77 research outputs found

    Effective representation of RT-LOTOS terms by finite time petri nets

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    The paper describes a transformational approach for the specification and formal verification of concurrent and real-time systems. At upper level, one system is specified using the timed process algebra RT-LOTOS. The output of the proposed transformation is a Time Petri net (TPN). The paper particularly shows how a TPN can be automatically constructed from an RT-LOTOS specification using a compositionally defined mapping. The proof of the translation consistency is sketched in the paper and developed in [1]. The RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns formalized in the paper are being implemented. in a prototype tool. This enables reusing TPNs verification techniques and tools for the profit of RT-LOTOS

    Colored Petri Net: Its application to Sucrose Biosynthesis Pathway in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Sucrose plays major role as macromolecule used in organisms including Plasmodium falciparum (P.f.) to generate glucose for energy production in the glycolysis pathway. A metabolic pathway is a series of chemical reactions, which goes through various intermediate compounds to transform input compounds into a product. In this work, we modelled a metabolic pathway in Plasmodium falciparum using Colored Petri Net Markup Language (CPNML). The model was used to examine the dynamic behavior of the sucrose biosynthesis pathway which shows the interactions between the metabolites and the reactions in the sucrose biosynthesis pathway of Plasmodium falciparum. We further analyzed the model for its structural and quantitative properties using Petri Net theory. Our model gives more insight to the structure of the pathway and helps to improve our understanding of the biological processes within this pathway.Keywords: Sucrose, Colored Petri Net, Plasmodium falciparu

    Mapping RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri Nets

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    RT-LOTOS is a timed process algebra which enables compact and abstract specification of real-time systems. This paper proposes and illustrates a structural translation of RT-LOTOS terms into behaviorally equivalent (timed bisimilar) finite Time Petri nets. It is therefore possible to apply Time Petri nets verification techniques to the profit of RT-LOTOS. Our approach has been implemented in RTL2TPN, a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN. The latter is verified using TINA, a TPN analyzer developed by LAAS-CNRS. The toolkit made of RTL2TPN and TINA has been positively benchmarked against previously developed RT-LOTOS verification tool

    Structuring and composability issues in Petri nets modeling

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    Along Petri nets' history, numerous approaches have been proposed that try to manage model size through the introduction of structuring mechanisms allowing hierarchical representations and model composability. This paper proposes a classification system for Petri nets' structuring mechanisms and discusses each one of them. These include node fusion, node vectors, high-level nets, and object-oriented inspired Petri nets extensions, among others. One running example is used emphasizing the application of the presented mechanisms to specific areas, namely to automation systems modeling, and software engineering, where object-oriented modeling plays a major role

    Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams and Regular Models

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    This paper presents algorithms and data structures that exploit a compositional and hierarchical specification to enable more efficient symbolic model-checking. We encode the state space and transition relation using hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) [9]. In SDD, arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD. To exploit the hierarchy of SDD, a structured model representation is needed. We thus introduce a formalism integrating a simple notion of type and instance. Complex composite behaviors are obtained using a synchronization mechanism borrowed from process calculi. Using this relatively general framework, we investigate how to capture similarities in regular and concurrent models. Experimental results are presented, showing that this approach can outperform in time and memory previous work in this area

    The MaggLite Post-WIMP Toolkit: Draw It, Connect It and Run It

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    International audienceThis article presents MaggLite, a toolkit and sketch-based interface builder allowing fast and interactive design of post-WIMP user interfaces. MaggLite improves design of advanced UIs thanks to its novel mixed-graph architecture that dynamically combines scene-graphs with interaction- graphs. Scene-graphs provide mechanisms to describe and produce rich graphical effects, whereas interaction-graphs allow expressive and fine-grained description of advanced interaction techniques and behaviors such as multiple pointers management, toolglasses, bimanual interaction, gesture, and speech recognition. Both graphs can be built interactively by sketching the UI and specifying the interaction using a dataflow visual language. Communication between the two graphs is managed at runtime by components we call Interaction Access Points. While developers can extend the toolkit by refining built-in generic mechanisms, UI designers can quickly and interactively design, prototype and test advanced user interfaces by applying the MaggLite principle: "draw it, connect it and run it"

    On the verification of EPCs using T-invariants

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    To verify a (business) process model, for example expressed in terms of an Event-driven Process Chain (EPC), most of the approaches described in literature require the construction of its state space. Unfortunately, for complex business processes the state space can be extremely large (if at all finite) and, as a result, constructing the state space may require excessive time. Moreover, semi-formal modeling languages such as the EPC language require a rather lenient interpretation of their semantics. To circumvent both the state-explosion problem and the semantics-related problems of EPCs, we propose an alternative approach based on transition invariants (T-invariants). T-invariants are well-known in the Petri-net community. They do not require the construction of the state space and can be computed efficiently. Moreover, we will show that our interpretation of T-invariants in this context can be used to deal effectively with the semantics-related problems of EPCs. To demonstrate our approach we will use two case studies: one is based on the reference model of SAP R/3 while the other one is based on a trade execution process within a large Dutch bank. We will also argue that the approach can be applied to other (informal or formal) modeling techniques