1,038 research outputs found

    Перспективы формирования библиографического репертуара русской книги и периодики

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    The roundtable discussion “Prospects of formation of the bibliographic repertoire of Russian books and periodicals” was held on 27 October, 2016 at the Russian State Library. There were made and discussed presentations devoted to creation of the “Union catalogue of Russian books 1801-1825”, possible ways of formation of the repertoire of Russian books 1826-1917, and implementation of the project on creation of database of the repertoire of Russian journals and continued editions 1728-1917.Заседание круглого стола «Перспективы формирования библиографического репертуара русской книги и периодики» прошло 27 октября 2016 г. в Российской государственной библиотеке. Были заслушаны и обсуждены сообщения, посвященные созданию «Сводного каталога русской книги, 1801-1825», возможным путям формирования репертуара русской книги 1826-1917 гг., реализации проекта подготовки базы данных - репертуара русских журналов и продолжающихся изданий 1728-1917 годов

    The demographics of global corporate champions

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    This Working Paper presents a novel dataset documenting the demographics of the worldâ??s 500 largest companies by market capitalisation.The data illustrate a stark contrast between the main global economic regions. In Europe and Japan, large companies tend to be fairly old. In the United States, older champions coexist with a significant number of new ones. In emerging economies, most champions were born in the second half of the 20th century and reflect a rapid catch-up growth process.

    Barrientos v. 1801-1825 Morton LLC: Striving for Balance – The Impact of Fair Market Rent on Low-Income Renters and Landlords in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

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    In its simplest form, Barrientos v. 1801-1825 Morton LLC is a housing law dispute between a landlord and numerous tenants. Morton LLC is the landlord of an apartment complex subject to the Los Angeles Rental Stabilization Ordinance (LARSO). The tenants live in Morton LLC’s units and receive Section 8 assistance from the federal government. The dispute arose when Morton LLC served eviction notices to the Section 8 tenants, citing a “business or economic” reason for the eviction as allowed by a federal regulation. The tenants filed suit, arguing that the eviction notice violated LARSO’s eviction protections. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit concluded that the local rental ordinance’s eviction protections were not preempted by the federal regulation, therefore making the no-fault, “business or economic” reason an impermissible way to evict the Section 8 tenants from their units. In the Background section, this Case Note will begin by providing foundation and context for understanding the conflict in Barrientos. First, this Note will emphasize three specific parts of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program: the program’s purpose, contract structure, and subsidy payment system. Next, this Note will outline the facts, procedural history, and relevant case law before explaining the Ninth Circuit’s analysis and holding. Following the Background section, this Case Note will analyze the Barrientos decision by examining the FMR arguments raised in the parties’ appellate briefs. To supplement this discussion, this Note will use San Francisco, California as an example to illustrate the discrepancy between FMR estimates and actual market rent. Finally, this Note will discuss the implications of undervalued FMRs for landlords and tenants in the current market, and will suggest a possible solution to ensure the Section 8 HCV program remains effective for low-income renters

    The origin of the "European Medieval Warm Period"

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    Proxy records and results of a three dimensional climate model show that European summer temperatures roughly a millennium ago were comparable to those of the last 25 years of the 20th century, supporting the existence of a summer "Medieval Warm Period" in Europe. Those two relatively mild periods were separated by a rather cold era, often referred to as the "Little Ice Age". Our modelling results suggest that the warm summer conditions during the early second millennium compared to the climate background state of the 13th–18th century are due to a large extent to the long term cooling induced by changes in land-use in Europe. During the last 200 years, the effect of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, which was partly levelled off by that of sulphate aerosols, has dominated the climate history over Europe in summer. This induces a clear warming during the last 200 years, allowing summer temperature during the last 25 years to reach back the values simulated for the early second millennium. Volcanic and solar forcing plays a weaker role in this comparison between the last 25 years of the 20th century and the early second millennium. Our hypothesis appears consistent with proxy records but modelling results have to be weighted against the existing uncertainties in the external forcing factors, in particular related to land-use changes, and against the uncertainty of the regional climate sensitivity. Evidence for winter is more equivocal than for summer. The forced response in the model displays a clear temperature maximum at the end of the 20th century. However, the uncertainties are too large to state that this period is the warmest of the past millennium in Europe during winter


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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi kondisi situs sejarah berupa makam Sultan Banjar di kawasan lahan basah Kesultanan Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan tahun 1526-1860 yang belum didaftarkan, diregister serta ditetapkan menjadi Cagar Budaya. Tujuan penelitian menginventarisasi lokasi, bentuk (tipologi) dan ragam hias Makam Sultan Banjar. Sebagai bahan masukan kebijakan Dinas Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Kota Banjarmasin maupun Kabupaten Banjar dalam rangka pencatatan, pendaftaran, register hingga penetapan Cagar Budaya. Hal ini sesuai fokus bidang Riset Unggulan ULM yakni pendidikan dan seni budaya. Penelitian menggunakan metode sejarah, pendekatan arkeologis. Hasil inventarisasi dari 17 Sultan Banjar hanya 9 makam teridentifikasi, sementara 7 makam yang diduga di Martapura dan 1 di Bogor (Jawa Barat) tidak ditemukan lokasinya. Kondisi makam teridentifikasi bervariasi mulai terawat, kurang terawat hingga tidak terawat (terbengkalai). Makam terdiri dari unsur jirat, nisan, dan cungkup. Bahan pembuatan nisan dan jirat yaitu kayu, batu, bata dan logam. Terdapat tiga langgam nisan, yaitu langgam Aceh, Demak Troloyo dan lokal. Ragam hias makam terdiri atas motif flora, garis lurus, lingkaran, segitiga, dan jajaran genjang. Kesimpulan bahwa makam 16 Sultan Banjar yang pernah memerintah di lahan basah Kesultanan Banjar tahun 1526-1860 tersebar di wilayah Banjarmasin, Martapura dan Bogor. Kondisi bervariasi mulai terawat, kurang terawat dan terbengkalai sehingga perlu perhatian instansi berwewenang dan masyaraka


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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi kondisi situs sejarah berupa makam Sultan Banjar di kawasan lahan basah Kesultanan Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan tahun 1526-1860 yang belum didaftarkan, diregister serta ditetapkan menjadi Cagar Budaya. Tujuan penelitian menginventarisasi lokasi, bentuk (tipologi) dan ragam hias Makam Sultan Banjar. Sebagai bahan masukan kebijakan Dinas Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Kota Banjarmasin maupun Kabupaten Banjar dalam rangka pencatatan, pendaftaran, register hingga penetapan Cagar Budaya. Hal ini sesuai fokus bidang Riset Unggulan ULM yakni pendidikan dan seni budaya. Penelitian menggunakan metode sejarah, pendekatan arkeologis. Hasil inventarisasi dari 17 Sultan Banjar hanya 9 makam teridentifikasi, sementara 7 makam yang diduga di Martapura dan 1 di Bogor (Jawa Barat) tidak ditemukan lokasinya. Kondisi makam teridentifikasi bervariasi mulai terawat, kurang terawat hingga tidak terawat (terbengkalai). Makam terdiri dari unsur jirat, nisan, dan cungkup. Bahan pembuatan nisan dan jirat yaitu kayu, batu, bata dan logam. Terdapat tiga langgam nisan, yaitu langgam Aceh, Demak Troloyo dan lokal. Ragam hias makam terdiri atas motif flora, garis lurus, lingkaran, segitiga, dan jajaran genjang. Kesimpulan bahwa makam 16 Sultan Banjar yang pernah memerintah di lahan basah Kesultanan Banjar tahun 1526-1860 tersebar di wilayah Banjarmasin, Martapura dan Bogor. Kondisi bervariasi mulai terawat, kurang terawat dan terbengkalai sehingga perlu perhatian instansi berwewenang dan masyaraka