151 research outputs found

    THE STANCE LOGISTICS: An Attempt to Adapt Logistics Principles on Human and Inter-human Movement Behaviors

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    The broad span of Logistics Management encompasses control of time, place, movement, energy (efforts, labor), as well as the positioning, stance and movement of products, materials, commodities, and people. This study coins the term Stance Logistics to focus on the stance and movement of people within the range of Logistics principles. The philosophy behind this is to enhance the required sensitivity with respect to management and control of time, place, movement, motion, stance and energy in material and nonmaterial exchanges and in all types of human encounters. Stance Logistics includes not only the “on foot” (pedestrian) or “in-vehicle” (automated) movements and public behaviour in stopping, standing, and positioning, but also individual predisposition of physical and mental response, and awareness (aesthesia). This essay describes the application of the scientific principles of Logistics to the personal experiences of people. Current Logistics literature includes mostly models developed on pedestrian and evacuation movement behaviour. To the author’s knowledge, however, there is nothing documented on the issue of personal individual Logistics Stance. Behaviours, especially that of blocking other people’s ways and passages, intervening, rudeness and queue-jumping in various environmental settings have not been extensively studied, if at all, whether during walking, pausing, stopping, face-to-face encounters, standing or waiting in lines and lanes or waiting for an elevator or metro train door to open. This study seeks underlying clues to increase sensitivity and awareness of people’s movement particularly in public areas by shedding light on Logistics behaviours of people. When combined with applicable models of pedestrian movements and integrated with the general principles of Logistics, Stance Logistics can serve as an important guide to facilitate the daily activities of many people. It is believed that, this exploratory study will pave the way for further research to produce promising results on the aspects of this new concept of Stance Logistic

    Motion Planning : from Digital Actors to Humanoid Robots

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    Le but de ce travail est de développer des algorithmes de planification de mouvement pour des figures anthropomorphes en tenant compte de la géométrie, de la cinématique et de la dynamique du mécanisme et de son environnement. Par planification de mouvement, on entend la capacité de donner des directives à un niveau élevé et de les transformer en instructions de bas niveau qui produiront une séquence de valeurs articulaires qui reproduissent les mouvements humains. Ces instructions doivent considérer l'évitement des obstacles dans un environnement qui peut être plus au moins contraint. Ceci a comme consequence que l'on peut exprimer des directives comme “porte ce plat de la table jusqu'ac'estu coin du piano”, qui seront ensuite traduites en une série de buts intermédiaires et de contraintes qui produiront les mouvements appropriés des articulations du robot, de façon a effectuer l'action demandée tout en evitant les obstacles dans la chambre. Nos algorithmes se basent sur l'observation que les humains ne planifient pas des mouvements précis pour aller à un endroit donné. On planifie grossièrement la direction de marche et, tout en avançant, on exécute les mouvements nécessaires des articulations afin de nous mener à l'endroit voulu. Nous avons donc cherché à concevoir des algorithmes au sein d'un tel paradigme, algorithmes qui: 1. Produisent un chemin sans collision avec une version réduite du mécanisme et qui le mènent au but spécifié. 2. Utilisent les contrôleurs disponibles pour générer un mouvement qui assigne des valeurs à chacune des articulations du mécanisme pour suivre le chemin trouvé précédemment. 3. Modifient itérativement ces trajectoires jusqu'à ce que toutes les contraintes géométriques, cinématiques et dynamiques soient satisfaites. Dans ce travail nous appliquons cette approche à trois étages au problème de la planification de mouvements pour des figures anthropomorphes qui manipulent des objets encombrants tout en marchant. Dans le processus, plusieurs problèmes intéressants, ainsi que des propositions pour les résoudre, sont présentés. Ces problèmes sont principalement l'évitement tri-dimensionnel des obstacles, la manipulation des objets à deux mains, la manipulation coopérative des objets et la combinaison de comportements hétérogènes. La contribution principale de ce travail est la modélisation du problème de la génération automatique des mouvements de manipulation et de locomotion. Ce modèle considère les difficultés exprimées ci dessus, dans les contexte de mécanismes bipèdes. Trois principes fondent notre modèle: une décomposition fonctionnelle des membres du mécanisme, un modèle de manipulation coopérative et, un modéle simplifié des facultés de déplacement du mécanisme dans son environnement.Ce travail est principalement et surtout, un travail de synthèse. Nous nous servons des techniques disponibles pour commander la locomotion des mécanismes bipèdes (contrôleurs) provenant soit de l'animation par ordinateur, soit de la robotique humanoïde, et nous les relions dans un planificateur des mouvements original. Ce planificateur de mouvements est agnostique vis-à-vis du contrôleur utilisé, c'est-à-dire qu'il est capable de produire des mouvements libres de collision avec n'importe quel contrôleur tandis que les entrées et sorties restent compatibles. Naturellement, l'exécution de notre planificateur dépend en grand partie de la qualité du contrôleur utilisé. Dans cette thèse, le planificateur de mouvement est relié à différents contrôleurs et ses bonnes performances sont validées avec des mécanismes différents, tant virtuels que physiques. Ce travail à été fait dans le cadre des projets de recherche communs entre la France, la Russie et le Japon, où nous avons fourni le cadre de planification de mouvement à ses différents contrôleurs. Plusieurs publications issues de ces collaborations ont été présentées dans des conférences internationales. Ces résultats sont compilés et présentés dans cette thèse, et le choix des techniques ainsi que les avantages et inconvénients de notre approche sont discutés. ABSTRACT : The goal of this work is to develop motion planning algorithms for human-like figures taking into account the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of the mechanism and its environment. By motion planning it is understood the ability to specify high-level directives and transform them into low-level instructions for the articulations of the human-like figure. This is usually done while considering obstacle avoidance within the environment. This results in one being able to express directives as “carry this plate from the table to the piano corner” and have them translate into a series of goals and constraints that result in the pertinent motions from the robot's articulations in such a way as to carry out the action while avoiding collisions with the obstacles in the room. Our algorithms are based on the observation that humans do not plan their exact motions when getting to a location. We roughly plan our direction and, as we advance, we execute the motions needed to get to the desired place. This has led us to design algorithms that: 1. Produce a rough collision free path that takes a simplified model of the mechanism to the desired location. 2. Use available controllers to generate a trajectory that assigns values to each of the mechanism's articulations to follow the path. 3. Modify iteratively these trajectories until all the geometric, kinematic and dynamic constraints of the problem are satisfied.Throughout this work, we apply this three-stage approach with the problem of generating motions for human-like figures that manipulate bulky objects while walking. In the process, several interesting problems and their solution are brought into focus. These problems are, three- imensional collision avoidance, two-hand object manipulation, cooperative manipulation among several characters or robots and the combination of different behaviors. The main contribution of this work is the modeling of the automatic generation of cooperative manipulation motions. This model considers the above difficulties, all in the context of bipedal walking mechanisms. Three principles inform the model: a functional decomposition of the mechanism's limbs, a model for cooperative manipulation and, a simplified model to represent the mechanism when generating the rough path. This work is mainly and above all, one of synthesis. We make use of available techniques for controlling locomotion of bipedal mechanisms (controllers), from the fields of computer graphics and robotics, and connect them to a novel motion planner. This motion planner is controller-agnostic, that is, it is able to produce collision-free motions with any controller, despite whatever errors introduced by the controller itself. Of course, the performance of our motion planner depends on the quality of the used controller. In this thesis, the motion planner, connected to different controllers, is used and tested in different mechanisms, both virtual and physical. This in the context of different research projects in France, Russia and Japan, where we have provided the motion planning framework to their controllers. Several papers in peer-reviewed international conferences have resulted from these collaborations. The present work compiles these results and provides a more comprehensive and detailed depiction of the system and its benefits, both when applied to different mechanisms and compared to alternative approache

    The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth in an Online Travel Community on Travel Decisions: A Case Study

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    As a result of embracing the Internet, online travel communities have become an important information source for travelers. The members of these communities communicate through postings called electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) the act of sharing information on a particular topic. Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is informal communications among consumers regarding the usage or characteristics of goods and services on the Internet (Litvin, Goldsmith, and Pan, 2008). Furthermore, the influence of eWOM has been found to be influential on consumer purchasing behavior (Guernsey, 2000). Thus, an understanding of the potential of eWOM in online travel communities on travel decisions has implications for tourism marketers as well as researchers. The purpose of this research is to examine a single online travel community in order to conduct an in depth analysis of the influence of eWOM on travel decisions. The study uses online travel community postings (eWOM) to explore the types of travel decisions that are discussed, influence of eWOM on these decisions, the types of members and their specific influence on types of travel decisions, the information types provided by the members, the activity level of members and their influence on travel decisions of other members. Thorn Tree Forum, part of Lonely Planet website is the online travel community studied for this research. In an effort to select a sample that would yield maximum variation, treemaps, and purposeful sampling is used to select eight country forums to use as the framework for collecting community member postings. Postings are collected for an eight month period. Data collection and analysis used a multistep process that included thematic networks, coding for influence and details of information shared among members. The results suggest that eWOM in this online travel community influence travel decisions including accommodation choice, food and beverage recommendations, transportation options, safety of the destination, monetary issues, destination information, and itinerary refinements. Residents were influential in accommodations, food and beverages, and destination information, whereas experienced travelers influenced all types of travel decisions except accommodations. Information types identified include warnings, advice/tips, recommendations, and clarifications. Clarifications were the most influential postings, followed by recommendations and advice/tips. The members were categorized into three types low, medium, and high activity level members. Medium activity level members were the most influential members followed by low and high activity level members. The results of this study provide direction for theoretical development of using online travel communities for travel decision making and provide managerial guidance for utilization of online travel communities for enhancing travel products and destination

    New Alterities and Emerging Cultures of Social Interaction

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    Globalization has generated increased societal heterogeneity and awakened interest of a new kind in social cohesion and integration. But globalization is not the only contemporary process to give rise to societal hybridization. Two other such processes - much less attended to in the theoretical debate but no less problematic as regards social integration - are societal ageing and robotization. Drawing on statistical estimates, this paper begins by assessing the relevance of these new processes of hybridization. The predictions in question indicate that in the near future, everyday interaction, not just with cultural strangers and 'intelligent' machines, but also with people suffering from dementia, will be an omnipresent phenomenon, confronting our societies with types and degrees of alterity never before encountered. Whereas contact with cultural strangers is to some extent familiar (though not yet taken as standard), interaction with intelligent technological devices and dementia sufferers represent new forms of alterity for which most societies have not yet established routines of conduct. This paper gives a detailed account of a number of empirical studies showing how new forms of hybrid interaction and cooperation evolve out of repeated contact with each of the three alterities. With this groundwork in place, the paper then attempts to identify not only the ways in which routines may develop out of interaction with the three alterities but also the trends towards, and prerequisites for, the emergence of a new culture of cooperation and interaction

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    RISD XYZ Spring/Summer 2014: Natural Instincts | Full Issue

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    As ANIMALS, WE\u27RE ALL PART OF NATURE, sharing DNA with fish, trees, rocks—everything that came to be with the big bang. We’re also dependent on nature for everything: water, oxygen, food, life. And as the animals currently at the top of the food chain, we’re responsible for respecting and caring for it, too... So what do we do when faced with both the fury and fragility of nature? Do we shrug it off, thinking: “the planet is ruined and we’re screwed,” as Associate Professor Damian White asks (page 52)? Or do we take science seriously and recognize that whatever we do to the earth we do to ourselves? This is just the tip of the iceberg fueling a resurgence of interest among RISD artists and designers who are grappling with matters of human folly, sustainability, global warming and more... . From the editor\u27s message by Liisa Silanderhttps://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdxyz_springsummer2014/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Rockefeller Foundation - 1993 Annual Report

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    Contains statement of mission and vision, president's message, program information, grants list, financial statements, and list of board members and staff

    Association of Architecture Schools in Australasia

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    "Techniques and Technologies: Transfer and Transformation", proceedings of the 2007 AASA Conference held September 27-29, 2007, at the School of Architecture, UTS

    EDU-COM 2004 International conference: new challenges for sustainability and growth in higher education

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    EDU-COM 2004, an international conference held in Khon Kaen, Thailand from the 24th to the 26th November, 2004 took the theme: New Challenges for Sustainability and Growth in Higher Education. EDU-COM 2004 was sponsored and organised by Edith Cowan University, Khon Kaen University and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University/ The Conference was structured to address five sub-themes pertinent to the challenges facing higher education worldwide: • Collaboration between campus and community in Higher Education • Collaboration targeting multi-cultural and cross-cultural issues in Higher Education • Collaboration through new teaching and learning technologies in Higher Education • Collaboration for quality: valuing and evaluating performance in Higher Education • Collaboration for effective governance in Higher Education Contributors were invited to address on or more of these sub-themes. All papers published in these proceedings reflect the drive for richer learning experiences, improved learning environments and recognition of the importance of the local community as technology enables us to think globally. Predictably perhaps, e-education brought the most substantial response, a clear indication of the perceived potential for new technologies to influence teaching, learning and administration in higher education. The papers also highlight some of the challenges and emerging expectations for higher education in a world that is increasingly characterised by international alliances, partnerships and tensions – a search for sustainability and equity in a period of rapid social and technological change. The Proceedings are in 3 sections. Section 1 – Keynote Speakers; Section 2 – Academic Peer Reviewed Papers: Section 3 - “Work in Progress”. EDU-COM 2004 was attended by delegates from Australia, Botswana, Cambodia, China, Denmark, England, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Lao, Myanamar, Singapore, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam
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