a significant part of research budgets from the sequencing component of a project to the computational one. Hence, being able to efficiently store sequencing and resequencing data is a problem of paramount importance. In this article, we describe GReEn (Genome Resequencing Encoding), a tool for compressing genome resequencing data using a reference genome sequence. It overcomes some drawbacks of the recently proposed tool GRS, namely, the possibility of compressing sequences that cannot be handled by GRS, faster running times and compression gains of over 100-fold for some sequences. This tool is freely available for non-commercial use at ftp://ftp.ieeta.pt/∼ap/codecs/GReEn1.tar.gz

    Improved Sequential MAP estimation of CABAC encoded data with objective adjustment of the complexity/efficiency tradeoff

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    International audienceThis paper presents an efficient MAP estimator for the joint source-channel decoding of data encoded with a context adaptive binary arithmetic coder (CABAC). The decoding process is compatible with realistic implementations of CABAC in standards like H.264, i.e., handling adaptive probabilities, context modeling and integer arithmetic coding. Soft decoding is obtained using an improved sequential decoding technique, which allows to obtain various tradeoffs between complexity and efficiency. The algorithms are simulated in a context reminiscent of H264. Error detection is realized by exploiting on one side the properties of the binarization scheme and on the other side the redundancy left in the code string. As a result, the CABAC compression efficiency is preserved and no additional redundancy is introduced in the bit stream. Simulation results outline the efficiency of the proposed techniques for encoded data sent over AWGN and UMTS-OFDM channels

    An Adaptive Source-Channel Coding with Feedback for Progressive Transmission of Medical Images

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    A novel adaptive source-channel coding with feedback for progressive transmission of medical images is proposed here. In the source coding part, the transmission starts from the region of interest (RoI). The parity length in the channel code varies with respect to both the proximity of the image subblock to the RoI and the channel noise, which is iteratively estimated in the receiver. The overall transmitted data can be controlled by the user (clinician). In the case of medical data transmission, it is vital to keep the distortion level under control as in most of the cases certain clinically important regions have to be transmitted without any visible error. The proposed system significantly reduces the transmission time and error. Moreover, the system is very user friendly since the selection of the RoI, its size, overall code rate, and a number of test features such as noise level can be set by the users in both ends. A MATLAB-based TCP/IP connection has been established to demonstrate the proposed interactive and adaptive progressive transmission system. The proposed system is simulated for both binary symmetric channel (BSC) and Rayleigh channel. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the design

    Adaptive Distributed Source Coding Based on Bayesian Inference

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    Distributed Source Coding (DSC) is an important topic for both in information theory and communication. DSC utilizes the correlations among the sources to compress data, and it has the advantages of being simple and easy to carry out. In DSC, Slepian-Wolf (S-W) and Wyner-Ziv (W-Z) are two important problems, which can be classified as lossless compression and loss compression, respectively. Although the lower bounds of the S-W and W-Z problems have been known to researchers for many decades, the code design to achieve the lower bounds is still an open problem. This dissertation focuses on three DSC problems: the adaptive Slepian-Wolf decoding for two binary sources (ASWDTBS) problem, the compression of correlated temperature data of sensor network (CCTDSN) problem and the streamlined genome sequence compression using distributed source coding (SGSCUDSC) problem. For the CCTDSN and SGSCUDSC problems, sources will be converted into the binary expression as the sources in ASWDTBS problem for encoding. The Bayesian inference will be applied to all of these three problems. To efficiently solve these Bayesian inferences, message passing algorithm will be applied. For a discrete variable that takes a small number of values, the belief propagation (BP) algorithm is able to implement the message passing algorithm efficiently. However, the complexity of the BP algorithm increases exponentially with the number of values of the variable. Therefore, the BP algorithm can only deal with discrete variable that takes a small number of values and limited continuous variables. For the more complex variables, deterministic approximation methods are used. These methods, such as the variational Bayes (VB) method and expectation propagation (EP) method, can efficiently incorporated into the message passing algorithm. A virtual binary asymmetric channel (BAC) channel was introduced to model the correlation between the source data and the side information (SI) in ASWDTBS problem, in which two parameters are required to be learned. The two parameters correspond to the crossover probabilities that are 0->1 and 1->0. Based on this model, a factor graph was established that includes LDPC code, source data, SI and both of the crossover probabilities. Since the crossover probabilities are continuous variables, the deterministic approximate inference methods will be incorporated into the message passing algorithm. The proposed algorithm was applied to the synthetic data, and the results showed that the VB-based algorithm achieved much better performance than the performances of the EP-based algorithm and the standard BP algorithm. The poor performance of the EP-based algorithm was also analyzed. For the CCTDSN problem, the temperature data were collected by crossbow sensors. Four sensors were established in different locations of the laboratory and their readings were sent to the common destination. The data from one sensor were used as the SI, and the data from the other 3 sensors were compressed. The decoding algorithm considers both spatial and temporal correlations, which are in the form of Kalman filter in the factor graph. To deal with the mixtures of the discrete messages and the continuous messages (Gaussians) in the Kalman filter region of the factor graph, the EP algorithm was implemented so that all of the messages were approximated by the Gaussian distribution. The testing results on the wireless network have indicated that the proposed algorithm outperforms the prior algorithm. The SGSCUDSC consists of developing a streamlined genome sequence compression algorithm to support alternative miniaturized sequencing devices, which have limited communication, storage, and computation power. Existing techniques that require a heavy-client (encoder side) cannot be applied. To tackle this challenge, the DSC theory was carefully examined, and a customized reference-based genome compression protocol was developed to meet the low-complexity need at the client side. Based on the variation between the source and the SI, this protocol will adaptively select either syndrome coding or hash coding to compress variable lengths of code subsequences. The experimental results of the proposed method showed promising performance when compared with the state of the art algorithm (GRS)

    An Adaptive Coding Pass Scanning Algorithm for Optimal Rate Control in Biomedical Images

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    High-efficiency, high-quality biomedical image compression is desirable especially for the telemedicine applications. This paper presents an adaptive coding pass scanning (ACPS) algorithm for optimal rate control. It can identify the significant portions of an image and discard insignificant ones as early as possible. As a result, waste of computational power and memory space can be avoided. We replace the benchmark algorithm known as postcompression rate distortion (PCRD) by ACPS. Experimental results show that ACPS is preferable to PCRD in terms of the rate distortion curve and computation time