77 research outputs found

    Requirements Engineering in the Development Process of Web Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) is the first phase in the software development process during which designers attempt to fully satisfy users’ needs. Web Engineering (WE) methods should consider adapting RE to the Web’s large and diverse user groups. The objective of this work is to classify the literature with regard to the RE applied in WE in order to obtain the current “state-of-the-art”. The present work is based on the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method proposed by Kitchenham; we have reviewed publications from ACM, IEEE, Science Direct, DBLP and World Wide Web. From a population of 3059 papers, we identified 14 primary studies, which provide information concerning RE when used in WE methods.This work has been partially supported by the Programa de Fomento y Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación (PROFAPI) from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (México), and the MANTRA project (GRE09-17) from the University of Alicante, Spain, and GV/2011/035 from the Valencia Government

    Improving Requirements Specification in WebREd-Tool by Using a NFR's Classification

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    In Software Engineering (SE), a system has properties that emerge from the combination of its parts, these emergent properties will surely be a matter of system failure if the Non-Fuctional Requirements (NFRs), or system qualities, are not specified in advance. In Web Engineering (WE) field occurs very similar, but with some other issues related to special characteristics of the Web applications such as the navigation (with the application of the security). In this paper, we improve our Model-Driven tool, named WebREd-Tool, extending the requirements metamodel with a NFRs classification, the main idea is to help the Web application designer with the NFRs specification to make better design decisions and also to be used to validate the quality of the final Web application

    Collaboration and Decision Making in Crisis Situations

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    [EN] Emergencies are critical situations that demand immediate action to avoid adverse consequences to life and property. Recent events around the world highlight the importance of the theme. A key challenge in Emergency Management is decision-making under time pressure, with an overload of unconfirmed, uncertain and conflicting information, including the management of many people, with distinct and possibly fluid roles, in different places. Collaboration in these settings is an interesting element, since emergency response generally involves multiple agencies and the public, which, having different views, protocols and priorities, must act in concert to handle the situation. In addition, an increasing amount of virtual information is necessary to inform and manage volunteers. The goal of this workshop is to identify and map the main challenges of collaboration in crisis situations, review current research methods and approaches to address them and address the lack of formal processes, structures, methodologies and tools.Adriana S Vivacqua is partially supported by CNPq grant 308425/2012-0 and FAPERJ grant E26/103.029/2012. Vaninha Vieira is partially supported by CNPq grant 490084/2013-3Vivacqua, AS.; Garcia, ACB.; Canos Cerda, JH.; Comes, M.; Vieira, V. (2016). Collaboration and Decision Making in Crisis Situations. ACM. 503-508. https://doi.org/10.1145/2818052.2855520S50350


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    La Ingeniería de Líneas de Productos Software -Software Product Line Engineerings (SPLEs) en inglés- es una técnica de desarrollo de software que busca aplicar los principios de la fabricación industrial para la obtención de aplicaciones informáticas: esto es, una Línea de productos Software -Software Product Line (SPL)- se emplea para producir una familia de productos con características comunes, cuyos miembros, sin embargo, pueden tener características diferenciales. Identificar a priori estas características comunes y diferenciales permite maximizar la reutilización, reduciendo el tiempo y el coste del desarrollo. Describir estas relaciones con la suficiente expresividad se vuelve un aspecto fundamental para conseguir el éxito. La Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos -Model Driven Engineering (MDE) en inglés- se ha revelado en los últimos años como un paradigma que permite tratar con artefactos software con un alto nivel de abstracción de forma efectiva. Gracias a ello, las SPLs puede aprovecharse en granmedida de los estándares y herramientas que han surgido dentro de la comunidad de MDE. No obstante, aún no se ha conseguido una buena integración entre SPLE y MDE, y como consecuencia, los mecanismos para la gestión de la variabilidad no son suficientemente expresivos. De esta manera, no es posible integrar la variabilidad de forma eficiente en procesos complejos de desarrollo de software donde las diferentes vistas de un sistema, las transformaciones de modelos y la generación de código juegan un papel fundamental. Esta tesis presenta MULTIPLE, un marco de trabajo y una herramienta que persiguen integrar de forma precisa y eficiente los mecanismos de gestión de variabilidad propios de las SPLs dentro de los procesos de MDE. MULTIPLE proporciona lenguajes específicos de dominio para especificar diferentes vistas de los sistemas software. Entre ellas se hace especial hincapié en la vista de variabilidad ya que es determinante para la especificación de SPLs.Gómez Llana, A. (2012). MODEL DRIVEN SOFTWARE PRODUCT LINE ENGINEERING: SYSTEM VARIABILITY VIEW AND PROCESS IMPLICATIONS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15075Palanci

    Métodos de ingeniería web dirigidos por modelos: una revisión de literatura

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta algunos de los métodos de ingeniería Web dirigida por modelos que se han propuesto. En él se discuten y analizan las ventajas y desventajas de dichos métodos con relación a las tendencias actuales y las mejores prácticas en la ingeniería dirigida por modelos. La idea es presentar cada método y analizar los modelos que propone para representar aplicaciones Web, los aspectos arquitectónicos en las transformaciones y el uso de tecnologías actuales de interfaz de usuario Web en el código generado. Esto se hace con el fin de vislumbrar posibles líneas de investigación para trabajos futuros en el área de la ingeniería Web dirigida por modelos.ABSTRACT: This paper presents some of the model-driven Web engineering methods that have been proposed, and discusses and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of such methods regarding current tendencies and best practices on model-driven engineering. The idea is to present each approach and analyze the models they propose to represent Web applications, the architectural aspects in the transformations, and the use of current Web user interface technologies in the generated code. This is done in order to depict possible research lines for future works on the model-driven Web engineering area

    Derivación de casos de prueba a partir de escenarios

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    Como se describió en un artículo precedente [Kaplan 15], este proyecto tiene por objetivo concebir un mecanismo para generar tempranamente los casos de prueba partiendo del conocimiento obtenido en la etapa de Ingeniería de Requisitos (IR), particularmente del proceso de requisitos basado en escenarios [Leite 97] [Leite 04]. En dicha oportunidad se presentó la propuesta general del proyecto, mientras que en el presente artículo se profundiza la relación escenarios futuros – casos de prueba (EFCP) y se describe un mecanismo de derivación automática. En muchos casos, la etapa de prueba es la variable de ajuste cuando los tiempos y el presupuesto de un proyecto están en crisis. Lograr que las pruebas, total o parcialmente, se realicen después de cada modificación asegura la calidad de los requisitos del software. Esto fuerza la necesidad de una creación, actualización y ejecución de los CP automática, con el objetivo de probar el software tantas veces como sea necesario. Que además permitan la mínima distracción de las etapas en desarrollo y a un bajo costo es indispensable para que no se trasformen en un elemento de perturbación. Cabe destacar que, al ser una actividad transversal en el proceso de construcción del software, estos CP evolucionan durante el diseño ya que es cuando se conoce en qué componente de software se alojará cada requisito (software allocation). Este nuevo conocimiento permite generar CP de caja blanca con un alto nivel de detalle.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ten Years of Rich Internet Applications: A Systematic Mapping Study, and Beyond

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    BACKGROUND: The term Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) is generally associated with Web appli- cations that provide the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. Ten years after the introduction of the term, an ample amount of research has been carried out to study various aspects of RIAs. It has thus become essential to summarize this research and provide an adequate overview. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study is to assemble, classify and analyze all RIA research performed in the scienti c community, thus providing a consolidated overview thereof, and to identify well-established topics, trends and open research issues. Additionally, we provide a qualitative discussion of the most inter- esting ndings. This work therefore serves as a reference work for beginning and established RIA researchers alike, as well as for industrial actors that need an introduction in the eld, or seek pointers to (a speci c subset of) the state-of-the-art. METHOD: A systematic mapping study is performed in order to identify all RIA-related publications, de ne a classi cation scheme, and categorize, analyze, and discuss the identi ed research according to it. RESULTS: Our source identi cation phase resulted in 133 relevant, peer-reviewed publications, published between 2002 and 2011 in a wide variety of venues. They were subsequently classi ed according to four facets: development activity, research topic, contribution type and research type. Pie, stacked bar and bubble charts were used to visualize and analyze the results. A deeper analysis is provided for the most interesting and/or remarkable results. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the results shows that, although the RIA term was coined in 2002, the rst RIA-related research appeared in 2004. From 2007 there was a signi cant increase in research activity, peaking in 2009 and decreasing to pre-2009 levels afterwards. All development phases are covered in the identi ed research, with emphasis on \design" (33%) and \implementation" (29%). The majority of research proposes a \method" (44%), followed by \model" (22%), \methodology" (18%) and \tools" (16%); no publications in the category \metrics" were found. The preponderant research topic is \models, methods and methodologies" (23%) and to a lesser extent, \usability & accessibility" and \user interface" (11% each). On the other hand, the topic \localization, internationalization & multi-linguality" received no attention at all, and topics such as \deep web" (under 1%), \business processing", \usage analysis", \data management", \quality & metrics", (all under 2%), \semantics" and \performance" (slightly above 2%) received very few attention. Finally, there is a large majority of \solution proposals" (66%), few \evaluation research" (14%) and even fewer \validation" (6%), although the latter are increasing in recent years

    A meta-model for dataflow-based rules in smart environments: Evaluating user comprehension and performance

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Science of Computer Programming, [Volume 78, Issue 10, 1 October 2013, Pages 1930–1950] DOI 10.1016/j.scico.2012.06.010A considerable part of the behavior in smart environments relies on event-driven and rule specification. Rules are the mechanism most often used to enable user customization of the environment. However, the expressiveness of the rules available to users in editing and other tools is usually either limited or the available rule editing interfaces are not designed for end-users with low skills in programming. This means we have to look for interaction techniques and new ways to define user customization rules. This paper describes a generic and flexible meta-model to support expressive rules enhanced with data flow expressions that will graphically support the definition of rules without writing code. An empirical study was conducted on the ease of understanding of the visual data flow expressions, which are the key elements in our rule proposal. The visual dataflow language was compared to its corresponding textual version in terms of comprehension and ease of learning by teenagers in exercises involving calculations, modifications, writing and detecting equivalences in expressions in both languages. Although the subjects had some previous experience in editing mathematical expressions on spreadsheets, the study found their performance with visual dataflows to be significantly better in calculation and modification exercises. This makes our dataflow approach a promising mechanism for expressing user-customized reactive behavior in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) environments. The performance of the rule matching processor was validated by means of two stress tests to ensure that the meta-model approach adopted would be able to scale up with the number of types and instances in the space. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education under the National Strategic Program of Research and Project TSI2010-20488. Our thanks also go to the high school "Collegi Parroquial D. Jose Lluch - Alboraya", especially to the teachers and students that participated in the empirical study reported in this paper. A. Catala is supported by an FPU fellowship from the Ministry of Education of Spain with reference AP2006-00181.Catalá Bolós, A.; Pons, P.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Mocholi Agües, JA.; Navarro Martínez, EM. (2013). A meta-model for dataflow-based rules in smart environments: Evaluating user comprehension and performance. Science of Computer Programming. 78(10):1930-1950. doi:10.1016/j.scico.2012.06.010S19301950781

    Context-Aware Recommendation Systems in Mobile Environments

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    Nowadays, the huge amount of information available may easily overwhelm users when they need to take a decision that involves choosing among several options. As a solution to this problem, Recommendation Systems (RS) have emerged to offer relevant items to users. The main goal of these systems is to recommend certain items based on user preferences. Unfortunately, traditional recommendation systems do not consider the user’s context as an important dimension to ensure high-quality recommendations. Motivated by the need to incorporate contextual information during the recommendation process, Context-Aware Recommendation Systems (CARS) have emerged. However, these recent recommendation systems are not designed with mobile users in mind, where the context and the movements of the users and items may be important factors to consider when deciding which items should be recommended. Therefore, context-aware recommendation models should be able to effectively and efficiently exploit the dynamic context of the mobile user in order to offer her/him suitable recommendations and keep them up-to-date.The research area of this thesis belongs to the fields of context-aware recommendation systems and mobile computing. We focus on the following scientific problem: how could we facilitate the development of context-aware recommendation systems in mobile environments to provide users with relevant recommendations? This work is motivated by the lack of generic and flexible context-aware recommendation frameworks that consider aspects related to mobile users and mobile computing. In order to solve the identified problem, we pursue the following general goal: the design and implementation of a context-aware recommendation framework for mobile computing environments that facilitates the development of context-aware recommendation applications for mobile users. In the thesis, we contribute to bridge the gap not only between recommendation systems and context-aware computing, but also between CARS and mobile computing.<br /