850 research outputs found

    Functional equivalence of grasping cerci and nuptial food gifts in promoting ejaculate transfer in katydids.

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    The function of nuptial gifts has generated longstanding debate. Nuptial gifts consumed during ejaculate transfer may allow males to transfer more ejaculate than is optimal for females. However, gifts may simultaneously represent male investment in offspring. Evolutionary loss of nuptial gifts can help elucidate pressures driving their evolution. In most katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), males transfer a spermatophore comprising two parts: the ejaculate-containing ampulla and the spermatophylax-a gelatinous gift that females eat during ejaculate transfer. Many species, however, have reduced or no spermatophylaces and many have prolonged copulation. Across 44 katydid species, we tested whether spermatophylaces and prolonged copulation following spermatophore transfer are alternative adaptations to protect the ejaculate. We also tested whether prolonged copulation was associated with (i) male cercal adaptations, helping prevent female disengagement, and (ii) female resistance behavior. As predicted, prolonged copulation following (but not before) spermatophore transfer was associated with reduced nuptial gifts, differences in the functional morphology of male cerci, and behavioral resistance by females during copulation. Furthermore, longer copulation following spermatophore transfer was associated with larger ejaculates, across species with reduced nuptial gifts. Our results demonstrate that nuptial gifts and the use of grasping cerci to prolong ejaculate transfer are functionally equivalent

    Qui va dibuixar la ratlla? Treballs de la Comisión Mixta de Límites (1853-1868)

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    L’actual frontera entre Espanya i França té el seu origen al tractat dels Pirineus del 1659 però el seu traçat i afitament precís no es va establir fins dos segles més tard. A mitjan segle XIX, durant quinze anys, una comissió d’ambdós països va recórrer els Pirineus, del Cantàbric fins a la Mediterrània, descrivint la ratlla fronterera. El seu treball quedà codificat sobre el terreny i en els acords internacionals coneguts com Tractats de Límits de Baiona. En aquesta comunicació expliquem les diferents problemàtiques que hagueren d’enfrontar els comissionats a l’hora de traçar la ratlla, des de disputes entre les comunitats locals per l’accés i ús de recursos (pastures, boscos, aigües, etc.) fins als mateixos interessos estratègics d’ambdós estats.The current border between Spain and France has its origin in the Treaty of the Pyrenees of 1659 but its outline and precise demarcation was not established until two centuries later. In the middle of the nineteenth century, a commission of both countries travelled along the Pyrenees for fifteen years, from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean sea, describing the border line. Its work was codified on the terrain and in the international agreements known as the Treaties of Limits of Bayonne. In this communication we explain the different problems that the commissioners had to confront when plotting the line, from disputes among the local communities over access and use of resources (pastures, forests, waters, etc.) to strategic interests of both states

    Wier Family Letters (SC 2749)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 2749. Letters (3) to her sister of Nancy A. Wier, written from Union County, Kentucky, and from Webster County, Kentucky under her remarried name of Nancy A. Martin; and letter to her aunt of Mollie Wier, written from Cadiz, Kentucky. Nancy writes of her health and both husbands and children, and asks about family members; she also mentions having seen a coal mine in Union County. Mollie writes of her siblings and other family, and mentions her brother Henry’s death in the army

    Prensa y política en Iberoamérica (Siglo XIX)

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    El presente libro es el resultado de un conjunto de actividades desarrolladas en el marco del proyecto presentado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires al Programa Universitario de Historia Argentina y Latinoamericana (PUHAL) del Ministerio de Educación y Deportes de la República Argentina. En el capítulo 6 titulado: “En un estilo claro, sencillo y sobre todo, tan útil” : El Semanario De Avisos y Conocimientos Útiles (1853-1868)1, se destaca el articulo de los investigadores e historiadores paraguayos Herib Caballero y Carlos Gómez Florentín, en las páginas 213 al 248

    When is an oligarchy formed? The origins and evolution of an elite. Barcelona 1850-1920

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    This paper tracks the origins and inner changes of Barcelona's economic elite in the long term. The objective is to achieve a deeper understanding of the mechanism that families and individuals developed to gain access to the elites and retain their economic position. For doing so, the paper analyzes industrial and real estate tax payers in three moments (1853-1883-1919). Through this approach we can observe that in aggregate, elites -identified as the 5% of the higher taxpayers- move from a stationary state to a progressive increase of wealth concentration. For a deeper understanding of the mechanism and inner changes of this elite, we focus in 81 families and exhaustively we have tracked down their origin and evolution. The conclusion is that their initial wealth accumulation is linked with a few specific situations. Their economic promotion seems to be related to specific windows of opportunity that open at certain moments and/or places. Once these windows of opportunity close the elites seem to progressively lock on themselves. This tendency created social circles that favored endogam

    Особенности социально-экономического развития Японии в переходный период бакумацу (1853-1868)

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    In Russian historiography there are few articles investigating the problem of Japan’s economic development during the Tokugawa period from 1602 to 1867. However, both the Russian and Western researchers covering the long Tokugawa period of more than 250 years, paid little attention to the bakumatsu period from 1853 to 1868. In terms of political history, the bakumatsu years are significant for the ending of the Tokugawa’s military government. However, from the economic viewpoint, a wide range of problems had accumulated and they became more evident due to the opening of the Japanese market for international trade. This caused dramatic changes in the country’s economic development trends. This article presents a comprehensive review of the social and economic characteristics of Japan’s development during the bakumatsu period that triggered Japan’s economic recovery and entailed industrialization in the country.В отечественной историографии наберется немного работ, которые исследуют проблему экономического развития Японии в период Токугава. Однако посвящая свои труды столь длительному периоду японской истории (эпоха Токугава продлилась более 250 лет, 1602-1867), отечественные и западные исследователи мало уделяют внимание периоду бакумацу (1853-1868). С исторической точки зрения годы бакумацу представляют собой интерес в основном как этап завершения правления династии военных правителей дома Токугава. С экономической - в это время ярко проявился весь спектр социальных, политических и экономических проблем, накопленных ранее, а также произошли резкие изменения многих тенденций экономического развития страны, что было связано с открытием японского рынка для международной торговли. Целью данной работы является комплексное изучение социально-экономических особенностей развития Японии в период бакумацу, которые стали исходными условиями для дальнейшей индустриализации страны и ее экономического подъема

    La decepción: ¿factor fundamental en la comunicación entre padres e hijos?

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    This article intends to explain the worrying increase in the number of patricides occurring in Peru. By taking into consideration psychoanalytical theory and the concept of transitional object, as well as Craib’s pivotal work on the importance of disappointment, the article argues that criminal behaviour against parents may appear when the latter systematically allow their children to do or receive anything they want; this prevents them from experiencing the “disappointment” of not seeing all their wishes fulfilled. The role of self-esteem and parent- child communication is also discussed, and an example case is provided to illustrate the article’s main claim.El presente artículo pretende explicar el preocupante incremento en el número de parricidios que ocurre en el Perú. Toma en consideración la teoría psicoanalítica y el concepto de objeto transicional, así como la obra de Craib sobre la importancia de la decepción, para sostener que las conductas criminales contra los padres pueden aparecer cuando estos sistemáticamente permiten que sus hijos hagan o reciban todo lo que deseen; es ahí donde impiden que estos últimos experimenten la “decepción” de no poder ver satisfechos todos sus deseos. También se discute el rol de la autoestima y de la comunicación padres-hijos, y se proporciona un caso de ejemplo para ilustrar la afirmación central del artículo

    Japón, entre el fin del régimen shogunal y la Restauración Meijí

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    Análisis de la evolución del Japón desde el régimen shogunal bajo los Tokugawa hasta la Restauración del régimen imperial Meijí, subrayando cuáles fueron las causas de la decadencia de aquel a lo largo del siglo XVIII y las iniciativas que, tanto desde dentro del Japón como desde fuera de él, contribuyeron a devolver el poder al emperador ya entrado el siglo XIX


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    In the Bakumatsu period (1853-1868), Japan experienced many changes and challenges. One of these challenges was regarding how to learn from the West and how to use that knowledge in the building of Japan. One of the most important institutions for such Western learning was the Bansho Shirabesho, an institution created by the Tokugawa government in 1856 to translate Western materials, provide a school for Japanese scholars, and to censor the translations of Western works. This institution eventually gave language instruction in Dutch, English, French, German, and Russian and it also gave instruction in many other practical subjects such as military science and production. This thesis examines in detail how the Shirabesho was founded, what some of the initial difficulties were and how successful it was in accomplishing the tasks it was given. It also assesses the legacy of the Shirabesho in helping to bridge the transition between the Tokugawa period's emphasis on feudal rank and the Meiji's emphasis on merit. The legacy of various scholars at the Shirabesho, including Katsu Kaishu, Katõ Hiroyuki, Nishi Amane and Tsuda Mamichi is also addressed. Finally, the thesis summarizes the evolution of the Shirabesho during the tumultuous early Meiji Period into the University of Tokyo by 1877. In addition to the thesis, in the appendix there is a full translation of a previously untranslated speech delivered by Katõ Hiroyuki in 1909 concerning the Bansho Shirabesho