48 research outputs found

    Consensus clustering approach to group brain connectivity matrices

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    A novel approach rooted on the notion of consensus clustering, a strategy developed for community detection in complex networks, is proposed to cope with the heterogeneity that characterizes connectivity matrices in health and disease. The method can be summarized as follows: (i) define, for each node, a distance matrix for the set of subjects by comparing the connectivity pattern of that node in all pairs of subjects; (ii) cluster the distance matrix for each node; (iii) build the consensus network from the corresponding partitions; (iv) extract groups of subjects by finding the communities of the consensus network thus obtained. Differently from the previous implementations of consensus clustering, we thus propose to use the consensus strategy to combine the information arising from the connectivity patterns of each node. The proposed approach may be seen either as an exploratory technique or as an unsupervised pre-training step to help the subsequent construction of a supervised classifier. Applications on a toy model and two real data sets, show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, which represents heterogeneity of a set of subjects in terms of a weighted network, the consensus matrix

    Building a no limit Texas hold'em poker agent based on game logs using supervised learning

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    The development of competitive artificial Poker players is a challenge to Artificial Intelligence (AI) because the agent must deal with unreliable information and deception which make it essential to model the opponents to achieve good results. In this paper we propose the creation of an artificial Poker player through the analysis of past games between human players, with money involved. To accomplish this goal, we defined a classification problem that associates a given game state with the action that was performed by the player. To validate and test the defined player model, an agent that follows the learned tactic was created. The agent approximately follows the tactics from the human players, thus validating this model. However, this approach alone is insufficient to create a competitive agent, as generated strategies are static, meaning that they can't adapt to different situations. To solve this problem, we created an agent that uses a strategy that combines several tactics from different players. By using the combined strategy, the agentgreatly improved its performance against adversaries capable of modeling opponents

    HoldemML: A framework to generate No Limit Hold'em Poker agents from human player strategies

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    Developing computer programs that play Poker at human level is considered to be challenge to the A.I research community, due to its incomplete information and stochastic nature. Due to these characteristics of the game, a competitive agent must manage luck and use opponent modeling to be successful at short term and therefore be profitable. In this paper we propose the creation of No Limit Hold'em Poker agents by copying strategies of the best human players, by analyzing past games between them. To accomplish this goal, first we determine the best players on a set of game logs by determining which ones have higher winning expectation. Next, we define a classification problem to represent the player strategy, by associating a game state with the performed action. To validate and test the defined player model, the HoldemML framework was created. This framework generates agents by classifying the data present on the game logs with the goal to copy the best human player tactics. The created agents approximately follow the tactics from the counterpart human player, thus validating the defined player model. However, this approach proved to be insufficient to create a competitive agent, since the generated strategies were static, which means that they are easy prey to opponents that can perform opponent modeling. This issue can be solved by combining multiple tactics from different players. This way, the agent switches the tactic from time to time, using a simple heuristic, in order to confuse the opponent modeling mechanisms

    Abnormality Detection in Retinal Images

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    The implementation of data mining techniques in the medical area has generated great interest because of its potential for more efficient, economic and robust performance when compared to physicians. In this paper, we focus on the implementation of Multiple-Instance Learning (MIL) in the area of medical image mining, particularly to hard exudates detection in retinal images from diabetic patients. Our proposed approach deals with the highly noisy images that are common in the medical area, improving the detection specificity while keeping the sensitivity as high as possible. We have also investigated the effect of feature selection on system performance. We describe how we implement the idea of MIL on the problem of retinal image mining, discuss the issues that are characteristic of retinal images as well as issues common to other medical image mining problems, and report the results of initial experiments.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Entities with quantities : extraction, search, and ranking

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    Quantities are more than numeric values. They denote measures of the world’s entities such as heights of buildings, running times of athletes, energy efficiency of car models or energy production of power plants, all expressed in numbers with associated units. Entity-centric search and question answering (QA) are well supported by modern search engines. However, they do not work well when the queries involve quantity filters, such as searching for athletes who ran 200m under 20 seconds or companies with quarterly revenue above $2 Billion. State-of-the-art systems fail to understand the quantities, including the condition (less than, above, etc.), the unit of interest (seconds, dollar, etc.), and the context of the quantity (200m race, quarterly revenue, etc.). QA systems based on structured knowledge bases (KBs) also fail as quantities are poorly covered by state-of-the-art KBs. In this dissertation, we developed new methods to advance the state-of-the-art on quantity knowledge extraction and search.Zahlen sind mehr als nur numerische Werte. Sie beschreiben Maße von Entitäten wie die Höhe von Gebäuden, die Laufzeit von Sportlern, die Energieeffizienz von Automodellen oder die Energieerzeugung von Kraftwerken - jeweils ausgedrückt durch Zahlen mit zugehörigen Einheiten. Entitätszentriete Anfragen und direktes Question-Answering werden von Suchmaschinen häufig gut unterstützt. Sie funktionieren jedoch nicht gut, wenn die Fragen Zahlenfilter beinhalten, wie z. B. die Suche nach Sportlern, die 200m unter 20 Sekunden gelaufen sind, oder nach Unternehmen mit einem Quartalsumsatz von über 2 Milliarden US-Dollar. Selbst moderne Systeme schaffen es nicht, Quantitäten, einschließlich der genannten Bedingungen (weniger als, über, etc.), der Maßeinheiten (Sekunden, Dollar, etc.) und des Kontexts (200-Meter-Rennen, Quartalsumsatz usw.), zu verstehen. Auch QA-Systeme, die auf strukturierten Wissensbanken (“Knowledge Bases”, KBs) aufgebaut sind, versagen, da quantitative Eigenschaften von modernen KBs kaum erfasst werden. In dieser Dissertation werden neue Methoden entwickelt, um den Stand der Technik zur Wissensextraktion und -suche von Quantitäten voranzutreiben. Unsere Hauptbeiträge sind die folgenden: • Zunächst präsentieren wir Qsearch [Ho et al., 2019, Ho et al., 2020] – ein System, das mit erweiterten Fragen mit Quantitätsfiltern umgehen kann, indem es Hinweise verwendet, die sowohl in der Frage als auch in den Textquellen vorhanden sind. Qsearch umfasst zwei Hauptbeiträge. Der erste Beitrag ist ein tiefes neuronales Netzwerkmodell, das für die Extraktion quantitätszentrierter Tupel aus Textquellen entwickelt wurde. Der zweite Beitrag ist ein neuartiges Query-Matching-Modell zum Finden und zur Reihung passender Tupel. • Zweitens, um beim Vorgang heterogene Tabellen einzubinden, stellen wir QuTE [Ho et al., 2021a, Ho et al., 2021b] vor – ein System zum Extrahieren von Quantitätsinformationen aus Webquellen, insbesondere Ad-hoc Webtabellen in HTML-Seiten. Der Beitrag von QuTE umfasst eine Methode zur Verknüpfung von Quantitäts- und Entitätsspalten, für die externe Textquellen genutzt werden. Zur Beantwortung von Fragen kontextualisieren wir die extrahierten Entitäts-Quantitäts-Paare mit informativen Hinweisen aus der Tabelle und stellen eine neue Methode zur Konsolidierung und verbesserteer Reihung von Antwortkandidaten durch Inter-Fakten-Konsistenz vor. • Drittens stellen wir QL [Ho et al., 2022] vor – eine Recall-orientierte Methode zur Anreicherung von Knowledge Bases (KBs) mit quantitativen Fakten. Moderne KBs wie Wikidata oder YAGO decken viele Entitäten und ihre relevanten Informationen ab, übersehen aber oft wichtige quantitative Eigenschaften. QL ist frage-gesteuert und basiert auf iterativem Lernen mit zwei Hauptbeiträgen, um die KB-Abdeckung zu verbessern. Der erste Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Expansion von Fragen, um einen größeren Pool an Faktenkandidaten zu erfassen. Der zweite Beitrag ist eine Technik zur Selbstkonsistenz durch Berücksichtigung der Werteverteilungen von Quantitäten

    An Improved Search Algorithm for Optimal Multiple-Sequence Alignment

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    Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a ubiquitous problem in computational biology. Although it is NP-hard to find an optimal solution for an arbitrary number of sequences, due to the importance of this problem researchers are trying to push the limits of exact algorithms further. Since MSA can be cast as a classical path finding problem, it is attracting a growing number of AI researchers interested in heuristic search algorithms as a challenge with actual practical relevance. In this paper, we first review two previous, complementary lines of research. Based on Hirschbergs algorithm, Dynamic Programming needs O(kN^(k-1)) space to store both the search frontier and the nodes needed to reconstruct the solution path, for k sequences of length N. Best first search, on the other hand, has the advantage of bounding the search space that has to be explored using a heuristic. However, it is necessary to maintain all explored nodes up to the final solution in order to prevent the search from re-expanding them at higher cost. Earlier approaches to reduce the Closed list are either incompatible with pruning methods for the Open list, or must retain at least the boundary of the Closed list. In this article, we present an algorithm that attempts at combining the respective advantages; like A* it uses a heuristic for pruning the search space, but reduces both the maximum Open and Closed size to O(kN^(k-1)), as in Dynamic Programming. The underlying idea is to conduct a series of searches with successively increasing upper bounds, but using the DP ordering as the key for the Open priority queue. With a suitable choice of thresholds, in practice, a running time below four times that of A* can be expected. In our experiments we show that our algorithm outperforms one of the currently most successful algorithms for optimal multiple sequence alignments, Partial Expansion A*, both in time and memory. Moreover, we apply a refined heuristic based on optimal alignments not only of pairs of sequences, but of larger subsets. This idea is not new; however, to make it practically relevant we show that it is equally important to bound the heuristic computation appropriately, or the overhead can obliterate any possible gain. Furthermore, we discuss a number of improvements in time and space efficiency with regard to practical implementations. Our algorithm, used in conjunction with higher-dimensional heuristics, is able to calculate for the first time the optimal alignment for almost all of the problems in Reference 1 of the benchmark database BAliBASE

    Portfolios in Stochastic Local Search: Efficiently Computing Most Probable Explanations in Bayesian Networks

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    Portfolio methods support the combination of different algorithms and heuristics, including stochastic local search (SLS) heuristics, and have been identified as a promising approach to solve computationally hard problems. While successful in experiments, theoretical foundations and analytical results for portfolio-based SLS heuristics are less developed. This article aims to improve the understanding of the role of portfolios of heuristics in SLS. We emphasize the problem of computing most probable explanations (MPEs) in Bayesian networks (BNs). Algorithmically, we discuss a portfolio-based SLS algorithm for MPE computation, Stochastic Greedy Search (SGS). SGS supports the integration of different initialization operators (or initialization heuristics) and different search operators (greedy and noisy heuristics), thereby enabling new analytical and experimental results. Analytically, we introduce a novel Markov chain model tailored to portfolio-based SLS algorithms including SGS, thereby enabling us to analytically form expected hitting time results that explain empirical run time results. For a specific BN, we show the benefit of using a homogenous initialization portfolio. To further illustrate the portfolio approach, we consider novel additive search heuristics for handling determinism in the form of zero entries in conditional probability tables in BNs. Our additive approach adds rather than multiplies probabilities when computing the utility of an explanation. We motivate the additive measure by studying the dramatic impact of zero entries in conditional probability tables on the number of zero-probability explanations, which again complicates the search process. We consider the relationship between MAXSAT and MPE, and show that additive utility (or gain) is a generalization, to the probabilistic setting, of MAXSAT utility (or gain) used in the celebrated GSAT and WalkSAT algorithms and their descendants. Utilizing our Markov chain framework, we show that expected hitting time is a rational function - i.e. a ratio of two polynomials - of the probability of applying an additive search operator. Experimentally, we report on synthetically generated BNs as well as BNs from applications, and compare SGSs performance to that of Hugin, which performs BN inference by compilation to and propagation in clique trees. On synthetic networks, SGS speeds up computation by approximately two orders of magnitude compared to Hugin. In application networks, our approach is highly competitive in Bayesian networks with a high degree of determinism. In addition to showing that stochastic local search can be competitive with clique tree clustering, our empirical results provide an improved understanding of the circumstances under which portfolio-based SLS outperforms clique tree clustering and vice versa

    The DLV System for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

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    This paper presents the DLV system, which is widely considered the state-of-the-art implementation of disjunctive logic programming, and addresses several aspects. As for problem solving, we provide a formal definition of its kernel language, function-free disjunctive logic programs (also known as disjunctive datalog), extended by weak constraints, which are a powerful tool to express optimization problems. We then illustrate the usage of DLV as a tool for knowledge representation and reasoning, describing a new declarative programming methodology which allows one to encode complex problems (up to Δ3P\Delta^P_3-complete problems) in a declarative fashion. On the foundational side, we provide a detailed analysis of the computational complexity of the language of DLV, and by deriving new complexity results we chart a complete picture of the complexity of this language and important fragments thereof. Furthermore, we illustrate the general architecture of the DLV system which has been influenced by these results. As for applications, we overview application front-ends which have been developed on top of DLV to solve specific knowledge representation tasks, and we briefly describe the main international projects investigating the potential of the system for industrial exploitation. Finally, we report about thorough experimentation and benchmarking, which has been carried out to assess the efficiency of the system. The experimental results confirm the solidity of DLV and highlight its potential for emerging application areas like knowledge management and information integration.Comment: 56 pages, 9 figures, 6 table

    Proceedings of SAT Race 2019 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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