194 research outputs found

    Economic aspects of FPGA technology

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    En este PFC se ha recogido y analizado diversa información acerca de la tecnología de Xilinx. Incluyendo los datasheets de Xilinx notas del E.E. Times, informes financieros, y artículos de internet. Todos los datos se han unificado en unas ciento cincuenta figuras y tablas. Además, se han revisado los proceedings de la conferencia FPL desde 1991 (la primera en Oxford) hasta 2013 (el último en Porto).In this PFC, diverse information about Xilinx technology has been collected and analyzed. It includes Xilinx datasheets, notes on E.E. Times, financial reports, and Internet articles. All the data have been unified in around one hundred and fifty figures and tables. In addition, FPL proceedings from 1991 (the first in Oxford) to 2013 (the last in Porto) have been revised

    A Task-Graph Execution Manager for Reconfigurable Multi-tasking Systems

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    Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build multi tasking systems that dynamically adapt themselves to the requirements of the running applications. This is especially useful in embedded systems, since the available resources are very limited and the reconfigurable hardware can be reused for different applications. In these systems computations are frequently represented as task graphs that are executed taking into account their internal dependencies and the task schedule. The management of the task graph execution is critical for the system performance. In this regard, we have developed two dif erent versions, a software module and a hardware architecture, of a generic task-graph execution manager for reconfigurable multi-tasking systems. The second version reduces the run-time management overheads by almost two orders of magnitude. Hence it is especially suitable for systems with exigent timing constraints. Both versions include specific support to optimize the reconfiguration process

    Influence of temperature and moisture content in Non-destructive values of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

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    Good results evaluating material properties using non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques have been achieved for decades. Several studies to understand the influence of temperature and moisture content on NDT have concluded different effects. In this study, NDT parameters were measured on the principal structural Spanish sawn timber species, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). NDT were conducted on 216 specimens of nominal dimensions 20 by 20 by 400 mm. Specimens were divided into several groups and studied at six different temperatures and four different moisture contents. Commercial equipment and techniques applied were Sylvatest Duo (ultrasonic wave technique), Steinkamp BPV (ultrasonic wave technique), and Grindo Sonic Mk5 "Industrial" (vibration analysis technique). Differences in NDT values within specimens at different temperatures and moisture contents were obtained. Main results of this study and relationships that describe changes in NDT values by effect of temperature and moisture content are presented

    Operating System Concepts for Reconfigurable Computing: Review and Survey

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    One of the key future challenges for reconfigurable computing is to enable higher design productivity and a more easy way to use reconfigurable computing systems for users that are unfamiliar with the underlying concepts. One way of doing this is to provide standardization and abstraction, usually supported and enforced by an operating system. This article gives historical review and a summary on ideas and key concepts to include reconfigurable computing aspects in operating systems. The article also presents an overview on published and available operating systems targeting the area of reconfigurable computing. The purpose of this article is to identify and summarize common patterns among those systems that can be seen as de facto standard. Furthermore, open problems, not covered by these already available systems, are identified

    Architecture for Document Clustering in Reconfigurable Hardware, Master\u27s Thesis, December 2006

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    High-performance document clustering systems enable similar documents to automatically self-organize into groups. In the past, the large amount of computational time needed to cluster documents prevented practical use of such systems with a large number of documents. A full hardware implementation of K-means clustering has been designed and implemented in reconfigurable hardware that rapidly clusters a half million documents. Documents and concepts are represented as vectors with 4000 dimensions. The circuit was implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) logic and uses four parallel cosine distance metrics to cluster document vectors together. An exploration of the effect of the integer approximation of the cosine theta distance metric was investigated. Through experiments, measurements were performed to determine the effect of utilizing different numeric representations for the concept vectors. As compared to a full K-means implementation in software, it was found that using carefully chosen integer representations yielded clustering results that were nearly identical to results obtained using full foating-point representations. Hardware was synthesized and run on the Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) platform. This implementation on the Virtex-E 2000 FPGA ran 26 times faster than an algorithmically equivalent software running on an Intel 3.60 GHz Xeon. The same architecture was scaled to implement a faster and larger design for the Xilinx-4 LX200. This larger implementation outperformed the equivalent software version on the same Xeon by a factor of 328

    Spectral Biomimetic Technique for Wood Classification

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    Palatal clicks are most interesting for human echolocation. Moreover, these sounds are suitable for other acoustic applications due to their regular mathematical properties and reproducibility. Simple and nondestructive techniques, bioinspired by synthetized pulses whose form reproduces the best features of palatal clicks, can be developed. The use of synthetic palatal pulses also allows detailed studies of the real possibilities of acoustic human echolocation without the problems associated with subjective individual differences. These techniques are being applied to the study of wood. As an example, a comparison of the performance of both natural and synthetic human echolocation to identify three different species of wood is presented. The results show that human echolocation has a vast potential

    Assessment of the dielectric anisotropy in timber using the nondestructive GPR technique

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    In the realm of architecture ground-penetrating radar has been used as nondestructive technique to assess physical properties of wood structures in situ. However, a better understanding of the dielectric anisotropy of timber is needed to develop this application. An experiment was conducted on samples of sawn timber of different species (densities) to study their dielectric responses according to the grain directions using a GPR with a 1.6 GHz antenna. Interesting differences were found: the propagation velocities, as well as the amplitudes of the direct and reflected waves always presented lesser when the electric field was longitudinal to the grain than when transverse. But when the field was propagated in whatever transverse direction some of those parameters not differ greatly.On the other hand, this work is supported partly by the "Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-00-11)" of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Dr Briggs of the School of Forest Resources at the University of Washington, Seattle (USA).Martínez Sala, RM.; Rodríguez Abad, I.; Díez Barra, R.; Capuz Lladró, R. (2013). Assessment of the dielectric anisotropy in timber using the nondestructive GPR technique. Construction and Building Materials. 38:903-911. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.09.052S9039113

    FPGA Implementations of the DES and Triple-DES Masked Against Power Analysis Attacks

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